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54 VARIETY I. MILUER.lSMBrNlwiy.'tV.rjL' B«l. Mth Mi4 H. r. Wmaa rus-Ttti MnuuJacturcr of TbMitrloal Boots and Shoes. CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a Spe- cialty. All work made at sliort Dotlca. WriU far CaUl«« 4 AUG UiTOt lORIO a SON Manafactarsrs af the Baat Accardlaas In tlia Warld Spaclal far Plaaa Kays ttf Grand BtraaC NEW 70BK CITT BU SCENIC CO. Original Scenery for Your Act I2t KalckarWckar Tkaatra Bld«.. Naw Yark PLUSH DROPS All Blsa. aad Calat. Bpacial Dlacaaats and Tarms Tkls Maatk Rantal la City C0N80L1DATED VBLVBT S4I Waat 4<th flU Naw Tark aty GuerriniCoa Hlfh Gridi Acnrthit 177-STf CalaMbas Ava. Baa Fraaaisaa Mir I ^ K 1 H I Am a«Do?a. luiy: P. P. L IMi Tights, Union Suits, Symmelricals o and Theatrical Supphes ^ Write for Cstalofuc No. CO Walter G. Bretzfield Co., inc. 1347 BROADWAY. N. Y. r,,T .cth St. SCENERY Velvet, Velour, Plush, Painted Drops and Scenery of all kinds. F A PPIf!F ^ **'"' ^^'"^ *^^ "** ^"^ JOHN BRUNTON STUDIOS Productions of Every Description We tpecialiie in Vandevlle Productions SCENERY, PROPERTIES. STAOS PUR- NISHINQS POR ALL OCCASIONS 22i WEST 41st STREET NEW YORK Talaphoaai Bryaat »I4 'None can afford to miss it— All can afford to go" "CHEER UP!" 'HIIEATEST SlCCIsM IVIll KNOWN" BtacHl b7 E& BlINHini AT THE MaDaffnMnt CHARLES DILUNOHAM lUUoM Bf«r7 Dai HIPPODROME Sratt • we«ki ah»ad BEAUTY is only SKIN DEEP WRINKLES ara not ANY DEEPER and soon disanpaar ifrou use MME. RIALTA'S FACE REJUVENATOR T^• aiatl airMtNa SMtrayar af WriRklM. PlMviM. BlaohliMtfi: alta CioMa Larsfl Parat «SI«ll mu HM *'a8'a •Tl'ii FOOD IT MAS HO EQUAL. It ihewt aa ttia ta«a af Its aMra aad !• THE TALK OF TNB PROFU- SION. Try 11 aatf Sa aaavlaaaS aa ara b4» 91 athart. PriM. 11.00 aar |ar lOa. •aititioaai far aiall artf« MaaafattaraS EialaUvaty fey 1 Plioaa RIALTA MPG. CO. I Bryaat 930 Rialta. Esiar A Webb M Waat 4itb SU Naw Yark LIVE WIRE PROFESSIONALS Wa bind your maslc, arcbaatratioaa aad parts, any nambcr mt laaras, sa that H w2!? apan flat and last as loag as yau want It. Laavaa can ba rsmarad fraai aavsrs and aaw ansa pat la any tlsaa yaa aasd ta maks a ckancsb Our Specialty—Covers for Orchestrations Stranst flaxlbla Unlan Hln^ad csTars far arckastratlons. If cts. sack; bsttsr aasa, IS cts. ap. Saaipls Fraa an Baqasst by Mail. THE UNION HINGE BINDING CO. Pkana—Bryant iSSS MUSIC HOSPITAL lit Wast 4Sd SL, Naw Tark aty We Manufacture "SPATS" Mail your order LADIES' 8iias IS to 7 Shea from 12.00 to M.OO Pslr MEN'S Sisas S to 11 Sboa from I2.SS to 13.50 Pair COLOES^Whlta. Pawn, Dark Gray. Paarl and All Bhadea to Matcb Sta«a Coatam A. PHILLIPS & CO^ mC. 88 UnlTaraity Place, New York City J. O. Brooks, manager of the Madison Film Exchange, will also be field representative for the Columbia Booking Exchange, Detroit, both enterprises being controlled by John H. Kunsky. Ten thousand dollars will ba spant In re- modelUns the Broadway Strand. Detroit, which Is to b« exclusively a Paramount-Art- craft playhouse. LOS ANGELES. BY GUT PRICBL Carl Walker, Pantages manager, has gone east on a two months' vacation, his first In seven years. He Is accompanied by Mrs. Walker and baby. Win Wyatt returned from the north last week. Walter Hearn, the Mason's publicity iiti, la bark in town aftor three weeka In tna mountalrs. The Omar Is drawing big crowds for ihe first time In several months. Al Nathan, Superba manager, has raach«4 the stage of affluence where he can scoff at street cars. It's a 1018 model. Anneska Frollk, shot by Harry Leonard, the actor, who died from a self-mulcted wound, is slowly recovering. SAN FRANCISCO. (Continued from page 48.) Quite a few acts playing the Pantagea cir- cuit finish their contracts In San Francisco and return east, rather than accept a cut In salsry wblcb Is offered for Oakland and Los Angeles. Morris A Allen, on