Variety (September 1917)

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VARIETY •I mtwi K«iui«tk HarlAB It g«tUiif quite popular. !!•'• fimbMsf all tha oafa danolnc oupa. Vandafllla patronafa hara U InorMslng WMkly. mLWAukBL By F. «. M«L^_--. DAVIDSON (Sbsrman Brown, mffr.).— "PoUyanna," aaoond anfafoment, to big open- lof: 28, 'Tho Flama": laM balf, prwtlard of "Tha Judfa of Salaana." wltb Lao Dltrtob- MAJBSTiG (Claraaoo BMaott, ncr.; actot, Orph.). .>fallla aa4 Sara Kovns, Alazandar Kids, \villlama and Wolfus. Arthar BulllTan and Moro«dM Clark. Mliano Broo.. Medlin, Watu and Townaa, Lockott and Brawn, Hard/ Broo.t (ood* PALACB (Harrj B. BilUngt, mgr.; agent. W. V. M. A.).—Intamatlonal R«Tua, MUl- tary Blephants. Btaonnaa. Vaa and UTman, Dare Manloj, Floyd Maek and Maballa Taa- manla Trio; aaoond half: Rarua da vogue. Angela Annan to Traupa, Henry Fray, the Brads. Allmaa and hfarlna, Oao. and Mae La Fevre; axoellent. MILLER (Jack Yao. mgr.; agant, Loew).— BvU Bear Indiana. Jeanetta Adler and Olrla. Mualcal Kubna, Welab, Mealy and Montroaa. Marlon and Dabne. Monarcb Dancing Four. Tbrae Baoardoa. Billy and Elaa Moat, Llnd; ■HUBERT (B. Nlggamayer, mgr.; agent, IntemaUonal).—"A Good for Notblng Hua- band" to good opening. 88, "The Olrl With- out a Cbanoe." OATETT (Cbarlea J. Fes, mgr.; agent, American).—"Mlliury Malda." 28. PatWhlta and "Oayety Olrla." EMPRESS (Henry Ooldenberg, mgr.).— Stock burleaque. The Wlaconain atate fair, which oloaed laat Saturdajr. gara the thaatrea a good week, dua In a large measure to the fact that the wtk waa a rainy one. Deaplte that, tha fair drew an aTorage of 82.000 for each of the alz daya. NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. SAMUBi;; ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—From |MIM«STHnD4VEillli FURNITURE CASHORCREDIT Op«B NrtBiBfB Ull f o'clock DittiRiuitliiiii the fianiina GOOD yabiw ■■inliia taloii are not wm a matur m nawvapv HUl^tmmt. olalm—few pcfforra. In BaklBg eoo of mdtttUMina ■oxnwnt. and it in dou6t m u. «li«n to idaea credanoa. nnmbar than la on* InfaUlbit auadard to ao hf-Aht lancth ot r—n IB which a bouaa haa honaatly aarrad'tha puUla Wa ba?a a qiurtar oantory oT honaat daallna and bonaat looda beak of ararr atatamant wa Bakt— with a npatatlon for faLmaaa that la nation wide. Aaaeaalble fram Waat Side by Mill ar 1Mb Bl. •-Baaai •»aB4 V^mHara 1275 eat witb Farallare 1375 ft-BMm Period Apartmaat I7N Talae $585 >Bi Period Aparimeat |l.tM Talae $750 OUR LIBERAL TERMS Prefeoaleaai Bteaaaat af 15% Off forCash produethra and interpratattra of anglea **ToaBC Mra. Sundford." In which Emily Ann Well- man la headlining, ranka aa the beat aketob here In montha. Rath Broa. atart tha ahow aplendidly. Nlvena and Erwood are about aa formerly. Bert Baker aroked laughter. DaTid Saplerateln'a piano playing found hearty favor. Haager and Ooodwin bad lit- tie trouble connecting, their clrcua flnlab aending them off in good fashion. Harold Dukane baa wisely attained aome novelty In his dance preaentation. PALACE (Walter Kattman, mgr.).—FIrat half ahow glvea excellent valuea. Werner Aroroa Trio carried the program'a hit. Maila Erana and Banjo Boya, bill opening calibre. Three Southerners abould gather aome freah material and aonga. Regal and Mack scored unmistakably. Miaa Regal will bear watching. Van Bros., well received. CRESCENT (Abe Sellgmanu mgr.).