Variety (December 1916)

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16 i ' VARIITY BILLS NEXT WEEK (DECEMBER 14) are on the Empress") are on In Vsudsvills Thontrso (All houses open for the week with Monday, matinee, when not Otherwise indicated Theatres listed as "Orpheum" without any further distinguishing description a Orpheum Circuit. Theatres with "S-C" and 'A-B-C" following name (usually " the Sullivan-Considine-Affiliated Booking Company Circuit. Agencies booking the houses are noted by single name or Initials, such at "Orph/' Orpheum Circuit-"U B O " United Booking Offices-"W V M A/' Western Vaudeville Managers' Associa- tion (Chicago)—"P." Pantages Circuit—"Loew," Marcus Loew Circuit—"Inter," Interstate Circuit (booking through W. V. M. A.)—"Sun," Sun Circuit-"N N," Nixon-Nirdlinger. SPECIAL NOTICES The manner in whitn these bills are printed does not indicate the rela- tive importance of acts nor their program positions. The haste in which the bills are gathered prevents any attention being given these matters. PALACE (ubo) Maud Allan Jack WUaon Co PonslUo Its "Creation" Bob Albright 5 Of Clubs (Two to All) ' COLONIAL (ubo) Oraoe Lo Bus Edwin Arden Co "Rubsvllls" Ryan * Lao Hunting A Krsnels Whipple Huston Co Tnsonno Una Lady Alloa's Pats (Ona to fill) ALHAMBRA (ubo) Avon Comedy 4 Joan Adair H A E Pack Dorothy Regal Co Imperial Chinese Tr Flonia MlUanhlp Stone A McEvoy Tha Devolae Moahar Hayes A M ROYAL (ubo) Harry Bsrssford Co Osss G*ssn Go 8 Great Howard Orrln 4 Drsw Catherine Powell Co Ears Carman Co HARLEM O H (ubo) 9d half (»>2) Wrights Hawallane Gallagher A Lewis 6TH ATE (ubo) 2d kali (80-2) Harry Msson Oeorga Rally Button Molntyre 4 Junior Ravua PROCTOR'S 126TH 24 half (80-2) Msuda Da Lorn Dan Sherman Co Murphy 4 Lackmar Wabsr Olrls NAT WIN OAR (ubo) 24 bsU (80-82) Cracker Jack 4 Ethel Whiteside Co Claudia Saner PROCTOR'S BOTH 24 half (80-2) 6 Indlsnss Hsrry Ls Clair Mns Brans Dsrrsll 4 flsrls Lss Bennett Ksnwsy 4 Green AMERICAN (1 Ovsrbolt 4 T Bis Lusy OUlstts Co Clinton 4 Roonsy 'Taednatlng Flirts" LUllan Wstson » Hlokmsn Bros ) ManoU (Ons to OH) 24 half Ton Almon4 Wajlrod 4 Sell Psrrsll 4 FnrrsO Chsppelle 4 Vldooq Brssn Pamfly Frankls my Wsltsr Perclval Co ?3otn Bros Ons to 811) LINCOLN (loew) ■anbury 4 Shsw LeRoy 4 Seaman Trnoey 4 MoBrlde Dsnny Eddie Foyer Hsll's Mua Mln 24 half Msrtyn 4 Mack Flaks 4 Fallon Allsn 4 Francis Nst Onrr Motor Msdness (Ons to 811) 7TH AVE (loew) Geo W Moors 8 Crslgntoji 81a Ward 4 Raymond Dolly's Dolls Johnson Howard Lit 2d half Overholt 4 Toung 81a The Bverstta Hickman Bros Geo Annetrong Lucy Gillette Co (One to fill) OREELBT (loew) Stetson 4 Honor ) P Qeorge Hsndrix 4 Psduln Norwood 4 Hall Walter Perclval Co Klein Bros Jerome 4 Csrson 24 half Nadal 4 Fellette 3 Creighton 81s Dsve Thursby Jesele Hsywood Co Lady Suds Noy Auo Woodohoppers (One to fill) DBLANCBT (losw 8 Xylophlends Tho Lowrya Lucille 4 Cockatoos Wslrod 4 Sell Cook 4 Lorena "Arm of Low" Marie Fsnton 8 Kundlea 24 half MoKisalok 4 Robln'n Gray 4 014 Read 4 Wood Eddie Foyer Danny 3 Darling Slaters Najw.