the Pantages bill last week. Jumped to Chicago, where tbey will open on the Aasociation time. Major Sidney Pelxotto, who was In charge of the Callfomis Boys Band on its recent ^'Sudevllle tour, la prominent on the staff of directors In a little theatre for children in which the children will essay the prin'^lpal roles In plays written by children ^rbicb will be produced. An admission of five cints will Le charged for children and ten cents (or adufis. Ed Iledmond, for many years In dramatic stock on tbif* coast, will open this week ^<lth his own musical comedy company at the Vic- tory, San Jose. Bessie Hill has Joined ihe new company for the leading feminine roH. J. J. Cluxton, personal representative rot Alexander Pantsges, with headquartera In San Francisco, who waa reported to have handed In hia resignation to take effect October 15, will not retire from that position at this time. This decl)>ion was reached Ihrvign the changes in msnagers of two of Pantsges theatres made necessary by the resignstion of Harry Cornell, of the Oakland house, whl^h takes effect Sept. 22. Carl Walker, who was In charge of the Los Angeles theatre, u«a mmu accepted for the draft. The Oakland bouae will be under Mr. Cluxton's supervision rom this end, while Charles Nelmeyer. who whs assistant to Cornell, will likely be selected to look after tbe Oakland Interests. Fruik Stelnfeldt is mentioned for the Los Angeles berth during Mr. Walker's absence. Ac- cording to the latest army ruling Mr. Walker is exempt from military service, being a married man with dependents. Mr. Walker will 1eav«> for his annual vacation, which will Include a trip east. - Willie West, who has been playing a sum- mer engagement with his own company at the Oaks. Portland, Ore., returned to San Fran- cisco last week. The company disbanded. According to reports from Portland, Ore., The Ben Dillon Musical Comedy Co. opeaed to good business there at the Lyrtc. it is doubtful, however, if business will hold up owing to tbe poor location of the bousa. FLet Us Prove ^^•' It Is Bast | Send for Price Aaat and Color Card lis Waat 48th Street N. Y. City Beautify Your Face Tou must look socd to make sood. Many of Uia "PtoTeasioo" hare obtained and re- tained batur parts by harlns ma oorract their featural ImperfecUont and remove blemlahea Consultation freei Feea rea- ionabla. F. E. SMITH, M.D., SdT FIftk Ava^ N. Y. C. (opp^ Wakloif) Anthony Smythe has Joined tne Klaw A Er- langer company at the Columbia. Harrison Ford, who bad the principal part in "Here Comes the Bride." will have a Juvenile part. Jimmy Liddy, playing the juv^niip roie m the "Bride." will not be in the cast of "Under Pressure." The Columbia theatre, for some time getting along without music, has again Inatailed an orchestra. Jeannett Spellman, playing tbe J'lilier cir- cuit in Australia, arrived bare on 'Sept. ^ on the "Ventura." Blake and Amber will probably InsUU a musical comedy company In the Columbia, Oakland. This is the theatre successfully producing the Dillon A King company for several years. "So Long Letty." playfag its tblrd ret>«in engagemont (4tb week) at uaaiauu laac week, did a good business. Cyril Riqg is tbe mana- ger with the company. Will Morrlssay made bla initial appearance in the part vacated by Lew Skelly and for- merly played by Walter Catlett last Saturday with "So Liong Letty," at the MacDonougn. Oakland. Abe Olman, general manager for Forster, musio publiaber, who baa been here for sev- eral weeks, baa placed "Soma Sweat Day," his latest song, wltb the "Cohan Revue" and 1^ being used by Ban Lixm and Jane Urban. Tyler Brooke, with "So Long Letty." will also usa the soag commencing tbis weak a*. Sacramento. Ruth Bdel, who was a member of tbe Kolb and Dill company during tbe engagement at the Alcasar, has Joined tbe Monte Carter rggrtgation sailing for Honolulu Sept. 20 N. L. Watton. financially