Variety (December 1916)

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■■MM VARIETY 'Y*" if ( (•-4) Mm bill Ploying Ilia Antonio 6-10) Witt 4 Winter rWa«iMk A Hart "Whet Hap Ruth" VtfUnsk#~ Bessls Clayton Hofford A Chain The fl—banks SMITH O'M (ubo) 2d half Musical Christies Quy Bartlett S Herbert Germain* 8 QranA IalaaaL Hah. MAJBSTIC (wra) Hicks * Hart 3d halt Green * Push ^BMPWD8B(tttbo) 8 Nelson Girls Haley Sis Daisy Jssa Mary Elisabeth Tempest A Sunshine Tiny May Circus UlTUHtlako) (Sunday opening) World Dancers Leigh * Janes Arthur BuUlrnn Co Bart Metroes Maleta Bonoonl Co MeSheXts A Kethwr Kohan Jape Umm waad» Mich- TEMPLB (wra) Two Lowaa Maria Schorn Mahal Bloraaoa Co 8am Hood (Ona to 811) ORPHBUM (ubo) Dala A Boris Wallaoa Oalrln Mr A Mra P Flahar Ash A Shaw 8 Blank Dota 2d half Bornnlrlool Broa LAM Hunting T P Jackson Co Kata Wataon Msrrlnn's Doga Sd halt ArooAa Duo Oonnan Duo "What Han Ruth** Boran A Flint "Fashion Shop" Little Mae*. Ark. MAJESTIC (Intar) Hoimao Broo - O'Nall A Oallaghar J K Bmmott Co Amee A Wlnthrop Namba Family 2d half Calne A Odum The Family Doo O'Nall ^Two to flU) QU WmMhu PANTAOBS (P) (0-«) (Bam* BUI Playing Anaoonda 7) Portia Slstsrs 4 Cook Olrla "Suffragette Court" Chlaholm A Broan Daniels A Conrad OttPHBUM (wra) (7-8) Diaa Monks Diokonaon A Daagon Bart Howard Bleotrloal Vanua invBTfllau ORPHBUM (Sunday opanlng) (SaTannatt split) 1st half Fosta Co Holmos A RsUly Whitfield A Ireland Prod Wayns Co Mlllllo Slstsrs Jor —r C tty» M. J. KEITH'S (ubo) 2d half Bennington Sisters Claremont Bros MoWattars A Motrin TBMPLB (ubo) De Bourg Bisters Blinore A Carlton Violin Misses Adams A Murray Marie Stoddard 8 Jordan Girls (One to fill) MAJBSTIC (ubo) (Sheridan Bq, Pitts- burgh, split) 1st half Lottie Mayer Co Bessie Romple Co 8 ShelTen Boys Frankle Bios Greenlee A Drayton MAJBSTIC (ubo) White Bros Chick Haas MAD Nobles "Wanted A Wife" (One to fill) 2d half Hager A Goodwin Janrls A Harrison (Three to fill) MAJBSTIC (ubo) Arondo Duo Gorman Bros "What Hap Ruth" Beren A Flint "Fashion Shop" 2d half Dale A Boylo Wallaoa OalYln Mr A Mrs P Fisher A Nicholson 8 "8 Black Dots" PALACK (ubo) Kane Broe Bessie Lester "Camp in Rookies" si Pagan A Girls -Bee America First" *d half Wilson A Larson Bon Smith Henry Horton Co Stephens * Brunnell Bamolds Dogs POLI'S (ubo) Kanawasa Jape Mudge Morton 8 Ward A Wilson Ching Lo Maids 2d half Aaron A Farnum Jones A Gray Grace de Winters The Sultanas Haaletoa. N. T. FBBLBYS (Ubo) 2d half (80-2) Bsrger A Ylnoent Badls A Ramsden Lee Bart Arthur Parker Co LYRIC (ubo) Chas Glbbs Weston A Young "All Wrong" "Darn Good A Funny" BrtottU Lllllputlsns PALACB (loew) Norton A Noble Chief of Police Frank Bush <One to fill) 2d half Johnson A Crane Lottie Williams Co (Two to fill) Hobokea. N. J. LYRIC (loew) Johnson A Crane "Sara One Girl" 5 Harmony Girls (Two to fill) 2d half Howard