Variety (November 1917)

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VARIETY V ■OMB MOB =ar= MM -rm Announces a visit over the ORPHEUM CIRCUIT in Songs by Two Pals THOMAS GRAY and GEORGE SPINK Also dancing (?) with Mellisa TEN EYCK and Max WEILY Gowns by HAYDEN, INC. and MME. KAHN (and not Lucille) BILLS. (Continued from page 26.) 4 Clucks Josie Flynn Co Shattuck & O'Neill Saotl Taeoaaa. Waafc. PANTAOBS (p) "Dream of Orient'' Claudia Coleman The Younger* Hoey A Lao WUUard "All Wrong" HIP (ah-wva) <4> (Same bill playing Hip, Seattle, tt> Mabel Fonda Tr Billy Morae Morgan A 8tawart Rural Bight Berggulat Bros Ross Bros Terra Haute* lad. HIP (wva) (Evansvllle spUt) 1st half Ballyhoo Trio Jas A Dunn Wm Morrow Go Hipp 4 "Oh Please Mr Be tec" Toledo KEITHS (ubo) Han Ion ft CI If ton Lewis 4 Whlta Kauiman Bros. Fantasia John W. Ransomer , Den Burke Co Dooley 4 8ales Dore's Celebrities Turoato YONGE (loew) 8torm 4 Marsden Clinton 4 Rooney Beatrice Morrell Andy Lewis Co Minetti 4 8ldelll (Two to fill) Treatoa, N. J. TAYLOR O H (ubo) 2d half (1-3) Ada Elliott Van Alia 4 O K Oration Co J Clark Co D Orenvllle Co Kerslakss PI go Truy, V V. PROCTOR'S (ubo) (Albany split) lilt half Louis Stone Hedges 4 Hedges "The intruder" Clara Morton Co * Svar 4 Avery Marcel la's Birds Lilen, N. Y. COLONIAL (ubo) Ward 4 Useless Gray 4 Byron Holmes 4 Buchanan "Ragtime Dining Car" Kelly 4 Calvin White's Circus 2d half Chas Ledegar Valentine Vox Jones * Johnson Green Pstest Co (Two to All) Vancouver, B. C. ORPHEUM B A Wei I man Co Arthur Deagon Cooper 4 Ricardo B Johnson Co H DuKane Co Skating Bear German Film PANTAGK3 (p) Larson 4 Wilson Rlgoletto Bros 6 Serenaders Ash 4 Shaw Rlggs a Ryan Victoria, B. C. PANTAGFS (p) Parsons 4 Irwin "Fireside Reverie" Lloyd 4 Fuller Buehla Pearl Equestrian Lion Wilson Bros Waco, Tex. MAJESTIC (Inter) (4-5) Tyler 4 St Clair Nevlns 4 Erwood Herbert Lloyd Mack 4 Earl - "Dancing Girl of Delhi" James Culien Apdale's Circus Walla-Walla, Waaa. LIBERTY (ah-wva) (4) (Same bill playing Empire No Yakimi, 0) Harry Davis Walton 4 Brandt Slgmund 4 Manning George Matlson Fider 4 Cole 2 Carltons W iiKhliiKtnn KEITH'S (ubo) Jennie Middleton Rudinoff Clayton White Co Gilbert 4 Friedland Bessie Clayton Co Ponxlllo Sis Milt Collins ••Creation" Y\ aterhury. Conn. POLI'S (ubo) Orbaaauy Cockatoos Hayes 4 Neal HIM Tlvoll 4 Hill Novelty Minstrels George Armstrong Barney Williams Co 2d half Joe Barton Dancing Demons Taylor 4 Howard Kahn 4 Booue "Out and In Again" (One to All) Waterloo, la. MAJESTIC (wva) (Sunday opening) "Good-bye B way" 2d half Lonso Coz Rucker 4 Winifred Otto Koerner Co Herbert Clifton Page* Hack 4 Mack Wheeling, \\. Va. VICTORIA (sun) Two Sterlings Pugh 4 Brown Gilroy Hsynes 4 M LaBelle Carmen 8 2d half Pierce 4 Burke Spencer Charters Co Sena 4 Webber Colonial Mlna Maids Wllken-ltarre, ft*a. POLI'S (ubo) (Scrsnlon split) 1st half Adel 4 Eva Geo Lima White Oliver Co Wheeler 4 Moran "Bway Boys 4 