Variety (December 1916)

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. VARIETY »>►,'.* • ■ >>... v.• . ' ►- Feiber & Shea 1493 Broadway (Putnam Building) New York City ANYTHING PERTAINING TO VAUDEVILLE Engagements ' Management Plays and Scripts Publicity Financing NEW AND EXCLUSIVE MATERIAL LETS BRUSH UP YOUR ACT john p. medbury ? ROEHM & RICHARDS CO., Inc. 216 Strand Theatre Bldg, Broadway at 47th Street, New York City. AFFILIATED WITH WILLIS & INGLIS, Los Angeles, Cal. FULLER'S VAUDEVILLE AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND ACTS DESIRING AUSTRALIAN BOOKINGS ROY D. MURPHY, American Booking Mtntftr Is iMk at HI. Chisago Otsee and Emgagiif Arts F«r the Fuller Circuit BEN. J. FULLER'S CHICAGO BOOKING DEPT. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION, lit* FLOOR. CHICAGO. ILL. Harry Rickard's Tivoli Theatres LTD. AUSTRALIA And AFFILIATED CIRCUITS. INDIA and AFRICA ' CapltaL P,MMtt HUGH McINTOSH, Governing Director Head Restored Cable Address! -HUGHMAC.- Sydney Ml Office, TIVOLI THEATRE. SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA NEW YORK OFFICESi til Strand VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITE. WIRE or *FHONE J. H.ALOZ BOOKING AGENCY ftTssTudTJy^u^mTome^omeoyTIcXsTnTnir section that brought tbe house to her feet. Her mugging, walking, mimicking and dialect were surefire. She had that Avenue bunch rooting hard for her every time she said or sang anything. Hasel Marshall uncorked a voice that Is musically sweet and of high range, her yodellng In the "Silvery Moon" number being rewarded with much applause. Miss Marshall Is a blonde, of pleasing ap- pearance and having stage ease befitting the professional singer. Male Impersonations were well carried by Miss Wheeler as a bell bop, Louise Elliott, Cecil Bngel and Adelaide Melnotte. The "Broken Heart for Every Light on Broadway" number was effectively rendered and Jessie Howard came on for the last two numbers with the company and registered solidly. The revue worked the "Pretty Baby" number to good advantage and the audience clamored for more. Miss Howard also did well with the "Carnival Ball" number at the close. Just before quitting time Miss Dudley scored substan- tially with two songs. The "All Girl Revue" Is not a two-dollar show by a long shot, but at pop prices there should be no comebacks on the road or anywhere. BALTIMORE. By FRANCIS D. O'TOOLE. MARYLAND (F. C. Schanberger, mgr.).— Ellis and Bordonnt headline, and are easily the best on the bill; Ellis on his last visit here was disliked so much In the balconies that he was laughed off the stage, but his stage manners have undergone a change and EST. law . * „. ... w - TEL.-BRYANT OS BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Diamonds, Watches and Solid Gold Jewelry Biggest bargains at lowest prices. Blue white diamonds set in the latest style platinum rings. Bar pins and La Vallieres at Crices ranging from $15.00 to $1,000.00. Ladies' detachable racelet watches from $7.50 to $200.00. Select NOW while our stock is complete. Note—We Offer a Special Discount to the Profession. M. GELULA & CO. 1472 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY JEWELERS TO THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION Cor. 42nd St.—Long Acre Building Mail Orders Promptly Filled he has a very attractive partner and the pair score nlosly. Will J. Ward and his five sym- phony girls have an entertaining musical pro* B-amine, which Is well received. Mrs. Geo. ughes and company present a fair sartorial sketch. Johnny Ford and Billy Smith have a fair act that belongs more on the pop than in the larger houses. The same could be said for many of the acts playing here re- cently. Piatel A Oushlng, minstrel comediana. Hallen and Huenter. fair. Lovenberger Bis- ters and Neary Brothers work hard and merit the applause th«7 receive. Australian Creigh- tons in juggling, and Mlrano Brothers, acro- bats, are also on the bill. FORD'S (O. E. Ford, mgr.).—Julian Eltinge returns la "Cousin Lucy" with new gowns and music, and Is well received by a large and enthusiastic audience. ACADEMY (H. Henktl, mgr.).—A pretty little musical comedy which will open In New York next week In "Her Soldier Boy." It is of the light opera type, but It also contains many of the earmarks of a delightful musical comedy. And with all new scenery and cos- tumes and a number of new faces. It to a treat to this city, which is becoming accus- tomed to the shows of this type only after New York and several of the other large northern cities are tired of them. John Thomas sings the role of Alain and makes it a very telling one with his sweet voice. AUDITORIUM (International Circuit).— "The Little Oirl that God Forgot" to offered in a pleasing manner and to full of heart Interest and thrills. Cecillia Jacques plays the title role in a charming manner and proved very acceptable to the fair sited audi- ence. LOBW'B (O. McDermott. mgr.).—Tom Da- vies and company present the domestic sketoh "Checkmated/* which to full of farclal situa- tions and humorous lines. Dave Thursby, an English character artist and slngsr, carries off the hit "The Sorority Girls," a minia- ture musical comedy. Pearl and John Regan dance well. Mum ford and Thompson have a singing skit. Reddlngton A- Grant tumble clev- erly. The Delbrldge Trio sing. NIXON'S (C. Thropp, mgr.).—Strain's Comedy Circus, "Your Daughter," a dra- matic playlet; the Tierney Four sing; Bixley and Jacobs In characterisations; "Great 1 ' Sterk appears In a wire act; Belmont and Herl sing and play the piano. GARDEN (O. F. Schneider, mgr.).—Chas. J. Hill in a new musical offering, "Wake Up, America," headlines. Other acts Include: The Keystone Trio; Savannah A Georgia in a blackface act; Dorothy Bother Company In music: Carl Swimson and Company: ■that Costello; and Archie Lloyd, a local hey. In STREET.—"The Broadway songs. HOLLIDAY Girls." PALACE.—"The Merry Rounders.' OAYBTY.—"Hsllo Girls." . ALBOLENE In almoit univmnal use in thm drm—inw room. We have many testimonial* from prominent artists. They all testify to its excellence as a make-up remover and say "it cuts the paint instantly so that it can be removed in a second.'* AlboUns is put up m s and a ounca tubas to fit the maka-up box: also in % and i lb. case. It may SC had of most drugaiat. and Sh ea in make-up. SamjU/rt* #w r*ftt*it. McKESSON A ROBBINS Manufacturing Chemists 91 Fulton Street Now York PER O WEEK If \sf\el II & BATH FOR 2 t Minutes from all the Theatres—Overlooking Central Park $16 «P. WEEK SUITES & r o l m°£ b b a ^ FOR 2 Light, Airy, with all Modern Hotel Improvements REISENWEBER'S HOTEL Mth STREET AND COLUMBUS CIRCLE. ft Y. ri>i3i£ 3>eNOY£R and DANIE KOS1E In it OSITION »■ A rsnJ comedy w*U» special actuary. Direction. Hughes & Smith Harlem Opera House, NOW (Nov. 30-Dec. 2)