A Sadler "Just for Instance" 11 Clere fully Family lOne to fill) HosBstoa* Tex. MAJBSTIC (Inter) "Consul the Great" Kerr A Wetton Bancroft A Brosks Yrstts Orapewin A Chsnos The Paldrons Chung Wha 4 City. Mo. ORPHBUM (Sunday Opening) Demarest A Collette Kajlysma "Honor Thy Children" Webb A Burns Brioe A Coyne Parber Girls Pielert A Schofleld PANTAGB8 (p) Ksrtelll "Society Buds" Claudia Coleman Welch Mealey A M Creole Band Nan Gray VIRGINIAN (wra) Alexandria Billy Swede Hall Co LePranos A Kennedy (Two to fill) BIJOU (ubo) (Chattanooga split) 1st half Juggling Nelson Brown A Jsckson FAB Fisher Lelpslg Viylan A Arnseman Kokoi 8IPB (ubo) Bell A Bra Wrlgbt A Darts F A A Astalr "Dog Watch" Pat Barrett 2d hslf "Girl Wor*h While" Lafayette* lad. FAMILY (ubo) "4 Husbands" 2d hslf Ford A Urms Hayes A Neal TUford Co Moore, O'Brien A C Fire Armentoe r. Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) 2d half (80-2) Jonathan Doris Lester 8 Hugh Blalney Hugo Jasen Co Lansing, Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Rambler Sisters A P Howe A Howe Jim Thompson Co Ernie A Brnle "Rome DeVogus" COLONIAL (ubo) Chss Ledgerer Hayes ANsal Moore O'Brien A O 2d hslf "4 Husbands" L oad —. Can. MAJBSTIC (ubo) Corbett Shop A D Pictures PANTAOBS (p) Chinees Duo Anthony A Mask Hr Chaser Sol A Leslie Bums Bob Pits A Bob Jr GRAND (WTO) Dars Wellington Cross A Doris Miller A Mulford Sextette DeLuze PALACB (wra) C A A Glocker Frances Dyer Homer Ltnd Co Monarch Comedy 4 Natalie A Ferraris ORPHBUM(obo) Gusmsai 8 Bthsl MoDonough M A B Hart Frank Morretl Wood A Wyde Nsrsssar Girls Vsn A BsU (One to 811) orphJum Ruth Budd Csntwsll A Walker The Brightons "Bride Shop" Joele Heather Co Maud Lambert BrnastBall Craig Campbell m PANTAOBS (p) 8 Mori Bros Valentine Vot "Nut Sundae" Sherman Van A H Clifford A Mack Elsie White LoalsrUIe KEITH'S (ubo) (Sunday opening) Geo Dsmerel Co Bra Taylor Co Marls Lo Hsyden A Hayden Moore A Haager Musical Johnsons Alex Bros LowelL Mnsm. KEITH'S (ubo) The Olds Johnson A Dean Edward Farrell Co King A Harvey Musical Nosses Toney A Norman Flying Henrys Madison. Win. ORPHEUM (wts) Ford A Urma Msurlcs Burkhsrt "Telephone Tangle" Adler A Arllne McLallen A Carson 2d half "Around Town" Marinette. Win. BIJOU (ubo) (2d hslf only) Kelly A Rowe Lus A Ansleka Tbe Lelands Marion* Ind> LYRI8 (ubo) Oscar 8tarr Maboney A Rogers 2d half F A A Astalr Bell A Bra Mason City, la. REGENT (wra) Transfleld Sisters Lore A Wilbur 2d hslf "Nsughty Princess' Mensnhls. ORPHBUM Ruth 8t Denis Co Dooley A Rugsl Adslr A Adelphla G R Randegger ElTlra Slstsrs Judge A Osls (One to fill) Milwaukee MAJESTIC (orph) Nat C Goodwin Campbell Sisters Elsie Williams Co Spencer A Williams Hans Hanke Howard's Ponies Hlckey Bros Burdella Patterson PALACE (wra) Dlat Monks Catbryon Cballoner Co Zelaya Dickenson A Deagon Four Klnga CAM Dunbar 2d half Oarcinettl