Girls" Worcester, Mam. POLI'S (ubo) Dlngley 4 Norton Arthur Guy 3 Anthony Andrea Co Murray Bennett Catherine Cameron Co 2d half The Duress Eddie Carr Co E Emmet* 4 Maids (Two to nil) PLAZA (ubo) Van Orden 4 Fellows Earl Urucke "Blacksmith 8bop" Guest 4 Newlla Gen Pleano Co 2d half Klnio Hanvey 4 Francis A Newman 4 Anger Man off Ice Wagon "Getting In Soft 7 ' Wlaalpeaj ORPHEUM H Rempel Co Williams 4 Wolf us Rath Bros Willie Weston Hasel Moran Winona Winters Tennessee Ten PANTAGES (p) Primrose Minstrels Barton 4 Hill "Well Well Well" Marlette's Marionettes Alice Hamilton Jan Publnl 8TRAND (wva) 1st half Tiller Sisters Thompson 4 Marshall Frank Gardner Co Sweeney 4 Newton VVoonaocket, R. I* BIJOU (Ubo) Alfred Farrell Co Scott Gibson "The Masqueraders" 2d half Keenan White John F Clark Womwood's Animals * on b era. .>. % . PROCTORS (ubo) Stanley Galllnl Co Ktmberly 4 Arnold T Granville Co Bender & Hear (Two to fill) 2d half Elsie White Roaoh 4 McCurdy "Mimic World" (Two to fill) lork. Pa. OPERA HOUSB (Ubo) Rogers 4 Wood O'Neal 4 Walmsley Napoleon 4 Hip (One to fill) 2d half Hendricks & Padula Barry 4 Wolford Willie Bros. (One to All) ) (inn mown. O. KEITH'S (ubo) Jack & Foris A Boothby Co Gygl 4 Vadle Andy Rice Cartmell 4 Harris Gladys 4 Hanson Bonlta 4 H?arn Hill 4 Sylvany run* ALHAMBRA Kratons Rose Amy Qlenry Troupe Dreadneu%hts Betty Washington Ward 4 Partner 4 Black Diamonds Frivols 4 Deep Mlaa Lily Las Arnallna (Nov. 5 and Nor. 12.) "Americans" 5 Star Toronto 12 Savoy Ham- ilton Ont. "Army 4 Navy Girls" 5 Empire Hoboken 12 Star Brooklyn. "Auto Girls" 5 Grand Trenton N J 12 Gay- ety Baltimore Md. "Aviators" 5 Lyceum Duluth 12 Century Kansas City Mo. Behman Show 5 Casino Brooklyn 12 Em- pire Newark N J. "Best Show In Town" 5 Corinthian Roches- ter 12-14 Bastable Syracuse 15-17 Lum- berg Utics N Y. "Biff Blng Bang" S Majestic Ft Wayne Ind 11-12 O H Terre Haute. "Bon Tons" 5 Jacques Waterbury 12-14 Cohen's Newburgh 15-17 Cohen's Pough- keepsle N Y. "Bostonlans" 5 Gayety Montreal 12 Empire Albany. "Bowery" 6 Hurtlg 4 Seamon Seamon's New York 12 L O. "Broadway Belles" 5-fl Holyoke Holyoke 7- 10 Gllmore Springfield Mass 12 Howard Boston. "Broadway Frolics" 5 Olympic Cincinnati 12 Star 4 Garter Chicago. "Burlesque Revue" 5 L O 12 Orpheum Pater- son. "Burlesque Wonder Show" 5 Orpheum Pater- son 12 Majestic Jersey City. "Cabaret Girls" R Gayety Brooklyn .12-14 Warbtfrton Yonkers 15-17 Hudson Schenec- daty N Y. "Charming Widows" 5 Gayety Philadelphia 12 So Bethlehem 13 Easton 14-17 Majestic Wllkes-Barre Pa. "Darlings of Paris" 5 Gayety Minneapolis 12 Star St Paul. "Follies of Day" 5 Empire Hoboken 15-17 Park Bridgeport. "Follies of Pleasure" 5 Star Brooklyn 12 Gayety Brooklyn. "French Frolics" 5-7 Warburton Yonkers 8- 10 Hudson Schenectady N Y 12-J.H Holyoke Holyoke 14-17 Gllmore Springfield Mass. "Gay Morning Glories" 5 Savoy Hamilton 12 Cadillac Detroit. "Girls from Follies" 5 Cadillac Detroit 12/ Gayety Chicago. "Girls