Variety (July 1915)

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VARIETY Buster Santos Jacque Hays The Girls with the Funny Figure Direction SIMONS AGENCY BROWN AND JACKSON Personal Direction JULE DELMAR. "Suffocated with delightrulness" Fiddler AND Shelton Same Characters New Material a West 131st St., New York 'Phone Harlem SSS7. Apt. 7 ft MR* If * THWt— 0>0N£ NlCK INSTRUMENT, BUT WHEN QLOWN TOO WCH Or THG OWNGR THEtEor IT $firs rW'fVc MONOTONOUS. Mt/CH rtpe AOci/r *er*/*ft t-ifes rtvsreft&s. HARRY HOLMAN a Adam Killjoy" Next Week (August 2), Brighton, Coney Island, N. Y. Direction THOS. J. FITZPATRICK BERTIE FORD SAYS: "Nearly everyone I meet, Trouping day by day, Says, 'I'm pleased to meet you, Ford:' How they grin end say: 'Is Henry your relation 7* I tell you It's a shame. I'm going to keep my same old act. But I'm going to change my name." "Working Steady Folks V Z O 5 ALFREDO RICKARDS TOUR-AUSTRALIA KgJS $ (Auom el ? CT*" 0 o CALLOWAY and ROBERTS PEKIN IIMO CHIEN PRESENTING MYSTERIES Address: W. K. CHAO, VARIETY. NEW YORK All Communications should be Sent Direct to NORWORTH CARE VARIETY. II CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON. W. C. CABLES: NORWORTH J ESS FREE LONDON ACKNOWLEDGED PEER OF ALL JUGGLING ACTS F"OUR MAXIMS THREE WONDERFUL GIRL JUGGLERS AND MALE COMEDIAN Address care VARIETY, New York Direction, PAT CASEY. Denny Mack, of Mack, Albright and Mack, asked me to say something in this ad. about Albright- Urn? That boy sings a nasty bass. Ed. Marshall has sailed for Australia. Bum voyage, Ed—We will soon be with you. JIM-MARIAN HARKINS FRANCES CLARE GUV RAWSON Direction, CHRIS O. BROWN Permanent address, Clsre Cottage, 22 Fairvlew Ave., Auburndale, Long Island. (Phone Flushing 17s2.) Nan Halperin Direction, M. S. BENTHAM 4 MARX BROS. - CO. IN "HOME AGAIN" Produced by AL SHEAN The most sensational success of the season Direction HARRY WEBER Addreee VARIETY, New York MABEL ELAINE "TOWN TOPI«*" REGARDS TO ALL FRIENDS SAFETY FIRST WITH MARTYN and FLORENCE (Vaudeville's best opening act) Nervous Juggler on the bill with me last week. One who bal- ances billiard balls. Complained to the manager because the leader did not catch his cues. BILLY BEARD "Th. Party from ■*■■■*■*■* the South'* Booked by ALF. T. WILTON If you don't advertise In VARIETY, don't advertise. ORA-ENTAL THAT TINY PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ECCENTRIC BAREFOOT DANCER Working Steady, VaudeviUe and Burlesque Encourage Future Per. Add. HIGHLANDS. NEW JERSEY Howard Langford (Juvenile Light Comedian) Late feature of the "Night Clerk." Direction. WM. B. FRIED LANDER PAULINE SAXON THE "SIS PERKINS" GIRL. The Silvenos IN MUSIC, MAGIC AND SHADOWGRAPHS Just finished POLI'S CIRCUIT. OPEN AUG. 2 ONWARD. Books returns everywhere. Phone, wire or write. MONFORT HOTEL, 104 W. 4fth St., New York Successful This Week (July 26) at B.F.Keith's PROSPECT, Brooklyn GRACE FISHER THE SUNSHINE GIRL DIRECTION M. S. BENTHAM