Variety (November 1917)

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40 VARIETY These are times when the profession should advertise, to keep themselves and wares promi- nently before the theatrical trade. "VARIETY'S'' 12th Anniversary Number next month, is the chance to place an advertisement that will become a per- manent announcement No better chance can expose itself to the professional who wants to at least once yearly advertise he is still in the show business. There is no use hiding. Nobody is going to look for you. Let them know where you are so they may seek you out Thatfs the surest way. Show business moves around quick- ly. If s moving all the time. If you stray off the path, you are forgotten. Keep on the track. Let them know you are still in it Just a word to the old timers: You haven't been forgotten but you are not remembered. There are others since you were so well known. Let them re- call you through an announcement That may remind them they need you. People in theatricals become too set when they think they are set The youngsters come along — managers, agents and actors. There is always someone new about Be as progressive as they are. Everybody should use "Variety." It's the mutual weekly meeting place of all show business all over the world. Take space in the Anniversary Num- ber. Send in your copy now. ARatkowsky FURS "A 435 RFtKAvenue Lord ft Tartar NEAR 88TH ST., NEW YORK CITY MY NEW AND ONLY STORE The most reliable addition to a woman's wardrobe is her Furs—and they should be purchased from a reliable source— a manu- facturer who has made Furs his life's work. UNUSUAL SPECIALS CapeletS In Hudson Seal (dyed Muskrat) . . Muskrat) tad Ermine Hudaoti £*&) (dyed oombt notion Black Lynx Stoles \\ fij- ££ Skunk Capelets with fourteen un« $75.00 90.00 85.00 New Taupe Wolf Open Scarfs.. One whole animal akin Hudson Seal Stoles \\ figs 55" • 65.00 27.50 35.00 Hudson Seal Muffs 12.00 Hudson Bay Sable Stole 250.00 fourteen aklna. fifteen tails NATURAL SQUIRREL: Stoles 25.00 Capelets 37.50 Coatees 125.00 Of finest sllTered skins. ERMINE: Absolutely » if Scarfs 35.00 Muffs 35.00 Capelets 125.00 Beaver Collars . New mnon model. . 30.00 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO THE PROFESSION : ijfiim ••>• ..••••• •ILLY Newell ELSA MOST "Newell and Most are enter- t a i n e r 8 much above the aver- age and have an a r t i • t i e style which augurs well for their fu- ture." — (Phila- delphia Evening Ledger.) real showy number, using four girls who contribute a series of dances. The trapeze work of one of the sisters still stands out as the strong feature of the offering. The whole act is nicely staged and costumed and scored a hit. COLONIAL (H. A. Smith, mgr.).—Six Vir- ginia Steppers in a classy dancing act heads this week's bill. Others: Gillette's Monkeys, Den and Hazel Mann, Wilbur Sweat man. Ma- honey Bros, and Daisy, George Moore and the film feature, Lilian Walker in "Gold, the Lust of the Ares." ALLEGHENY (Joseph Cohen, mgr.).—"The Pood Inspector," a tabloid musical piece with a company of twelve, headed by George Mur- phy, tops this week's bill. Others: Edgemont and Leedom, Burkln Sisters. Smith and Aus- tin, Three 8helvey Brothers and the film fea- ture, Marguerite Clark In "Bab's Burglar." KEYSTONE (M. W. Taylor, mgr.).—Nine clever youngsters appear in 'The Rising Gen- eration," which heads the bill this week. Others: 8haron Stevens and Delia Bordeaux in "A Boy from Home," Duqueane Comedy Four. Bayard and Ingham in a song revue, Goldsmith and Lewis, Belle Onra and the film feature, "The Red Ace." NIXON'S GRAND OPERA HOUSE (W. D. Wegefarth, mgr.).—Billy McDermott, New- koff and Phillips, Arthur Sullivan and Co. In "A Drawing from Life," Hart and Clarke. Darras Brothers, Lawton and a series of mo- tion pictures. GLOBE (Sabloskey A McGurk, mgrs.).—Her- man Becker's "Sherman Was Right," Joe Hor- tes and his Minstrels, Al White Duo. Mary Dorr and Sister, 'The Runaway," a comedy sketch, Dunbar and Turner. Chun Sun Loo and Co., Newell and Most and The Great Rich- ards. WILLIAM PENN (O. W. Metzel, mgr.).— First half: Tom Brown's Seven Musical Highlanders, Ole Olson and Harold Johnson. Crawford and Broderick, Chick Family and the film feature, Jane Cowl in "The Spreading Dawn." Last half: Eugene Emmett Players in a musical piece called "The Bungalow" heads a bill of five acts and pictures. BROADWAY (Charles Slsler, mgr.).—First half: "For the Freedom of the World," pre- sented by B. K. Lincoln, Barbara Castleton and Romalne Fielding, is the featured film. The vaudeville bill Includes Hyman Adler In "The Hebrew's Dream," Kincalde's Kilties, Stone and McAvoy. Quaker City Trio and the Cavanaugh Duo. Last half: William S. Hart in "The Narrow Trail" is the film feature, and Boganny's Lunatic Bakers heads the vau- deville bill. CROSS KEYS (Sabloskey ft McGurk. mgrs.). First half: Al White and his Players, Mar- garet Dawson and Co., J. Armstrong aud Klciss Sisters, Louis and Hurst, Parise Duo. Harry and Kitty Sutton. Last half: Kincalde Kilties head a bill of five acts and pictures. PROVIDENCE. By KARL K. KLARK. OPERA HOUSE (Felix R. Wendlescbafer, mgr.).—Dorothy Donnelly's first effort as a producer with "Six Months' Option." Reviewed elsewhere In this issue. KEITH'S (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.).—