Variety (March 1915)

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34 VARIETY BEST PLACES TO STOP AT Horn* for Handsomely Furnished Stum Heated Room* Bath mad Every COOVM»BCfl ft THE ST. »» KILDA"***" NOW AT 67 W. 44th STREET PAULINE COOKE 7H7 Bryaat lt«d a* the I too I city. Om black from Beoking OAcei and VARIETY. ELIZABETH COLLINS, Housekeeper— You All Know Her WITH WINE LUNCH, 40c DINNER, 65c 153 WEST 48TH ST. (NEXT DOOR TO «TH ST. THEATRE) NEW YORK CITY TRY A TURKISH DINNER OtottHiattitttflpIr THE LEADER OF TURKISH RESTAURANTS IN THE U. S. DINNER. 50c 17 East 24th St. OPPOSITE METROPOLITAN TOWER MUSIC BOTH PLACES NEW YORK CITY 554 Tel. Bryant < 555 7533 S The Edmonds ONE BLOCK TO TIMES SQ. Furnished Apartments . EDWARD E. BURTIS, Mgr. CATERING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PROFESSION 776-78-80 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 47th aad 4tth Streets NEW YORK Private Bath aad Phase la Each Apartment Omce-77s EIGHTH AVENUE 250 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Steam Heated, Centrally Located in the Theatrical District in the City of NEW YORK. For the Comfort and Convenience of the Profession. Till YANDIS COURT 241 ts 247 W. 434 tt. Jest eft The way newest buildings re- cently eoartrueted with every mod- em device sad prep ay ment electric light meters, consisting a? one, two, three sad four-room apartments, with kitchenette, thoroughly fur- nished far housekeeping, tnd so arranged that privacy 1s e w ry here. 912.00 Op. HENRI COURT lit 514 Ma 111 W. 41th ST. Tel. Bryant 8560 8561 New fireproof building, just completed, with hand- somely furnished three and four-room apartments com- plete for housekeeping. Pri- vate bath, telephone, elec- tricity. RATES: $12 UP WEEKLY THE CLAMAN Three sod four rooms tastefully furnished, noted for its cleanliness sod constant Improvement, which Is oar middle name. We are always oo the alert to benefit oar tenants and make then homelike. At a very great cost we bats la- stalled electric light with 2S-cent prepayment meters, which Is saeh a necessity la thaw days. The only buildings of Its type as 43rd Street to be so equipped. 90.00 Up. T*£ Cornell 114-116 West 47th Street, NEW YORK CITY (Just off Broadway) 2t Housekeeping apartments of 2 and S rooms with bath, $8.0© to 115.00 par week ft Single aad Double Rooms with Bath, SS.SI to $1M9 par wc#k la the Centre of the Theatrical District. City Homes Compact* Hotel Equipment and Service Homo Cooking Phoaa 4S41 Bryaat Heme Comforts AN ITALIAN DINNER YOU WONT FORGET 100-110 Wast 4«h St. f% | 4% | IV ft Ne " tth '"' r£ BIDLITD==~ THE RENDEZVOUS OF THEATRICALS BEST* TURNING THEM AWAY NIGHTLY Bryaat 4tfl IvTON 104-106 W. 40TH ST, NEW YORK, Between Broadway and Sixth Aye. Eurapaaa Plaa, reema 92J0 up per week. Double roams, $4.M up. Housekeeping rooms, S7.M per weak. Steam Heat. Baths aa every floor. \> JIMSEY JORDAN, Mgr. Samuel Nixon and Thomaa If. Love, his gen- eral manager, left Saturday for the south. They will combine bualneaa with pleasure and will Inspect the varloua propertlea of which Mr. Nixon la Interested In. D. Clarence Glbboncy. president of the Law and Order Society, Intimated In the License Court on Tuesday that remonstrances would be lodged against all saloons high or low that hare cabaret attachments or elaborate entertainments to draw customers. A few cafe owners ware only granted a Uceaee on the eondttion that they would discontinue oaring music or entertainment of any klad. Charged with having failed to pay a taxi- cab bill after several hours' riding around the city, a well dressed woman who said that she waa an actress and gave the name of Beatrice De Morley of New York City, was arraigned before Magistrate Eroely. She wee flaed 96 and costs, which she paid. PITTSBURGH. BY GEORGE H. 9ELDBS. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; art., U. B. O.). -Karl Jorn, scored; Prank North, hit; Chick Pale, scream Vdlth Taliaferro and Oa., hit; DANI R OEN EirviEirM Northwest Cor. 42d Street and 9th Avenue TWO BLOCKS WBBT OF BROADWAY Telephone Iff* Bryant NEW YORK CITY NEW BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF e4 ROOMS With Hot and Cold Running Water ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS TELEPHONE IN EVERY BOOM SHOWER BATHS EVERYTHING NEW PRICES, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 WEEKLY CAFE AND RESTAURANT A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU HOTEL VAN CORTLANDT 142.140 WEST 4fTH STREET MF W VaTIDatT JUST EAST OF BROADWAY llH. W I Ul\l\. like te Prices Centrally located, good service, absolutely fireproof. A h hotel. Telephone in every room. Restaurant and Grill equal to any Mod Rooms large, light, airy and well furnished. Rooms with use of bath $1.54 and up. Rooms with bath, $2 aad op. Parlor Bedroom aad bath, $3 and up, for one or two persons. Special Rates to the Profession We Want Your Basinets New Victoria Hotel Formerly KING EDWARD UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORK 14S-1SS WEST 47TH STREET, Just off Broadway. The Very Heart of New York** Absolutely Fireproof m Rooms, Sf Private Baths EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Rooms (Running Water) $1.4S and Upward. Room and Bath, SLSt Five Minutes' Walk to M Theatres POPULAR PRICE RESTAURANT CAFE IN CHARGE OF ABE MIERS CHAS. A HOLLINGSWORTH. Proprietor AN IDEAL HOTEL FOR PROFESSIONALS SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL RATES 220 WEST 40TH STREET, NEW YORK Rooms for 2 persons, $1.00. With Private Bath, $1 JO Parlor Bedroom and Bath, $2.50 Phoae Bryaat 1044 Geo. P. Schneider. Prep. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 323 West 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY Complete for Housekeeping Clean and Airy Private Bath, 3-4 rooms. Catering to the comfort and convealeace of the profeseioa Steam Heat |0 Up Three Blondys, very good; Harriet Burt, pleased ; Burns and Fulton, good ; Paul Con- chas, thrilled ; Four La Oroha, good. MILES (Harry Woods, mgr.; agt. Loew).— Prof. Victor, local strong man, good; Delmore and Light, pleased; E. B. Cilve end Co., clever; Bower of Melody, scored ; Ed sad Jsok Smith, good; Wanda, good set HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt, mgr.; agt, U. B. O.).—"Jungle Girls," scored; Orion Troupe, hit; Senator Francis Murphy, laugh; Usher Trio, neat; C. 8. Wyatt, scored; Devon Sla- ters, food; Stress and Moras, food. SHERIDAN SQUARE (Charles Dempsey. mgr.; agt.. U. B. O.).—TroTato, big hit: Six Little Song Birds, scored; J. Kyle McKurdy and Cc. f good; Frank Gordon, pleased; Leo Jackson and Mae, fair; Wood Brothers, good. NIXON (Thos. F. Kirk, Jr., mgr.).— "Diplomacy," drew full house and received ovation 20, Potash and Perlmutter." ALVIN (J. Reynolds, mgr.).—"Dancing Around" with Al Jolson, drew capacity. 20, Mclotyre and Heath. LTCEUM (Cliff Wilson. sigT.).—Tes Nights In s Barroom," big house, ft, "&•■• pecked Henry."