Bros LaPrance A Kennedy Jarrow Billy 8 Hall Co Ameto Taylor A Brown Minneapolis ORPHBUM "Mrs Langtry Al A P Stedmsn Martin A Fabiinl Wlllard Willing A Jordan Gordon A Rica Lydell A Rlgglns Jaw, Oaau ALLAN (wts) 1st half GAL Gardsn Dae A Nelrllls Adele Jason B LsMonts Wsst'rn Dsys LTCBUM (ubo) Id half (80-2) Tbe Kemps Holmes A Holllstsr Gould A Lewis "Camp in Rockies'* Gordon A Gordon New Orleumn ORPHBUM Adelaide A Hughes Wbeaton A Carroll New Orleans Police Frank MUlane De Leon A Dares D'Amour A Douglas If aw Hoch c lla. N. Y. LOBW Plottl Howard A Sadler Bernard A Meyers 2d hatf Manola Ado A Marlon Ward A Raymond ACADEMY (ubo) (Richmond split) K 1st half Karlton A KlUTord MUton A Do Longs Herman Lelh Co Minnie Allan Ishakawa Japs PhllaAetnhia KBITH'S (ubo) Nan Hatoerla Mrs Whilom Co Stampede Riders Leo Beers Miller A Lylo Will Oakland Co Ubonatl Page Hack A H Wslsa Troupe GRAND (ubo) Great Van Bergen Vsn Bergen A Gooler Hsllsn A Hunter 8 Jsansttes (Ons to fill) KBY8TONB (ubo) "" half Heath Co Mi. Veraesw N. Y. PROCTOR'S 2d half Andy Rice LUlJaa A Bobs REGENT (ubo) Shirley Slstsrs Knapp A Cornelia Chas Howard J L Browning Imperial Tr 2d half Will Morris Follls Sisters A LeR Frank Stafford Co Ash A Bhsw "Girl in Moon" Ifaahnilc. Tensu PRINCB88 (ubo) (Birmingham split) 1st half 8 Bscardos Hopkins Aztell Co ORPHBUM (Sunday Opening) Girl of Detti Barah Padden Co Bert Lory Mullen A Coogan Clown Baal McConnsll A Simpson PANTAGES (p) O A J Brans Jus Quo Tel Jamas Grady C* "Oh the Woman" Warren Templeton Park, " OAK PARK" (wrs Frsnk Stafford Co Chss Oloott Osrdonu Utah PANTAOB8 (p) (T-8) Ksno A Green Long Tack Bam Co Bra Shirley Wills Gilbert Co Gsylord A Lancton Dooley A Nelson ) A REAL HIT h theSweet Long Ago' Joe Morris Music Co. NEW YORK CITY Bobby Brandell Baden A B Earle's Dtrlng Girls WM PBNN (ubo) Sd half (80-8) Pblna A Picks John Sparks Co Lsw Wilson Melody Men A Maids Pittsburgh HARRIS (abo) "Dream Orient" • Nichols A Croix Jim MoWUliams Jullatonn's Dog Circus Daru 4 WUllams Boh Tenney Ledele A WUllams Dot Maraall SHERIDAN BQ (ubo) (Johnstown split) 1st half Rita Johnson Co Betty Bond Bios Elmer A T (ThresTto 8U) PlttaAelA, MAJBSTIC (ubo) Sd half (80-8) Musette Phil DwyerOo Shorth De Witt Herbert Germalne 8 Port Arthur, Cam. LYCEUM (wra) 1st half (Same BUI, Playing Ft WUllams Can 7-8) Bowan A Bowan Cameron' DeWttt Co Gelding A Keating Models de Luxe Perteheeter, W. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) SdhaU Eugene O'Rourks Co fogert A Nelson Aeorgs Bmedley T Imps A Olrl Hickman Shaw Co Hoey A Lee (One to fill) Newark* N. J. MAJESTIC (loew) Martyn A Mack Hill A Dais Dars Tbursby "Mile a Minute" Fox A Welle (One to fill) 2d half P George LeRoy A Beamon Handle A Miller Rawle A VonKaufman Tracey A McBrlde Jotan'n Howard A Lis POLI'S (ubo) Castelane Broe Foster A Ferguson Manny A Moore Macart A Brauiord 2d