Variety (March 1915)

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VARIETY 35 BEST PLACES TO STOP AT SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT THE ONLY THING OF ITS KIND W« are pleased to announce that beginning about April let a Apartment Houee known ae fireproof Elevator Irvington Hall 355 TO 359 WEST 51ST ST. (Block to Broadway) will be in full blast ready to receive our theatrical frienda. Apartments consist of two, three and four rooms, some with kitchen, others with kitchenettes, beautifully furnished and so arranged that privacy ia its chief keynote. We are manufacturers and creators of housekeeping furniehed apartments and our name In furnished apartment parlance means a great deal. The building proper is one of the fineat of its type fit to rub shoulders with any on Riverside Drive and equipped with an Otis Noiseless Elevator. Electric prepayment meters throughout with richly designed lighting fixtures. Rates within the means of theatrical folks. The 48th Street Co. H. CLAMAN, President For information apply to YANDIS COURT, Phone 7912 Bryant, or on premises Same Ownership as YANDIS COURT HENRI COURT THE CLAMAN 241 Weet 43rd St. 312-314 West 48th St. 325-3M West 43rd St. THE SIGN OF EXCLUSIVE ENTERTAINMENT For those who seek the ideal rendezvous of gay auto parties not too far from Broadway Hunter Island Inn Combines the Table Comforts of the Best Restaurant with the delighta of the Old Time Country Post Road Hostelry. An excellent Cabaret and Dancing Space add to the pleasure of this unique place to eat. HUNTER ISLAND INN PELHAM BAY PARK. NEW YORK CITY ARTHUR E. MACLEAN, Prop. Tel. Set Weetchestsr ST.PAUL HOTEL etTH ST. AND COLUMBUS AVE. NEW YORK CITY •.TSff^lT btt,,dta *» •heolutnly fireproof. All baths with shower attachment. Telephone hi every room. One block from Central Park Subway, tth and tth Ave. L Stations. Same distance from Century, Colonial. Circle and Park theatres. let Rooms, uss of bath, fl.M per day. lSe Rooms, private bath, fl.M per day. Suites, Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, HM and up. By the week, Is, |» and fl4.PI. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION Catering to Vaudeville's Blue List Schilling House le7-iss Weet 4tth Street NEW YORK Plan. MEAL SERVICE AT ALL Private Baths. Music Roam far UM Bryant HOURS. JO m W. ilST^STREET NEW YORK Hotel for fsntlemtn. $2 up a wook All CoBToaioncot Rohearsal Rooms Theatrical Headquarters Large light rooms, all with hot and cold running water, bath, fs.fa, $lt.M and %IZM weekly. Same rate for rooms at |7.M per week. wnokly le in With private as. Also nice 5-W HOTEL NORMANDIE new york Telephone Bryant 2M7 Furnished Apartments and Rooms Largs rooms |4.W and up Three and Four Room Aapartments M to H COMPLETE HOUSEKEEPING 310 W. 48TH ST., NEW YORK *DATlsTT!arTy^DTvTs^mgTT^ck)^ThTs Is the first venture of the new stock company into musical comedy. "The Yankee Consul" drew and wns well liked, but principals weak In voice while chorus was strong. 29. "Dlsreall." GAYETY (Henry Kurtzman, mur.).-Anni- versary week, with "Fountain Nymphs" added to "Ginger Girls." VICTORIA (II. C. Hedges, ragr.).—"City Sports." H. C. Hedges has assumed the management of the Victoria theatre. He has announced a policy of catering to women and children aa well as to men and will admit women to the dally matinees for 10 cents. PORTLAND, OREGON. By R. K. A If SON. HEILIO (W. T. Pangle, mgr.) .—25-27, "A Perfect Lady." BAKER (Oeo. L. Baker, mgr.).—Stock; 21-27, "Oenessee of the Hills." ORPHEUM (T. R. Conlon, mgr.).—Week 14, The Cromwells, opened and pleased; Parlllo A Frablto, scored; Jack Kennedy A- Co., pleased ; Harry A Emma, entertaining ; Hyams a- Mclntyre, headline hit; Bontta A Lew Hearn, shared headline honors; Kremollna a- Darras Bros., daring acrobats. EMPRESS (H. W. Plerong, mgr.; agent. Loew).—Week IS, Ed. Zoeller Trio, opened; Faye A Mynn, good ; Rlvoll, entertaining; De- land, Carr A Co., pleased ; Clarice Vance, head- liner ; Three Bennett Sisters, clever; pic- tures. NEW LYRIC (Dan Flood, mgr.; agent, Fisher).