Variety (December 1916)

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44 VARIETY HOL'WASSEI 1417-1423 THIRD AVENUE ■■■►NEAR OO""STREET FURNITURE I Cash or Credit Read the Evidence A COUPLE, Mr. and Mn. McCreery, came all the way from Philadel- phia the other day, simply to pur- chase one of the many beautiful new dininR suites listed in our 80-page cata- loRue-BECAUSE THE PRICE WAS SO LOW THEY EASILY SAVED THE COST OF THE TRIP AND MUCH MOKE. These are every-day occur- rences with us. Really, why don't you come and just let us show you what we can do for you? Deferred pay- ments, where desired. Write for New 80 Pa ge Catalo joe ■ — ■■■■■ *m '■*» ' gsnw—*——^— T Easily Accessible from Wast Side by Mth or Sfth St. Crosstown Cars. 5-Room Outfits, Grand Rapids Furniture, $275 S-Room Apart- ment, Period Style, $700 Value, $585 Apartment with Period Furniture, Value $500, now $375 1 •-Room Apart- ment, Period Style, *1IM Value,' $750 OUR LIBERAL TERMS Professional Discount of 15%0ff For Cash i Terms apply also to New York State, New Jersey and Connecticut We Pay Freight and Railroad Fares Delivered by Our Own Motor Trucks I. MILLER, 1554 Broadway, Flushlne & Carl too Avcs., Brnoklys, N. Y. TsL Bryant TSS1-7S33 Manufacturer of Theatrical Boots and Shoes. CLOG, Ballot and Acrobatic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work nade at abort UfttlfiOi Writ* lor Catalog 4. AUGUSTOS IORIO A SON Manufacturers of tow Boat Accordion a la tbs world Kays 220 Grand Stroot NEW YORK CITY LGafizi&Bro. New Palsatsd Sautl N. Y. City TsL U0 rrsnsua WARDROBE PROP TRUNKS $5.00 Big Bargain. Have bosn used. Also a fow Second Hand .Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Trunks, $10 and $1$. A few extra large Prop- .***,, .T> < ..fl». -%k *<+'.* " *J**V^4-JV%T*«** Parler Floor. 20 W. list Sl. New York Ctty. PLUSH DROPS All SI... and Crista Special Dlacount. and Terms Tbls Montk Rental in City CONSOUDATED VELVET 245 West 40th St. New York City P. D0DD ACKERMAN SCENIC STUDIOS, Inc. 140 West 39th Street, New York City "The Modernistic Studio" VAUDEVILLE STAGE DECORATIONS Dr. JULIAN SIEGEL DENTIST PUTNAM BUILDING. 1403 BROADWAY Spadal Ratos to the Profession Official Dentist to tbs White Rat* Eugene d'Arlgneau, director of tho San Francisco Opera and Drama Society, left for New York on a business trip. John McCormick, the Irish tenor, while ap- pearing in a number of concerts here, con- tributed to the St. Edward'a Church by pur- chasing a window. Al Nathan was somewhat responsible for the idea. The Oakland picture fan. were given tho opportunity to enter the new Turner 4 Dehuken theatre this week. The building, with a seating capacity of 4,000, coat, $376,- 000, and 1. playing Paramount features. "The Heart of a Thief," tho late Paul Ann- strong', final pleoe, will bo presented at tho Wigwam for tho first time In San Francisco. "Paolo and Franceses," presented at tho Playhouse, San Franclaco'a "Little theatre," marked tho second performance of the Play- ers' Club given at that house. Tho cast In- cluded Dion Holm, Homer Sussdorff, James Flak, Francl. Buckley, Mao O'Keofe, Paulino Hobbler, Bmille Parent, Virginia SclatonJ and Reginald Travers, who directed the piece. It was a double oast. The new Shaplro-Bemstoln song number, "Be Good to California, Mr. Wilson." baa received some prominent publicity In tho dallies. While at tho Orpbeum, Joalo Heather wa* In receipt of an extra large basket of flowers presented to her by Irene Lucy (MoDevott. Kelly and Luoy), and Mrs. Robert. Ward (Ward Bros.) with whom she baa been traveling for eight consecutive Oakland's theatre list expanded last week with the opening of tho new Bishop, devoted solely to stock. It has a revolving stage. A divorce complaint has been fl-.od against R. L. Black, of a downtown cafe, for being unfaithful and cruel, with another woman also mentioned. Mrs. Ethel M. Black, the plaintiff, Is asking $76 a month alimony. A benefit of a number of vaudeville turns for the Ban Francisco Newsboys' Club, to aid their organisation financially, will be given 'Dec. 7. "Fair and Warmer" will be presented at Cort early in December. Frank Keensn Wallace has Joined the Wig- wam