Variety (April 1915)

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VARIETY 13 Hasel Morris Stone A King Four MUos MltekelL 8. D. METROPOLITAN (wva) Campbell A Brady Green Mo A Dean 2d half 3 Harvey Olrla Zlaka Co UU Veraoaw N. Y. PROCTOR'S Percy Waram Co Ollmore A Caatle W B Whittle Hoyt'» Ooodiellowsnlp Gilbert A Barrett 2d half "Springtime" Dorothy Rogers Co Gllmore Corbln Mile Blmlna Co (One to fill) Newark, M. J. MAJESTIC Richmond A Mann 6 OllTera Patiicola A Meyers J K Emmett Co John Neff AlTln A Kenny (One to fill) 2d half Smith A Farmer Jaa Grady Co E71 Cota Burke A McDonald Harry Thornton Sprague A McNeeee (One to fill) Ne#v Have*. Cobb. POLI'8 (ubo) 1st half Dixon A Rambler Girls The Reynolds Imhoff C A Corlnne Darrell A Conway McMahon A Cheppelle (One to fill) BIJOU (ubo) Scott A Marke Kirk A Smith Jennings A Brers "Fashion Plates" 2d half Wilfred Du Boys Miller A Douglas "President of 18 Club" "Song Festival" New OrK ORPHEUM "Woman Proposes" Fanny Brlce Jack Gardner Klein Yost & Fink The Salvaggls Lohse & Sterling Marie Fltxglbbon New Roefeelle, N.'y. LOBW 1st half The Vernoud Maurice Samuels Co (One to fill) Norfolk, Ten ACADEMY (ubo) (Richmond split) 1st half Robert DeMont 3 Mott A MaxAeld Lorraine A Dudley WUla H Wakefleld Emerson A Baldwin Oaklasd ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) B W A Crocker Helen Beholder Cheebert's Manchurlans 2 Carltons Tom Lewis Co Lew Dockstader Gertrude Long PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) Herbert Lloyd Co Willy Zimmerman Amedlo Wiley A TenEyck Tom A Stacla Moore Arnosons Ojretea. Utah ORPHEUM (loew) E Whiteside Picks Ben A Hansel Mann Gypsy Countess Owen McGiTsney Rockwell A Wood Bob Tip Co Oklahoma City, Ok. EMPRESS (wra) Welch M A Montrose Hoyt Stein A Daley 2d half Burns Brown A B Musical Ellisons Omaha ORPHEUM Rlgoletto Bros Hugh Herbert Co Hussey & Boyle Whiting A Burt Cervo Harry Watkins EMPRESS (wra) Lewis A Russell J C Lewis Co Broadway 3 Five Yoscarrys 2d half Johnson A Crane Kelly A Drake Tyron's Dogs Philadelphia GRAND (ubo) Mack A Williams R A K Henry M Fairbanks M A B Hart Oallerlnl 4 Sorolty Girls WM PBNN (ubo) Gaston Palmer Moore A Young Gordon A White "College Girls" Herman Tlmberg B Bouncer's Circus KEITH'S (ubo) Wills A Hassan 5 Statues H A B Puck Toby Claude Co Ruth Roye J Devereaux Co The Volunteers PALACE (loew) Mae MoCrea Victoria 4 Busse's Dogs 2d half Belle A Jones Frledland A Clark (Two to fill) VICTORIA (loew) 4 Falcons Lewis A Gilbert 2 Macks PmHs. III. ORPHEUM (wra) Chabot A Dixon Grapewln A Chance Henry B Toomer Co Nlblo f s Birds (One to fill) 2d half Willie Hale A Bro Werner A White Grapewln A Chance Stan Stanley Plttsbarffh. GRAND (ubo) Scotch Lads ft Lassies Clark A Bergman Eva Tanguay 7 Roman 8HERIDAN SO (ubo) Hanlon A Clifton Goldsmith ft Pinard Mme Amato HARRIS (ubo) "Making the Movies" Jack Polk Wayne ft Warren Girls Cabaret Dogs Tsudo Wilton ft Marshall PlalaAeld, N. J. PROCTOR'S Three Jeanettes Keystone Trio "One in a Million" Natalie Normandle Plsano ft Bingham 2d half Robie ft Roble Dynes ft Van Epps Percy Waram Co Sansone ft DelIIla Lola Porteheoter, N. Y. PROCTOR'S King ft Lavelle Mile Elmlna Co (Two to fill) 2d half Three Brownies W T Whittle Fred Gardner Co Edmunds ft Lavelle Portland. Ore. ORPHEUM Bert Leslie Co Louise Galloway Co Hopkins Sisters Ideal Mme Aldrlch Shannon ft Annls Norcross A Holdsworth EMPRESS (loew) Leonard ft Louie Lin rem Mrs L James Co Margaret Farrell Ned Nestor Girls PANTAGES (m) A Burt Wesner Co Ed F Reynard Mclntyre A Harty Rone Garden Dalton Mareena ft D