Variety (November 1917)

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16 VARIETY I '»' 1 I •; BILLS NEXT WEEK (DECEMBER 3) In Vaudeville Theatres (All houses open Tor the week with Monday matinee, when not otherwise indicated.) Theatres listed us "Orpheum" without any further distinguishing description are on the Orpheum Circuit. Agencies hooking the houses are noted by single name or initials, such as "Orph," Orpheum Circuit; "U li O," United Booking Offices; "W V M A," Western Vuudevlllc Munagers r Asso- ciation (Chicago); "P," Pantages Circuit; "Loew," Marcus Loew Circuit; "Inter," Interstate Circuit (hooking through W. V. M. A.); "Sun," Sun Circuit; "A II," Ackerman & Hurris (Sim Francisco). SPECIAL NOTICE—The manner In which these bills are printed does not indicate the rela- tive importance of acts nor their program positions. New York PALACE (orph) Lady Duff Gordon Morton A Glass Cecil Cunningham Parber SUtere "The Night Clerk" Derkln's Dogs Trovato Darras Dros ALHAMORA (ubo) (All-star festival) (Time table billing) Sterling A Marguerite Jennie Middleton Lydell A Hlgglns Florens Tempest Kenny A Holds Mme. Doree Co Dorothy Toye John D Hymer Co Bailey A Cowan Brenck's Models COLONIAL (ubo) Belle JJaker Halllgan A Sykes Misses Campbell "Corner Store" Rockwell A Wood Hermonie Shone Co Pblna A Plz Sea bury A Shaw RIVERSIDE (ubo) Herman A Shirley Celts Bros "Dream Fantasies" Ellnore Cochran Hnssard Short Co Harry Tlghe Co Valeska Suratt Co Harry Carroll ROYAL (ubo) T/Hiis Mann Co Conroy A LeMalre Bailey A Cowan Frederlka Sums Go Big Prans Co H A O Ellsworth Margaret Edwards Van Cleve AMERICAN (loew) Gold A Seal Miller A Green Don Pulano Bevan A Flint ft Styltah Steppers Ward A Shubert "On Edse of Things" Andy Rice Plesa A Rector 2d half Knight A Sawtelle Chandler A DeR Sis Geo Jessell Allied nand Jennie Hnywood Co Conroy A O'Ponnell Boll Thazer Bros (Two to fill) VICTORIA (loew) The Skntelles Jean Sothern "What Hap Ruth" Adrian Allied Pand (One to fill) 2d half Krnmer A Crows Mnbel Hnrner Co Dorothy Burton Co Bevan A Flint 6 Rtvlhh Steppers LINCOLN (loew) The Zannros Hlnkel A Mae Mnbel Harper Co "Whnt Hap Ruth" ExposlHr.n 4 Woolford'a Dogs 2d half Teddy A Leddy Ortavo Minnn Phillips Co Dow A Dale Rnskln's Russians ORFELEY (loew) Miirnhy A Barry Octavo Conrov A O'Donnell Dorothy Burton Co Demurest A Doll Stophans Sisters 2d hnlf Cooper A T.acey Mnnd Tlfany Herbert A Dennis Belle A Mnvo "A Rnnl Pnl" T ew Coofier Co Wm Morris PFHYfFY rioew) Al^rr.ri'ler A Pwr>ln "The PN-nni Fitters" Pmt/H! & Parker Blllv Mnll r 0 C<>o .T.^oll The Nnrvi Uos (One to flin 2d half The YnMno T ^ntr £-. Cr n en Don Fulano Clnrk A Wood Rawls 4 VonKaufman Cervo Stephana 8tstere NATIONAL (loew) Nat Bums Murphy A Klein Ryan 4 Richfield Herbert 4 Dennis Bob Tip Co 2d hnlf Gold 4 Seal Jeanette Chllds "The Right Man" Herman 4 Henley (One to fill) ORPHBUM (loew) Adams 4 Mangle Dorothy Roy Belle 4 Mayo "A Real Pnl" Cook 4 Stevens Chandler 4 DeR 81s 2d half Alexander 4 Swain Buszell 4 Parker "Regular Bus Man" Lane 4 Smith DePace Opera Co Andy Rice Bob Tip Co BOULEVARD (loew) Eskimo 4 Seals Stone A Manning CAM Cleveland The Mollycoddle Lew Cooper Co 2d half The Skatelles Miller A Green Billy Hall Co Belle A Mayo Exposition 4 AVE B (loew) Helen Moratl "Lulu's Friend" Dyer 4 Perkhoff Howard's Bears (One to fill) 2d half Dorothy Roye "Officer 444" Harvey DeVora 8 Non Plus Ultra (One to fill) Brooklya ORPHEUM (ubo) (Festival bill) (Time table billing) Manklchl Troupe The Geralds Beaumont 4 Arnold Smith 4 Austin Paul Dickey Co Hlckey Bros Camerop Slaters Felix Adler Lambert 4 Ball The Duttons BUSHWICK (ubo) Sam Bernard Robt T Haines Go Nonette Llghtners A Alex Dugan A Raymond Lou Holts Lockett A Brown The Llttlejohns 4 Idanlas BIJOU (loew) Maud Tiffany Minna Phillips Co John A Mae Burke Flying Keelers (Two to nil) 2d half Murphy A Barry Jean Sothern "What Hap Ruth" Dflle A Burch The Norvellos (One to nil) DEKALB (loew) Kramer A Gross Lang A Green "Regular Bus Man" Dnle A Burch Cervo (One to nil) 2d half Stone A Manning Ward A Shuhert Chase A LaTour Rvnn A Richfield Adrlnn Broaknwav Bnrlows PALACE (loew) 3 Morlnrtv Sisters Murrnv Bennett Non Plus Ultra (Two to fill) 2d half Helen Jnrkley CAM Cleveland pver * Perkhoff (Two to fill) FULTON (loew) The Ynltos Ci-rk A Wood "The Right Man" Chase A LaTour Wm Morris 2d half • Adams 4 Mangle Murphy 4 Klein "On Edge of Things" Weber 4 Elliott Wool ford's Dogs WARWICK (loew) Helen Jack ley Francis 4 Kennedy (Three to fill) 2d half Mel Eastman Demarest 4 Doll Howard's Bears (Two to fill) Albany, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) (Troy split) 1st half Klnny Mason A 8 Warren 4 Tempieton Elsie Williams Co Brttt Wood Nice 4 Weeks J 4 B Thornton Richard Wally Co (One to All) Alexandria, La. RAPIDS (ubo) Polxln Bros Nets Johnson Lewis ft Norton McCloud A Carp Camilla's Birds 2d half McRae 4 Clegg Burns 4 Baker Frank Gorman J 4 C Williams (One to BID Allentowa, Pa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Joe 4 Vera White Dick Williams Chlsholm 4 Breen Worth Wayten 4 "Sherman Was Right" 2d half Paul Brady Greater City 4 Archer 4 Ward Allen Clifford 4 B Barnes 4 McOuIre Vim Beauty 4 Hesth MODJESKA (loew) Kennedy 4 Nelson E J Moore Chabot 4 Dixon The Lelghtons Hoosler Girls 2d half Holden 4 Graham Adele Oswald Howard A Hurst Frank Mullane Ballard Trio Aurora* I1L FOX (wva) 2d half Daniels A Walters "The Dairy Maids" Harry Hlnes Plpafax A Panlo (One to fill) Bakersfleld, CaL HIPP (aAh) (2-4) Clayton Drew Play Kennedy A FlUpatrlck Apollo Trio (S-0) Dennl 4 Perrl Leon Sisters Marr A Evans (7-8) Victoria Four Williams 4 Williams Baltimore MARYLAND (ubo) Dooley A Nelson Street Urchin D Connolly Co 3 Jahns JAM Harklne Sallle Fisher Co Burns A Frabltn (One to fill) HIT (loew) B 4 V MorrUey Lyrlca The Prefesslenale' Original Heme CONTINENTAL HOTEL LOS ANGELE8 and SAN FRANCISCO Shanley and Farness ("Fifty-Fifty") Arthur Sullivan Co Dsvls 4 Stafford "The Food Inspector" Altoonn, Pa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Bollinger A Reynolds Holmes A Buchannan "Broken Mirror" Regan 4 Renard Hoyt's Minstrels 2d half "Pretty Baby" Anaconda, Moat. BLUEBIRD (ah-vva) (2) (Same bill playing Hip, Spokane 5) Loralne A Mitchell Leever A LeRoy 3 Melody Olrls "The Pool-Room" Angelus Trio Dudley Trio Ann Arbor, Mich. MAJESTIC (ubo) 1st half Hayes A Rives Valyda A Praz Nuts Al White Co "A Real Pal" Casting Lamys Atlanta, fin. LYRIC (ubo) (Birmingham split) 1st half Wheeler Trio Josephine Davis Gnylord A Lancton 3 Lyres Elsie LaPergere Co ORAND (loew) Swain's Animals Jenka A Allen Chnlls A Lambert Smith A Kaufman Archie Dunbnr 3 2d Half Kennedy A Nelson E J Moore Chnbot A Dixon The Lelghtons Hoosler Clrls Antrtiwtn. <in. GRAND (uNi) (Mneon spilt) 1st half Klnzo Fisher A Ollmore Gordon Eldred Co Billy Elliott Conroy> Models Battle Creek, Mick. BIJOU (ubo) (Sunday opening) (Kalamazoo split) 1st half Wilfred Dubois Dunlay A Merrill Asorla Trio James Llchter "The Smart Shop" nellvllle. III. WASHINGTON (wva) Willie Mls*eln Co Weber Beck A Fraser Lasoria A Ollmore 2d hair Lewis A Leopold Warren A Conley (One to nil) BlllliiKa, Mont. BABCOCK (ah-wva) <n) (Same bill playing Judith, L e w I s t o n , Mont. 7) Kenny A LaFrance Bernard A Merrltt Knight Benson A H "Camp In Rockies" Geo F Hall Boneaettl Troupe nirm'nchnm. Ala. LYRIC (ubo) (Atlnnta split) 1st half The Dooley* Boudlnl Pros Homer Miles Co Raymond A O'Connor Too7oonln Bros BIJOU (loew) Gardner's Maniacs C'trrv A Graham William McKay Co Frank Terrv Walthonr Trio 2d hnlf P.<ro A WIlHrn Collins A Lee "Heir for Nl-ht" P'Tke .?• Tlnrrls Jerome A Cnrson E. HEMMENDINGER * i™" ■;:?" T itierfv Rnnrla J«wtt»n t« tfc* Profmion rban<11*» ilao for trvnuntt «tn». T«l. Inlm 071 Bloosalagrtea, I1L MAJESTIC (wva) 4 Musical Lunds Raines A Goudrieh Dean 6 Sor Girls Ben Deeley Co Cummin A Seahum 2d half Lucille A "Cockle" Floyd Mack A Mayb "Finders Keepers" Foster Ball Co Roy A Arthur Boatoa KEITHS (ubo) "Naughty Princess" Randall A Meyers B Seeley Co Bennett A Richards Eddie Borden Co Eddie Dowllng Helen Davis Gordon A Rica ORPHEUM (loew) The Renellas Bennington A Scott Middleton A Spellmyr El Cotn "Mimic World" 2d hslf Pepplno A Perry Manning A Hall Williams A Mitchell Dick Verga "Mimic World" ST JAMES (loew) Hlckey A Cooper Alf Rlpon O'Brien Havel Co Ellnore A Carleton Royal Hussars 2d half Elizabeth Mayne CAS McDonald AI Fields Co Plquo (One to fill) Brld are port, Cobb. PLAZA (ubo) Adlon Co Keane A Williams Ollmore A Castle "U need a Girls" 2d half Two Violets Pool A Rose Warren Lacoste "Sidewalk Cabaret Buffalo SHEA'S (ubo) Benny A Woods McKay A Ardlne Morris A Campbell "Rising Generation" O'Neal A Walmsley LeRoy Talma A Bosco Butte, Moat. PANTAGES (p) (7-11) Primrose Minstrels Barton A Hill "Well Well Well" Marlette's Marionettes Alice Hamilton Jan Ruhlnl PEOPLES - HIP (ah- wva) (2) (Same bill playing Grand, Wallace, Ind, 7) Skating Venuses Follette A Wicks Marshall A Covert Kelly Wilder Co 8 Regnls Jere San ford Cnlarnry ORPHEUM McTntyre A Hesth Travers Douglas Co Pae Ball ■ Sylve ter A Vance Pee Ho Gray Co 3 Stewart Sisters Alexander Kids PANTAGES (p) "Pride Shop" F A O Walters Senator Murphy Jack Kennedy Co Rodrlquez Camden, ft. J. TOWBI'9 (ubo) (20-1) 2d