players. While Cantwell and Walker and the Ward Bros, were recently at the Orpbeum, they had everybody around the Continental lobby In- fested with their golf fever. A regular morn- ing call waa left for 7.80 at which time the crowd would gather and go over the hills to the links. There they would do duty to the vaudevllllans by chasing the balls across tho green. "One Button" Phil Friedman even got the habit. Elsie White wa. unable to open at Psntages last week, due to an operation for two in- growing toe nail, she waa forced to undergo while in Portland, Ore. "The Qarden of Allah" will be the next at- traction at the Columbia following "Intol- erance," which la scheduled to close this week. Marshall Black, a well known politician of San Jose, recently psroled before his ten- year sentence expired, immediately opened a picture house in that town. While playing the "Libertine" at the Em- press recently, Sid Orauman probably realised the poeaibllitlea for an extraordinary week at the box office, and prior to the opening had the town well plastered with some dandy bills, besides placards and extra alsed "copy" in the dailies. A contest wsa also held to gain local interest, three prizes being given to the best titles offered to replace the original. Last week marked the last of Jack Halllday and Eva Lang, who have been continually per- forming the past three years with the Aloasar Stock Co. without losing any time. They will reopen again around Christmas. In the mean- time Jack Bryce and Eva Dennlson have been engaged. PRINCESS.—Within the heart of the Fill- more district, Bert Levey appears to be run- ning a paying proposition in the Princess. Thursday night last week with but four acts, three single reels and the latest Chaplin re- lease, "Behind the Screen," a good sized at- tendance was on hand. The show formed a pleasing evening's entertainment, with the vaudeville running along suitable small time lines. The four acta showed up well enough to play fairly good houses In the ast. The prices of admission are 10-20, with tho en- tire show running about two hours. Jeanne Malbon opened with song numbers that could stand a slight changing, for In the present routine she does not display sufficient "pep" to aid herself to any extent. The greater portion of her songs are light operatic pieces, with considerable being lost through not pos- sessing any stage presence, although her ap- pearance la ' well looked after. Damon and Laurence followed with dsnclng, closing with a Hula number that even ran beyond the limit of the "cooch." The boys upstairs went wild over It. The girls might be censored In another house. Some of the steps, however, appeared to be the real thing, but a toning down would be the best. Tho turn on the whole needs a good deal of rearranging to help in the running which at present Is very jumpy. It hi noticeably lacking In speed. The opening is a minuet with appropriate colonial costumes. Following Is a Scotch number by one, with the other member offer- ing a toe dance, fairly well accomplished. A slow singing number than holds up proceed- ings, with the Hawaiian dance for the final. They show possibilities that ahould be taken advantage of, but before that can be done, the girls should make themselves appear more at home before the lights. Barney O'Mara did exceptionally well with a routine of Irish numbers. O'Mara has a dandy appear- ance and displays considerable knowledge of delivery. Comparing his work with the re- mainder of the acts. It easily outclassed any- thing else on the program. He could, bow- ever, change the opening portion by inserting his talk earlier, rather than coming after singing three numbers. McCluro and Dolly closed with an equllbrlst offering, detracting from their work to a certain extent by not coming out of their positions speedy enough to encourage the applause returns. Conse- quently, they are losing the cream of their work. The girl lacks the finish, while the male member partially overcomes this with some excellent work. He might, however, display a bit of showmanship absolutely es- sential In tbls style of an offering. A new WANTED: Singers TENORS, BASS AND BARITONE, doubling in string