—Week 14, Yerxa A Adele; Jack Reenle ; The Silvers ; Pictures. ST. REGIS HOTEL 512-522 NORTH CLARK STREET OHICAQO KA 1 LO Per Week Single Per Week Double EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE—FIREPROOF FIVE MINUTES TO ALL THEATRES CAFE AND DAIRY LUNCH IN CONNECTION New Richmond Hotel 405 N. CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Modern Throughout Special Rstoe to the Profession F. H. Long, Prop. (Formerly of the St. Charles Hotsl. St. Louis.) DUTCH GARDEN CAFETERIA THE RENDEZVOUS OF THEATRICAL'S BEST A GOOD BIG WHOLESOME MEAL FOR LITTLE MONEY THE PLACE WHERE THE PROFESSION MEETS COME AND SEE EVERYBODY YOU ENOW CHICAGO 115 S. Dearborn, Bank Floor, bet. Monroe and Adams New Hotel Berkeley ROCHESTER, N. Y. Everything New, Clean. Quiet and Comfortable Attractive Rooms with Bath at Moderate Professional Rates. Handy to All Theatres. Endorsed by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eldrid, Mr. and Mrs. Malt- land. Comfort A King, Hawthorne dt Inglis, Hanlon Bros., Carbrey Bros., and many others. Take Westeott Cab at Our Expense ST. PAUL, MINN. By C. J. BBNHAM. ORPHEUM (B. C. Burroughs, res. mgr.).— Emma Cants and Carl Randall headline, the two receiving hearty applause for their good work; the Bell Family are also cordially re- ceived ; Four Romanos offer pleasing dances to delight of all; Gertrude Long pleases im- mensely ; Rebla Is received well; John R. Gordon and Co., in a comedy sketch, and Harris and Manion in their laughable sketch, are well received. Lent holds some back, but business continues fairly good. EMPRESS (Gus S. Greening, res. mgr.).— Ned Nestor and his 0 Sweethearts headline and receive much applause; Mrs. Louis James and Co. In a sketch pleases; Marguerite Far- rell is cordially greeted; Merlin Is well re- ceived ; Leonard and Louise excite favorable comment. Photo plays close the bill. NEW PRINCESS (Bert Goldman, res. mgr.). —Capacity business. This week's bill for the first half week : The Six Idanias Troupe, lady aerlalists, who are well received ; Belle Oliver, who Is recalled many times; Rice and Frank- lin, very good ; Musical Macks, creating much enthusiasm ; last half Mile. Asterla Troupe; Steve Juhasz; Williams and Sterling; Lor- raine Mitchell; pictures. METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr.).— Mutt and Jeff in Mexico Is holding the Met boards for the next three nights, having opened yesterday afternoon to a good-slied house. 25-27, John Drew Is billed. Week 28. "Peg. SHUBBRT (Frank Priest, mgr.).—The Huntington Players in "St. Elmo" this week, with "Beverly of Graustark" underlined. STAR (John P. Kirk, mgr.).—Last week's good show Is followed by another of equal merit, the "American Beauties," with Tokeyta, dancer, featured. Business started fine yes- terday and pleased patrons of the opener Is usually productive of a continuance. Jad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA The TALGARTH HOTEL itM PratpMt Cleveland I Mlnul..' Walk from ThtaUw SPECIAL WEEKLY KATES HOTEL ARTHUR 3eO-Sll So. Clark St. Near Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO Beginning March 22 the prices for Orpheum matinee seats will bo reduced, sxoopt for Bat- srdsys, Sundays and holidays. TORONTO. By HARTLIT. PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard, mgr.).—At ad- vanced prices "Potash and Perlmutter" re- ceived a cordial welcome and scored a big success. 20, Annette Kollermann. ROTAL ALEXANDRA (L Solman, mgr.).- "Madame Sherry" presented In splendid fash- Ion by the Percy Has we II Co. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.; sgt.. U. B. O.).— Pannle Brlos. a hit; the Lonesome Lassies, New and Modern Absolutely Fireproof Ratssi Single. * up per week; with bath, lit. Double, IT up nor week; with bath, fit BERT M. ROHN, Mgr. SHERMAN'S HOTEL Formerly COOKE'S HOTEL -A Theatrical Hotel of the Better Class" Walnut Street above Eighth Opposite Casino Theatre PI CAFE CABARET EVERY NIGHT ST. LOUIH MO. REGENT HOTEL. 100 N. MTH ST. NEW REGENT HOTEL, 101 N. 14TH BT. E. B. CAMPBELL. Prop, and Mgr. THEATRICAL HEADQUARTER* FREE AUTOMOBILE TO ALL THEATRES excellent: Lyons and Tosco, went strong; Harry Tlghe and Babette, entertaining; Sprague and McNeece, good; Angelo Ar- mento and Bros., sensational; Prank Oil more and Co.. held Interest; Ed Morton, amusing. LOEWS YON OB STREET (J. Bernstein, mgr.; sgt., Loew).—"Everybody." an alle- gorical playlet. Intensely Interesting; Slav- man All's Hooloos, sensational: Grace De Winters, clever; Elisabeth Cutty, pleased; Moss and Fry, entertaining; Morton and Mor- ton, good ; 3 Falcons, held Interest; Herbert and Dennis, good. SHEA'S HIPPODROME (A. C. McArdle, mgr.; sgt., U. B. O.).— Mile. Marenl and net Oriental Beauties, a pleasing novelty; Ds Long Trio, clever; Walter Walters, novel; Simpson and Dean, pleased; Howell Sisters, encored ; Gordon Eldrid A Co., amusing. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.).—"Henpecked Henry." 29, "Bringing Up Father." . GAYETY (T. R. Henry, mgr.) .—"Golden Crook" with a big company of favorites, opened strong. 20, Al Reeves Beauty Show. STAR (Dan F. Ploros. mgr.).—"The Oay Widows." SO. "Zallah's Own Show."