Variety (December 1916)

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——.—— ~r~- VARIETY 45 BEST PLACES TO STOP AT 300 Housekeeping Apartments (if the better etas wttMi rack of ecooomtai folks) Under attract supervision of the owntn. Located fa tfao heart of tho city just off Broadway, cloo* to all boohing offices, principal theatres, department Mora, Ifnctlsa lines, M L" road and subway. Our specialty is housekeeping furnished apartmante for theatrical folks to whom wo especially cater and who can bo assurod of unsurpassad sarvlca and at te n ti o n at all Miss LL BUILDINGS EQUIPPE WITH STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS HENRI COURT •It 814 tad lit Wort 4ttB St BUILDINGS EQUIPPED IRVINGTON HALL Ml to 889 Wort list St. Psese 7182 Col. Berstor fireproof bullolns of ths hlenest type. Juat completed. With srory modern derlce oonrenlenoe. Apartment* ars beaottrally srrsnsed and of l 8 or 4 rooms, oitn Utohene and ktwn prtjats bath and phone • 12.80 Up Weekly YANDIS COURT 241-247 Wort 43d It PhtM 7112 Bryant 1. S and 4-room apartments with Mtcaenetta*. Private bath and telephone. The prtraey spartments ars noted for Is one of Its attractions. 111.08 Us Weekly Address all communications to M. , Principal OAcsi Yandls Court Ml Wast 43d Stroot Now York An up-to the-mlmrta ranted la spartmsnls of 8 prlTaU bath. Phone hi < 118.88 Up Weekly THE DUPLEX 828 sad 888 Watt 43d St Pfcoas 42M-8I8I Three and four Semen of tips of building, modate four or New Victoria Hotel Formerly KING EDWARD IN NEW YORK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 14S-1SS WEST 47TH STREET, Just off Broadway Ths Very Hoart of Now York" Absolutely Fireproof 358 Rooms, 2S8 Private Baths EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Rooms (Running Water), tl.M and Upward. Room and Bath, SI J*. Five Minutes' Walk to M fheatree POPULAR PRICE RESTAURANT Try Our Dollar Dinner for Me. CAFE IN CHARGE OF ABE MIERS •twit. ONF BIACH TO TIMES SQ. •HSThe Edmonds Furnished Apartments CATERING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PROFESSION 776-78-80 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 47th and 41th Strsets NEW YORK Private Bath and Phono In Each Apartment Offico-771 EIGHTH AVENUE ■ CHAS. A, HOLLINGSWORTH, Proprietor AN IDEAL HOTEL FOR PROFESSIONALS ■ Bryant 1844 Goo. P. Schneider, Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS am ^ai!^£Su£r^ k * 323 Wert 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY. Private Bath, J-4 Rooms. Catering to tho comfort and convonlonco of tho profession Steam Heat and Electric Lights 88 Up "TSalfTlocTfrom^Th^^ THE ADELAIDE 754-758 EIGHTH AVE, Bet 4«th and 47th Sto. 8-4-8 Room Apartments Complotaty Furnished for Ho^eohoopfaag. Steam Heat, Bath Strictly Profosslonsl. MRS. GEORGE HIEGEL, Bryant MARION APARTMENTS ^^^fe^ Nl Just Off Broadway 1, 2, 3, and 4 Rooms, $3 and Upwards Comploto Housekeeping Equipments. Telephona aad Elevator Sarrico. NEWLY RENOVATED. WRITE OR PHONE FOR RESERVATION. know how well posted Australians are on American national matters. In one of the principal parks of Sydney is a statue of Abra- ham Lincoln. play that they like can run here for months. Just at present Madge Fabian, an English actress, is playing to capacity at the Criterion theatre In Edward Sheldon's play, "Romance," which has been running for six weeks. "To- night's the Night" Is at Her Majesty's and is also playing to capacity. Tho Tlvoli and the National are the leading vaudeville houses, and both do a big business. Vera Pearce. Jack Cannot, Thelma Raye, Walter Weems, George Welch and Billy Rego are on the bill this week at the Tlvoli, and the National Is featuring Dorothy Harris, Chris Richards, Estelle Wordette and King and Thornton. An Italian Orand Opera company which enme ifuiii niu;a uX-i aaa a. TvTig aiuf bUirrhuTui season at th<> Sydney Grand opera, house. At the Theatre Royal a local play of the type of "Sis Hopkins." called "While the Billy Dolls," Is ending a long and prosperous