Variety (November 1917)

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20 VARISTY BILLS NEXT WEEK (NOVEMBER 5) In Vaudeville Theetree (All houses open for the week with Monday n Theatres listed as "Orpbeum" without any further Orpheum Circuit. Agencies booking the houses are noted by single Circuit i "U B O.** United Booking Of flees; M WY M A.** W« elation (Chicago); "P," Pantages Circuit; **Loew,** Marcus _ Circuit (booking through W7v. M. A.); "Sua*" Sun Ctreeit; (San Francisco). SPECIAL NOTICE—The manner in which these bills are printed ttve Importance of acts nor their program positions. SJ OOLUMBIA (loew) MeOlaals Bros Freeerleke * (One to flit) 2d halt Nelson A Oastle 8 OoweU Bros (One to ill) New York PALACE (ubo) Evelyn Nesblt Mnurlce A Wslton Beatrice Herford Moore A Whitehead Fox A Ward 6 American Dancers Vsn A Belle (Two to nil) ALHAMBRA (ubo) Blossom Seeley Co Ford 81s 4 Marshall Rooney A Bent Mignon Bobbe * Nelson Benny A Woods Robbie Oordone Apollo 8 COLONIAL (ubo) Bailie Fisher Co Moore A Whitehead Lydls Barry Oene Green Oarry McOarry Co JAM Harklns Lockett A Brown Meebsn's Dogs RIVERSIDE (ubo) Harry Fox "Forest Fire" Chss Orapewln Co Morton A Glass Whiting A Burt Cameron Sisters Phlna A Picks Burns A Frabeta Seabury A Sbsw ROYAL (ubo) Adelaide A Hugbea Barab Padden Co Plleer A Douglas Cole Russell A D Edith Clifford Rockwell A Wood SUnley A Burns AUamson 4 Nlahtons AMERICAN (loew) Howard A Simmons Oden A Holland The 8katelles Mabel Harper Co "Lincoln of U 8 A" Elisabeth Mayne IflddlAtnn-Bpellmeyer Adrian Kramer A Cross 2d half Connors A Foley Murphy A Klein CAM Cleveland Richard the Great Jessie Standlsh Edward Farrell Co Frank Terry (Two to nil) VICTORIA (loew) Connors A Foley Bud A Nellie Helm The Frescotts Demarest A Doll Tecbow's Cats (One to fill) 2d half Chong A Moey Herman A Henley "Lincoln of U 3 A" Weber A Elliott Ruth Howell 3 LINCOLN (loew) Torke's Dogs Dorothy Roy Ward A Pryor Hal Stephens Co CAM Cleveland Ed A Lottie Ford 2d half The Brlssons Jim A Anna Francis Williams A Mitchell Billy Elliott "Heir for Night" GREELEY (loew) Bennington A Scott Howard A Hurst Vess Osaman Ryan & Richfield Lane Plant-Tlmmons Helene Trio 2d half The Parshleys Morlarty Slaters Mlddleton-Spellmeyer Lander Bros Harvey DeVora 3 DELANCEY (loew) Sutter A Dell Marcella Johnson Co Green A Miller Laurie Ordway 7 Sammies Joliy Johnny Jones (One to fill) 2d half Adam* A Mangles Ethel CoHtello Dow & Dale Hal Stephens Co Adrian Ed K Lottie Ford NATIONAL (loew) The Brlaaons J A A Francis Frances Rice Nat Carr Marie A Billy Hart 2d half Leddy A Leddy Oden A Holland "The Job" Elisabeth Mayne 7 Sammies ORPHEUM (loew) B A V Morrlssey Ethel Costal lo Keene A Williams "The Job" Lander Broa Ruth Howell Trio 2d half Chadwlck A Taylor Howard A Hurst Wills Holt Wakefield Green A Miller Bruce Duffett Co Nat Carr Kramer A Cross BOULEVARD (loew) The Parshleys Morlarty Slaters Williams A Mitchell Dow A Dale Wllla Holt Wakefield 2d half Marshall A Walton Marcella