^AL (1 Tom Almond Rssd 4 Wood Tom Dsvles Co Chsppells 4 Vldocq Motor Msdness (One to 811) 24 half Tho Kernssos Mlnstts 2 Tl Ung Sing Wllmer Wsltsrs Cook 4 Lorens (One to 8111 ORPHEUM (loew) John LsClslr Ootsrln Hendw*h Flaks 4 Fallon Allen 4 Francis Lady 8udy Noy Gray 4 014 Ross (Two to 811) 24 half Stetson 4 Hubsr Vaesar 4 Arken Hsndrix 4 Padula Norwood 4 Hull Chae J Stlns Tom Dsvles Co Sesbury 4 Shsw (Ons to 81h BOULEVARD (1 Jsok Morrlssey Co Earl 4 Sunshine Jeaale Haywood Co Nat Csrr Bosnlon 4 Press 24 half Malone 4 Malone Morris 4 Campbell "Mlla n Minute" Dorothy Herman 8 Kundlss AVE B (losw) El Cleve Chss B Lswlor 4 D Harry Mayo Lambert! (Ons to 811) 24 hslf Fennell 4 Tyson Norah Lorraine J May Hall Co Willie Smith 3 Parettya ) Co Co ORPHEUM (ubo) (Carnival Week) Ellis 4 Bordonl Morton 4 Moors Ruth Roya Mrs Gene Hughes Co W J Ward 4 Glrla Stone 4 Harss Morsn 4 Wiser Burns 4 Lynan Flying Mayea Alf Loyal'a Doge BU8HWIGK (ubo) 8 4 K Morton Harry Orsen Co McWstsrs 4 Tyson Nonstto ■The Lelghtons Smith 4 Austin Ed Morton R 4 G Dooley Dancing Ls Vers Meehsn's Dogs PROSPECT (ubo) .flA>*rl* (80-2) "Motorboating" Billy Reeves Eddie Gordon Co ORBBNPOINT (ubo) 2d half (80-2) Jim Huasy Co Groat Von Bergen "Lorsr*s Lake* HALSBT (ubo) 2d hslf (80-2) Blaine Co Jean Moors Brother Fans Anthony 4 Adala Brown Comedy 4 Boya 4 Olrls BIJOU (losw) Tho Kerassea MoGowan 4 Gordon Handle 4 Millar Rawls 4 VonKnufmnn Chas J Stlne "OrlenUla" 2d half Geo W Moors Clinton 4 Rooney Delmors 4 Kelgard "Arm of Law^ Murray Bsnnstt Dolly's Dolls DEKALB (loew) Lexey 4 O'Connor The Bvsrstts Brssn Family Mlnetta Duo Murray Bennett Lsmbsrtl 2d hslf 8 Xylophlends Bsrl 4 Sunehlne Lucille 4 Cockatoos Orlentale Fox 4 Wells Jerome 4 Carson PALACE (loew) Chsdwlck 4 Taylor DeVere 4 Macolm Norah Lorraine 8ully Family (Ons to 811) 2d hslf Hsrry Mayo Morris 4 Miller Adama 4 Guhl Lambert! FULTON (losw) Bonis 4 Anthony McKlsslck 4 Robinson Farrall 4 Farrell Dorothy Herman (One to fill) 2d half Tho Lowrya Plottl Bronte 4 Aldwell Octavls Handwth Co Bernard 4 Meyers Jack Moniaaey Co WARWICK (loew) Amoroa 4 Mulvey Willis Smith 8 Psrettye (One to 811) 2d hslf Chsdwlck 4 Tsylor "Ssve One Girl" Lillian Wstson Tyrolean Troubadours Alhnny* N. T. PROCTOR'S (ubo) Conley 8 Joe Towlo Ssrplnoff 4 Vsvana Brooks 4 Bowen Mile Herman Co (Ons to fill) 24 hslf Frank. Shlelda Raymond 4 O'Connor Lew Welch Co "School Day a" (Two to fill) Alton, ni. - HIP (wva) Kawana Bros Florence Lorraine 2d half Monroe Bros Embe 4 Alton Co Altoonn, ORPHEUM- «Jbo) Hayes A Rlvee Hager 4 Goodwin "Health Review" Jarvla 4 Harrlaon Germalne 8 2d half Montrose 4 Allen "Girl In Gown Shop" Devlno A Willlama Gordon A Day (One to fill) Ann Arbor, Mich* MAJESTIC (ubo) B<"-nnjyloci Bros L A* M 'rYunung '~ ' Tboe P Jackson Mercian's Doge Kate Jackson 2d half Rambler Sisters A P Howe A Howe Jim Thompson