ProTfdeaee, R. I. BMBRY (loew) Rucker ft Winifred Grace DeWlnters "White Lie" Haydn Burton ft H Aerial LaValls 2d half Wanda Dixie Gerard Mayor & Manicure Fiddler A Shelton Amoros A Mulvey Richmond. Va. LYRIC (ubo) (Norfolk split) 1st half Hrooks A I^orello Durnham A Irwin P Gllmore Co Flert Fltzglbbons "Act Beautiful" Rocheater, IV. Y. TEMPLE (ubo) Lane A O'Donnell Hope Vernon Crouch ft Welch Pendlx Players Mack ft Walker Flo Irwin Co Laddie Cliff 4 Toscn Bisters 8HUBBRT (loew) Blssett ft Bestry Walter Brower Bud ft Nellie Helm Mr ft Mrs Caplln Hippodrome 4 Wormwood's Animals ReekfarA, 111. PALACE (wra) Klnso SUber ft North Zelaya Cameron ft Gaylord Flynn's Minstrels 2d half Georgalls Trio Long Chaperon ft O Mystic Bird Marshall Montgomery Paul Klelst Co Sacra saeato. ORPHEUM (3-4) Tracey A Stone Geo M. Rosener Alan Brooks Co Morton ft Moore Lee ft Cranston Geo Damerel Co EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Arno ft Stlckney Ray Snow Warren ft Francis "Honey Girls" Marie RushcII Frey Twins llasrflaaw. Mich. JEFFER8 (ubo) "The Night Clerk" 2d half Stelner Trio Helen Gannon Richards ft Kyle Dolly ft Maok Rawson Claire Co St Pawl ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Joan Sawyer Loyal's Animals Milt Collins Louis 7x>ndon Brent Haves Brandon Hurst Co EMPRESS (loew) Maestro Ed ft Jack Smith "The Way Out" Geo Yeomans "Dairy Maids" ■alt Tjakc ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Hursley Troupe Abe Attell "Green Beetle" The Sharrocks I>ambertl Cbas Weber (One to All) EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Blanche Sloan Prlerre A King Onrar Lorraine "When We Grow Up" Allen A Francis "Vaude in Mkyland" PANTAGES (m) (Opens Sun Mat) Chas L Gill Co Tnsmanian Vand nreat Lester Hreene A Parker Nernlvlel Bros Novelty Barretts at. finals). EMPRESS (wva) J^our Valdares Hnllen A Hunter t Ittlo Caruso Co Danny Simmons Willie Bros 2d half Australian Crelghtons Bertie Fowler Hugo Koch Co Herschell Hendler Aerial Lloyds GRAND (wva) The Krusadera 3 American Girls Scott A Wilson Arthur Darning Thos 8wift Co Bill Foster Toots Paka r^es A u roots Irving Gossler St. Paal. PRINCESS (wva) Angell Sisters Norwood A Anderson Duncan A Holt Hasting Lamys 2d half r A A Glocker Montrose A Allen Wllllne; Bentley A W Dlodottas San Antonio MAJESTIC (Inter) (Open Sun Mat) Max Bloom Co Froslnl Ben Dealy Co Tonlv A Webb Fields Wine A Green Ernie Potts Co Saa Dleajo. PANTAGES (iu) Ronald Bradbury Co Hennlngs Lewis Co Morton Jewell Tr Gibson A Dyso Carl McCullough Renello ft Sister Saa y^raaelaeo. ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Harry Cooper Co Bankoff ft Girlie Mr ft Mrs G Wilde Sylvester Schaffer Mason Keeler Co (Two to AH) EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) John Delmore Co Clarence Wilbur Klass ft Bernle Macart ft Bradford Beth Cballls Karl Damann Troupe PANTAGES (m) (Opens Sun Mat) 8 Forgetmenots Neal Abel Nat Lefflngwell Co Versatile Harmony 5 Nilt Wood 8 Shelvey Boys Savaaaah, Ga. BIJOU (ubo) (Charleston split) 1st half Bounding Pattersons Silver A Duval 8 Du For Bros Smith Cook ft B (One to fill) SeheaectadT, N. Y. PROCTOR'S Dorsch ft Russell Robie A Roble "Springtime" Silvers ft Wade Wahl A Jackson 2d half Clown Seal Mystic Hansone 3 Cecil Trio LAM Hunting Suzanne ft Rocamore Seraataa* Pa. POLI'S (ubo) Kendall's Dolls Carroll ft Hlckey Colonial Trio "Lis" 6 American Dancers Hadji Nasser Arabs 2d half Grace Wassen Le Vern ft Allyn - Dick Crollus Co Arlon Four Simpson A Dean Sherman A De Forrest Seattle ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) 