— Dandy ahow first half. Paul Decker and Co., prime favorites. Watson and Mortimer Sis- ters, did well. Charles and Latour, pleased. Peppina and Perry, averaged well. McLlnn- Sutton Trio, elicited appreciation. TULANB (Tom Campbell, mgr.).—Mualcal stock la attempting the revue atyle of en- tertainment thin week with only fair suc- cess. A local Jazs band inserted In a roof garden acene stopped the show, rendering excellent service where it was needed. Busi- ness light. CRESCENT (Abe Sellgman,. mgr.).—Oeorga Wllaon headlined the laat half ahow laat week at the Crcacent A favorite here, be had little trouble in reglaterlng. Lucille and "0>ckie" atarted the ahow nicely. Stuart and Lewla are capat.e encjrtainere who might ad- vance oonalderably with material. The aketcb submitted by Florence Campbell and two aa- alatanta la not worthy, and abould be replaced by aomething amacktng of modernity. Fuji- yama Japa proved very appealing aa a oloaer. PALACB (Walter Kattman. mgr.).—Very nifty little program at the Palace the latter ftart of laat week. Attendance Friday evfn- ng waa capacity. Auatralian Creigbtona are offering much the aame act need on the big time. Very good Jugglera, ambition and abow- manahlp miRht advance them. Tiny. Joe and Midge, a three-act oompoaod of two petite g^ ^s and an agile youngater. If the glrla wore atocklnga and lowered their dreaaea. the turn would be enhanci .. Better to look like a rwal than a Ziegfeld kfddie. Maater Paul easily earned flrat honors with bla "Myatio Bird." It'a a novelty act that abould be played up by the preaa departmenta. Ronair and Ward are proceeding In much the aame groove. Just a talking turn, with a aong or two Interspersed to break the monotony. They did fairly well. Cole, Ruaaell and Davla gave the show a laugblnic finish. STRAND (D. L. Cornelius, mgr.).—PIcturea. ALAMO (Frank Sanders, mgr.).—McCor- mlck and Winehlirs Revue. The Olobe la to have a new manager. Maurice F. Barr la handling the publicity for the Saenger Amuaement Ck>. Will Oueringer baa returned from a month'a vacation, apent at Penaacola. The Palace and Creaoent have depleted tha bualneaa of the Canal street atore ahowa oon- alderably. Florence Webber la scheduled to leave the Comic Opera Playera. now at the Tulana. the latter part of thia week. Rudolph Ramelll Is asaln doing the preaa work for the Tulane and Crescent theatrea The Orpheum has a very pretty telephone operator In the person of Orace Schoen. The fonner "hello girl" la the caabler at the Palace now. Vivian SImma is making her bow as an Orpheum attache also. Cbarlea Perei la to remodel the front of bla Variety theatre. N. B. Thatcher Is covering the picture and «5r«TTM«t<r «how« for tb#» Tln>«»H-PlrRV"n«- Cal- vert Smith is again writing the amusement column lu the "Item." Sam Denbow^ In charge of the Fox aouth- ern division, has been here with a view to placing the Fox auper productions. Ernst Boehrlnger bought a home here tha other day with some of the money he made aelling the Oreenwall to Martin Beck. Work has again started on his Liberty theatre, the large picture house to be erected next the Orpheum. PHILADELPHIA. KEITH'S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.).