Variety (January 1916)

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42 VARIETY BUSTER SANTOS JACQUE HAYS The Girls with the Funny Figure In their new net. The Health Hunter." Touring Pantac«s Circuit TRANSFIELD SISTERS Refined Musical Act With Dwtffht Pepple's AU Girl Musical Revue BILLY LLOYD and GEORGE BRITT In M A Mixture of Vaudeville." By Ned Dandy Direction, HARRY FITZGERALD McINTOSH D HI "Musical Maids" Every manager who pay us our regular salary re- ceives an act worth twice the amount. Victor Morley in "A Regular Army Man." Next Week (Jan. 24), Orpbeum, Denver Direction, FRANK EVANS MAYME REMINGTON AND COMPANY New Act. Booked Solid U. B. O. •The Party the South JESSE JAMES WAS THE FIRST PERSON KILLED BY A FORD! (Historical Facts) BILLY BEARD BERTIE FORD Dancing a U Tanguay on the) wiro, saysx Chris Brown threateas to send me over the Rickards Circuit In Australia at the conclu- sion of my season with Ringling Bros. Cir- cus, and it's a long ways hack to the U. S. A. and the U. B. O. Bluch Landolf COMEDIAN Featured with Bod Snyder Co. S-C CIRCUIT Season 1915-16 KC KENNETH CASEY •One Vltagraph Boy** Direction. JOE PINCUS Pat Casey Agency JAMES TEDDY Champion Jumper of the World Direction, H. B. MARINELLL Max Ford Junelrma DANCERS SUPREME THE FAYNES A CLASSY. FLASHY PAIR Representative. JACK FLYNN. ITS fl LOfVG rlLLCY THAT HHS Ho fl5H-CflN. WALTER yVEEMS T«voui FoL u. ies ISI5-H R U S -p I s * /^ u l ^« 3 STEINDEL BROS. ORPHEUM-UN1TED TIME J I rvi MARIAN HARKINS Tiv.-Syd. A Word to the Wise. Martyn* Florence (VAUDEVILLE'S BEST OPENING ACT) En Routs S-C Tour FRANCES CLARE AND GUY RAWSON VARIETY. New York CHAS, Hav U Seta GEO. K. Weber - Elliott ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Direction, MAX E. HAYES PAUL RAHN Artistic Character Singer and Light Comedian "Metric Garden Revue** HOTEL PLANTERS. CHICAGO Indefinite COY deTRICKEY Sydney. Australia NOW KNOWN AS JUNE IRMA HETTY URMA Dancing with MAX FORD NOLAN and NOLAN Just Jugglers Hugh D. Mcintosh Time. PAULINE SAXON The Sis Perkins Glti** Direction JOHN C PEEBLES ALFREDO Jan. 31. Palace and Collins, London 4 MARX BROS. -» CO. In "HOME AGAIN" Produced by AL SHEAN The meet sensations! success of the c escen Next Weeh (Jan. 24), Majestic. Fort Worth Direction HARRY WEBER Addrees VARIETY. New York "Talh is cheap, but not when you buy it for a vaudeville act.' FRED (HANK) HARRY (ZEKE) FENTON and GREEN (AND CAT?) IN "MAGIC PILLS' Fully Copyrighted GARCINETTI BROTHERS and MONA ORPHEUM CIRCUIT NEXT WEEK (Jan. 24), COLUMBIA, ST. LOUIS Direction, BERNARD BURKE INTER STATE CIRCUI THIS WEEK (Jan, 17) MAJESTIC, DALLAS