4 Romanos Harris ft Manlon Frances Nordstrom Co Mr ft Mrs C DeHaven Little Nap Musical Byrons Orr ft DeCosta EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) George DeAlma Moss A Fry Franklyn Ardell Co Maude Tiffany Kanaiawa Trio PANTAGES (m) Richard the Great Nelson Ranous Co Winona Winter Barnes ft Robinson Florence Rayfleld Fern Blgelow ft M South Rend* lad. ORPHEUM (wva) Princess Kalama Doyle A Elaine Sazo Sextet Jarvls A Harrison Stan Stanley 3 2d half Klnco Lewis A Norton Steindel Bros O'Neil ft Waknsley Nlblo's Birds ' Spokaae ORPHEUM (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Billy Kinkald VonHampton ft Jos'lyn "The Tangle" Gertrude Barnes Equlllo Bros PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) "Childhood Days" Stuart Antrim ft Vale Carletta Tony Florenz Tr SprlBira>ld ( Maes. PALACE (ubo) Great Walters Klley A O'Nell Twins Mark Murphy Co C A A Wilson "Song A Dance Revue" Oskomon Australian W'choppera 2d half The Menards Dixon A Rambler Girls Catherine Cameron Co Laypo A Benjamin Clark A McCullough Tower A Darrell Victor Morley Co Springfield, Mo. JEFFERSON (wva) Paddock A Paddock Ezra Kendall Jr Co Hughes Musical 3 2d half ""hree Guys Frances Gerard Woodford's Animals Steektoa, Cal YOSEMITD (orph) (8-6) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento this issue) Syraeaae, N. Y. GRAND (ubo) J ft B Oleeaon Jean Challon Farrell Taylor 8 Lai Mon Kim Claudius ft Scarlet Hermlne Shone Co Matthews ft Shayne Manga Snyder TEMPLE (ubo) Bell ft Bra 3 Singers Joe Cook Carter ft Waters "Lawn Party" PANTAOB8 (m) "Garden of Rajah'* Florence Modern Co Three Shentons Aiken Flgg ft Duffy Barber ft Jackson Toledo, O. KEITH'S (ubo) Muscano Bros Cleo Gascoyne Cbas F Semon Hal Stephens Co Kirk ft Fogarty "War Brides" No 2 Leach Whallen Co Toroato SHEA'S (ubo) Dancing LaVars Lady Sen Met Ray Dooley 8 Clara Morton Marx Bros Co Mario ft Duffy YONGB ST (loew) Oddono Honeyboy Minstrels Isabella Miller Co Alice Hanson 8 Donalds (Three to fill) Troy. N. Y. PROCTOR'S Hardeen Burns A Kissen L ft M Hunting Dorothy Rogers Co 8usanne ft Rocamore 2d half Hardeen Silver ft Wade Gilbert ft Barrett Wahl ft Jackson Hoyt's Ooodfellowehlp Vsaeoever, B. C. LOEWS Dancing Kennedys Madge Mattland "Auto Bandit" Chris Richards Fanton's Athletes PANTAGES (m) Cora Youngblood Cbas Wayne Co Bob Albright Holden ft Harren Kennedy ft Mao Victoria. B. C. PANTAGES (m) Tate's Motoring VonKleln ft Gibson Taylor ft Arnold Curtis ft Hebard Nolan ft Nolan WaahlasitOB KEITH'S (ubo) Schooler ft Dickinson Tlghe ft Babette Eddie Carr Co Grace De Mar Naslmova Ben Welch Newhouae Snyder Co Indkowsky Troupe Waternary, Cess, POLI'S (ubo) Louis Leo Venetian Trio Catherine Cameron Co Ward ft Cullen Morris'ft Parks Kinkald Players 2d half Pilot ft Schofleld Luckey ft Yost Tyrollan Troubadours Darrell A Conway Oskomon Hoye Mosart Co Watertowa, S. D. MBTROPOLITAN (wva) 3 Harvey Girls Zlska Co 2d half Campbell ft Brady Green Mc ft Dean YVIIkeeharr*. Pa. POLI'8 (ubo) Grace Wassen E A B Adair Dick Crollus Co Arlon Four Simpson ft Dean Sherman ft De Forrest 2d half Will Carpenter Carroll ft Hlckey "Lls M 0 American Dancers Edith Mote 4 Lukeno Wlaalaea; ORPHEUM Brown Fletcher 8 Marie Nordstrom Mme Beeson Co Hoey ft Lee Rives ft Harrison (Two to fill) PANTAGES (m) Primrose's Minstrels Rhode ft Crampton The Bremens Chartres Halliday Co Mile Rosamond STRAND (wva) Bruoe Morgan ft B Jack Hawkins Go Knight ft Moore Gordon ft Day Worocet c r , POLI'S (ubo) Flying Henrys Luckey ft Yost Mlnola Hurst Tyrollan Troubadours Clark ft McCullough Victor Morley Co 2d