Variety (March 1915)

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VARIITY gZliWl'SMz* DANIEL FROHMAN The E DING » c V *¥ W \ ^ Th eoa/oreBurtSavrv. m wit Alice Dovey AiKrillind film version of flie ploy that stirred in?emotions of two continents. In Four Parts, Released March 25-. 4 ' f t . HH® ADOLPH ZUKO»VPrwn*<W. lewctsr IOWM % Exftcuirv* Offices. BOWDOIN (Al Somerbee, mgr.; agent, U. B. 0.).—House playing to virtual capacity with good bills at bottom prices and showing a fair net _ „ BIJOU (Harry Oustln, mgr.; agent, U. B. 0.).—Oenulnely refined vaudeville and special- ties with Judicious advertising Is putting this house In a class by Itself. LOEW'B ORPHEUM (V. J. Morris, mgr.).— Vaudeville. Excellent LOEWS BT. JAMES (Frank Meagher, mgr.).—Vaudeville. Good. LOEW'8 GLOBE (William Lovey. mgr.).— Vauderllle. Fair. PARK (William Roth, mgr.).—Paramount Benrloe. Good. H0LLI8 (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—Last week of Ann Murdoch In "A Girl of Today" to fair business, although show has been Im- proved materially since Its metropolitan pre- mier two weeks ago Monday. COLONIAL (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—Mrs. Patrick Campbell, In "Pygmalion," opened Monday night to excellent business, although how It will hold up Is a question. TREMONT (John B. Schoeffel, mgr.).—The dramatisation of "The Bea Wolf" opened Mon- day night. Lurid melodrama. PLYMOUTH (Fred Wright, mgr.).—"The Third Party." holding up well, although Tay- lor Holmes Is expected to leave the company In a few weeks. BOSTON (Frank Ferguson, mgr.).—The submarine pictures going big and will remain here until Easter Monday, when the Aborns open. 8HUBERT (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—Al Jolson, In "Dancing Around," on second week. Ca- pacity houses bringing one of biggest clean- ups of the season here. MAJESTIC ,fl. D. Smith, mgr.).—"The Lilac Domino," doing well. WILBUR (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—"A Pair of Sixes." on 12th consecutive week with at leapt two more weeks definitely booked. BOSTON O. H. (Henry Jewctt, mar.).—Dark until Easter, when Jewett's English company will start a series of romantic productions. TOY (A. Washington Peset. mgr.).—Ger- trude Kingston In Shaw's "Captain Brass- bound's Conversion." doing well. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, mar). Stock. 10th week of "Common Clay." Craig's prise play which Al Woods Is to produce next season at $2 with an all-star rant. Will play three full months here at least. CORT (John Cort's son, mgr.). --Dark until Thursday night, when It opened with "The Natural Law," another Cort experiment. GAIETY (George Batcheller, mgr.).—"The Happy Widows." Good. CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr). Harry Heating's Bla Show. Excellent. OR AND OPERA (George E. Lothrop. mgr.) —"Tango Girls." Fair. HOWARD (George E. Lothrop. mgr.).— "High Life Burlesquers," with* house bill headed by Matty Baldwin the local light- weight. BUFFALO. TECK (John R. Olsher, mgr.).—Wm. Hodge In "The Road to Happiness," to fair business. Next. "Innocent." with Pauline Frederick; following the Winter Garden Show. "Dancing Around." with Al Jolson. Big advance sale. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.).—A. H. Wood's "Potash * Perlmutter," drawing capacity. 22, 23 and 24, 'The Miracle Man." OAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).—Watson Sla- ters. Good show. Next. "Beauty Parade." MAJESTIC (John Laughlln, mgr.).—Haltoh Powell's "Henpecked Henry." did well at popular prices. 22, "Bringing Up Father." SHEA'S (Henry J. Carr, mgr.; U. B. O.).