run. Sydney is a rlty about the size of Boston and although It has no transient population, the people are great theatre goers, and any Hale Hamilton and his wife, Myrtle Lan- nchill, have been playing In Australia for nearly a year in a series of American farces— "Walllngford," "It Pays to Advertise," "The Boomerang," "Too Many Cooks," etc. They have been a big hit and have been personally very popular. They sailed last week for New Zealand, where they play eight weeks and re- turn home Dec. 26 on tho "Makura." BOSTON. By LBN LIBBBT. KEITH'S (Robert O. Lars en, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Maggie Cllne, headline, although loss of a novelty than on her previous ap- pe arance. Qpnrga WUl!am«, ♦^^J^'lh^' r *M\ n,r oiiHly enough to save her act by a riot finish. Guy Weadlck's Stampede Riders In closing, foil down badly. Difficult act to stage effect- ively. The La Vars opened snspplly; Stone and McEvoy, went fair; Charles Kellogg, en- grossing an ever; Toney and Norman, good ; Claude Qllllngwater's "The Frame-Up," In- teresting sketch; Ray and Gordon Dooley, DANIEL- Northwest Corner 42d Stroot and 9th Avenue TWO BLOCKS WEST OF BROADWAY Telephone 1842 Bryant NEW YORK CITY NEW BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 84 ROOMS With Hot and Cold Running Water ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS SHOWER BATHS PRICES $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 WEEKLY CAFE AND RESTAURANT TELEPHONE IN EVERY ROOM EVERYTHING NEW A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU Hotel Bradley RUSH AND EAST GRAND AVE. Chicago CATERING TO THE BETTER CLASS OF THE PROFESSION WALKING DISTANCE OF ALL THEATRES ROOMS WITH BATH, $7, $8, $9, $1050 TWO ROOM SUITE, $14. THREE ROOM SUITE, $21. HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT MODERATE PRICES ROBT. H. BORLAND, Manager Hotel) THEATRICAL HOTEL Formerly NEW REGENT N. W. Cor. 14th and Chestnut Sts. ST. LOUIS, MO. Restaurant, Cabaret, Barber Shop and Cafe in connection. A Real Home for You. RATES TO THE PROFESSION Rooms are Priced according to location. Single Rooms Without Both... $3.SS and $4 SO Double Rooms Without Bath... 4.S» and Set Single Rooms With Bath MS and f.N Double Rooms With Bath f.M and 7.M 2 Double Rooms With Connect- ing Bath JOS. T. WEISMAN, Mgr. | ST. LOUIS, MO. REGENT HOTEL, 100 N. 14th Strset HOME OF THE PROFESSION Fivn Minotis Walk To All. Thkatkii ELMER E. CAMPBELL. Prop, and Mgr. Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA Bryant De7 Furnished Apartments and Rooms Baths tinuous hot wate r M lOUSEKEEPING 310 W. 48th St., New York ST.PAUL HOTEL StTH ST. sad COLUMBUS AVE. NEW YORK CITY Tea-story building, ab so lutely fireproof. All bathe with shower attachment, Telephone In Catering to the Profession ABBEY COURT 312t Broadway, northeast corner 124th Street Furnished 1, 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, elec- tricity, hotel service, home comforts, tele- phone, housekeeping facilities, ressonsble rates, restaursnt. Convenient to Subwsy. Open Evenings Phone—3766 Morningeide every Central Park Subway, Ith and ith Ave. L Stations. Sense distance from Century, Colonial, Circle, and Park Theatres. RATES bath, nor day. Suites! Parlor, Bedroom and Both. $2JS and up. By the week, tt, » and TRANSFER HOTEL Clark and Division Sts., CHICAGO A Pisco for Performsrs Nice Rooms $3 and H Weekly WM. SINNATT Formerly of Westmlnstsr Hotel, Prop. Will ho plssssd to see old friends. II. O.).—Vaudeville and pictures. Good busl- rt r**rf SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION very big; Adams and Murray In "Cotton Stockings," bright. BOSTON (Charles Harris, mgr.; agent, U. 1II.JOI! (Ralph Oilman, iriKr. ; ng* ut. V. H. O.i. Pictures. Fair. MOWDOIN (Al Somerbee, mur. ; agent, I'Oi'W),—Pop, picture*, and burlctviue tnbs. Excellent rtohh, fair net. ST. JAMRS (Joseph Hrennan, mgr. ; agent, Loew).—Pop. Heavy nights. ORPHEUM (Victor J. Morris, mgr. : agent, Loow).—Pop. Dlggcst grows In New England.