Interested tn the Co.'onial, Stockton, will be tne manager cf tbe Strand, Sacramento, In place of J. 0. bieijeubrock, who has been accepted for tbe Oraft. Ralph Quouvle, local manager of tbe Vita- grpph, left for a visit to the east last wej>k. Harry Naugel will be in charge durins «ila rbneuoe. Will King, formerly of Dlllon-Klng, re- turned here last week from New York and reorganized bis musical comedy company, which will open in Fresno Sept. 16. Negotia- tions are on for a San Francisco house where the company will appear following the Fresno ou^tat «>ment. Mr. King, who is the principal ccmed'an wltb tbe show, will not be 'ji me oatt during tbe Fresno engagement. Reece Gardner and Jack Wise have Joined the W;il Kiug company. Lew Jacobs, erstwhile pr</- ducer comedian and manager, whose show recently closed at the Majestic here, has ac- cepted a position as manager for Will Klo^'s company. MILWAUKEL DY P. O. MOHGAN. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.).— "Very Good Eddie," fine opening. 16. "Polly- anna." MAJESTIC (Clarence Bennett, mgr.: agent, Orph.).—Nan halperin, Mack and Walker, Senor Westony, "A Country Store," Phina, "The Sergeantccne," William Ferry, "A Pierrette's Dream." EzcellenL PALACE (Harry B. Billings, mgr.; agent, W. V. M. A.).—The Slacker," Arthur Rlgby, George A Mae LeFevre, Delton, Mareena A Delton, Flo Adier, Flor*n«e Duo; last half— "Temptation," Harris A Manlon, "Lincoln ol the U. S. A.," Detzel A Carroll, George Schlndler, Eller's Novelty Circus. Fine. MILLER (Jsck Yeo, mgr.; agent, Loew.).— Hong Kong Myateries, Mabel Ellsley A Co., Ben A Hazel Mann, HIckey A Cooper, "Work- ing for the City," Deiphlna A Delmora, "Sen- ator" Francis Murphy. Good. SHUBERT (B. Nlggemeyer, mgr.; agent, InternatlonsI).—"Little Miss Innocence," with good opening. IS, "What Uirls Bxperianoe." Speaial Service for YaadevUUaaa ■acbeeter. $7.41 Teraata, llf.il Baffale. |8.M Chicago, flf.lf All Steal Cars. Leweat Fares Spaclal Baggage Service If you want anything qalck, Tkeae W. B. Llndaay, S. P. A., Bryant 4S1S A. J. BIMMONa A. G. P. A. Ticket Ofllce, B'way A 4Sad St.. New York JAMES MADISON IS BACK la kls New Tork Office 14fS BBOADWAT LGalizi&Bro Orsatast PinfwJosal Aoourdloo Maoufae- turaia and Bapalrera InooaBparal>ia Spadal Worfea. Naw Idas Pataatad Shift Kara SOS Canal Street N. T. City TaL Bit PraaUla WE HAVE IT SCENERY AT A GREAT SAVING Vand«wiU« Prodnctioaa. Anilina Trunk Scanary. Pluah and Satin Drops. 'FREDERICKS' Offica, 4M Gaiaty Thaatra Buildinc NEW YORK Studio, €43 Waat 42d St. Bryaat HXl FACE POWDER Stays On On* •pplleation laata all day, and vivea a most b—utiful compleiion. The bent, purest, onir m4- , basKa—«0e box. FREX SAMPLES Rxora Powder, Koan, Oaam. Carats ard Maac»»^'*> patit on rrrru-t nf 4r foe packins. CMAa.aWVBa.t^f.1Sai atr^' ">>*' >"RK WARDROBE PROP TRUNKS $5.00 Big Bargains. Have been nsed. Alao a few Sccend Hand Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Tranka, lit and SIS. A few extra large Prop- erty Tranka. Alao old Taylor and Bal Tranka. Parlor Fleer, S8 W. Slat St., New Tork City L. COHEN THEATRICAL BOOTS and SHOES SUppera ts BMtcb gawaa saade la S4 kaara. 141 W. 44tk St. (I Un Biaadaar (Near PaUee Tbeatrs) Bryaat 7tS7 NEW YORK AUTHORS We will produce your Plays and Vsoda- ville Sketchea. We read your plays cure- fully and give you quick action. Harry Clay Blaney, Room S21. Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., 1402 Broadway. New Tork. Lcat Tea Forget Wa Say It Tct LETER HEADS Contracta. Tick eta. Envelopca. Free Samplea. STAGE MONET. 16c. Book of Herald Cata. 25c. rnnO-Q printing company ruir a r;n V^IVUOO 601 8. DEARBORN ST. V^mV/AVIV H&M Prolessiona! Trunb Acknowledged the Moat Popnlar Trank for Theatrical Uaa Made in 10^ Sizes $35 to $65 Gaaranteed • Tears Write for Naw CaUlogae Herkert & Meisel Trunk Co. fit Waahlngtea St. ST. LOUIS