half Svlvla Loyal Co Hallmann A Monettl H Gleason Co Worth Wayten 4 Cedar Rapid*, fa. MAJESTIC (wva) Pertle Ford Mack A Velmar Mobs A Fry Lawrence A Edwards Willie Solar "Temptation" 2d half Frank Ward "Winter Garden Rev" FMda A Wells Selma Praatz Chnrnpnlarn, Til. ORPHEUM (wva) 2d half Blllv Klnk.nld May tf Kllduff Sfeindel Proa /Anderson A Onlnea Pernlkoff Roae A Bal't C h«r|oOo, »J. C. MAJESTIC (ubo) (Spnrtanshurg split) 1st half GAL Gardner Fred Weber Co 4 Shrapnel Dodfera Nell O'Connell Reddlngton A Ornnt Ckarleetna, S. C. ACADEMY (ubo) (Columbia split) 1st half Oallando Hendricks A Paduln John T Ray Co Rita Gould (One to 11) Ckattaaooajn, Teaa. RIALTO (ubo) (Knoxvllle split) 1st half Edward Marshall Alexander A Fields Cameron DeVItt Co Francis Kennedy Aus Woodcboppers CIVIC CENTRE (ubo) Elliott A West Nellie Allen Frank Rae Co Bernard A Janls (One to fill) 2d half Dill A GUss Victoria 3 "The Family" Harry Ellis 3 Romanos LYRIC (loew) Pero A Wilson Collins A Lee "Heir for Night" Burke A Harris Jerome A Carson 2d hnlf Swain's Animals Jenks A Allen Cballs A Lambert Smith A Kaufman Archie Dunbnr 3 Chicago MAJESTIC (orph) Eva Tanguay Billle Reeves Co Mullen A Coogan Constance Crawley Co Lovenberg Sis Co Chas Olcott Flying Weavers Horn A Ferris Darto A Rlalto PALACE (orph) Clarence Rowland (n) Sarah Padden Co Walter C Kelly Brlce A Barr Sis Swor A Avey Collins A Hart Al Latell Marie Stoddard Sansone A Del lab AMERICAN (wva) Nethercutt A Wharton Christy A Bennett Roy A Arthur Harry Rose (Two to All) 2d hslf Fogarty A Williams Valyda A Bras Nuts Buch Bros (Three to fill) NORTH HIP (wva) McConnell A Austin Scanlon A Press Bruce Morgan A Betty Veterans Ward A Raymond Jas Jefferson Co The DuRars Fraser Bunco Song A Dance Rev Roth A Roberta 3 Alexs (Three to fill) LINCOLN (wva) Hippodrome 4 Irving Oosler Frank Gardner Co (Two to DID 2d half Christy A Bennett Ellis Knowlln Tr (Three to fill) WINSDOR (wva) Gaston Palmer Daniels A Walters Havlland Thornton Co Lew Wells 3 Kane* 2d half Jack Dresdner Ben A Phyllss Orvllle Stamm KEDZIE (wva) Edwards A Louise Flake A Fallon "Finders Keepers" Jim McWIlliams "Dairy Maids" 2d half Oaaton Palmer Broughton A Turner Hans Roberts Co non Deeley Co 3 Kanes AVENUE (wva) "20 Century Whirl" 2d half Olrdellar'a Dogs Flake A Fallon "Old Time Darkles" Lonnott A Stumm WILSON (wva) Aerial Mitchells Morley A McCarthy Sis Tlnns Roberts Co Harry Hlnes Mnrmcln Slaters 2d half Edwarda A Louise Dean A Sor Girls Madison A Winchester Marmlen Bisters McVICKER8 (loew) Rone A Ellis Bell Boy Trio Lawrence Johnston Co Mile Fleury Regal A Mack Cardo A Nolo Burns A Foran Denklna Everett Co Dolce Sisters Ryan A Juliette Ckleo, Cal. MAJESTIC (ah-wva) (4) (Same bill playing Empress, Sacramento, 5) Artane Oarnella Duo Foster A Foster Ten Dark Knights Frlsh Howard A Toolln Randow Trio Clarlaaarl KEITH'S (ubo) 3 Daring 8lsters Lew Hawkins Will Wsrd A Girls Lee Kohlmar Co Hamilton A Barnes Adelaide A Hughes Moore A Whitehead Valleclta's Leopards EMPRESS (abc) Florentine Trio Mueller A Myers Flying Sherwoods Janls A West "Through the Mirror" "After