Variety (March 1915)

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VARIETY 39 Charles Horwitz Author of tke beat comedy acts la vaudeville. Aak tha Fiva Sullye, Mr. aad Mra. Mark Mur- phy, Leila Davis at Co., Quinlan and Richards, Yrdier Emmatt A Co., Tom Williams A Ce*. aad hundreds of others. CHARLES HORWITZ. 14*2 Broadway (Room SIS). Now Yorh Phone ZS40 Greeley I. MILLER, 1554 Brtadway, -toPSf Tal SSes-7 Choi Manufacturer o f Theatrical Boots and Shoes. CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. Write for Catalog 4 Last Y«m Farts* VfeaWItYat LETER HEADS Contracts, Ticket*, Eavelepea. Free Baaaj STAGE MONEY,He Book of Herald Cuts, SSe. CROSS r.rg^A^^^CHIMOO TOOTH POWD1 Clean Teeth Never Decay The nearest approach to perfect cleanliness of the teeth is obtained by the daily use of Calox. It's the Oxygen (in the form of peroxide of hydrogen) in Calox that renders it so perfect a cleanser of the mouth and cleanser and whitener of the teeth. Sample and Booklet free on request All Druggists, 25c. Ask for the Calox Tooth Brush, 35 cent*. McKESSONftROBBINS NEW YORK TCtf Q GLASSBERG'S Sll fth Ave., aaar Slst St. Z2S Wast 42d St., aaar Timaa Sq. SS Sd Ave., near 10th St. Scad for Illustrsted Catalogue V. Mail Orders Carefully Filled. "If It's a Hat Ws Can Make It" M. Fluegelmie Mfg. of THEATRICAL HATS for stags purposes turned out at short notice. Main Office and Factory Branch IM Itfc Avt. f v. 424 St 2M W. S4tl It Phone 444* Bryant MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO ORCHESTRA Songs taken dawn from voice. Old ec- casstrarJoas rewritten. A nice, qulst eenxe whsrs you can talk ta a man who will give yeu Just what you want. W. H. NELSON Suit* all, Aetor Theatre Bldg. US1 Broadway WARDROBE TRUNKS All Makes. Now and Socond Hand. Always am kand at Cut Prlcas Broadway Baggage Eichange Car. Bway. Sfll W. 4sth St. Phono 0M1 Bryant TO THE PROFESSION—WE INVITE YOU ta call and sss our ssiUhsery. Yau will be dsllgktsd with tha exclusive modals w* show. Stylss lor every occasion. Our tit Special fai MME. BELMONT SS* Seventh Avenue, Ljayj BUILDER OF HATS Mth Strast Fhons 2SU CoL Nsw York SPRING STYLES NOW READY VloUnsky Van Heff 1SS2-1SM Broadway Sts. 0 Minneapolis Varisty sTY W Wada John P Variety N Y Walton & Vivian 9 W 98th St N Y C Ward & Cullen Maryland Baltimore Wells & Bundy Variety N Y A. BURT WESNER Headlining Pantagos Circuit In -FATHER'S WAY" Permanent Address, VARIETY. San Willie Bros Keith's Washington Wood Britt Keith's Columbus Wright Cecelia United Booking Office N Y Zazelle H M Co 4018 Michigan Ave Chicago Zoeller Edward care Cooper 1416 Bway NYC (Week Mar. 29 and Apr. 5) Al Reeves 29 Oayety Toronto 0 Oayety Buffalo American Beauties 29 Oayety Milwaukee 5 Star & Oarter Chicago Auto Girls 29 Empire Cleveland Beauty. Parade 29«U Bastable Syracuse 1-3 Lumberg Utlca 5 Oayety Montreal Beauty Youth a Folly 29-31 Stone O H Blng- hamton 1-3 Van Culler O H Schenectady Behman Show 29 Empire Toledo 5 Columbia Chicago Ben Welch Show 29 L O 5 Westminster Provi- dence Big Jubilee 29 Empire Hoboken R Empire Brooklyn Big Revue 29 Victoria Pittsburgh Hig Sensation 29 Trocadero Philadelphia Bohemians 29 Star Brooklyn Bon Tons 29 Star & Oarter Chicago 5 Imperial St Louis WANTED- One Aniline Dye Set Fancy Interior with aids tabs or Pslacs arch with leg drops. With borders preferred. An- awer quick, atattng price and where can be seen. Ed. Manley, 17S Clarsmont Ave., N. Y. City. WANTED—Accordionist With vaudeville experience for an act. Good chances for the Big Time. Addrsss ACCOR- DIONIST. VARIETY. NewYork. Fully FOR HIRE Brand New S-pas- with chauffeur. Rant, $M weakly. AUTO, VARIETY. Nsw York. Address Anyone knowing the WHEREABOUTS or aan give any INFORMATION concerning Marjorie Brooke (Stevenson) kindly communicate with her brother, JAMES E. BROOKE, MS Grain Exchange, Winnipeg, Can. FRANK HAYDEN Costumes and Millinery 56 W. 45th St» N. Y. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Phone. Bryant IOT Bowery Burlesquers 29 Empire Brooklyn 6 L O 12 Westminster Providence Broadway Girls 29 L O 5 Oayety Minneapolis Charming Widows 29 Corinthian Rochester Cherry Blossoms 29 Standard Cincinnati City Belles 29 Empress Ft Wayne City Sports 29 Penn Circuit College Olrls 29 Oayety Kansas City "> Oayety Omaha Crackerjacks 29 Olympic New York Dreamlands 29 Caalno Philadelphia .*> Empire Hoboken Fay Foster Cs 29 South Bethlehem .'10 Eaa- ton 1-3 Orand Trenton Follies of the Day 29 Westminster Provi- dence 5 Oayety Boston Follies of 1920 29 Century Kansas City Follies of Pleasure 29 Howard Boston French Models 29 L O Frolics of 191S 29 L O Oalety Olrls 29 Oayety Washington o Oayety Pittsburgh Garden of Olrla 29 Empress Columbus "I write all Nat M. Wills* material" JAMES MADISON AUTHOR FOR MANY HEADUNERS I4SS BROADWAY. NEW YORK Catenas ell) Special Service fee VsMsdevlUIsm l^W^\hncy Railroad Rochester, Toronto SIMS Buffalo. fs.« Chlcage, All Steal Cars, Lowest Faros, Snaclal Baggage Service If You Want Anything Quick- Thane W. B. LINDSAY, E. P. A^ Bryant 4212 A. J. SMMMONS. A. a P. A. Ticket Oflee, B'way es 42nd SU New York Theatrical Photographer f ay New Yorkers 29 Englewood Chicago 5 6i ayety Detroit Ginger Girls 29 Star Cleveland ."> Olympic Cincinnati Girls from Happyland 29-31 L O 1-3 Orand New Haven 5 Empire Newark. Olrla from Joyland 2i> Cadillac Detroit. Olrls of the Follies 29 Columbia Indianapolis. Olrla of Moulin Rouge 29 Caalno Boston 6-7 Orand Hartford 8-10 Empire Albany. Globe Trotters 29 Oayety Detroit 5 Oayety Toronto. Golden Crook 29 Oayety Buffalo .">-" Bastable Syracuse 8-10 Lumberg Utlca. Gypsy Maids 20 Gayety Iiottton ."> Columbia New York. Happy Widows 29 L, O ."> ChbIiio Brooklyn. Hastlng's Big Show L*t» Mlner'H Bronx New York. Heart Charmers 29 Orpheum Patenton. Hello Paris 29 Academy Jersey City. Mrs. W. S. (Rube) Dickinson has sold the monologue used by the late RUBE DICKINSON and all rights to use same ta J. Hugh Fish who will use It In his act THE THREE COLLEGIANS" ATTENTION I MUSIC PUBLISHERS! Young lyric and melody writer wiahea Interview to demonatrate ability; haa excellent voice aad knowa how to alng. May prove valuable "And." Five new songs ready. Gumble, Kornhelser, Window, Cook and other "hit" merchants, Rlease note. Addrsss WRITER, VARIETY. Isw York. r SCENERY Velvet Drops OF SUPERIOR QUALITY SPECIAL PRICES SKETCHES AND MODELS ON REQUEST American Seeiery Co. INC. GAIETY THEATRE BLDG. 1547 BROADWAY Consult our Service Dept. for New Ideaa to givs your act "the punch." DR. JULIAN SIEGEL DENTIST PUTNAM BUILDING, leM BROADWAY Insets! Rates ta the Prafeaslan Oasdal Dentist ta the White Rate tfgSST^i ANIMALS and THEATRICAL TRANSFER SSTWfc SLTSi train. Will meet you. Reasonable terma. Private rehear aing room a and ample apace to re- hearse any A MIMA T AfX Address WASHINGTON STABLES. CUlrmat% III P n «"»«. Moo- kind 0 f A ^ ir *Al# All. 717 W . Waahlngton Street VJllCSgO, 111. „„ g„ Two blocka from N. W. Depot. Ten minutes' walk from Loop. Cut this out for future references. SAVE St PER CENT On Yew Wardrobe MLLE. VERA BORSOS Lata Costumlere to tha Royal Ceurt aff Austria PALACE HOTEL West «th St, Exclusive Designs. Gewas ACTION OR NO rivt geed Charge. LEON BEREZNIAK 1« W. Mani TO THE pSoFEi CHICAGO, ILL. SCENERY SEE ME FIRST. I can Save Yen Money. Tmnk Sc ducttea Vaudeville Acto. Used Always FREDERICK'S SCENIC STUDIO Ml W. 42nd St, Nsw York City Millioi Dollars to Loti Lawrence's TB» Loan Office 11IThlrMv.,NMrY«fc ^W W " NEAR 14TH STREET ™ Phono Stuyvoaant 2301 MOST UBERAL LOANS IN TOWN LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST No matter how small or large the amount required, you can do best at Lawrence's. Bargains In Diamonds, Watchss e\ Jewelry at less than half their actual value. Special attention given to messengers, mail and express applications for loans. SCENERY DROP CURTAINS Lee Lash Studios 308 to 316 East 48th Street Broadway Offices LONGACRE BUILDING