Variety (June 1917)

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VARIETY a STOP TH • SHOW II That is the dream of every artist and we have got the song that will STOP ANY SNOW* We have seen it done night after night, day after day. All over the Country Singers are Stopping the Show with • AMERICA HERE S MY BOT THE GREATEST OF ALL PATRIOTIC SONGS FROM ME TO MANDY LEE A swingy-singy idea song. With a wonderful lyric and the dandiest tune you ever heard. With a corking double and great male and female version. YOU CANT MISS—WITH THIS ONE ii We were going to hold this "Bird" back, but circumstance* compel us to publish it. Your gain. LETS ALL DO SOMETHING A new patriotic song by the writers of "America, Here's My Boy." It's a riot. Here's the chorus: CHORUS Let's all do something, We can all do something; Ev'ry little bit helps, so do it now. We want the man with the sword, the man with the gun, The man with the hoe, and the plow; Girls, you don't need rehearsing To go Red Cross nursing, Your hand can soothe a soldier's brow, Ev'ry boy can be a scout, Ev'ry body must turn out, And do their little bit of something; Let's all do something, UNCLE SAMMY WANTS US NOW. M —. / .. ft THE HIT OF ANNA HELD'S SHOW, "FOLLOW ME" "There'sSomethingAboutYouMakesMeLoveYou f J HIT-MU MORRIS MUSIO OO MIKE MORRIS General Manager CHICAGO Grand Opera House Building WALTER WILSON 145 West 45th Street, New York City BOSTON 230 Tremont Street JACK MENDEHLSSON JOE HOLLANDER Professional Manager PHILADELPHIA 136 West 9th Street ARCHIE FLETCHER