Variety (January 1916)

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VARIETY The Original Boardwalk Couple Maud-RONAIR WARD Presenting A BRAND NEW BOARDWALK OFFERING (Fully copyrighted and protected) TRIED OUT AND VOTED A GENUINE SUCCESS ADDRESS CARE VARIETY, NEW YORK tome dialog and omit several numbers as the show ran too long for vaudeville. A tour of the Butterfleld circuit starts next Sunday. Owing to Illness, Seoul was unable to ap- pear In grand opera at the Auditorium Wed- nesday nlgbt. Word from Alice Nellsen that concert engagements carried her to the Coast prevented her from making any appearance this week with tbe Chicago Opera Company. Madge Milton (Mrs. Edward Curran). of tbe Milton Trio, has recovered sufficiently to leave tbe hospital, where she has been quite 111. The trio will resume Its vaudeville ac- tivities Feb. 7, for the W. V. M. A. Until that time, Bdw. Curran and daughter are doing their old act around Chicago. Lionel Green, who's to bill himself here- after as Paris Green, signed last week to play the Fuller houses In Australia. He and Roy D. Murphy tossed up a coin to see whether Oreen would receive five pounds more on the week and Oreen lost. Oreen bears tbe dis- tinction of being one of the best educated vaudevllllans on the stage. Bob Cunningham and wife, just In from the Coast, msy remain In Chicago the remainder of the winter. Bob has some nee show con- nections pending, while Mrs. Cunningham, famed as a cabaret entertainer of high rank In California, Is also considering several offers locally to display her stage wares. The Association Is booking a four-act bill Into tbe last half at the Reglna theatre, Reglna, Can., and will place tbe vaudeville at the renamed Orpbeum (formerly Shear- man), Brandon, Man., lately taken over by C. P. Walker and Barney Groves. The Or- pbeum, Racine, Wis., has discontinued Its last half week vaudeville, which the Association had been booking. Boyle Woolfolk this week took over the new tab show. "Nine Little Wives," from William B. Frledlander, and will operate It over the Association time under his personal manage- ment. It opens Jan. 13. LeCompte a Flesh- er's new tsb, "A Prince of Tonight." starts Its Assoclalton tour tbe last half of the week at Kokomo, Ind. Ned Alvord was this week engaged by Mort H. Singer to take personal charge of tbe pub- licity department of the W. V. M. A. Al- vord, according to Singer's statement, will be given a free rein In making the department worth while, the Association to expend 16,000 In pushing It along the lines planned by Singer. Attorney Adolpb Marks has won some Im- portant court cases of late. Probably the most Important was that of the "Madame X" case. The censors barred It from being shown WARDROBE PROP TRUNKS $5.00 36x27x23. Big Bargain. Have been used. Cost $30.00 new. Also a few Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Trunks, $10 and $15. A few extra large Property Trunks. Also old Taylor Trunks. Parler Floor tt W. Slat., New York City Famous Footlite Silkoline In Tight*. Union Suits. Posing Suits, Diving 8ulU and Leotards, which look better. »a->li better and last longer than pure silk. We also manufacture our garments In cotton, wonted, spun and pure silk, and carry a complete line of 811k Hosiery. Write for our new catalogue, which embodies a complete line of Wigs, Make-u|* and other Supplies for Performers. WALTER G. BRETZFIELD CO. 1M7 Broadway, Dept. 2 New York Telephone. Greeley 2040 For Sale A Brand New Garden Set of 4 Drops (The Back Drop la Illuminated), Cost $5M; will sell for $2M. Addreas J. A. Lemolne, care Variety, Pantages' Theatre Bldg., San Francisco. PLUSH DROPS All Siaea and Colora Special Dlacount and Terms Thla Month Rental In City CONSOLIDATED VELVET 245 Weat 41th St. New York City DOGS WANTED Will buy Dog Act. Also want good Animal Man. Write, stating