Co Ernie 4 Ernie "Rams DeVogue" Atluntsw Gn» FOR8YTHB (ubo) Jss J Corbstt Staley 4 Blrbsok Fsy Colsya * F Valmont 4 Reyman Kelly 4 Oalvln Bee Ho Grsy Co Impsrlsl Jape O H (loew) Dolly Morrlssey Keens 4 Williams Frank Gaby Co Nell McKlnley "In Camp" Aabsra. N. Y. JBFFER80N (ubo) 2d hslf <80-2) Kerslske*s Pigs Nip 4 Tuck Elinors Sherman John 4 Mae Burke Awjrwata. On. MODJEBKA (loew) J 4 P Regsy Seymour 4 Seymour Mr 4 Mrs Phillips Msldls DeLong Hoyt'o Mlnetrsla Anntln. Tax. MAJESTIC (Inter) (4-5) (Same bill playing Waco 8-7) Simmons A Bradley F A L Bruch "Midnight Folllea" "Garden of Aloha" Kramer A Kent Emerson A Baldwin Moore Gardner A R MARYLAND (ubo) Beatrice Herford ORPHEUM (losw) Belle A Meyo Vessls Purrsli Oo Evans A Wilson "Bachelor Dinner" Al Wohlmann (Two to nil) 2d half Jack Barnett Burke A Burke Maud Tiffany "Bachelor Dinner" (Three to 811) ST JAMES (losw) "Into Llght'V Donlin A MeHsls Moratl Opera Co (Two to 811) 2d half Belle A Mayo Little Lord Robert Hawthorne A Lester Palm Beach Beautlea (One to fill) Bridgeport, Conn. POLI'S (ubo) Musical Misses Claude Saner Henry Horton Co ' Cantfleld A Barnes Gen Ed Lavlne 2d half Kanawaza Japs Foster A Ferguson Gertrude Van Dyce Co Inglla A Reading "Camp in Rockies" PLAZA (ubo) Seabury A Price Ben Smith TAB Moore Roger Gray Co 2d half Manny A Moore Bessie Lester Meredith A Snoozer Mammy Jinnys B'day Butte, Mont. PANTAGES (p) (8-12) Sterling A Marguerite Joe Roberta La Scale 6 Le Maire A Dawson Winston's Sea Lions Calgary ORPHEUM "Age of Reason" Rooney A Bent "Miniature Revue" Mayo A Tally Stan Stanley Co OUIe Young A A Rita Mario Orchestra N. O. PIEDMONT (ubo) (Roanoke split) 1st half Shorty Edwards Donnelly A Dorothy McCarthy A.Fnfn... Helen Nordstrom Paul Levan A D Cmnttnnosstn. T„ MAJESTIC (Ubo) (Knozvillo split) let half Fred Weber Co Harvey A Francla Hipp 4 Linton A La Ehnlly Slaters u BIOGUB AND BaTTZB THAN IfSB MB MATTHIWr DREAMLAND •> and 7 Cssrsstsrs la • OLIVER COMIDIANt Dlrsetlea. PRETTY 8IRLS HARRY WEBER Next Week (Dsa 4)—CeteaM*. tt Lesls MAJESTIC (orph) M Msoombsr Co Bias Ryan Co Ssntly A Norton Law Madden Co Evarsst'a Monkeys Ben Deely Co Jsoquss Plntsl Lockstt A Wsldron Keno Ksyes A M PALACE (orph) Brics A King Creesy A Dsyns Albertlna Rnsoh Co Hnllsn A Fuller Grace Ds Mar Roy A Arthur Benny A Woods Loo Zarrell Co ACADEMY (wva) Callan A Howard C Beckwithe Dlv Glrla (Three to 811) 24 half O Nagahnrn (Four to 811) AMERICAN (wva) "Around Town" M hslf Hlckev A Ooddsrd Friend A Downing Gen Plaano (Two to 811) KBDZIB (wva) Dunbsr'a Salon Singers Nevlns A Brwood /Dudley 8 (Two to 8U) 2d hslf Hope Vernon Victoria 4 Wm WUaon Btrasaler'e Animals (Ona to 811) LINCOLN (wva) Jack 4 Forls Hloksy 4 Ooddard Carmen'a Mlnstrsla . Patiicola 4 Meyers "Girl In Moon' r 2d half Tho Dohsrtys Mack 4 Vslmar (Three to 811) Montgomery 4 Perry Geo Kelly Co Kelly 4 Wilder Stelndl Broe 3 Venlta Gould Jack George 4 Hollowsys HIP (loew) Swain's Animals Willlama A Held Barber