Johnson Co Ryan A Richfield Laurie Ordway t Valdares AVE "B" (loew) Flying Henrys Brown A Taylor "Vampire Woman" The Lelgbtons (One to fill) 2d half Concertos Harry Grey 8 Gordon Eldred Co Lane Plant-Tlmmons 2 Walters Brooklyn ORPHEUM (ubo) Belle Baker Lyons A Yosco Sunt.ey A MHlershlp Billy Gould Mr A Mrs Scofleld McMahon, Dtam'd A C Dream Fantasies LeMalre A Gallagher BUSHWICK (ubo) Nora Bayes Conroy A LeMalre Ashley A Allman Crawford A B rode rick J A E Connolly Eddie Dowling Street Urchin Oarclnettl Bros Burdella Patterson BIJOU (loew) Chadwlck A Taylor Herman A Henley Jack Kennedy Co Weber A Elliott Arturo Bernardl 2d hulf Yorke's Dogs Vess Issman Mabel Harper Co The Frescotts Cook A Stevens Helene Trio DE KLAB (loew) Leddy A Leddy Murphy A Klein Jessie Standlsh Bruce Duffett Co Cook A Stevens 4 Valdares 2d half Howard A Simmons Maud Tiffany Keene A Williams Demarest A Doll Arturo Bernardl PALACE (loew) 2 Walters "Vanity Fair" Fonton A Green (Two to fill) 2d half Flying Henrys Savannah A Georgia Chase A LaTour (Two to fill) FULTON (loew) Marshall A Welton H & M Gilbert RoBnlle DeVeau Co Billy Elliott "Heir for Night" 2d half Ovandos H & V Morrlssey "Children of France" Jolly Johnny Jones (One to nil) WARWICK (loew) Selig & Allman Ixtruine A Crawford Gordon Eldred Co Chase & I.aTour Boys in Blue 2d half MeOee A Anita Brown A Taylor "Neglect" Eddie Foyer Sutter A Dell Albany, N. Y. PROCTOR'8 (Ubo) (Troy split) 1st half Adlon Co Venita Gould Lossr A Dale Maude Durand Co E A L Miller boganny Troupe Alexandria, Mlaa. RAPIDS (ubo) Kornan Rose A Moon Wm Slsto Roy A Arthur 2d half Leona Gurney Clover Leaf 8 Clark A Lavln Paul LeVan A Dobbs Alleatowa, Fa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Nestor A Vincent J C Nugent Co Manning Feeney A K Stampede Riders 2d half Art Studio Duquesne Comedy 4 Idlanlas Troupe (One to fill) Leonard A Demnsey Burns A Foran BakeralelA, OaL HIP (aAh) (4-8) Nola's Dogs Lindsay's Bogs (7-8) Hughes Sisters Wells A Rose DeVaux Dell A Joe (9-10) Matilda A Corpos Davis Co Robinson Duo HIP (loew) DelGrado 4 Ryan A Juliette Lee A Bennett "When Women Rule" 5 Melody Maids Battle Creak, Mlek. BIJOU (ubo) (Kalamasoo split) 1st half Florense Duo Barber A Jackson American Girl Rot Hilton A LaZar The Rials Bay City, Mlek. BIJOU (ubo) (Saginaw split) 1st half 81gsbee's Dogs Holllday A Wlllette Hawaiian Serenade The Prefesaleaals* Orlgiaal Heme CONTINENTAL HOTEL LOS ANGELES and SAN FBANCI8CO Bhaaley aad Faroes* ("Flfty-Fllty") Altoona, Pa. ORPHEUM (Ubo) Jos Bernard Co Greater City 4 (Two to fill) 2d half R'gera A Wood Duffln Redcay Tr (Two to fill) Anaconda, Meat. BLUE BIRD (ah-wva) (4) (Same bill playing Hip, Spokane 7) Hanah A Pardner 5 Young Americans MoCormack A Shannon George Bvers Aerial Bartletts Carle A Ines Ann Arbor, Mleh. MAJESTIC (ubo) (Jackson split) 1st half DeLuxe Trio Johnson A Wells "Lincoln U S A" Madison A Winchester Ellis Knowlln Tr Atlanta, Ga. LYRIC (ubo) 1st half (Birmingham split) Vim Beauty A Health Pmbs A Altoon "Garden Belles" Steve Fried* Symphony Girls GRAND (loew) Rose A Ellis Julian Rose Denklns Everett Co Gray A Granville Musical Chrystles 2d half A A O Terry Florence Tlmponl Jos De Zoe Tr T A S Moore (One to fill) Ansraeta, Ga. GRAND (ubo) 1st half Mr A Mrs Allison C'onkley & Irvine; Fckoff A Gordon Corb Shep A Don Princess Mapella MODJESKA (loew) Joe De Koe Tr T ft S Moore riiw<Mi<«« Tlmponl A ft O Terry (One to fill) 2d half Tnklta Japs Burke Tuohey Co Dolce Slaters Arthur Rlgby Bosh Bros BUllajta, Moot. BABCOCK (ah-wva) (8) (Same bill playing Judith, Lewtston, 9) Monahan A Monahan Cook A Hamilton Carle A LeClalre 7 Symphony Girls Link Robinson Tr Blrsalaa-haae, Ala. LYRIC (ubo) (Atlanta split) 1st half GAL Garden Noodles Fsgan Co "The Family" "The Race of Man" Dancing Kennedys BIJOU (loew) Randalls • Holden A Herron Phunphlends Vespo Duo Manning A Hall 2d half Zanaras Howard's Bears Schwant A Clifford W E Whittle LAO Harvey Boston KEITH'S (ubo) Roberta A Vererra A Rorer A 81s W Clark Co Bailey A Cowan World Dancers Sylvia Clark Will Ward Co Mr A Mrs Barry Great Leon ORPHEUM (loew) Breakaway Barlows Russell A Evans 3 Peronees Billy Hall Co (Three to fill) 2d half Warner A Astor Zelaya "Some Sleuth" Bevan A Flint Archie Dunbar 3 (Two to fill) ST. JAMES (loew) Adele Oswald Raymond A Caverly Tommy Haydn Co Frear Baeaett Freer (One to flil) 2d half Lillian's Dogs PHI* A Mayo Maud Leone Co Raymond A Caverly (One to fill) POLI'8 (ubo) Joe Barton Maud Roefcwell Anger Newman A A Kama A Boone "Oat and hi Again" 28 naif Emmott's Canines Wallaos Oalvtn Musfeal Maclai Olson A Jeai Barney Williams Co PLAZA (ubo) Trennell Trio Sam J Harris Taylor A Howard Caesar Rlvoll Co 2d half La Belle A Lillian White Steppers Lewis A Chapln "Blacksmith Shop" E. HEMMENDlNGER^aVvVifS" T.i john 171 Jtwetsn to tt* BwsTalo, H. T. OLYMPIC (sun) Standard Bros Leo Berth Primrose Trio Sextet DeLaxe LYRIC (san) Jack Dresdner Emll Hoch Co Stetson A Hnber Melodious Bags "Girls A Whirls" Bwtte, Moat PANTAGB8 (p) (8-14) Honey Been West A Halo Maurice Samuels Co Transflsld Bisters Mile Therogo Co HIP (ah-wra) (Same bill playing Blue Bird, Anaconda, 7; Grand, Wallace, Idaho, 0) Artane Carnella Duo Foster A Foster "Ten Dark Knights" F Howard A Toolon Randow Trio Cnlsmry, Can. ORPHEUM "Poor Husbands" Raymond Wllbert Alloa A Francis Patrioola A Myers Oolet Harris A M Mr A Mrs MelBurne Bert Hughes Co PANTAGES (p) "Cycle of Mirth" Naynon'e Birds Donsls Sisters Van A Carrie Avery Byal A Early Caaadea, If. J. TOWERS (abo) 2d half (1-8) Cook A Rotbelr Kenne Day A 8 Goldsmith A Lewis Doree's Singers Cedar ■*•» 1*% Mich. MAJESTIC (wra) The Van Campa Harry Rose Herbert Clifton Rucker A Winifred Geo Damarel Co 2d half Rexo Chabot A Dixon Sampson A Douglas Girl In Moon "The Vac Cleaners" Chasaaalsca, III. ORPHEUM (wva) Bertie Ford "The Slacker" Wilson A Wilson "1017 Revue" Raines A Goodrich 2d half W 8 Harvey Co Danny Simmons "Dairy Maids'* Demarest A Collette Myral A Dealmar Charleston, 8. O. ACADEMY (ubo) (Columbia split) 1st half LaVlva Nella Allen Montana Five Weber A Rldun Keno A Wagner Charlotte, N. C. MAJESTIC (Ubo) (Greenville split) 1st half Ruth. Belxar Elliott A West Leonard A Whitney Adans A Griffith Fred LaRelne Co Chattanooga, Teaa. RIALTO (ubo) (Knoxvllle split) 1st half Ferry McCormtck A Irving Frank A Toby B H A Gordon Klrfcamlth Sisters CIVIC CENTRE Cube) (Macon split) 1st half Chuck Baas Mario's Orchestra Oaylord A Laneton Hunting A Francis 4 Miller Shrtere (Corbett Bhepard A Donovan replacos RIU Mario's Or- chestra In Macon) LYRIC (loew) Schwars A Clifford W B Whittle LAO Harvey Zanaras Howard's Bears 2d half Musical Chrystles Rose A Ellis Julian Rosa Denklns Everett Co Gray A Oranvllle ChJ< MAJESTIC (orph) "Naughty Princess" Lew Dookstader Stan Stanley 8 B Welch's Minstrels Clifford A Wills Dorothy Brenner Holt A Rosedale Kanasha Japs PALACE (orph) G Hoffmann Co "Hit the Trail*' Jas C Morton Co Hufford A King Bdwln George 8 Vagrants KBDZIB (wva) Lew Hoffman U 8 Four Stevens A Hollister "A Real Pal" Casting Lamys 2d half Folly A Massimo "The SUeker" Morley A McCarthy 81s Perntkoff A Ballet WINDSOR (wva) Dale A Mejla Ray A Emma Dean "Honor Thy Children" Ward A Raymond 4 Ankers 2d half "Back to Blmlra" Empire Comedy 4 Emmy's Pets (Two to 811) AVENUE (wva) Fagg A White Lucille A "Cockle" Morley A McCarthy 81s Roth A Roberts Rotter Bros 2d half DeBonrg Sisters Lew Hoffman Stevena A Holllsters Cummin A Seaum WIL80N (wva) Folly A Massimo "Back to Blmlra" Hampton A Schrlner (Two to 811) 2d half "Honor Thy Children" Wood's Canines (Three to 811) NORTH HIP (wra) Paul Patching Co Billy Kllgard The Gladiators Daniels A Walters Hans Robert Co Gabbys A Clark Walman A Barry Duval A Silver Shaw's Circus 7 Blacks (Four to 811) AMERICAN (wva) Manning A Lee Maggie LeClair Co Irving Oosler Thalerous Circus (Two to 811) 2d half Frank Ward Arthur La Vine Co (Four to 811) LINCOLN (wra) The Bimbos Frank Ward "Selling Out" Arthur LaVlne Co (One to 811) 2d half Manning A Lee Hazel Kirk 5 Fields A Wells Thalerous Circus (One to 811) MCVICKER'S (loew) "Girl at Cigar Stand" Simpson A Dean Four Volunteers Blaux A Belles Leonard A Ward Mllanl Five IAD Carbrey Rose Berry Gordon A Gordon Jesson A Jesson Chlco, Cal. MAJESTIC (ah-wva) (6) (Same bill playing Empress, Sacramento, 7) Hunter A Shaw Peggy Worth The HaUxings James Carroll Co Kennedy A FHspatrlck 8 OornatUs Cincinnati KEITHS (nbo) Lamb A Marton Fox A Ingraham Bert Levy Outran A Newell Sam Hearn Paul Dickey Co Mullen A Coogaa Camilla's Birds BMPRB88 (she) LaVonna Trio OAR Simpson Oapt Sorcho F A B Lucler Newport A Stlrk Litt A Nolan Cleveland. HIP (ubo) Juno Sslmo American Comedy 4 "Tango Shoes" Walter C Kelly A Bergen Co Imhoff Conn A C Eva Tanguay Everest's Monks MILE8 (losw) Five Metsettee John A Mae Burke Realsta Ben Smith Ward A Shubert Eskimo A Seal GRAND (loew) Girl from Holland Bert Howard CAL McDonald DePace Opera Co WUI A Mary Rogers Osakl Duo PRIHCILLA (sun) Forrester A Lloyd Rothrock A McGrade Marcelle