everything, to R. V. BRADBURY, 834 No. Utb St, Philadelphia, Pa. BULLETIN 9. "I LOVE YOU THAT'S ONE THING I KNOW" SHAKESPEARE said "The play's the thing," and 1 believe it was GEORGE COHAN who showed us that the "punch" in the play was the thing. Here is a song with a "punch" both in lyric and melody. SING A SONG THAT MEANS SOMETHING. HE'S A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH, this feller in the song, and HE DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT A LOVER'S GARDEN, or about THE KID CALLED CUPID, or ANY WORDS THE POETS USE, but he tells her "I LOVE YOU THAT'S 'ONE' THING I KNOW." You must admit that's a pretty idea. Oh, by the way, "MY SWEET ADAIR" is just as big a hit as ever. Sincerely yours, L. WOLFE GILBERT Professional Dept., Jos. W. Stern & Co., 1556 Broadway, New York. (A few steps from the Palace Theatre Bldg.) A SENSATIONAL HIT C0RTIZ and PEGGY THE WHIRLWIND DANCERS AT RECTOR'S Direction, STRAND THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORK John P. Reed's "Hen Party The Big Musical Cackle Direction, BOYLE WOOLFOLK, Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago y* ROBT. HENRY HODGE "Bill Blithers, Lawyer" A LAUGHING CREATION, Only Better than "Bill Blithers, Bachelor" Booked Solid—U. B. O. Time Proctor's Palace, Newark, N. J.. 2S-21-22-23 KEITH'S ALHAMBRA, NEXT WEEK (Jan. 24). JO PAIGE SMITH A RISING YOUNG AGENT F. BARRETT CARMAN (Late with Trixle Friganza) NOW DOING A SINGLE MONOLOGUE ACT. Working Right Along. WHO WILL BE MY AGENT? Address care of Variety, New York sa a picture In Chicago. Marks went Into court history and found a case that must hsve convinced the court that if the play wss proper for Chicago exhibition then the picture was no worse. Anyway, Judge Tuthill bays "Madame X" can be shown in Chicago. The Corporation Counsel lawyera have upheld the Judge's decisions. W. C. Piatt, who claims to be the original "Courier Boy" snd who Is proud of his record as a "Johnny Reb" during the days of 1861-65, has an set all ready which he says la a sen- sation. Piatt Is an old soldier who says he Is a bigger hit than Caruao or any of the big singers. He wrote his own songs, "I'm Ooing Back to Old Kentucky" and "The Courier Boy." Piatt la a great press agent for him- self. Oh, yes, he says he uses the saddle and bridle which he used on his famous "Courier Boy" rides. There are conflicting stories about "The Law of the Land" company, beaded by Ade- laide French, now In Chicago. One had It that the show was closing, but this Is not true. The company played the Victoria last week and Is laying off In Chicago this week which undoubtedly gave rise to the closing rumor. The French company resumes in Detroit next week. Carl Zoellner, whe Is with the ahow aa manager, made several changes In the com- pany while here. Another report nailed to the masthead was that salaries hadn't been paid for several weeks. The Dancing Kennedys had the Association heade and the management of the North American cabaret guessing for a time this week, but Mort Singer Anally straightened everything out satisfactorily. The Kennedys had 10 more days to play for the Association. They were to have played the La Fayette and Logansport last week but got the time can- celled so that they could accept a date In Chicago at the American cabaret. Offered an FOR MEN ONLY BUT WE ALSO HAVE MANY THINGS FOR LA- DIES. HOSIERY, SILK TIGHTS AND CLOVES. CONTINUING MY SEMI-ANNUAL SALE $lja.| Shirts for Street and Dress Wear ftJS $LSt to $ Shirts for Street and Dress Wear 1.4S $5.e) Silk Shirts for Street aad Dress Wear 2JS U.7S to I7.SS Silk Shirts, Heavy Weight aad Crepe do China 4JS SLSf to S12.M Finest SUk Shirts MS AUTHORITY IN OUTFITTING PRODUCTIONS AND ACTS 1S7I-1SM Broadway running through to 714-711 7th Ave. OPPOSITE STRAND St* Melrose Ave., Bronx Phone Bryant 77SS Phoao Melrose IS11