Variety (December 1916)

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VARIETY -I ii IT NOWI BONO fit GOD SAVE US ALL" • • BY Alfred Bryan and Harry Tlerney ^ SF Alfred Bryan wrote: "I Didn't R«l»e My Boy to be a Soldier NUF SED The tramp of armies marching Now shakes the earth again; Two years they have been fighting, all in vain Ten million men have fallen, Ten thousand more each day. For ev'ry one a mother kneels to pray, The burden of her prayer just seems to say: CHORUS. When England, France and Germany, Will all advance in peace and harmony, Friends on the land—friends on the sea, Noble and grand and contented and free; When love will rule this whole creation And the world will be one happy nation, Singing "heart to heart" and "hand to hand," United to stand or to fall, Then we'll all get together and loudly sing— "God Save Us All." • JEROME H. REIN/IICK & OO 137 West Fort St. Detroit 219 West 46th St New York Theatre Bid*. Chicago 228 Tremont St Boston 906 Market St San Francisco Rolt A A Rolland Jo« Roaedale P * Co (P) Rom * Laduo rom * Stuart (P) Rom Walter Ron we II Earl R Rulston T B Ruwell * Held Russell MlM O Ryan Mr A Mrs B H (p» B Babel Josephine gahaya Balmo Juno Samson ft Douglaa(P) Saner Claudle Santell Rudolph (C) Soanlon ft PreM Schwartz Fred Seymour O O Shay Alien B (C) ShM A Barrett Shea Jack Sheldon Maria Shelley Wm (P) Sherman D A Co (P) Sherrow Bertha (C) Sherry Blanche (P) Shields Frank Shoemaker Dorothy Shone Madelyn Sldonlaa The (P) Sflberman Helen I Sllton Edw Simmons James (C) Slmmonds Murray (C) Simpson A Dean Simpson Georgia (C) Simpson Mr (C) Simpson Mr A Mrs R Sinclair Horace Smith A Farmer Smith JAB Smith L A Smith Marga (C) Sprague A McNeece Sprlcel John Stach Mr A Mrs L Stains Lieut R H Stafford J M (SF) Stanley Billy Startup Harry (P) Steeley Guy F Stembler Sallie Sterling A Lore (C) Sterling Nana Stevens Josephine B Steward Fred (C) Stewart Miss D Stewart Miss Jean Stlrk Cliff St John 3 Reed i C) St John Wm Stokes Mel 8tremel H B (P) Stuart Austen Sutherland Jessie Sutton A Sutton Sylvester A Vance Sylvester Mr A Mrs L Tanner Harry (P) Tanner Mr A Mrs J Taaotnavl Chas Teederowlts (C) Terry A A Grace Themes Constantino (P) Thompaon Frank Thompson Herbert Tllton Luclle Toklo Japa 1C) Totten Jm Byron Toten J A LmIIo Trovell© Tucker Nelaon Tulte Billy Una Mile (C) Usher Claude A Pea's Vadle Maryon (P) Valli Arthur (C) Valll Muriel A A Vayne MIm Dal Vernon Benjamin Vincent Lottie (P) Vlollnaky Vivian Bdith (C) Von Bergen Qretta W A Van Sicklen (C) Wakefield MIm W H Wallace Hasel A Co Walmer Carl (C) Walsh May (P) Ward Henry Warren Bob Warren Ruth (C) Wartana Miss Erna Washburn Lillian Waterman Teddy Watson Pearl G (C) Watson Toddy Watson Walter Wayne A Marshall Wellington MIm R< - i Wells Billy K Wentworth Lola (C) Wentworth Lola Westley Ruth Weston M Weston Sammy West Irene West Joe Boyer (C) Western Mary (C) Whalte J A (C) Whalte John White Bobble (C) White Sisters • White Eleanor (P) White Junto White Porter J Whiteside B A Co (P} Whitney Mrs B M Wiggins C M (P) Wilbur Juggling (P) Wilde A Tecla (P) Wilhelm Fred (P) * Wilkes Ruth (C) Williams Dollle (C) Williams A Held Williams Harry Williams Jean Will A Kemp Wilson Daisy (SF Wilson B (C) Wilson Frank (P) Wilaon Lettle Wilson Maud Windsor Walter D Winthrop Madeline Wood Mr A Mrs A BT Wood Ed Woodman B P Woods Norma Woods Ralph Worth Madlyn (P) Worth Muriel Wright Mrs Geo W Wright Jitney Wumella (C) Wyer Forest Yeoman Geo Young Pearl (P> Yulr Mae (C) Zarrow Zeb Zatterileld (C) Zell Mrs Herman Zella Vina (C) Zora Gara (C) Zovell Albert CHICAGO VARIETY'S CHI CAGO OFFICE, Maje-tk TWtrn Bid*. Mark Vance, in "Any Man's Slater" started a road tour through the Northweat thla week. The Auditorium, KiUdee*, N. D., was re- cently destroyed by fire. The K-theatre Is a new one on the Asso- ciation's books (Walter Downle). Norman Hillard continues to play the small- er vaudeville houses with his Enterprise stock and is away ahead on the season. Dot Phillips (Mrs. Nat Phillips) has gone to Atlanta to attend the wedding of her sis- ter and to remain there at least a month. CORRESPONDENCE Gillian Stuart (Mrs. Joseph Roberts), who has been quite ill, is reported improved. The Fuller Circuit may engage Raymond Teal to go to Australia and direct some of the new productions. Billy Watkins and Gladys William* co with the new Wool folk tab. "20th Century Whirl." Around the Majestlo office section the Christmas presents this year were not as thick and heavy as in the days gone by. George Tloton will call his road show "The Darktown Frolics," and will send Frank Preecott Jn advance J. J. Rubens, manager of Thlelen's Fox theatre, Aurora, III., went to an Aurora hos- pital last week to hsve his tonsils removed. FOURTH WEEK TRIUMPH SUCCESS AT THOMAS HEALY'S GOLDEN GLADES "■" HARRY JOLSON STM k •-«*«» ■•••Ml THE^TAJLJL 0£_N.EW„ yqrjl — •- . ^*! u*>**Bf%e*«9^ ****»%■•»• ****Bns*«w*s**s»*«4sB*>4n a*.* »<*^ *4/ft«^sa* > .*■»• for vaudeville, FRANK EVANS FOR PRODUCTIONS, A. E. JOHNSON