Variety (December 1916)

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42 VARIETY An Appeal to Reason ADDRESSED TO Managers, Agents and Artists Several months ago, while appearing at Brighton Beach, I introduced the idea of wearing a Hawaiian GRASS SKIRT over an evening gown during the ren- dition of a Hawaiian number, accompanying it with the speech— "For Ten Cents I'm a Wild Woman" » Cantwell and Walker (who, I understand, are promi- nent in the profession, and generally recognized as rep- utable people with ability to originate their own ma- terial) played on western programs with me for eight weeks, during which time the speech and business above mentioned were continually used by me. I now understand CANTWELL and WALKER have added this section of my routine to their act and make this public appeal to managers, agents and artists to assist me insofar as they can in the legitimate protection of what is really my own. This portion of my act is copyrighted and I propose to prosecute all infringements to the full extent of the la Yv • i SOPHIE TUCKER Following the funeral services held Tues- day afternoon In New York at the Masonic Hall, the body of Joseph Brooks, veteran theatrical manager, and of the founders of the Klaw ft Erlanger syndicate, who was killed Monday by a fall from the window of his apartment, wae brought to this city for burial. Those who accompanied the body to Baltimore to act aa pallbearers Included A. L. Erlanger, Mare Klaw, Daniel Frohman, A. W Dingwall, William H. Crane, A. J Simmons, Henry Dazian. BUFFALO. OATETY JChas. Taylor, mgr.).—Billy Wat- son and his* "Beef Trust," capacity business. Next, "Liberty Girls." GARDEN (Wm. Graham, mgr.).—"Fashion Girls," doing nicely. ACADEMY (Jules Michael, mgr.).—Split we*k pop vaudeville, Including Johnny Fo- High Class Male Pianist garty's Dance Revue, Van Camp Trained Pigs, Hadden ft Hadden, Ernest ft Louise Cortes, and Norman Sper, war correspondent, first half. BUI changed laat half. MAJESTIC (Chas. Lawrence, mgr.).—"That Other Woman," gripping drama, doing satis- factorily, with attendance well above normal. Following, Gus Hill's "Follies of 1917.* 7 T .S?^ XJohn Otehel, mgr.).—E. H. Sothern !?. If I Wep# Kln «'" to very good attendance. First company in several weeks other than musical comedies appearing here. STAR (P. c. Cornell, mgr.).—John Mason in "Common Clay," well received here, with the receipts above standard. Next week, George Arliss in "The Professor's Love Story." SHEA'S (Henry Carr, mgr.).—Well assem- bled bill, with headline honors going to Blossom Seeley and Co. Leon A Adeline Sis- ters, open well; Artie Mebllnger, good; Dong Fong; Gue A Harry Haw. well received; Bert Hanlon hit; •Prosperity/ 5 very good; Whiting A Burt do nicely; Booth A Leander close strong. LYRIC (H. B. Franklin, mgr.).—Good bill, which includes Louise Kent A Co., well ap- IMMBDIATELY-To Well Kaowa Worn « THE" NEW "The California Boy" . IN A BLACKFACE SINGLE TURN Especially Written by JUNIE McCREE Direction HUGHES & SMITH plauded; the Regent Four, pleasing; Dose, the man who grows, good; Frank McGovern, very good; Taylor ft Howard, hit; Ralph Bayhl ft Co. offering "Surprise," well received. Pic- tures. OLYMPIC (Bruce Fowler, mgr.).—Program headed this week by "The* Broadway Revue," musical melange, and followed by Mile. Ca- naille's Dogs, very good; Richard Hamlin, pleasing: Davltt ft Duvall In "Holding Out," a hit; the Parise Due, clever. Feature pic- tures. \ ST. LOUIS. By max. Local critics were very much alarmed as to the welfare of "A World of Pleasure," which opened at the Jefferson Sunday. "Police are needed," quoted one, who characterized the production a regular burlesque show, but' a bit prudish. Nevertheless, there was an ur- gent demand for seats and a second week's engagement will doubtless be required to meet the demand. The Garden theatre opens next week with stock burlesque under the same management. Beulah Benton and Irene Vincent are at the Park Hof, engaged Indefinitely. "The Mission Play" was held ever at the Shubert-Garrlck and did capacity buslni Single Apply 4 , Rlalto Theatre Bldg. Y EI F? S ake- ur St. and Seventh Ave. %3 GUARANTEED BEST MADE Manager Buctley of the Columbia sur- rounded Ruth St Denis with an elaborate bill and did big business. Dooley and Rugel, big bit; Janet Adair; Brenda Fowler ft Co.; Lockett ft Waldron, and Sylvia Loyal equally appreciated. The rejuvenation of the Park Opera Co., under the direction of Charles Sinclair, fee- KANAZANA BROS AT THE THEATRE, NEW YORK Direction NT (Pat Casey Agency)