Variety (November 1917)

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VARIETY "THE GIRL AM) THE DANCING FOOtT TOM-PATRICOLA and MYERS-ruby Palace Theatre, Chicago, Last Week (Nov. 12) This Week (Nov. 19)—Orpheum, St Louis, and making 'em like it Eastern Direct:*,, GENE HUGHES and JO PAIGE SMITH Western Direction, SIMON AGENCY Patricola and Myers, another applause and laughter contribution. Pat is a youthful husky who dances on split-bottoms and soft soles and has a thousand little comic falls and passes. Miss Myers is a slender juve- nile peach who dances like a bubble and does baby- stuff winningly. The act is alive and past doubt. "VARIETY" (Jack Lait). Jack Terry (Formerly Terry and Lambert) PHILOSOPHY CORNER "I will love you always!" This is the eternal lie that lovers tell with the greatest sincerity. Friars' Club will always reach me H. BART McHUGH Present* EL BRENDEL and FLO BERT "Waiting ta for Her" A DELE *JA*fOH F«tirt« !• PBTPL1 A QRRNWALDV -ALL GISL KSVUr* Pts«wI Direction M L GRKKVWALP THE FAYNES THE ARTI8T8 WITH A SUPREME OPPBRING R«»rMtnUtlv«. JACK PLTNN fred THE BRADS"«" ■erteelll AtMNy. MM BrMtfwv. ■. V. C. Conroy A LeMalre headed good hill. Mme. Olga Boris. Russian planlste, high class. The Llttlejohns, a. no Id A Taylor, Dooley A Nelson, Maude Durand A Company. Lydell A Hlgglns, Dong Fong Due A Harry Haw, Three Jahns. MAJESTIC (Martin Toohey, mgr.).—First half. Beatrice Morrell Sextet, Billy "Swede" Hall A Co., Cook A Stevens. Claude and Marlon Cleveland, Bert A Hazel Skatelle, Bentell Brothers; last half, Thomas J. Ryan. Richfield A Co., Billy Elliott, Sutton A Dell, the Ovandns, Gordon A Oovan. FAYS (Edward M. Fay. mgr.).—First anni- versary bill, beaded by Felice De Noire. David Brothers, "Between Love and Duty"; Four Merry Song Birds. Hcaley A Adams, Six Max- ims : feature picture. EMERY (Martin Toohey, mgr.).—"The Mil- lionaire's Son and the Shop Girl." COLONIAL (Sylvester P. Callanan, mgr).— "Follies of the Day"; playing to full houses. Rooms In a blnek on Westminster street occupied by a theatrical union were raided last Sunday evening by police and nine men placed under arrest. Nine were fined $5 each for playing cards and dice on Sunday. William Hodge, In "A Cure for Curables," which was to have been the Thanksgiving week attraction at the Opera House, has been cancelled nnd the house will shift from legiti- mate to film. Cleopatra" Instead. This will be the second week this season that pictures have been resorted to. L. S. Burns, Jr., film operator at Shea's, Cumberland, II. I., has left and taken a similar position with a Boston playhouse. That, like other cities, Providence has had a bad slump In its theatrical business In the past few weeks for several reasons has be- For Stage Costumes Sl(inneg& Satin The very best effects are pi dnced by the ase ef Skinner's Satin la Its many beautiful colors and ailk sheen. Have Your Costumers Use These Satins MANUFACTURED BT WILLIAM SKINNER & SONS Holyoke, Mass. • 0 45 EAST 17th STREET, NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA BOSTON come more evident this week than ever before. Several weeks ago the Providence opera house advertised to sell two seats for the price of one on a Monday night when legitimate was being played, with prices ranging to $1.50. This week the Emery followed suit and offered two seats at the price of one on opening night of "The Millionaire's Son and the Shop Oirl." This week the manager of one of the biggest film houses In the city said he lost at least $~)<H) last week on account of the war tax and declared that the manager of one of the vaude- ville houses had told him he lost a similar amount. The managers do not believe the slump Is due entirely to war tax; they are anxiously seeking to get at the bottom of the thing and find out what the reasons are. Billy Malcom, stagedoor man at the Palace Hip theatre, had several ribs broken and was badly bruised last week In an encounter with a mad bull while hunting mushrooms near his place at Renton. J. Rash Branson, former manager of the SEATTLE. BY WALTER BURTON. MOORE (Carl Relter, mgr.).—11, Emily Ann Wellman headlined In "Young Mrs. Stan- ford." Arthur Deagon, pleased. Lloyd A Brltt won favor. Ricardo and Cooper, good. Burt, Johnson A Co., comic oddity. Splendid business. METROPOLITAN (George T. Hood, mgr.).— "Miss Springtime." 18-21. WILKES (Dean B. Worley, mgr.).— "Madam X," by Wilkes Players. Grace Huff In stellar role. GAIETY (Ed. Armstrong, mgr.).—11, "In Old Kentucky" for a week. Large company of ability. Sliver hand of picks. Booked for four days. LYRIC.—Burlesque and vaudeville. PANT AGES (Edgar G. Milne, mgr.).—11, Neek Suen. Chinese, tops with "The Hong Kong Mysteries." Revue De Vogue, Frank Bush, Walter Herald. McDermott A Wal- lace, Marton A Florence. Capacity business. PALACE HIP (Joseph A. Muller, mgr.).— 11, Tyrolean Troubadours, Wellington Trio, Hyde and Hardt, merit. King Brothers, Jerge & Hampton. Capacity business. ORPHEUM (Jay Haas, mgr.).—Joe Arias' Spanish Troubadors top Transcontinental Road Show Nov. 7. Meritorious. Janls A Rean. good. Miniature cabaret by the Hlllyers. Van Hoff, George A. Newton, Manning A Lee (first half). John T. Spickett, Alaska theatrical magnate, has returned to Juneau after a month's visit here. His wife accompanied him. P.DODDACKERMAN SCENIC STUDIOS, Inc. 140 West 39th Street New York City Stage Decorations for Productions and Vaudeville Acts "THE MODERNISTIC STUDIO" Phone: Greeley ISM • Saves from 15% to 25% of every letter-writing hour. SELF-STARTING 4 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER THIS new invention permits your typist to keep her eyes on her copy. The machine doesn't have to be looked at, or the scale watched. The time sav- ing is automatic. There is no other typewriter like this. Fully protected by Remington patents. The Self Starter, while adding to speed, adds nothing to the coat of the typewriter. It is part of the machine. Descriptive folders mailed on request. a Remington Typewriter Co. (lno*r»oratad) 374 Broadway, New York City Branches In leading dtias of the Empress (now Palace Hip), has been chosen as manager of the Empress, Cincinnati. The new Pantages house. Tacoma, will ha completed this month. Geo rue and Billy Arnold have forsaken the footlights and opened a billiard parlor at 1009 First avenue, Seattle. The Fisher Honk inn Agency announce a two- act bill now opens In Billings (Mont.) Mon- day, while two other acts open slmlltaneously In their southern Idaho territory. The four acts will meet at the American theatre.