Variety (December 1916)

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'% •».—•-- ■'-—• — ♦.—»-- 41 cone BEST PLACBS TO STOP AT 309 Housekeeping Apartments (tf Ifcl taHtf *■ ltti r«* * INMJHI Ms) IJmdhr direst HMfkte of ten tnun. Lmu4 to Ut Mirt of the alty >«*Jjf BUILDINGS EQUIPPED WITH IRVINGTON HALL to tor d eervtoe and Hl«tl. i et afl eti HEAT AMD ELECTRIC L1QHT1 HENRI COURT Tito €H. II tit. 114 Mi tit t ■ Up Westtv. YANDIS COURT •41-247 Wo* 4M It. 1. 1 aad 4 to o» of Hi • I Up Wento all THE DUPLEX 121 ud S3* Wsst 4JM St Pboae OH-tltl t7*« or S"» to • to It tuWeetttd MM Up Week* Now York = New Victoria Hotel Formerly KING EDWARD IN NEW YORK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Mt-Ut WIST 47TH STREET, Jest off Broadeaj The Vorr Heart of Now York" AkooUtofr Fireproof 2M Private Baths EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Hmm (loobv Water), and Upward. Beam end Bo*. fLPP _ Five Minutoo' Walk te M JVoatroo POPULAR PRICE RESTAURANT CAFE IN^Hl^EOF ABE MIERS CHAR. A. HOLLINGSWOBTH. Fromrtotor AN IDEAL HOTEL FOR PROFESSIONALS Rryant 1M4 Gee. P. Schneider, Prep. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Complete far Housekeeping Clean and Airy 323 West 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY. ing to the comfort sad convenience of die Electric Lights It Up Private Bath, 3-4 Rooms. Catering to the comfort aad convenience of the profoookm THE ADELAIDE -aw 7S4-7H EIGHTH AVE., B.L 41th ud 47* St.. MARION APARTMENTS »•• w-«**- Jaet Off Breeiwovj NEW YORK 1, 2, *, u. 4 Reesne, |S aaul Upwards He^aefcap j p lp jg KamJDiMmU. Talajpfcan* mmd Blewatar FLY RaVCOTATRD. WRITE OR PHONE POR RESERVATION HOTEL COSMOS and ANNEX 102 and 100 West 44th Street (Under the management of Mro. Powers and Mrs. CuonseL formerly of West olth aad 4fth Streets) NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, RUNNING WATER AND TELEPHONE SERVICE f ~ *• RAitL$r**t ** Rn«J fc» Vfeekly — t I IHrectly Opposite the Now York Hippodrome. Tel. Bryant 7221 | deposit, but this deposit was not put up un- til nther stock had been sold, he taking the amoint from the stock proceeds. Clias. W. Schepp (Schepp's Circus) It con- templating another Overland wagon show this coming spring, with Intentions of making e trip across the continent At present he Is endeavoring to Increase his former show and is constantly purchasing animals to fmrthei The Edmonds ONE BLOCK TO TIMES SQ. TBI. Bryant \ SS6 I mi Furnished Apartments CATERING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PROFESSION 771-78-M EIGHTH AVENUE 17th aad elth Streets NEW YORK Private Bat s aad Phone la Bach Apartment Office-771 EIGHTH AVENUE DANIEL-' CL FOR GENTLEMEN I Northwest Comer 42el Street anil Sth Avenue TWO BLOCKS WEST OF BROADWAY Telephoae IMS lryant | NEW YORK CITY NEW BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 434% ROOMS With Hot and Cold Running Water ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS 2KRSSSS, t SJS EMY R0 ° M SHOWER BATHS EVERYTHING NEW PRICES $3.SB, |4JE> $450 WEEKLY CAFt AND RESTAURANT cV&A^ceYou Hotel Bradley BUSH AND BART GRAND AVE. ROOMS WITH BATH, IT. ft, *, tUJS oH.«ja'?j8aSufr u,TE ' ■«■ i *» ROOM mmus TE PRICES L RORT. H. BORLAND, nPj-HI HOTEL R |0t " T HOTIl. 100 N ■■ aTMlPBml I BBlBal BOMB OP THE PROI sfTafl ST. NEW YORK CITY ABBEY COURT LS4th Street Furnished 1, t sad 5 rooms, elevster, elec- tricity, hotel service, heme comforts, tele- phoae, housekeeping- facilities, reasonable rstes, restaurant. Ceavealeat te Seaway. Opea Evenings Pheae VU Moraiagslde MO. 14th Straat BOMB OR THE PROPRSSION FfVB MlNUTM WiLS ?0 ALL THBATSMV ELMER E. CAMPiELL, Prop, end Mgr Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA Furnished Apartments 311W. 41*. St. New Yetfc - HOTEL WASHINGTON (Fireproof) CHI Newoet sad Finest THEATRICAL HOTEL 150 iiooms" with bath. Reasonable rates to the pro- fession. Washington St„ between La Selle St. and Fifth Ave. I Phone—Franklin Mtt Chicago TRANSFER HOTEL Clark and Division Sta., CHICAGO A Place for Performers Nice Rooms tt aad m Weekly WM. SINNATT Formerly of Westoatostor Hotel. Prep. WEI be pleeead to see etd TrtoeeV Tel. es» Bryant THE CENTRAL SI WEST 42d ST., near Brea d s a y Elegant furnished rooms with privets baths: modern eemfert, French cooking. Stogie and Double Rooms, with or without board. Per fast IS yeare under the p e rs s n el management of F. MOUREY. Lunch Us, and Dinner MS, - MILLER'S AN saTfaAT -*a*rA4T»ANT THE BEST OP EVRRYTHINO O St. Cemsrtoi St. West MONTREAL, CANADA