Variety (July 1915)

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28 VARIETY PERFECT TEETH "The Stones of Success" MOVIE, VAUDEVILLE and LE- GITIMATE STARS attest the fact. Summer vacation the opportune time to complete the work, painlessly. DR. B. B. BROMBERG Surgeon Dentist. 133 E. 34th St., Cor. Lexington Ave. Established 20 Years. I. MILLER, 1554 *uhnir, a $Ar' Tel. Col. S18-S2S W. ssth St. Manufacturer of Theatrical loots and Shoes. CLOG. Ballet and Acrobstic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. Write for Catalog 4 Smart styl«\ rare beauty, perfect comfort, all comlmi..! m this original Glassberg model. M.i.W in all leathers, all sizes, high or low cut; French or Cuban heels. Latest Novelties. 511 6'h At«.» near 31st St. 225 We»i ild St., near Times Sq. H 31 d Ave., near 10th St. Send i.»r Illustrated Catalogue. V. Mail Orders Carefully Filled. At ihortv For Burlesque or Musical AI LIDeny Comedy, for season 1515-11 PHIL On and NETTIE NELSON Last three seasons, featured on No. 1 Columbia Burlesque Wheel. WUI furnish first class book with original music, and will stage same. Address PHIL OTT, IS Kemper St., Wollaston, Maaa. Phone Qulncy 1-7-5-5 Benjamin H. Ehrlich LAWYER in N. DEARBORN ST. Unity Bldg. CHICAGO Special Attention to Theatrical Profession MUSIC ARRANGED For orchestra or piano. Songs taken down from voice. Old orchestrations rewritten. W. H. NELSON, Suite 453, 1511 Broadway, Aator Theatre Building. NQW_York : _____^___ NAT LEWIS ANNOUNCES Semi-Annual Sale OF Shirts, Underwear AND Pajamas REMARKABLE VALUES THEATRICAL OUTFITTERS OF EXCLUSIVENESS 1S7S-1S55 Broadway running through to 714-714 7th Ave. OPPOSITE STRAND 555 Melrose Ave., Bronx Phone Bryant 771S Phone Melrose 5511 Credit to Profession to Any Amount Professional Dis- count, 12ft%t Al- lowed on All Cash Sales. LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS TO THE ARTIST Worth Down Weekly $75 $5.00 $1.00 to $1.50 $100 $10.00 $1.50 to $2.00 $150 $15.00 $2.00 to $2.25 $200 $20.00 $2.50 $300 $30.00 $3.00 $400 $40.00 $4.00 $500 $50.00 $5.00 Larger Amounts and Longer Terms By Special Arrangement Our Terms apply also to New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut. Write for Our Premium ¥"■¥> ¥? f Book No. 3 and 48- W* l\ f« p Page CataJoem. M»il*<i * *^*^*^ FREE DELIVERY Five-Room Out- fit, Grand Rapids Furniture, et $275 Apartment with Period Furniture, Value 5555, now $375 $1,555 5-Room Apartment $750 Period Furniture OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 5 HOLWaSSER 1417-1423 Third Avenue, near 80th Street New York City Littlejohns The Variety N Y Lloyd Herbert Pantages Circuit M Mardo & Hunter 25 N Newstead Ave St Louis McGinn Francis Lambs Club N Y Moore A Hanger 1657 Edenside Ave Louisville Morrissey & Hackett Variety N Y N Countess Grazia Nardini Direction GENE HUGHES Noble A Brooks Tivoli Sydney Australia Nosses Musical New Brighton Pa O Omega 3 Celavan 1'k Jamestown N Y Pelletier Pierre Variety N Y R Reilly Charlie Variety San Frsncinco _ Roc hex's Monkey Music Hall 2 Maiden Hill Gardens Maiden Eng Schaffer Sylvester care Tausig 104 E 14th N Y Shentons 3 Variety N Y Silver & Du Vail Silver wd Cot Southberry Cl Simpson & Dean Variety N Y Skatelle Bert A Hazel Permanent address General Delivery Somers Point N J SKETCH FOR A WOMAN _ who is clever in CLEAN HIGH GRADE COMEDY. Must be of slender build with particularly small waisU* Three people (woman lead, man and small maid's part). Have distinct novelty in which right party can make big hit. Easy Terms. SCAMMON LOCKWOOD, author. In- quire Dramatic Agent