— Una Clayton A Co., In "Milk," scores big suc- cess ; Fanny Brlce, wins equal favor; Leon A Co., are highly entertaining; Ed. Morton, funny; Lyons A Yosco. good; Tlghe A Bab- ette, win applause: Angelo Armento A Bros., sensational; Sprague A McNesse. usual; pic- tures close. LYRIC (Joe Payton. mgr.).—"The Gambler of the West," fair. Melodrsmatlc stock pay- ing. Next. "The Factory Girl." OLYMPIC (Charles Denclnger. mgr.; Sun). —Wlllard Jarvls and his Six Imperial Bere- naders, big hit: Gordon Highlanders, pleased; Trebor. great; Barbour A Lynn, good: Brim- bo's Comedy Acrobats, very good. Picture j close. HIPPODROME (Henry Marcus, mgr.).—Do- ing fair business with feature movies. ACADEMY (Jules Michaels, mgr.; Loew).— Nine acts of exceptional merit have packed this Loew house at every performance. The Kanntawa Japanese Trio, feature; McDermott A Wallace, score: Kingsbury A Munsen, please: Taber A Green, entertain ; Lee Chand- ler Trio, novelty: Rose Enkle, clever; Oil- more A LaTour. applause; Chas. Kenna, great; Hllllsry Long, interest. Pictures. PALACE (Deshler Welsh, mgr.).—Feature movies dn good business. FAMILY (Al Sherry, mar.).—Fields A Fields, with 14 people, held over second week. Not much of a success. Evans A Akron, do well; M'll LeRelne. pleased: Don Court ft Clay, lauahs: Madame Silverado, novelty arlellwt. Movie close. STRAND (Harold Edel. mgr.).—Chas. rhnnlln In movies drawing good houses. PLAZA (Jacob Rosing, mgr : nccnts, Mc- Mahon ft Dee).—"Panama Girls." mimical romedv company, first half; Walte ft Walte eomnsnv. isst half. Good business. ATROVTCT (Ben 8omervllle mar.: Mc- Mahon ft Dee).—GVpsy Trio, pleased; Dave Thurshy. good ; Blllv ft Ads White, scored; Frank Lena, fnlr: Kashner Slaters, could Im- prove ; Cleulre-Orogan Duo, hit. Smoking concerts are again In vogue at the Garden, former burlesque houne closed but re- eentlv. Ten reels for 10c. la the policy. J. H. Graham again assuming mansgement. It Is believed boxlna exhibitions will he «taged In the theatre within a short time, PARAMOUNT ■ IN'THE POPULAR BROADW '"* *#£ BBR s sBR a a RELEASED MARCH E9th • t ju\a» ■ i«i 211 NORTH OCCIDENTAL eVl> t03 ANGClX*, CAUF. Z2.0 WWT '4-Ztm STnetT N*wvo«m f N.v. Canadian ptsraipvTva FAMOUS PLAYERS f»LM 3ERV>CE It©,.; nonTmeAL . to*c*to, caioa** aOgsaffXPE The Alrovlct, formerly known as the Vic- toria, at Grant and Ferry streets, after exten- sive remodeling opened on a Monday evening. Three acts and pictures to be played three times dally. "Daddy Long legs," "Watch Your Step." "It Pays to Advertise" and "Chln-Chln." booked for the Star, have been postponed until early next season. Many of the managers are complaining of poor business. The Lenten season Is believed to be responsible. As a result of "Vegetable Week," featured last week by the Academy theatre under the supervision of Noodles Fagan, over 4.000 fami- lies In Buffalo, In need of food, received a half-bushelbasket. crammed with good things to eat, which had been donated throughout the week. It was the biggest practical humani- tarian charity movement Instigated in Buffalo In years, real benefit having been administered the poor and unemployed, while the theatre Itself received an enormous amount of pub- licity and did a capacity business. Thousands swarmed to the free show given on a Satur- day morning, following which a basket was given each worthy party in a line which ex- tended for three city blocks. CINCINNATI. BY HARRY T. MARTIN. GRAND (Theo. Aylward, mgr.).—George Arllss In "Disraeli." 21, "Sari." Lyric (Hubert Heuck, mgr.).—Marie Tem- pest, in "Nearly Married." 