Variety (July 1915)

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VARIETY 2b There Are 10000 Reasons Why You Should Advertise But The Best Reason To Be Given VARIETY Because it/-.i«&s all over and it reaches NOTIC ANNUAL MEETING of the AMALGAMATED ARTISTS RELIEF ASSOCIATION will be held THURSDAY, AUGUST STH, AT TWELVE, NOON in the Board of Directors room of the WHITE RATS ACTORS' UNION OF AMERICA, 227-231 WEST 46TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Yearly dues are now payable. Remittance should be made to the undersigned CHARLES McPHEE, Treasurer. 227 WEST 46TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY AT LIBERTY ! BERT SOMERS (Late of Somero and Law) ' ' TALKER and SINGER For BURLESQUE, TABLOID or VAUDEVILLE ACT Write or Wire (Postal Telegraph), Box M, Collingswood, Now Jorsoy Millie Stevens <£!», IN "AUNT BELINDA'S LEGACY" Great Comedy Dramatic Playlet. Supported by MISS MARGARET MINTON and MISS BABE HOLMES Under direction of ALF. T. WILTON, Palace Theatre Building, New York WANTED—ROLLER SKATING GIRLS QUICK QUICK QUICK Must be Good Skaters, Good Lookers, and have stage experience JACK McLALLEN'S KILTIE GIRLS Care Stoker 4V Blerbauor, tth Floor, Palace Theatre Bldg., Now York SCARDO BEACH (F. C. Hubbard, mir.).— Gormley and Caffery, band concerts and open air movies. HANLANS POINT (L. Solomon, mgr.).— Hand concerts, picture grove and fireworks. private bospital. He was successfuly oper* ated upon for appendicitis. I^awrence Solman, manager Royal Alex- andra. Hanlan's Point, etc., was taken sud- denly ill last week and rushed to the Wellesley The manager of the San Carlo Opera Com- pany, Charles Baker, was In town recently making arrangements for a season of grand opera at the Royal Alexandra. He has en- gaged Margaret George, a local dramatic soprano. ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (August 2) Players may be listed in this department weekly, either at the theatres they are appearing in or at a permanent or temporary address (which will be inserted when route is not received) for $5 yearly, or if name is in bolt type, $10 yearly. All are eligible to this department. Abeles Edward Variety N Y Ahram & Johns Variety San Francisco Adams Res Variety Chicago Adler & Arline 661 E. 175th St N Y C Allen ft Francis Variety N Y Armstrong Will H Variety N Y B ERNEST R. BALL ADELAIDE M. BELL Featured with WARD, BELL, WARD AND COMPANY Cere V ARIETY, New York Vanetychicago^^^^^^ Bersac T ime jean 6 BROWN BROS. Re-engaged for STUART BARNES Direction, JAMES PLUNKETT BTonoCTTdwarTTanT Bowers Walters fit Bracks Seven care T Brinkmsn ft Steele . ■ Briscoe Olive Princetor. Bysl ft Early Variety N Byron 4V Langdon 174 h Cantor Eddie & I,er A V Collins Milt 133 W 111th l Chin Chln~ next season, r and Mgr. Opening Aug. t TOM BR^WN, O in i i'b Boston K 14th *> N Y C S.-i ancisco \ Beaumont A Arnold care Morris ft Feil NYC Colvin William B .M ty ; \ ii- ROBERT CA f iN W ACT it and comedy OPEN TO JOIN ANY SHOW, ESTABLISKF '"* Requiring a man who is thoroughly capable and reliable. Can hai. character parts, also sing and nance. Highly successful the past two seasons doing the comedy with ED GALLAGER In "BEFORE THE MAST." Address St. Francis Hotel, 124 West 47th St., New York City. Phone Bryant I7JJ