Johnson A Lee Keno Keyes A M Colsuahla, S. C. PA8TIME (ubo) (Charleston split) 1st half Marie Dreams Muller A Conelll Frsnk Rae Co B Kelly Forest Selblnl A Grovlnl ORPHEUM Mack A Walker Pi-lncess Katma Co David Bapersteln Kerr A Ensign Mang A Snyder Mrs O Hughes Co PANTAGES (p) Venetian Oypsles Bsrly A Lalght Clare A Atwood Owen McOlveny Frank Morell Reeder A Armstrong Deo Molnea ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Leona Lemar Kathryn Murray Lovenberg 81s Co Eva Taylor Co Milton A Delongs Toots Pake Co Detroit TEMPLE (Ubo) J B Hymer Co Hans Kronold Connelly A Wenrich Duffy A Inglls Alex O'Nell A S Morris A Campbell Merlan's Dogs Sterling A Marguerite MILE8 (abc) Geo Paul Co Petsel A Carroll Lachman Trio "Fe-Mall Clerks" M Denis A Gibson Carrie McManus REGENT (loew) Cedora Frank Mullane "Wanted a Wife" Schooler A Dickinson "Lots A Lots" Will A Kemp ORPHEUM (loew) Booth A Leander Big Four Wilklns A Wllklns Hooper A Burkhardt Leona Graham (One to 811) COLUMBIA (sun) Leono Duo Pearl Trio Carter Co FACES IN THE FliT] Colansbaa. KEITH'S (ubo) Arnold A Florence Valerie Sis Moon A Morris Joe Jackson G Aldo Raudeggor Emmet Devoy Co Big City 4 Vallcltas Leopards Dallas, Tex. MAJESTIC (Inter) Weber Girls Vernie A Baker Baker A Girls Doc O'Nell "Peacock Alley" Medlln Watts A T German Film Danville, III. PALACE (wva) Degnon A Clifton Clark A Chappelle "Echos of B'way" Pat Barrett Vernon 5 2d half " Merry-go-Round" Davenport, la. COLUMBIA (wva) Carletta Duvall A Slmmonds Otto Koerner Co Richards A Kyle "On the Atlantic" 2d half Balancing Stevens Musical Nosses Al Shayne Harry Langdon Co (One to 811) Dayton, O. KEITH'S (ubo) Daring Sis Genaro A Gold LaFrance A Kennedy Olga Mlshka Trio Burns A Kissen Lee Kohlmar Co Ideal (One to fill) Decatur. HI. EMPRESS (wva) (Sunday opening) DeBourg Sisters Dunlay A Merrill Ed Blondell Co Gus Erdman "Temptation" 2d half Karltnn & Kllffcrd E A I Lowry Morgan A Gray Wilson A Wilson ^917 Revue" Moore A Arnold Marie Edwards Duo Columbia Players Three Toms Doha awe, la. MAJESTIC (wva) Rexo Sampson A Douglas Musical Nosses AI Shayne Girl in Moon 2d half "Good-Bye B'way" Dalath ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) "America First" Hamilton A Barnes Rita Boland "The Headllners" Hufford A Chain El Cleve A O'Connor Bert Melrose GRAND (wva) Musical McDonalds Harry Mason Co Ogden A Benson Swain's Cockatoos 2d half Morton Bros "Night With Poete" SAL Berns 3 Kanes Eaaton, Pa. ABEL O H (ubo) Arthur Lloyd Conley A Webb NewhofT A Phelps Art Studio Nestor A Vincent 2d half J C Nugent Co Manning Feeney A K Stampede Riders (Two to fill) E. Liverpool, O. AMERICAN (sun) Pierce A Burke Spencer Charters Co Sena ft Webber Colonial Mine Maids 2d half Two Sterlings Pugh ft Brown Gllroy Haynes A M LaBellc Carmen 3 E. St. Louie, Mo. ERBER'9 (wva) Hope Vernon Johnny Eckert Co Jolly Tars (One to AW) 2d half Aerial Mitchells Granville A Mack (Two to fill) HOTEL APPLETON SAN FRANCISCO (Nest te Aleaser Theatre) The aew koaw of tee