Thatcher Co Ferguson A Sunderld "Bit of Scandal" Harry Bydell (One to 811) Bnnnror, Me. BIJOU (ubo) Welmera A Burke Xylo Malda "Finders Keepers" Billy Rogers Princess Victoria Cronlns Men Bay City. Mick. BIJOU (ubo) Geo M Brown Werner Amorous Co 7 Bracks (Two to 811) Blrnelawhnne. Ala. LYRIC (ubo) (Nashville split) 1st half Mantilla A Cahlll Ethel Hopkins Wilfred Clsrke Co Richards A Kyle Choey Heng Wa Co Boston* Mnns. KEITH'S (ubo) Chic Sale H Shone Co Jaa J Morton Roland Travera Co Gtrard A Clark W H WakeBeld Oibson A Oulnan Flavllla , Claremont Broe PANTAGES (p) Gaaton Palmer Metropolitan 5 WUaon Brothers Gurber's Animala R A B Dsan • CnntAsn, N. J. TOWER'8 (ubo) 2d hslf (80-2) Bisks A Gold Dust Lsmonts Cowboys Jack Msrlsy 5 Csntona Anthony Cnnton, O. LYCEUM (ubo) 2d hslf (80-2) Loney Hsakell Victor's Band CeAnr Rnnldav In. MAJESTIC (wva) Two Story* Bobbls Gordons Bell A Fredo Goo Fisher Co Medlin Watts A T Joaephenaona Iceland- ers ^^ 2d half J 4 D Miller "Fe-Mall Clerks" Green MoHenry A D "Cane for Sherlock" Dudley 3 OTsnrlaston, 8. C. ACADEMY (ubo) Skipper A Kaatrup McCormack A Wallace Voland Gamble Jackaon Trio (One to 811) 24 half Lightning Weston BAB Wheeler Mr A Mra Cappelln Goelet Harrla A M (One to ail) ) rtoWATsoN 'i^asWXiVELr WILSON (wva) Msck A Vslmsr Grew Pnltss Co Electrical Venus (Two to 811) 24 hslf L Costes A C Jacks Zslsys Sun Fong Ling Tr (Two to 1111) WINDSOR (wva) Ths Bimbos Alexumdrts Geo Lovett Co The Dohsrtys 8traesler*s Animals 2d half Dunbara 8alon Singers Nevlns A Brwood Rlcs Blmsr A T (Two to 811) AVENUE (wvs) J A D Miller Lelgbton A Kennedy Wm Wilson Co Diving Nymphs (One to ail) 2d hslf Chief Csupollesn Plpafax A Pahlo (Three to 811) MoVICKBRS (looi Ssmoya Jewett A Pendelton Elizabeth Cutty Burns 8 Klaasn Bellclslr Broe CCsefnnntlt O. KEITH'S (Ubo) i Sunday opsnlng) luabanda Watson Slaters Dainty Marls The Barrens Loney Haskell Rayno's Dogs ClevelnndU O. HIP (ubo) Apdale Animala Edwin George Dyer-Fay Co Geo Naah Oo Eckert A Parker "Overtonea" J33jxy5) «*• "»!'_ La Argentina MILES (loew) Sahoney A Auburn arl Emmy's Pets Connolly Bisters Lells Shsw Co Qulnn A Lsfferty Vltor's Mua Melange orphSBm' (Same Bill Playing Lincoln 8-8) Ralph Hers Co McDevItt Kelly A L Brttt WbOtt De Witt Burns A T Allen A Howard Marshall Montgomery Coins****. O. KEITH'S (ubo 3 Alex Amerian Comady 4 Jsspsr White A Csvansgh JAM Harkina Hugh Herbert Co Belle Baker Folllea D Amour Crookston, Minn. GRAND (wva) Cross A Doris Miller A Mulford Sextette DeLuxe Dallas MAJESTIC (inter) Wheeler A Dolan Brent Hayes Albright A Rodolfo Valerie Bergere Co Clara Morton The Duttona Freeman A Dunham Danville, 111. PALACE (ubo) Swain A Ostman Fox A In graham Evans Lloyd A Co Kane A Herman "Magazine Girls" 2d half Chas Ledgerer Barry Glrla "Right Man" H A B Gordon Werner Amorous Co Davenport, la. COLUMBIA (wva) "Frat Boys A Girls" 2d half Fox A Ingraham Geo Fisher Co Bell A Fredo Diving Nymphs Mile LaToy's Models