—With an ideal bill for the occasion and the house crowded to Its capacity, this week's nhow got a tremendous start with the Jewish New Year. Foresight of Manager Jordan In book- ing the show certainly brought resulta. but the bill would have made good iinder any con- ditions. Comedy was its strongest feature, and laughing hita were liberally sprinkled throughout the entire show. The Dolly Sis- ters, headliners, got all there was to be had In the spot. This was the Arts appearance of the nimble-footed girls, and they were a great big hit. Their dancing, being all done In team work, does not stand out as It might if the girls did at least a bit of Individual stepping to relieve the double niimbers, but the rhythm of the two girls Is superb and deserved all the applause showered upon them. Jean Schwartz contributed a nice bit to the act In a musical way, handling the piano numbers splendidly and getting his share of the laurels. At the finish the girls took several real bows. A sketch that can run 40 minutes and close to as much ap- plause an greeted Sam Mann'a presentation THE 12th Anniversary Number of will be issued in December Early reservation of space is suggested^ to secure most favorable position. Ad- vertising rates for the special number remain unclianged. of Aaron's Uoffman'i playlet, "Tha Q»ee tlon," daaanraa to bo daaaed among tha real ?ema of vaudevllla. Thla playlet la just that, here haan't bean a mlataken Identity theoaa ao well worked Into a comedy plot, slaoa Oeorgle Cohan flrat showed "Runnlas tor Omce" as a vaudevUls sketch. Thera ,1s no almiiarlty In the Uroeo, In fact "Tha Quea- tlon" baa a. plot that will bother soma audl- enoes to grasp for awhlls, but It laaoa up lo a corking hit of sentUnentallsm and than hops right into a climax that Is a fanulna knoofc- out. Added to Its own valua Is tha asaal- lent playing of every membar of tha coBfany. Ihere Isn't a character overdrawn and It pra- aeiited a decidedly enjoyable bit of antartain- munu Alter a long abaence, that olaver artiut-entertalner, bert Levy, returned to win new honors, it is not only tha arlfflaallty of Levy's act that makes bun a hit In vanda- vllle, but he appears to share with tha audi- ence In the pl«iasure derived from his anssl- lent sketching. Levy's act Is novel. Interest- ing and an applai'.se winner, and ha la mak- ing It a strong booster for bualaass by an- nouncing his tree lectures for children. A couple of "uut" acu kept the house going. Al and Fanny Stedman had the first ahot at the crowtlert hou«« rx\<\ w«»nt through fly- ing with a jumoie of nonsense and muslo wnlch seemed to hit the holiday crowd as Just right. They did a ventriloqulal bit that took tne edge oil the one done by Felix Adier, who was next to closing, but did so little of It that prooably few la tha auuiaaoe remembered it. Adler, who was hare not long ago In a "girl act" that didn t last any longer than It should, la back again doing his old "single " turn with a lot of "nutty" chatter and songs. He worked in a llitla Jewish talk thttt had the houae screaming Monday afternoon and pulled down a good alsed hit. The Primrose Four have discarded tha use of up-to-date songs for several of the ald-tlmers, and with some excellent harmony did vary wull. They are also doing llitie or no comedy In the turn, depending entirely on thalr sing- ing to get them by, and the reaults proved the wisdom of the manner of working. Owin^ to the faliure of the apparatua of tha Flying Uussells to arrive in time for the flrat show, Mario and Trevette were on after the Pathe pictures, which opened. It was a handloap for the singing turn, but they overcame It in good style and put over a very well liked offering. The apeedy work of the Five Klu- muras, with the pretty auge aetting, fur- nlHhed a very good closing act for thia show, which was out to hit a high mark for business this week COLONIAL (H. A. Smith, mgr.).