Variety (March 1915)

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VARIETY Sheedy Vaudeville Agency; 1441 Broadway, New York. Telephone, Bryant 74M and 74S1. Good acto fet consecutive bookings Belmont E Bernard Murray Bernard A Neale (P) Bernle Ben lie v Ins Clem Blmth A Rudd blondin J Mrs Bolliger A Renolds (C) Booth Constance Bowman Thomas Boyne Hazel Brlggs Edward Brooks Emerson Browne Fayte M (C) Browne Frank Bulger Harry (C) Bundy Tom (C) Buodlnl Bros (C) Burker Maidie Burnham Emma (C) Burns Pearl Burnette Bob Burns Sol A Leslie Bush A Shapiro G Callahan Emmet (C) Callahan Joseph (C) Calleps Viola (C) Carl Alton Carter Lillian Carroll A Ellolr Castrllon Gynaclo (C) Cate B J Cecil Peggy (C) Chick Mr Churchill Stella Clark Hazel Classy Trio Clayton Jerry Clifford & Burke Clouds F L (C) Colbert Sam (C) Cole King Cole Nate Cooley Hazel Cooper Joe & Leo Corbett Frank Crane Nlta Crandall Harry Crelghton Fred Cupero Edward / Curzon J W D Dakota Jack Co Dakota Jack (C) Dale Frank Dalton Blanch Daly Mable Darley De Barr Oswald De Costa Harry De Fox Cyril (C) Degnon George De Lancy Francis De Lalre May Dell Chas Delmore John De Noyer Eddie (C) De Long Maldle Denton Burt De Perrln Adele Dlscon Leonle Dockstader Lew (C) Dodd Jtmmte (C) Doherty Lillian (C) Donelly Jas A (P) Donnelly Jaa A (C) Dorrlel Gladys (C) Drawee Gus Duen A Good (C) Duffy Dick Dufty Worthy (C) Dunmore Eileen (C) Dunn Auther Dunn Sisters Dushan Peggy Duval Annette B Edwards Henley Edwards Meeley Ely Daniel Emerson Nellie English Nellie Evans Ed Evans Ralph Everhart W E Ewlng Ella Excellas (C) F Falls-Hurl Ernest (C) Farrae Mabelle Fay Mrs Fern Ray Fiddler Harry Fields Vera Flnneran Jean Fitzgerald Dick Fitzgerald Gerald (C) Follette A Wicks Ford Max Francis Kitty Francis May Frank A Franz Big Frees Dalto A Co Fried H (C) Fulton Chas Gassebohn Geo (P) Gautlers Toy Shop Gear Florence Gerard Oscar (C) Ullden Blanch Gillette Viola GUson Harry Gluckstone Harry Golden Max Goldene Flo Goodwin D H Gordon A Elgin (C) Gorman Miss K Qougeta Lea (C) Gramger Jos R Grandy Mrs Lee (C) Granger Ted Grant Jack Granville Taylor Grimm Harry Guyer Mae H Hall Ray (C) Halle A H (C) Hammond Irvine Han Ping Chlen Hardy Adele (C) Harland James Harris Burt (C) Harrison Lillian Hartla Ethel Hartman A Varady (C) Hayes Mr J Heath Bobby Heclow Marie (Ct Heme Eddie Hill Laura (C) Hobb Tom Hodges Jlmmle (C) Holbrook Florence Holly O A (C) Holmes Geo Holmes Frank Houston Jas P (C) Howard Miss E Hunting Tony (C) Hyde Jack (C) Inman Annie B (C) J James Arthur Johnny A Doyle Johnson David (P) Johnson A Buckley Jones Abbot Jones Billy H Jones W H (P) K Kayne Agnes Keats Cowtney Keene Chas Kehno A Wagner Kelly Plstel Co (C) Kelly Tom (C) Kelly Walter C Kelso Dell Rec*rmise<] VMNfcvfflU Acts Write «r Wire J. H. ALOZ Orpheusa Theatre Bid*. MONTREAL, P. a TEMPLE THEATRE Cortland, N. Y. Booking REGULAR ACTS Independent CM I vv i s • • ■ > M.l , I CHIC/ Kemp Mr A Kennedy Bryce Kerne J A J (C) Kimball O Co (C) King & Millard (C) Kingston Margonle Kline Sam (C) Knight Harlan (C) Knight A Ransome Kosinl Pietro (C) Kron Chas Lalt Jack Lait Jack (C) La Mont Alice Lang Eleanor La Ponte Marguerite Laurenze Bert La Velle Francis (C) Lawrence Larry Lawrence Ray (C) Lecwellyn Dan (C) Lee Geo (C) Lee A Lee (C) Lelghton Blanche Leonhardt Ann Leonard Wm (C) Leonard A Haley (C) Leonard A Wlllard Lenore Miss (C) Leslie Fay Levy Louise Lewis Andy Lewis Bid (C) Lloyd Kenneth (C) Loekett Londe Leslie Lorlmer May Love Joe Lovell A Lovell (C) Luther J Dal (C) Lynottl Anna (C) M MacClennan Kennlth MacCurdy J K Mack Charles B Mack Wlllard Macomber Mrs O (C) Majesties Three Makarenko David Mallia Harry Mandige Mrs E (C) Marcell A Bell (C) Marcla Miss Marconi Bros (C) Marconi Ernest Marshall R A Mathews Don Mszfleld Mae Maxima Delorls (C) McCarney McCarney Billy (C) McCane Mabel McKenna Thomas McLean Miss McLeans Australian McMahon Mary McMlnn Ollre (C) Meyers Charlotte (P) Meyers Charlotte (C) Mllos Mill* (C) Montrose Edith Moore Irene (C) Mora Teas (C) Morgan Jimmy (C) Morris Arthur Morrlssey Mrs Mortimer Bob Morton Josephine Moyer Irene Mullen Anns V CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE Tke Best I ^tfJSf\ fcj HVA&ZShP** A * tS EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO Can arrange from three to Ave weeks between sailings of boats for Australia for all Aral elaae axts-Communlcete by wire or letter. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO Suite 2f 1st North La Salle St. JENNY WEBSTER, Prep. Affiliated with EDWARD J. FISHER, INC., Seattle; BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT. San Francisco GEORGE H. WEBSTER* General Manager AMALGAMATED Vaudeville Agency B. S. MOSS, President and General Manager XING B S * MOSS C,RCUIT PRUDENTIAL CIRCUIT : t • PLIMMER CIRCUIT Artiste and Acts of every description suitable for vaudeville can obtain long engagei BOOKING DIRECT with us. Send In your open time at once or call. Wy Offices: Columbia Theatre Bldg.—TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK.—Telephone Bryant teffi ^sk gegfl gmT* of all performers going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through f^ffi lsn> ^m us. The following have: ^gP^gP ' Harry Lauder, Mizrie Hajos, Inis and Taki. Idanis Troupe, Iwanoffs, Ioleen Sisters, Musical lb sons, Tames Jee and Co., Johnston and Wells, Jordon and Harvey, Jackson Family, Flying Jordons, Tom Jack Trio, Nelson Jackson, Joe Jackson. PAUL TAUSIG A SON. 1M E. 14th SL, New York City Carman Savings Bank Bldg. Telephone Stuyvoaant Utt Fuller Brennan Vaudeville Circuit AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND Governing Director, BEN J. FULLER Can arrange Immediate time for good Singles, When Playing around Chicago, artists are Doubles and original novelty acta. Address advised to write In, stating what theatre they all letters Roy D. Murphy, Suite 1311, 2t E. are working and the ttsae they III. Ph< Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Phone Wabash 7111. COMBINE BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE. VACATE IN AUSTRALIA AND SHOW A PROFIT. Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres zi: A zu And AFFILIATED CIRCUITS, INDIA and AFRICA Combined Capital, $3,tM,#00 HUGH McINTOSH, Governing Director Registered Cable Address: "HUGHMAC," Sydney Head Officet TIVOLI THEATRE. SYDNEY-AUSTRALIA NEW YORK OFFICES, 111 Strand Theatre Bldg. '• » ft* BYRNE & KIRBY - Booking It Wooks East Can Use Girl Acts Every Week BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY 44 Bryant lfuller Elgin Murphy Jack Mrs Murray Rosa Musgrove Harry Musgrove Harry (C) N Naldy Frank (C) Nasarro Mrs B Nelrt Hasel (C) Nelson Billy B (C) Neuman Mr Nile Grace (C) Nohlette Venta (C) Nolan Louisa Nords loda Nordstone Marie Norwood Geo O'Neill Jamas Ourl Leland Owen Mrs Garry (C) (C) Page Helen Park Hamilton Parker Florence Parker Texas Perrln Goldie Peroonl Comllle Philips Francis Phillips Norman PltHor A Days (C) Poole Jack (0) Powell Eddie Price Hal Prince Arthur Prior Ernest Pynn Newman Quirk Billy Rammage A Vincent Rath France E Rawson <7uy (C) Raymond Charles (0) Redual J W Reeves Dick Reynolds Ethel Reiser A Gorse Rlhhler Paul! (C) Rice Chester (C) Richmond Dorothy Riley Ed Robblns W L Roberta Carl (C) Rogers A Evans (C) Rogers Ferne Romslne Helen Romalne Manuel Rooney Ellen Rose 0 N (C) Roseby Miss | 0) Ross Francis Roiell Chas Rubin Robert Russell Ruth Sawtelle Victoria (C) Schafleld Francis Shannon A Bnnls Shannon Oeo (C) Sheen Billy Sheldon 81s Shelley Mildred Slmonds Teddy (0) Smelly Ed (C) Smllstta Sisters Smith Bob (C) Smith E M (C) Smith Lowing Spellman Jeanetta Startup Harry (C) Stelsel Herman Stevens A Stevens Stevens Jamas Stewart Norma Stoddart A Hynes Stoddard Marie (0) Stone Joe (C) NILA DEVI Formerly with the Follies Bergere and Mouttn ftougn, Parte FEATURED DANCER WITH THE IDA FULLER BALLET JARDIN DE DANSE MaMgesMlt, Wflafsi MstTst GLEN ELUSON "A SCOT WITHOUT A KILT" Direction. A1THUI KLEIN THIS WEEK (March 22), KEITH'S, BOSTON WEEK APRIL 5, ALHAMBRA, NEW YORK