Variety (December 1916)

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VARIETY f '"— i — il ' ■ ■ ■- ——— 161 CORBETT, SHEPARD -DONOVAN 3 BOYS WHO SING This WMk (Dec. 18)-Shea'e, Toronto, Can. Rep. Aaron Kessler - Rich McAllister PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN "STEP LIVELY GIRLS" ■Muurora uoeuBS-THAra all SAM and KITTY MORTON With all crodit to that now author, tferhort tho Boot Routine of Dialog wo MAX HART. Pilot. ELSIE MURPHY and EDDIE KLEIN IN A BLEND OP MIRTH, MELODY ana MUSIC Diroctio.. Irving Cooper BILLY SCHEETZ BETTY "ELDERT "Whittier'i Barefoot Boy" A CLASSIC IN «ONE M Direction, NORMAN JEFFRIES. Confession is good for the soul—but bad for the reputation.—George Washington Cohen. BESSIE ZENA MORIN SISTERS PtTBCtl—. HARRY WEBER J.J.M. E.F.A. E.VJ>. BEATRICE LAMBERT AaWiicu MsaAiinmala George—A BLACK SPOT in 3rd Numbor. IF I got that FAR ? 7 7 -YES SIR!- It is Just aa Easy to Got Money for o New Act ASITIS To Bolt a Door with a BOILED BUTTERED PARSNIP. Harry Sydell "A Panic on Pier No. •" Loow Time Direction, MARK LEVY i JAMES < F »> THOMPSON "An Affair of Honor" Playing U. B. O. Thsee Direction, Harry Wcbtr it LADY says: GSENSE HJANET ADAIR that eTerybody says that she Is the only doc In the World doing an act without a routine and relying en- tirely on the tpokfin word. P. 8.—Merry Xaas and Beet Wlafcea to all Trained Oogi P. 8.—If you don't bellere me. ask my agent Rawls and Von Kaufman KAHL, WALTON and HENRY Received card of Club. admission to the Kokomaala Regret to say there has been dirty work -done. I We make a motion that In the future all cards must be passed by the Naphtha Beard of Cleansers. "Song Definitions" EMMA ADELPHI U. B. O. HARRY WEBER Veudevilie'a Moat Artistic Dancer Vera Sabina Boohed aolid Orphoura Circuit Direction, Max Gordon Entertaining Daily and Irs Real Enjoyable a_a Ratural Entertainment L 0 W R Y OYALTY RIGINALITY IT ES17LTS OUTH WISHING A Merry Christmas AND a Prosperous New Year To All CONTENTEDLY WORKING VESPO DUO MIKE DONLIN and MARTY McHALE IN VAUDEVILLE and BILLY LLOYD In a "Mixture of Vaudeville," by Ned Dandy This Weoh (Dec. 18)- Temple, Hamilton, Ont. Next Weeh (Dec. 25)-Shea'a, Toronto, Can. GEORGE BRITT Feb. a— Keith's, Beetea ,>l Ja«. I—Shea's. Buffalo Jaa. a— Alhambra. N. Y. Fob. It—Davts, Plt ti bofeb Jaa. 15—Orphtuw. Brooklyn Fab. It—Keith's. ClaeTeeatt I.* 99_r.oiMiai.NM, v.* Feb. 2S—Kelth's. ladlaaaeeH* Jaa. 29—BHshwIek. Breeklys Mar. a—Keith's. Leelerllle Diroction, HARRY FITZGERALD Mile. La Toy's Canine Models Van doii BV a PrettJeet Offeriag eolid-W. V. M. A and U. B. O. HARRY SHEA Went. Rons. JESS FREEMAN FRANE and BBBBI1 OABT TRATB ALL" WM. J. BRYAN drinks grape Juice. I drink water. JOHNNIE REILLY HOOP ROLLER BALL BOUNCER THE FAYNES THE ARTISTS WITH A SUPREME OFFERING Representative, JACK FLYNN. CLAUDE CLARA Goldingand Keating Boohed aolid W. V. M. A. Eaatern Rep., ROSE 4% CURTIS Weatem Rep., BEEHLER A JACOBS WANTED High class, novelty, tinging, dancing and musical acts for "THE MARIGOLD FOLLIES." If your act has got tho punch, WIRE, WRITE OR CALL. CARLOS SEBASTIAN BISMARCX GARDEN Broadway and Grace Street CHICAGO, ILL.