Variety (September 1917)

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VARIITY 55 BEST PLACES TO STOP AT ,%•> The Professionals^ New York Headquarters p GRAND OPENING NEW ADDITION NOW COMPLETED. E RIOMT F'OOD AT TME RIOHT RRIO What Herbert*s Restaurant is to Frisco, Wolpins* Restaurant is to New York S. E. Cor, 47th St and Broadway Next Door to Palace Theatre New York City U. B. 0.).—A poorly oonatructed bill, with several acta not up to the standard of thla bouae. drew a real capacity houae Monday night, the audience being tolerant, and even geoeroua In one or two caaea. Eddie Leonard topped the bill, and the program, for acme reaaon, carried him aa a "requested" act, un- usual in thia big-time houae. Leonard Jock- eyed his audience for more applause repeat- edly, even to pulling the deprecating gesture when the stage handa appeared to aweep up hla Band, indicating that he wanted to use another number. Frank Crumit, with hia col- lege clothes, hla little ukulele, hia lilting melo- dlea and hia negro anecdotes, went across with a bang by the simple trick of not trying to force himself across. He had the number Just ahead of Leonard on the bill, and because of the vocal resemblance, cut into the head- Meet Me Af WEISS' Restaurant Whtrr the profession < (•ngriKjtes, nnd rat :i Homo (looked MpmI with Hfiil No(»dh' Soup 123 N. Clark St. Jd floor (mil C .)h«n> r,ranrf> CHICAGO liner's act badly. Raymond and Caverlj were • uced last week as being booked, but did not show. Frank Moore and Joe Whitehead were given their spot on the bill, and White* head turned the act into a nut riot, being switched from "B" to "J" after the matinee. The J. K. Emmett act Was originally aaalgned "J," but could not carry it, going badly la the afternoon and nearly flopping In the even- ing, due in part to the inexcuaable blander of usinfi: strong incense, which burned through the entire number and drove many from their seats. This is the height of the hay fever . soason, and one whiCT of that mosquito smudge is enough to send the average soirerer off Into paroxysms of coughing sad sneesing. Bm- mett's act is heavy blank verse set In an Oriental atmosphere, and is hopeless from a .tic viewpoint, although he baa a good voice only slightly hampered by mannerlama. Lamb and Morton opened neatly, followed by Mabel Russell (Mra. Bddie Leonard) and Marty Ward in "Call It What Ton Like." Ward used some atuff a little rougher than this house is accustomed to, but the act mnn- aged to get across with the aid of a bart>er shop quartet that later proved to be Leonard's tranoe fell flat, but when ahe got Into her character work ahe went big, and should oon- flne herself to this line. Lee Kohlmar and Co. in "Two Sweethearts." went really big, one of the smoothest working aketchea aeen here in months. Derkin's Dog and Monkey Pantomime closed, losing more than half the house In the first five minutes because the bill ran late. BOSTON (Charlea Harrla, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.). —The Mutual-Edna Ooodrieh "Reputa- tion" outdrew the vaudeville part of the pro- gram Monday aa the reault of aome anappj Sunday advertlaing. and the film more than made good. The vaudeville bill waa headed by Thomaa Swift and Co. In "Me and Mary," UNDOt NEW MAM ST. REGIS HOTEL"""""-"' OHICASO, ILL W. B. •I tka N. C ITUAIIT. JIHjUN Rates $5.N per weak MARION APT. HOTEL IM Weat 3Stfa Street, New Yark Gty Off Breadhray Furnished Apartveats a»d timmmm tL« Per Week Up RILEY'S BACK AGAIN When in Chicago have dinner at the Winter Garden the liveliest spot in town, and the popular rendezvous for the profession. You*ll enjoy . Revue "Good Bye, Laddie Boy" It's a big hit. with MARGARET HANEY, DAN HEALEY, and a cast of nineteen that includes MARVEL, the sensa- tional dancer; HELEN M^RIE AIKEN, and EDWARDS HARMONISTS. Two showfr—at 7:15 and 11 p. m. Table d'Hote Dinner, $1.25 Winter Garaen Restaurant Consumers Building 214 South State Street