Variety (December 1916)

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■ 30 VARIETY THE FOUR-LEAFED CLOVER Is an omen of GOOD LUCK. By using one or more of these wonderful song suooesses you oan't help but have GOOD LUCK for the balanoe of the season. Eaoh a great big hit of its own particular style. W& ^ 4 urn"' il PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS IN ALL KEYS M. Witmark & Sons Philadelphia boston PAETAOEI BLDO. SCHILLEE BLDO ll..,,-,, Q tt 4 D/w ■« 11 MMf tin vn C"E8?»OT « «• TKEMOMT ST AL BROWNE. Mp. TOM QUIGLEY. Mf r P I5 „ imuwh _ iht n raw mm ED - E0WAR DS, M « r - ,ACK L * HEY - M « r - E33 - Good ridge Geo (C) Goodwin A Haeger Gordon Blanche Gordon Blnlor Gordon Paul Gould FTed Granville Jack Graves John O Gray Trio Gray Fred Grow Win A Grey Marie (C) Griffin Gerald (8F) Graft Da d" (C) Grouch lira Graver F R (C) Guise Johnnie Oumm F A (C) Hackett Margie Halnee Mr A Mra R T Hake O (C) Hale Frank Halifax Daniel F Halleo A Huntar Hallen Jack Hall Bttel M A Co Hanley Norman," Hanlon Alex Harak Roy Hannoot 8allle (C) Harrle Bdltb (C) Harris Geo F Harris M Grace Harris Miss R D Hart Billy (P) Hart Maria (P) Hart Weber A H (C) Hatfield Miss K (P) Haou Maria Hausb A La Telle (C) Havel Arthur Harel Tommy Hawthorne Mr A Mra B (?) Hayes Geo F Hanery Claire Henntng Lao Herman Adelaide Herman Adelaide (P) Herman Mr (P) Hepner Harry Harford Mlas B Hicks A Seymour Hicks Gilbert (P) Hicks Trixle tvi THE OPENING, NIGHT AT KEITH'S RIVERSIDE * ^ — ^ xr riierprat. EVERYONE REMAINED SEATED FOR 1 THE GREATEST DOG ACT EVER PRESENTED Higgins Eddie Hill Walter Hills Molly Hlxon May (P) Hlte Agnes Hodge James 0 Hoffman Daisy Hoffman Prances Holden Max Holden A Graham Hollister A Stephens Holmee Barl Holmes Mr A Mrs H (P) Holmes Roy (P) Holton Geo A Hooker Chas Howard Martin Hoyt Add Huberth A Huberth Hunt Miss M Hurley Billle Hutchinson J /C) Hyde Jenny (C) Hyland Grant A H (P) Ingalla A Dnffleld (C) Ingersol Florence Inneo Wm Ivanhoff Wally Ivy A Ivy (C) Jackson F G Jameson Bdw James T (P) Jarrett Mr A Mrs O B Jarrls A Harrison (P) Jennings Helen I Jerome Daisy Jewell Madam Jinks Geo Jo'.ice Florence Jollne Grace Jones Msbelle Jonea Willie Jourdon Randall (C) K Kalmer Bert Kapp Luclan 8 Karlton A Kllfford Karlton Avery Kar-Ml Prince (P) Kay Ulllan Xaane Robert W Kearney John Keating Larry (0> Keller Marjorle (P) Kelso Boys Kennedy A Burt Kennedy Thomas Kennedy Mr A Mrs Vlo Kenny Marlon Keno Keys A Melrose King Bros King A Harvey (P) King Mrs AH King Blanche Klrby A Roma Kirk Ethel Kitchner 8 (0) Klein A Clifton Klelnberg H H (C) Kline Sam (C) Knight Bertha (0 Knight A Ransom Knight Frank (C) Kotha Gerdeo (8F) Kramer Miss M La Croix A Dixon (P) Lafayette Samuel 8 La Forge Ray La France Fred (P) La Mar Thelma (C) Lang Bd La Polltta Miss La Rue Ethel (P) Laurie Joe (C) Lavender Geo LaVere Chas (C) La Vine Mrs Arthur Lawless Masle Leach Wallen Trio (P) Le Compte Nell Le Compte Olive (P) La Duke Mr A Mra Fraj Lee & Bennett (P) Lees Jaa Leflsr Edith Lelghton Chaa (SP) La Maire Geo (P) Leonard A Louie (C) Leonard Grace (P) Leon Anna Le Roy A Hall Leslie Geo W Lester Doris Trio (P) Lester H B (C) Lester