from Joyland" 5 Garden Buffalo 12 Star Toronto. "Golden Crook" 5 Gayety Buffalo 12 Corin- thian Rochester. "Grown Up Babies" 5 Standard St Louis 12 Englewood Chicago. Hastings Hsrry 6 Colonial Providence 12 Gayety Boston. "Hello America" 5 Gayety Omaha 12 Gay- ety Kansas City Mo. "Hello Girls" 5 So Bethlehem 0 Easton 7-10 Majestic Wllkes-Barre Pa 12 Empire Ho- boken N J. "Hip Hip Hip Hurrah" 5 Empire Albany 12 Gayety Boston. Howe Sam 5 Casino Philadelphia 12 Hurtlg 4 Seamon's New York. "Innocent Maids" 5 Olympic New York 12 Gayety Philadelphia. Irwin's "Big Show" 5 Grand Hartford 12 Jacques Waterbury. "Jolly Girls" 5-0 Erie 7 Ashtabula Pa 8-10 Park Youngstown O 12 Victoria Pitts- burgh. "Lady Buccaneers" 4-5 O H Terre Haute Ind 12 Lyceum Columbus O. "Liberty Girls" 8-10 Park Bridgeport Conn 12 Colonial Providence. "Lid Lifters" 5 Century Kansas City Mo 12 Standard 8t Louis. "MsIds of America" 5 Peoples Philadelphia 12 Palace Baltimore Md. "Majesties" 0 Star Cleveland 12 Umpire Toledo. Marlon Dsve 5 Gayety Pittsburgh 12 Star Cleveland. "Merry Rounders" 5 Gayety Washington 12 Gayety Pittsburgh. "Mile a Minute Girls" 5 Victoria Pittsburgh 12 Penn Circuit. "Military Maids" 5 Empire. Chicago 12 Ma- jestic Ft Wayne Ind. "Million Dollar Dolls" 5 Lyric Dayton 12 Olympic Cincinnati O. "Monte Carlo Glrla" 5 Howard Boston 12-14 Orpheum New Bedford 15-17 Worcester Worcester Mass. "Ob Girls" 5 Oayety Boston 12 Columbus Nsw York. "Orientals" 5 Gayety Chicago 12 Gayety Milwaukee. "Pace Makers" 5 Gayety Baltimore 12 Tro- cadero Phlladelphls. "Parisian Flirts" 5 Empire Cleveland 12-13 Erie 14 Ashtabula 15-17 Park Youngstown O. "Puss Puss" 5 Gayety St Louis 12 Columbia Chicago. "Record Breakers" 5 Majestic Scranton 12- 13 Binghamton 14 Oneida 15 Oswego 10-17 Inter Niagara Falls N Y. "Review or 1018" 6 Penn Circuit 12 Grand Trenton N J. Roseland Girls" 5 Emplrs Toledo 12 Lyric Dayton. Sldman Sam 5 Columbia Chicago 12-14 Ber- chel Des Moines la. "Sight 8eers" ft Gayety Kansas City Mo 12 Oayety St Loul~ "Social Follies" 3 Trocadero Philadelphia 12 Majestic Scranton. "Social Maids" 5 Palace Baltimore Md 12 Gayety Washington D C. "Some Babies" ft-6 Binghamton 7 Oneida 8 Oswego 0-10 Inter Niagara Falls N Y 12 Garden Buffalo. "Some Show" 5 Empire Newark 12 Casino Philadelphia. "Speedway Girls" 5 Star St Paul 12 Lyceum Duluth. Spelael's Revue 5 Majestic Jersey City 12 Peoples Philadelphia. "Sporting Widows" 5-7 Cohen's Newburgh 8-10 Cohen's Poughkcepsle 12 Miner's Bronx New York. "Star & Garter" 5 Miner's nronx New York 12 Empire Hoboken. "Stop Lively Girls" 5 Columbia New York 12 Casino Brooklyn. Sydell Rose 5 Gayety Toronto 12 Gayety Buffalo. "Tempters" 5 Gayety Milwaukee 12 Gayety Minneapolis. "20th Century Maids" 5 Gayety Detroit 12 Gayety Toronto. Watson Billy 5-7 Bastable Syracuse 8-10 Lumbers I'tlca N Y 12 Oayrty Montreal. Welch Ben 5 Star & Garter Chicago 12 Gay- ety ,/>ctrolt. fn.v Glrry Girls* 5 Lyceum Colurnbu* 12- Cort