—Vir- ginia Pearson in "When Falae Tongues iSpeak" is the film feature this week, sur- rounded by the following vaudeville acts: lienlvichi Bros., Laurie Ordway, Dnpree and Dupree, Ward and Cullen, Cbarlea and Anna Qlocker. NIXON (F. O. Nlxon-Nirdllnger. mgr.).— Jack Pickford and Louise Huff In "The Var- mint." the film feature thla tha follawlns ▼andarllla bUl B«rro«Ui41ag 2 Athoson and Reed, Mabal Marpar and Cow, Rivoll, Dunbar and Turnar, tha Wheaier Trio. NiAUM'tt UUAMO OtMkUL HUliMM (W. D. Wssaiarth, mgr.).—Comedy Is strongly fea- tured thU w«faa In the touowlng bUl: Mullan and Coogan, Kothwell, Browne and Co., Uor- don Higniandars, Kenn and Wapplar, Thraa Klanos and motion piaurss, ALUfiUaJdMr (Joeaph Cohen, ngr.).— Kitty Franols and i;o. In heaulma pgelilon. Othsra ott tha hill are: Davia and htauwrd, Lonsa and ntariing, Kaufman and LUiiaa la "Bits ct VaodovUia" and "In tha Iranvhs^" anothvr musical ublold, with mouoa oio- tureo. KMYSTONB (M. W. Taylor, mgr.).--Thii wash's bill Includes Bums and Josla, John Oaiger. LaCoou and CUtton, '"i'hraa Boys and a Uirl," a musloal skit, Muokar and Wlnfiad in "Coontawn Ir'rollos," Miss BUlle Ulchmoad In "Cabaret D^ Luxe," with the Mayer Mis- ters and a Jais Band and motion pioturas. OI^iBB inaMosxoy h Mouurk, agrs.)^ lAi-^ .OA Carrera, tne daughter of Anna Meld, Vy^i% uis week's bill, with the following sur- rounding aou: 'Too Many llwaeihaarts," a music:*! tabloid with a oompany of JO: Vaa f?v<* H'-'^o "MUaay'a Oowji," >si :iuL,*,u di-- play Sketch, k.rn<Mt Dupllle, ThompMO aad Berry, tue Bell Brothers and Co. and motion piotur«.'«. W1L..1AM PBNN (Geo. W. Metsel, mgr.).— First half: Carmens Minstrels, Bddie Bor- den and James Bwyer, Whipple. Uouaton and Co. In bpooas," BUly Nawkirk and the Uoaer OlrlB, una the flia feaUra Is Mvelyn Neeblt and soa la "Kedemption." Last half: Bobby Heath aud his Uirile Kavue, the Sharrocks, Fred Ardath and Wallle Brooks, Kekoaa, and the film feature Bessie Love ia "PoUy Ana." CKudd KliiYB (ttabloekey and MoUurk. mgrs.;.—First half: "in and Out Agsin." a on^aoi oomedy. Is tha headllner. Others. Oaargla Comauy Four, Paul and Pauiiusb Harry Batcheler, Jessla Hayward and Col and Uoward Madler. Last half: The Jasi Cabaret, liharp and Earl, Pamahaska's Pets, Lugano Bmmouu i>lnklas, Barr aad Bvsrett! Walt«r Kauiraan aad matlon platarss. h-?r"*^^J'51^^ .<''•??»* Cahen.*^ mgr.i.-Flrst haJr. k<;demptlon." with Bvelyn Nesblt as tha aur, Is tha film feature, surrounded by tha following vaudavllla acU: "The 8uf- fragetiea' KevueL" Chaua«ua Pat^ Bugeno Emmett. Last half; Three Chums, Harry sad Augusta Turpln. Jack Morley. Charles Buckley and Co. and tha film feature Ethel Barrymore In "The Lifted Veil." BMPKBS8 (Sabloekey A MoOurk, mgrs.).- LTS?.. ^\ *1..?*"«^ • pstrlotlo Offering, headlined the bill for the first half. Othen Woliord's Animals, El Cou, Johnny Bckert •nd Co. Last hsif: "The SuffragJtte' was the feature, surrounded by four vaudevUle •cu aad moving pictures. ,.^^''^H., ^•'••H^h C. Dougherty, mgr.).— "Mma. Blttablrd.' a alevereomady aoZSaotlon Sw ''•!. ^"••"H fc«Ulll»«StSr flrat haS (Hhara, Walter Weoms, Thraa Bartas mfcUis