half Musical Misses Oen Ed Larlne Leroy Lytton Co (One to fill) BIJOU (ubo) Alice de Oarmo Anthracite Sing 4 Meredith A Snooser Evans Zarnee A D Hoosler Girls 2d half Menards We US A Co Cantfleld A Barnes Lorer'e Lake (One to fill) O ORPHBUM (Sunday Opening) Fred Bowers Co Allan Dlnehart Co "Old Time Darkles" Helene Darls Nsdsrrsld's Baboons Balser Slstere Ames A Wlnthrop BMPRBSCT (tab) Green A Pugh Carl Rossini Co Howsrd's Bears (Ons to 811) 3d half Ths Kslloggs Otto Kosrnsr Co (Two to 811) Oehkeah. Wis. MAJBSTIC (wra) Hslsy A Hslsy FAB Mosart (Ons to All) 2d hslf CAM Dunbar (Two to 811) Pascals. N. J. PLAYHOUBB (ubo) 2d half Noon A Dcrlne Hasel Walllce Co Rose Troupe Perth Asshoi CITY (ubo) 2d hslf (80-2) Bud Orat WUllams A Sstgsl Martin A Seminolee Flo Irwin Co Crocker Jack 4 Russ Lersn A B KBITH'S (ubo) Rouget Olrlte Kerr A Borko Cole Russell A D Young A-Brown "Old Homestssd" Clara Howard Teohow's Cats The Profeeeleaals' Original Hosae CONTINENTAL HOTEL LOS ANGELES end SAN FRANCISCO Shenley end Fumeee ("Fifty-Fifty") FRANK EVANS suggests "Engaged, Married and Divorced" ORP1 Bankoff A Gerlle Bernnrd A Harrington Kenny A Hollls Ughtnar Slstsrs Mms Dorla Frank Carmen Anna Chandler . PANTAOBS (p) LsoA Mae Jsckson Weber Blllott Ollroy Hsynes A M Prtmrose Minstrels Rsslsta Prorldeaea* BU L n KBITHS(ubo) Guerln A Newell Mack A Vincent Dugan A Raymond Frank Crumlt D'Armond Co Marlon Weeks Noel Trsrers Co Royal A Early Chss Ahssrn Co BMBRY (loew) W J ""^Lort Robert 1,"' *• Hawtborne A Lester Pslm Bch Bssutlss (Two to flU) O'Brien A Buckley "Into the Llgbt" Donlln A McHsls Moratl Oners Co (One to fill) Rending, Pn. HIP (ubo) Nortblan A Ward Fen ton A Green Fern A Darle A A O Fells (One to fill) 2d half Raymond A Wllbert Mary A Jack Hsrlland A .Thornton Honey Boys itlehnsond BIJOU (ubo) (Norfolk split) 1st half The Con reds Ford A Smith Wlllard Blmms Co Plstro Belma Brats Richmond, lad. MURRAY (Ubo) "All Girl Revue" 2d half Oscar Starr LUUaa Slaterc "Dog Watch" Green A barker Fiddler A Bbelton Roanoke. Vs. ROANOKE (ubo) (Charlotte split) 1st half Phil Godfrey Marlon Harris Jack Kennedy Co Lander Bros J A J Burns Rochester, N. Y. TEMPLE (ubo) "America First" Willie Weston Moon A Morris Josephine Davis Carlisle A Romer The Brads Nordstrom A Potter Frank Le Dent Rock ford, m. PALACB (wra) Hubert Dyer Co Darrell A Hanford Wilfred Clarke Co Chief CaupoUcan "Edge of World" 2d half Rosen Dogs Bllber A North "Telephone Tangle" McLallen A Carson (One to 811) Rochester* Mian. METRO (wra) Hilda Mabel Florence Co Haley A Haley Howard's Bears Sacramento ORPHBUM (4-5) (Sams BUI Playing Stockton 6-7 and Fresno 8-8) Sophie Tucker Co "Cranberries" Mr A Mrs O Wilde John Oelger Raymond A Carerley 4 Readings Riggs ft Ryan Savtaaw. Mica. FRANKLIN (ubo) MUton Frahkel Klass A Wsymsn LeRoy A Hanrey Psul Bowens The Elopers 2d hslf "Vsnlty Fair" St. Loots