Wheeling W Va 1.1-17 Grand Akron O. White Pat 5 Englewood Chicago 12 Empire Chicago. Williams Molllo 5 Casino Boston 12 Grand Hartford. "Bringing Up Father" Lexington New York. "Come Back to Erin" Shubert Milwaukee. "Common Clay" Ad on Rochester N Y. "Daughter of the Sun" Auditorium Baltimore Md. "Haps and Fritz" Grand Worcester Mass. "Katzenjammer Kids" (a) Imperial Chicago. "Katzenjammer Kids" (b) Orpheum Philadel- phia. "Lillle Girl God Forgot" National Chicago. "Little Girl in a Big City" American 8t Louis. "Millionaires Son and Shop Girl" Strand Hoboken N J. "Mutt and Jeff" Lyceum Pittsburgh. "Peg o* My Heart" Lyceum Detroit. "The Facinatlng Widow" Polls Washington D C "The Heart of Wetona" Park Indianapolis. "The Old Homestead" Garden Kanaas City Mo. "The Other Mans Wife" Emery Providence R I. "The White 8lave" Gayety Louisville Ky. "Thurston" Prospect Cleveland O. "Trail of the Lonesome Pin" Southern Colum- bus O. "Turn Hack the Hours" Majeatlc Buffalo N Y. "Which One Shall I Marry" Orpheum Nash- ville Tenn. LETTERS When sending- for mail te VARIETY, addreas Mail Clerk Where C follows name, letter Is in Variety's Chicago Ofllce. Where S F follows name, letter is in Variety's San Francisco office. Advertising or circular letters will not be listed. P following name indicates postal, advertised once only. Hog following name indicates regis- tered mail. GOVERNMENT LETTERS Childrcy Stanley M INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT. (Nov. 5.) "After Office Hours" 4-7 Boyd's Omaha 8 Lincoln Neb. M Mlskow Carl Palmer Phillip L R Ramsey Beecher 8 Schoonbrunti Chas Bhelvcy Frank LETTER LIST. Abdulla Hilly Abrahams Abraham AbramH A ackaboz Mohamed Adams Bros (C) Adams Rex Idler Chas J Alberts Nat Aldrldge Alfrod (SF) A media (C) Vnders Glen Andrews F W (C) Anellka Julia Anson A E Anson Joe Armstrong Cella Arnold Billy Arnold Louis Arrulo Victoria (C) Artnne Max Atlantis fr Flsk Avi.rcy HA Ay era Mr & Mra (C) B Baird Ffhel Harry S|«?«t* Barry A Wolford Harry Klrhnrd Barton Ward B.iHHitt & Halley (C) Batrhelor Hilly Hnxter Klmnr A Beaumont Elite Bell Norma Bellmonte Harry Bennett Eva Bennett John Heiifon Harry C Bernard Vera Hernivicl Al (SF) Bertrand Eudoxle Blegert Mildred Bijou Comedy (C) Bimbo Chas (C) Birch Ml»s Blxter Earl M Bombard Mamie H Borromer Louis (C) Boyd Dixie (C) Boyle Ellen Brandon Francis Brock Mr 4 Mrs A Brown Frank Brown Ceo N (C) Brown & Kennedy (C) Brownie Morris (C) Browns Dancing Bryton Miss Georgia Bullock Gertrude Burdlck Belle Burke 4 Harris Burke Hen Burke Walter J Burton Ethel Burton Jcs«le L Burton Marlon Burton Robert Husch Julia M Bush Pete Hy.-irii John (C) Byron Jack (C) Callahan Jere Calvert Lillian Cameron Lillian Camlay Mrs Hurry(C) Cnnfleld Al Oxofw M W«rd Cantweil Johnny Mm Carman's N Minstrels Carr Marie ({]) Carroll Madam Carroll Nettle Carr Natt Carvrlls Musical Carv.r Ida H (P) Cava lino Mario J Cava nnu eh Dick Chandler Joe Clewfrr Mrs (C) Chestley Mae