half Riley ft O'Nell Twins John Cutty Leonard A Arnold "Song A Dance Revue" Tooney A Norman Australian W'choppers IN AND OUT. Fritzi Scheff, billed to open at the Majestic, Chicago, could not open, ow- ing to hoarseness. Monday morning George Gottleib in New York arranged to have the Morgan Dancers with Lo- poukova* leave that afternoon to open at the Majestic Tuesday. For the Mon- day performances Grace La Rue doubled from the Palace. Helen Lowell did not open at the Alhambra, New York, Monday, having joined a production. The Olivans sub- stituted. Cecil Cuningham was despatched to Keith's, Washington, Monday, to fill a vacancy. Minnie Allen left the bill at Evans- ville. Ind., Monday, upon learning of the death of her husband, Claxton Wil- stach, in Boston. Maley and Woods replaced her. Bernard Granville left the Alhambra program Wednesday through a threat- ened attack of pneumonia. The Avon Comedy Four filled in. Calve did not open at Keith's, Bos- ton, Monday. Trixie Friganza was switched from the Bushwick, Brooklyn, bill to Beantown, with Conroy an<J lye Maire going into the Bushwick. NEW ACTS. Mollie King and Harry Delf have been brought together for a two-act by M. S. Bentham, the agent. They will shortly appear at the Palace, New York. Bentham also has Billy Schrode and his dancing partner from the Am- sterdam Roof; also Louise Gunning, who intends returning to vaudeville after a long visit on a California ranch. "Patsy," comedy sketch, with Cath- crin Calhoun, Franklin C. White & Co. Geraldine Prince, singing and danc- ing "single." Billy Ford and Bert Leighton, with special scenery and music. Harry Rapf has put on "The Mid- night Cabaret/' thirteen people and eleven numbers, with the principal players, Bert Weston, Jack Marshall, Frances Keith and Madge Roeder. Lottie Williams has accepted "Poor People's Money," requiring three peo- ple, which Archie Colby wrote as a vaudevilleization of the Henry Seigel case. James O'Neil has been engaged for a principal role in the vaudeville sketch Georgia Earl and Nellie Calla- han, have placed in rehearsal. Aubrey Smith is producing the act. Joe Bissett and Harry Bestry, who dissolved vaudeville partnership after their Hammerstein engagement, re- joined last week. Johnnie O'Connor (formerly Cam- eron and O'Connor) and Eddie Kane (formerly Kane and Nadel) have teamed. Leo Donnelly, now with "Potash & Perlmutter," will enter vaudeville at a "single act" about May 10, after the show closes. (George O'Brien?) Clark and Bergman will have a new two-act for next season, written by Billy Jerome. The Acme Quartet, with Roswell Wright, Herman Haynes, Jess White, Fred East. (Rose & Curtis.) Andy Lewis and Vera George will frame up an act, after their burlesque season ends. James Cantwell, late of the Prim- rose Quartet, singing single (Frank Evans). Pauline Pauli and Frances Mead, dramatic sketch, "The Purchase of a Soul." Billy Craig (Craig and Williams) and Leo Nadell (Nadell and Kane) have formed a two act Frieda Klemm and Teddy Tappan, "sister act." Wilfred H. Nixon and Co., sketch, four people. (Jo Paige Smith.) Nance O'Neil is in sketch entitled "Face to Face," by Francis Du Tilly. "The New Boarder," a rural sketch, with Isabelle Miller. Paul Barron and Eugene Barnes are again a "two-man act." Homer Lind is putting out Adolf Link, the Lilliputian, in a new act. NOTICE. The regular meeting of the [WHITE RATS' ACTORS UNION will be held TUESDAY, MAY 4th, 1915, in the White Rats Building, 227 West 46th Street, New York City, at 11:30 P. M. sharp, Big Chief Frank Fogarty in the Chair.