or brass Lyceum work; 60 week tour; railroad faros and baggage paid; no commission; state lowest salary. THE INTERNATIONAL LYCEUM BUREAU PEOPLES GAS BLDG., CHICAGO, ILL. J.A.1URPHY (ADAM SOWERGUY) EDITOR OF THE SLAPSTICK" Vaudeville Material Have written suooassss for Al Jolaon. Ray Cox, Frank Milton, Chat. Ksnns, Stoddard and Hynos, 8 Koatoas. Herbert Lloyd. MeAvdy and Brooks and otters. For appointment address ears Variety. New York. Special Senrico for Vaudnwillians Leltigh Valley Ritilroud Rochester. $7.41 Buffalo. $ All Steel Cars, Lowest Faroe, Chicago, $10.10 If Baggage Servico m want anything quick W. B. Liniaay, E. P A, . SIMkToNS, A. G. P. A. Ticket Office, B'way A 42nd St. New York Wills. JAMES MADISON VAUDEVILLI AUTHOR—Writes for Nat M. Prank Tloney. Al Mesa. Hers Bayoa. Cornia Joe Weies, Manilas and Fraaels, Howard aad - •**■,*»«« at «w aw- GuerriniCo. Manufacturers of High Grade Accordiois 170 Columbus Avenue SAN FRANCISCO Awarded Gold Medal. P. P. L E,, San Francisco, 1915 Bf*fi FRIDERI elp* Vouk A<?i Baff ■if^alaiaOla'aa *ah.^ o^a ■■ al ^iSOI m Ft prVOJ WIIOJOlB ■BOJ VwVslsjsWIIIoj •owelty for tko I ass save yea nosey. Velvet lCk SCENIC STUDIO, esses. SsJoty Tkeatro 049 W. 420 St. HIPPODROME MANAQMMMNT CHaBT.SH DILLINGHAM Nltkts st 0. Mat. every day at t. THE BIG SHOW" ». £*S%Ssid. NSW Id MAMMOTH I 100 NOVaTLTISS I MLNSTKSLS | 1.000 PBOPLS EVERYTHINS BIO—BUT THE PRICES six weeks ahead. Fire boa MME. MALTA'S Face Rejuvenator Tbs secret Formula of a Fam- ous French Beauty la em- bodied In this wonderful medicated complexion paste that has revolutionised tho art of harms a beautiful, smooth skin. It removes all black- heads, pimples and other Im- purities and Irons out tho tired line* that mar the face and neck. It aooompushes In a alngle application mors than s full treatment of so-called beauty cul- ture. Belle Baker. Marguerite Snow, Violet Dale, Carrie Reynolds. Truly Shattuck and Malta Golden, and many more of tho load- ing women of the theatrical profession use and endorse It heartily. One trial win conmnos you of the excellent results to be derived from this unusual toilet neoesslty. Price 11.00 per Jar. Bent anywhere parcel post collect. Phono orders to Bryant 2820. Delivery Free in Great- er New York. MME. RIALTA MFQ. CO.. INC. Rlalts. Eiler A Webb 200 West 40tb 8t.. Now York a^TC W* wlu make * ou «* * oompiete sot of «\f, I ^j black, light relght. handsome and durable * *^^ mualo folios, also 10x18. cloth binding, with title of act and name of Instrument in gold, for $1.50 postpaid. Excellent opportunity for ssests. Rlcatr Mmlo Folio Co., IIP Wathlngton 8t., Ljnn, M.i. m!c\ hIm McNally's Bulletin Ho. 2 Contains 17 Monologues, 10 Acts for Two Males. 9 for Male and Female, 22 Parodies, Comedy Sketch, Burlesque, 6 Minstrels First Parte and Minstrel Finale. Also hun- dreds of cross-fire Jokes and Gags. Re- member the price is only $1 per copy, with money back guarantee. WM. McNALLY, 81 East 125th St., New York. Will Dorothy Pago please communicate with A Friend. VARIETY. New York,? bit Is Interesting and very well dons, upon a device framed on the style of a rocking chair, upon which he does a hand stand, ■winging from side to side and balanolng himself. This Is effective snd was productive of good returns. A nest looking speclsl sst of purple velvet sets them off well. When the girl puts some snsp Into her work, and the act Is kept continually working for a length of time, they will prove a corking closing turn. IN AUSTRALIA. Sydney, Oct 24. War news overshadows everything else In Australia, although the theatres and picture houses are all doing a good business. There hss been a little slump lately on account of the agitation over prospective conscription. Australia has already sent to the trenches or has under arms some 800,000 men. The Allies, however, are calling for more, and on «* .4ta. f j-.--vvsajja*^innjrjnri fiutrtt rerl' •&&. decision as to whether there shall be con- scription or not. The cities are thronged with soldiers and troop snips are constantly leaving for Europe. "The Birth of a Nation," notwithstanding Its strictly American theme, has been a big success over here. Yon would be surprised to