COLUMBIA (orph) Clsrk A Hamilton "Petticoats" Bobby Matthews Co 'Saints A Sinners" Hamilton A Barnes Leon Slstere Du For Boys Herbert's Dogs EMPRESS (wra) Monroe Broe Marmeln Sisters Santos A Hayes WUlard's Tem Muslo 2d half WUlard's Tem Muslo Brady A Mshoney Mrs Era Fay (One to 811) ORAND (wra) Argo A Virginia Yusneu A Arlow Lew Hoffman Fillis Family 2d hall "Blow Out" St. Paul. ORPHBUM (Sunday Opening) Orrllle Han-old ' Alan Brooks Co Vallegtta'e Leopards Dslro Princess Kalama S Lou Holts Ths Bbarroeks PALACE (wrs) Henry A Adelaide Earl A Edwards "On Veranda" Chas Wilson Plpafax A Panlo 2d half Victoria 8 Katharine Chalmer Co Kittle Flynn Crinoline Olrls 8 Salt Laka ORPHBUM (Open Wed Night) (8-9) Laura N Hell Co Morton A Olsss Miller A Vincent Wllllsms A Wolfus Msrle Dorr Lsds A Lassies Ward Broe PANTAOBS (p) Crawford A Brodeiick Nenler A SWeeth'rts Oreat Leeter James Oordon Rlgoletto Broe Sam Aatoaio, MAJESTIC (inter) (6-10) (Same bill flaying Oalreston 8-4) Witt A Winter Cassoa A Barls "What Hap Ruth" Vlollnsky Bessie Clayton Hufford ft Chain The Seebaoke Ban DIcsjo PANTAOBS (P) Renee Family Ward A Fays Herbert Lloyd Co Chinko Minnie Kaufman Nea Abel Ralgianni A Vogllottl ORPHBUM (Sunday Opening) Rae Samuels McKay A Ardlns Msrle FlUglbbon Tate's Fishing Savoy A Brennan Bert FlUglbbon Oautler's Toy Shop Maryland Singers PANTAOBS (p) (Sunday Opening) Freer Baagett ft F HorelUte Dsnosrs Barry ft Wolford Santucda Hotard ft Fields Sohspp's Circus EMPiRhT'Vwr 1st half (Same BUI Playing Region Caa 7-v) Walter uilbert Masseroff s Oypeles Park A Francis Treats Seals Saramaah. Oa. BIJOU (ubo) (JacksoarlUs split) 1st half The Faynes Georgette A Capltola Bensee A Balrd Srengall (One to 811) SeheaaotaaVr. N. Y. PROCTOR 7 ! (ubo) Frank Shields Hsrlsr Wells A H Beatrice Lambert Sylvester A Vance "Mies Hamlet" Bounding Oordons 2d hslf Conly 8 Lee A Bennett Dorothy Oranrllle Johnston A Harty Brown Harris A B Swain's Animals POLI'S (oho) Okie 4 Alrin A Williams Chss Rogers Co Ward A Van Paul Oordon "New Producer" 2d half Hughes Mus 8 Farrell Taylor Co "Fun In Sanitarium" 5 Immigrants Kennedy A Burt Palfrey Hall A B / Seattle ORPHBUM Eddie Leonard Co Mason A Keller Co Nell O'Connell BUrer A Dursl Sablnna A Bronner 0 Wster LUllss Russell A Wsrd Co PANTAOBS (p) Nancy Fair "All Aboard" Olympla DostsI Nourelll Broe Moes A Prey Sloan, City .ORPHBUM (wrs) Wattenburg Bros Walters ft Walter* Csesor Rlroll Bobbe A Nelson (One to flU) 2d belt "Junior Folllss" Sloan Falls, S. D. ORPHBUM (wrs) Anderson Slstsrs 8 Mints A Pslmsr (Two to 811) 2d hslf Weak A Manning Von Hampton ft Bh Lore ft Wilbur Spokane PANTAOBS (p) (Sunday Opening) Wlllard Broe What 4T Corelll ft OlletU Military Melds Herbert Brooks Co South Bead, lad. '-*-9RT-:3B«M-[ irtzr— Emmet's Csnlnee 8fiber A North Billy 8 Hell Co Ksufmsnn Bros Cluston's Hswsltsns (Continued on page 30.)