Variety (July 1915)

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VARIETY The new Price $100 $12Sia The Herald of Better Service rj the arena of "Big Business" has appeared a new steel-brained champion, the Master- Model of the Royal—the machine with the rapid- fire action; the typewriter that fires letters as an automatic gun spits bullets I Unless you are " Royalized," you are paying the price of the Royal without knowing it— besides thai of your old- style machine —in the higher cost of your business letters. Built for "Big Business" and its Great Army of Expert Operator* This master-machine does the work of several type- writers in one —it writes, types cards and bills! The one machine does it all —without any "special" attachments. Get the Facts! Send for the "Royal man " and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. investigate the new machine that takes the " grind " out of writing. Or write us direct for our new brochure, "BETTER SERVICE, "and book of facts on Touch Typing—with a handsome Color-Photograph of the new Royal Master-Model 10, sent free to ty pe wri ter users. " Write now—right now I " ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc. Royal Typewriter Building, Broadway, New York QUO MOTKCR Ka63fl/ep w/eAjr to pa wruc kct TO 5ee H&R Poor, BOY Do A SHo*!, pay his Roore irvi/as switched So poo/e Mortfefe ui*s pitcheo; Such is utFS q/j thetsmr^^ ub-o. JfKK SPRKTrPip. fl 6t*JGurRcr; HIS \jJIFF COPP&D £UGRH r &£f\U, So asntuecM THE.^i both vvoSetr THtTY OuWgp f\ FOKO M*CNiN*T 9 LISTEN!! This U penned for the exclusive interest and benefit of the artist, particularly the good one, he or she, with an inkling of business ability. The majority of screen stars now in active service have been recruited from tbe speaking stage. Many accumulated a reputation in that profession before commanding consideration from tbe filmists. The consecutive work accompanying a picture engagement has been made doubly attractive through the stagnant conditions of tbe past theatrical season, perhaps the worst in the history of tbe profession. This has caused tbe popu- larization of the phrase: " I'd like to land with a picture concern.* * How many members of tbe speaking stage know the proper metbods to pursue in seeking a picture engagement? Do you? Tbe average applicant, regardless of bis ability, unless be be a recognised star and therefore in general demand could seek employment in tbe picture field daily for months and never come in direct contact with tbe individual authorised to contract an engagement. Tbe manufacturer is besieged daily with thousands of written and personal appli- cations, for it is needless to record that of tbe entire population of tbe country 75 per cent would like to get into pictures. This condition enforces continual retirement and it's a lucky individual who can reach tbe proper man at tbe proper time. The picture director is continually casting and recasting for bis productions. He knows what he wants, but does not always know where to get it. When tbe vaudeville agent requires any particular product, he usually consults the adver- tising columns of the trade papers, consequently the vaudeville artist, tbe wise vaudeville artist, has come around to a realisation of tbe value of trade adver- tising. When he is enjoying a successful season, regardless of its length, tbe wise vaudevillian advertises. The artist seeking professional connections with the picture industry should take advantage of the experience gained by vaudeville trade advertising. Tbe majority of picture directors are ex-stage managers or ex .players and tbey fully understand and appreciate tbe value and possibilities of trade advertising. Tbe foremost essential in casting photo productions lies in the selection of suitable types. In pictures tbe chief asset rests in the principal's individuality. TYPES count and everyone almost, in vaudeville, is a distinct TYPE. You may be tbe type in demand, but your presence in tbe profession as a picture prospect will never become known to those who could engage you unless you sound the possibilities of publicity. If you are open for pictures, advertise tbe fact along with your professional qualifications. Save the time and trouble of personal applications. An adver- tisement in VARIETY covers tbe entire field in one day and may result in tbat consecutive contract. If you are now enjoying the stereotyped pleasures of a picture engagement, advertise the fact. Keep the profession in general and the picture men in par- ticular aware of your success. Otherwise you will not be remembered, and to be remembered means to be continually in demand. Charlie Chaplin played a minor role with an English vaudeville act and until the proper opportunity walloped him with success be was unknown. Vaude- ville is overcrowded with Chaplins, but the picture men will never know it unless you toot your horn. VARIETY will cover the situation for you.