21, Louis Mann, In "The Bubble." WALNUT (George Fish, mgr.).—"Damaged Goods." 21, "Help Wanted." OLYMPIC (Charles Walters, mgr.).—"Bon Ton Girls." STANDARD (Harry Hart, mgr.).—"Auto Girls." GERMAN (Otto B. Scbmld, director).— 8took. "Almenrausch und Edelweiss.." KEITH (John Royal, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Dorothy ft Madeline Cameron, Andrey F. Kelly, James McCormack ft Eleanor Irving in "A Nautical Breeze," The Berrens, Hsrry Adler ft Anna Arllne, Lou Dockstader, Rolfe's "Lonesome Lassies," Maud Rochet's monkeys. EMPRESS (George A. Bovver, mgr.; Loew). Billy Klncald, Davis A Matthews, Pstrlcola ft Myer, Harry Thompson, Maurice Samuels A Co. CLEVELAND. BY CLYDB B. BIXIOTT. COLONIAL (Robert McLaughlin, mgr.).— Ijouts Mann in "The Bubble" Drawing very well. OPERA HOU8E (George Gardiner, mgr.).— Annette. Kellermann. Good business. HIPPODROME (Harry Daniels, mgr.).— Foy Courtney A Co., headlining; Toyo Troupe, good opener; Frank Mullane. much applause; Kelso ft Lelghton, good ; Diamond A Brennan, hit; Wllla Holt Wakefield, good; Nellie Nicho- las, much applause. MILES.—Franklin Ardell A Co., good; Maud Tiffany, applause; Klein Bros., good; Three Alex, good; Wllklns A Wllklngs, applause; Fink's Pony Circus, good. PRIBCILLA (Proctor Seas, mgr.).—Har- rison Stewart A Co., good; Kelly Pistol Co., clever; Miller, Psrker A Bels, applause; Joe Belmont A Mary Fulton, good; Four Maxims, much applause; Fay O'Nell, good. GORDON 8QUARB (Harry DuRoeher, mgr.).—Abe Marks A Co., good headlining act; /The Cardownee 8lsters, applause; Mike A Balne, good: Qlllman Comedy Four, good. PROSPECT (George Lyons, mgr.).—"In Old Kentucky." Drawing well. EMPIRE (Bert McPhall, mgr.).—"City Sport Burlesquers." Very good. STAR (C. J. Kltts, mgr.).—Lew Kelly A Behman Show. Drawing big. CLEVELAND (Harry Zlrker, mgr.).—Al- clne-Gates Players In "The Spendthrift." Very good production. DETROIT. BY JACOB •MTTVL TEMPLB (C. O. Williams, mgr.; agt., U. B. O.; Reh. Mon. 10).—Frank Keenan, big re- ception, sketch thoroughly enjoyed; Imperial Grand Opera company, capable singers; Aus- tralian Woodchoppers, novelty) Henry Lewis, many laughs; Kramer and Morton, good; Rosle Lloyd, pleasing; Frank Milton and De Long Sisters, very good; John and Bertha Gleeson and Fred Houlihan, good dancers. MILES (Dr. Paul C. Dullts, mgr.; agt., A. B. C.; Reh. Mon. 10).—"When Love Is Young," fair musical tabloid; Grant Gardner, laughs; Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, hit; Anna Burt, good wire walker; Burns Sisters, ex- cellent; Coleman trio, good. ORPHEUM (H. P. Williamson, mgr.; agt.. Loew: Reh. Mon. 10).—8vengall, mystifies; Frldkln Troupe, remarkable Russian dancers; Slayman All's Hoolos, tumblers; Grace de Winters, ventriloquist: Bobbe and Dale, pleased; Ed and Jack Smith, fair; Cunning- ham and Martin replaced Bobbe A Dale on the Orpheum bill after Monday. Bobbe went to New York, having received a telegram that his fsther was dying. OARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— McTntvre and Heath. Next, Robert Mantel 1. DETROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).—"The Girl From Utah." Big business. Next, An- net te K ellermann. AVENUB (Frank Drew, mgr.).—"The Gamblers." Next, "The Bscape." LYCEUM (A. R. Warner, mgr.).—"The Shepherd of the Hills." Next, "In Old Ken- tucky." _ _ OAYBTY (George Chenet, mgr.).—"The Golden Crook." Next Al Reeves. CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.).—"Monte Carlo Girls." Next, "City Belles." Frank Drew, manager of the Avenue, will build a new f1W,000 theatre at 900 Woodward