Variety (June 1916)

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VARIET N. V. A. Announcement Our committee announces to the vaudeville profession it has been assured of receiving from the managers embraced within the VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION throughout the country, a UNIFORM AGREEMENT ACCEPTABLE TO THE ARTIST • THERE WILL BE NO UNNECESSARY CANCELLATIONS WITHOUT RESTITUTION IN SOME WAY TO THE ACT. YOU WILL BE GUARANTEED A CERTAIN NUMBER OF WEEKS WITHIN A CER- TAIN PERIOD OF TIME SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT. IF YOUR ROUTE IS SWITCHED, MAKING YOUR RAILROAD JUMP MORE EXPEN- SIVE, THE DIFFERENCE IN RAILROAD FARES WILL BE REFUNDED YOU. ALL ORIGINAL MATERIAL WILL BE FULLY PROTECTED BY THE MANAGERS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. ALL GRIEVANCES WILL BE TAKEN UP AND DISCUSSED BY ARBITRATION BE- TWEEN OUR COMMITTEE ON ARBITRA- TION AND A LIKE COMMITTEE OF THE V. M. P. A. A "National Vaudeville Artist Day" will be set aside each year, and benefit performances held at the most prominent theatres, the proceeds to be turned over to the organization. . Most of the prominent vaudeville artists have already filed applications. Why not you? Males and females eligible. We want you. You want us. If you have not already re- ceived an application blank, fill out the one printed below. None but vaudevillians will be accepted. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS, Inc. 191.... Name Age Permanent Address lYinrnco or oin^ic Are yon a member of any other theatrical organiza- tion, if so state names thereof Are you in good standing in said organization?, If not in good standing state reasons briefly?... APPLICANT P. S.-THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY $5 ••—ONE- HALF YEAR DUES Fill In this blank and forward it aa TOUT application. The National Vaudeville Artists, Inc. Elected the following temporary officers: EDDIE LEONARD .President OSCAR LORAINE First Vice-President HUGH HERBERT Second Vice-President Third Vice-President ROBERT ALBRIGHT... «J> — — __ HARRY CARROLL Fourth Vice-President GEORGE McKAY Treasurer HENRY CHESTERFIELD Secretary Our main object is to promote harmony between the artist and the manager. We have the absolute assurance of the Vaudeville Managers' Protective Association that they will aid us in making this organization a huge success. Our committee, consisting of EDDIE LEONARD, HUGH HERBERT, ROBERT ALBRIGHT, OSCAR LORAINE, GEORGE McKAY, conferred with a Committee of the Vaudeville Managers' Protective Association, the latter consisting of MESSRS. JOHN J. MURDOCK, JOSEPH SCHENCK, B. S. MOSS and WALTER VINCENT. NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS, Inc., 1493 Broadway, New York City