Harry J Levy Jack A Girls Lewln Bra (P) Lewis Andy (C) Lewis Anna Lewis Jack (C) Lewis Jack M Lewis Lloyd (P) Llbby A Barton (P) Llbby J Aldrlch (C) Llchter James Lindsay Roy (C Linton Harry (P) Llttlejohn F P Little John Mrs P (P) Lloyd K B Loftls Arthur Long L C (0) Lorense Bert Lorettos Musical Louden Janet (C) Louise Mile Love A Wilbur (P) Lowry Bd A Irene Lucier Mr A Mrs Fred Luckie A Tost (P) Lusby Ruby Luti C T (P) Lyden Audey (C) M MacBann Andy MacCarton Margaret MacClennan Kenneth Mack Mr A Mrs Kel- ler Mack Mr A Mrs Roy Macon Elsie (C) Mahony Dick Males Martin Mangels John W (P) Mansfield Dick Merba Jeesie Marble Gems (P) Mardo A Hunter (P) Marlon Babel Marsden Harry Marshall Betty Martin Bradley C (C) Martin Mr A Mrs B Martin John Martin Margie Massey John D (C) Mathews Donald Mrs (C) Maybell Snowle (P) Mayer Lottie Mayne Elisabeth May Margaret McAuley Phyllis McBrlde Carl McBrlde Jack McCormack A Wallace MeCormack Joe McCullough Carl McHale Marty McHan Vlraif (P) McKlnley Nell McLean Alma MoNamara Nellie(SF) McNamara Teddle (C) McNamee Noram (C) McNaugbton O MeWat'rj A Tysch(P) Meade Thomas Melville Paul (G) Melville W J (0) Meroadce LaPetite (C) Merkel Esther (P) Mlllan Jessie Miller B P (C) Millar Mrs R B Miller Rent (C Miller Ross Miller Miss R V Mlllette Bd Mlllette lra O Millettea Mlnton Mra M Mitchell B A (C) Mitchell John (C) Mooney Jack (C) Moore Billy K Moore Geo W Moore Irene (8F) Moore Miss Moore Snlts Moran Haael Morehart Hortense Morehouse D (C) Morgan Jimmy A B Morrell Frank Morrison Jamas L(P) Morrison Livingstons Muller Delia 8 Munroe Mrs Roy Murphy Mr A Mrs J A Murphy Margaret Murphy Sen Fran (C) Musette Myers Bdw (C) Mykloff (C) N Navln A Narip (C) Nawn Tom (C) Naylor Ethel (SF) Newoombe Miss I Newman W H (0) Newsboys' Sextette(P) Nicholas A Croix Nicholas Sisters (C) Nichols Sisters Nloksraon Bd C (C). Noblette Vansa (P) Nodal Edith (C) North OIIto Norton A Nobis Norton Thomas W Oakland Dagmar O'Connor Nora Ohrman L C (C) Oklahoma Four Old Florence (P) • Oldflald J O (C) CNell Twins O'Nell Mao 0*Natl Rhea Opfal Mlas M (P) Ordray Oean Ollourke Bart Osborne Mlas T (P) Overall Jans Overlng Ethel A R P Pagot Lola (C) Parlllo A Frablto Partllo Tom Parma lee Lea (0) Patterson Grace L (Reg) (C) Patty Don (C) Paula Mlas Payson Herbert Pearce Arthur H Pell Robert Pendelton P Perkins Guy Peace Joe Phillips Mr A Mrs 0 Plngree Helen Plquo Harry Ptsano A Bingham Pitman Keith Poe Alleen Potasnak John Mra Primrose Geo H Prince A Deerle (0) Preselar Mlas V Prince Miss A Provost Ed (P) Q Qulnlan Dan Qulnn A MaOlll R Rambler Bisters Rambora Natacha (C) Ramsey A Kllno Rspoll Great Raymond A Temple Raymond Clalro Raymond Frank A B Raymond Jos (P) Rayms Al Readlck Mr A Mrs F Reavls Ruth Redwood A Gordon Reevee Mr A Mrs B Reld Sisters (P) Rellly Chas Co (C) Relnhart Miss (C) Renshaw J Mlas Revere Bleanor Revere Jack (P) Reynolds Jesse (P) Rhoads Mrs B Rlcardo Irene (P) Rice L A Helen Rlcharda C (C) Richardson Bert Richards Great Rlohmond Dorothy Jtlrnold Nol- Rlpley Raymond R(P) Rivera Dollle (P) Roach A Hart Roberts C J (C) Robertson Helen Robertson Wm C (C) Robles C N Rocca Frank Rodway Joseph (P)