Dnrton* O. KEITH'S (ubo) Shannon A Annla J C Nugent Co Arthur Deagon Burt Johnson Co Tom Edwards Co Althoff Children Maxlmllllan'a Dogs Joe Fsnton Co Dnenptwr, HL EMPRESS ^wva) Roasr'a Dogs Barry Glrla Hal Btevens Co BAH Gordon "Luck of Totem" 2d half Frawley A West Permslns Grew Psits Co Lorraine A Fleeson "Magsclns Girl" ORPHEUM Chip A Marble Bernard A Searth Raymond Bond Co Strunn Robertson Fiiacoe Orth A Dooley PANTAGES (p) Phil La Toaen BAH Mann Slatko'a Rolllckers Mme H De Serrla Co Den Motaes ORPHEUM (Sunday Opening) Phyllis N Terry Walter Brower Trovato Mr 8 L Hers Co Myrl A Delmar Sherman A Uttrjr Odlva Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) Dorothy Jardon Bonita A Hearn C A F Uahor Alexander Klda 4 Danubes Lovsnberg Neary Co Geo Lyons Aua Crelghtons ORPHEUM (loew) Flying MUlettea urey (k Klumpker Monarch Comedy 4 Leonard Anderson Co 8 Lyres "Smart Shop" Dnbnejne* In. MAJESTIC (wva) let half (4-8) Fred's Pigs Kitty Flynn Bruce Ducett Co Cs<w. MnHanry-A D DeReno A Florcs t>nlnth ORPHEUM (Sunday Opening) Evans B Fontaine Milt Collins Irwin A Hsnry Harry Holman Co Dancing Kannedya J A W Hennlngs Vinls Dsly GRAND (wva) P Pedrini A Monks Carl A LeClalr Harry LnTor m Colonlat Belles 6- 2d half Henry A Adelaide Earl A Edwards Chas Wilson "On Veranda" BEL OH Mary A Jack Havlland A Thornton C Weston Co "Hello Honolulu** (One to 8U) 2d hslf Northlan A Ward Fenton A Oi Fern A Davis A A G Falls (Ons to 811). B. St. ERBBR8 (wm) Frawley A Wsst Embe A Alton J arrow Brenghk'a Models 2d hslf Harris Nolan Anderson A Golnss Marmeln 81stsrs iton PANTAGES (p) Rsymond Jubilee 4 Herbert A Dsnnls "Red Heads" Vera Mercereau Co Elknnrt, imaV ORPHEUM (ubo) Roattanlo A Shelly Norwood A Andsrso Hsrry Gilbert Tiny Msy ■laalrsv N. T. MAJESTIC (ubo) 2d half (80-2) John A Mas Burks Onri A Dolly TAB Moors GRAND (wva) Enrtsw Psw COLONIAL (Ubo) Genevieve Cliff Oo Bdns Munssy Dufty A Daisy J Lucss Co (One to 811) MAJESTIC (losw) Graham A Randall . Virginia Ogdsn Fred C Hsgsn Co Bell Boy 8 Lottie Mayor (One to 811) "8 Little Wlvee" 2d half Wilton 8istsrs "Women" Mvstlc Bird Allman Loader Co (One to ail) Fnll Rlvor. BIJOU (losw) Captain Boroho O'Brien A Buckley Burke A Burks Maud Tiffany (One to 811) 2d half Evans A Wilson Vssale Farrell Go Al Wohlman Captain Sorcho (One to fill) Flint. Mleku MAJESTIC (ubo) "Vanity Fair** 2d half Milton Frankel Klaaa A Weyman LeRoy A Harvey Paul Bswsns "Elopers" Pond Dsi Lno» Win. IDEA (wva) The Lelanda (Two to fill) 2d half Isobsl Hall A Bock FAB Mozart Ft. DoAsTsv In* PRINCESS (wvs) "Naughty Princess" 2d hslf Transfleld Sisters Bruce Duffett Co Walters A Walters McRae A Clegg Ft. 'Warms, IweL PALACE (ubo) Johnny Small A 81s Cervo "Girl Worth While" 2d hslf Knapp A Cornelia LeRor A M Hart J LaVler E Lloyd Co Maurice Burkhart Royal Haws Hans Ft. Worth. Ton. . MA.JFPTJC. Hyiterl (8-0) Hprsrhel Hendler Brenda Fowler Co Mary Melville H Llnne'a Danosrs Franklyn Ardell Co Claire Rochester Valentine A Boll