Laura D. Wilck, 555 Longacre Building, N. Y. New York Costume Co. MARGARET RIPLEY CARRIE E. PERKINS BELLE CAUGHLEY BUYING AND SELLING ESTIMATES GIVEN REASONABLE AND RELIABLE BUILDING AND RENTING WARDROBES RENOVATED 135 West 45th Street NEW YORK CITY Phone—Bryant 5455 House Manager At Liberty Pictures, Vaudeville, Dramatic or Musical Stock. Salary or Percentage. Address, MANAGER 1 Ashton Square EAST LYNN, MASS. PLUSH DROPS All Slses and Colors Special Discount and Terms This Month Rental in City CONSOLIDATED VELVET 245 Weat 45th St. New York City Wanted Vaudeville Novelties to Represent and Produce—Must Be New- Address ED. WARD ENTERPRISES Suite 54, Baxter Bldg, Philadelphia. Rep. Ed. Ward and Co . WANTED: EXPERIENCED MOVING PIC- TURE THEATRE MANAGER with capital to take interest in theatre. One of the best mod- ern equipped theatres in the Middle West in Indisna town—population 75,556 seating 1,000. Echo pipe organ is installed. Address Box 31, VARIETY, New York. HAVE YOU HEARD OF "FOOTLITE BRAND" OF S1LKOLINE? Well, to sm the word* of hundred! of performer*, "Footlite Silkoline" In tifhts. anion potint and diving itiiti, are better than pure silk, because "Footlite Silkoline" improves after a coiple sf washings, and looks better the second month than the first. Nothing eqaals "Footlite Silko- line," and prices are low enough to surprise you. Wo also manufacture our garments in eotton, worsted, and pare silk. We make no extra charao either for oar "Foetllaht Sanitary Pal," an exclusive feature, and certainly a boos to female performers, or for procuring garments made to your special measure. If you do not find it convenient to visit our fitting room we can efficiently handle orders received for special measurements when oar new form of measuring ehart is used. Do not buy anything In knit goods before you write us for our new catalogue, price- list, and ^^huu^l samples. Free. T,$ * WALTER G. BRETZFIELD CO. Dept. A, 1357 Broadway, Cor. 37th Street. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL DENTIST PUTNAM BUILDING, 14M BROADWAY Special Rates to the Profession Official Dentist to the White Rats Special Service for Vaudevillians Lehigh Vnllev Railroad Rochester, Toronto, SIMS Buffalo, (IN Chicago, Slt.lS All Steel Cars, Lowest Fares, Special Bagajajre Service If You Want Anything Quick— 'Phone W. B. LINDSAY. E. P. A., Bryant 4212 A. J. SIMMONS, A. G. P. A. Ticket Office, B'wey 4k 42nd St., New York JAMES MADISON WILL WRITE HIS VAUDEVILLE ACTS IN SAN FRANCISCO UNTIL SEPT. 20th. His address tsars Is Flatiron Bldg., Sutter ssd Market Sts. (Room 504). Theatrical Photographer 100 8x10, $10.00 (Originals) 100 8x10, $7.00 (Reproductions) 100 5x7, $350 (Reproductions) •45 EIGHTH AVENUE NEW YORK SCENERY makers that beve accorded satisfaction (or a period of 20 years as regards workmanship, quality and price. Your interest is served by submitting the plan for our estimate. As care- ful attention to the single piece as the produc- tion. Without fear of contradiction, our ref- erence, the whole world of Theatrical Producers. SCENERY DROP CURTAINS Lee Lash Studios 308 to 316 East 48th Street Broadway Offices LONGACRE BUILDING Red Velvet Draw-Drop 40x42—LIGHT WEIGHT Address BARGAIN, care VARIETY, New York. SCENERY 1 can save you money. See me. Trunk Scenery a specialty FREDERICK'S STUDIOS, 043 W. 42nd St., New York City Sale Now On A Distinguished Trio Mack's Suits for Men AT $15, $18 & $20 In One, Two and Three Button Models Reduced from $25, $30, $35 Mack's Clothes Shop 1582-1584 Broadway, N. Y. City Bet. 47th St 48th Sts. Opp. Strand Theatre