Ten Years" Clevelaad KEITH'S (ubo) 4 Meyakos Fox A Ward Stone A Hayes E Nesbltt A O'Nell Moore A Gersld Bam Mann Co Gautier's Toy Shop (Two to fill) GRAND (miles) The Randalls Andrew Kelly Frltzl Scbeff Andy Lewis Co University Four (One to fill) MILES (miles) Clarence Wilbur Sherman Van A Hy Maurice Wood Sylvester Schaeffer (Two to fill) Columbia, 9. C. PASTIME (ubo) (Charleston split) 1st hslf Alfred Farreil Co Alex McPayden Doeatar, III* BMPRE8S (wva) (Sunday opening) The Bimbos Mahoney A Rogers "To Save One Girl" Rucker A Winifred Schoen A Walter Thalero's Circus Denver ORPHBUM Edw "Bandbox Rerun" Georgia Earle Go Al Herman Juggling Nelsons Bantly A Norton Gallagher A Martin PANTAOE8 (p) Dumltreeu Dunham T Lane A Harper "Friendly Call" Neal McKlnley "Oh You Devil" Maxlne Parrish Den Molaen ORPHBUM (Sunday opening) Carus A Comer Princess Kalamn Co Chns Howard Co David Baplrsteln Moore A Heager Frank Hartley Mack A Walker Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) Lew Dockstader A DeManby Co Vadl A Oygl "Cranberries" Sylvia Clark Mario Lo Mr A Mrs G Wilde AbhMt A White ORPHEUM (miles) Tsylor's Lions Pbunphlends "The New Turnkey" Al Noda Florence Tlmponl Kremka Bros REGENT (miles) O'Dlva A Seals Laura Guerlte "The Hermit" "Melody Land" Togan A Geneva Hilton A Laser MILES (abc) Maybelle Phillips Stratford 4 The Keltons William Schilling Co 6 Southern Serenaders (One to fill) Dohnqne, In. MAJESTIC (wvn) Carlotta Harry A Etta Conley Ed A Jack Smith Will 8tanton Co Arthur Rlgby Selma Braats HOTEL APPLETON SAN FRANtlSCO (Next to Aleasar Theatre) The new boom of the theatrical profession. Etta Delbrldge 8 Tom Mahoney 4 Hart fords Cnlnmhna KEITH'S (ubo) Nolan A Nolan Mae Curtis McConnell A Simpson Wright A Deltrlch Gladys Hannon Prevost A Brown (One to fill) Dallas. Tex. MAJFSTIC (ubo) (Sunday opening) Jack A Forls Amanda Gray Co Ed Lee Wrothe Co Hedges A Hedges Maria Orchestra Hunting A Frances Asahl Troupe Danville, Til. PALACE (ubo) The Gladiators CAM Dunbar M A B Hart Fane A Dutton 6 Klrksmlth Sisters 2d half Hayes A Rives Vallda A Praz Nuts Danny Simmons Welch Mealy A Mont "To Save One Girl" Davennort, la. COLUMBIA (wva) (Sunday opening) Moraleys Toy Bhop Mr A Mr* Wm O'Clalre "Honor Thy Children" Frank Ward 1017 Wlntrr Oar Rev 2d half Cummin A Seahum Oliver A Olp Tabor A Green Bavard Troupe (One t;i fHi) r»fiv#on. O. KEITH'S ("bo) Nevln* A Erwood Pert Levy Lvdla Pnrrv Flo Trwln Co M Montgomery Co A»hortlna Rasch Co • (Two to fill) 2d hslf DeVourg 8latere Mack A Velmar "Prosperity" Pat Barrett Torcat's Roosters Dolnta ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Eva Taylor Co Toots Paka Co Frank Crumlt T-e Grohs Rice A Werner Kanazawa Japs Elsa Rue^ger ORAND (wva) Paul Fetching Co F A M Waddell fj Funaters Gladys Corrlell D'Amore A Douglas 2d half Archie Onrl A Dolly Jolly Tars Maxlme Bros A Bob Markee A Montgomery (One to fill) Paeton. Pa. ABEL O H (ubo) Plerlot A 8cofleld Lewis A Chapln Arthur Sullivan Co Davis A Stafford "The Food In "Doctor" 2d half Joe A Vers White Dirk Williams Chlsholm A Breen Worth Wayten 4 "Sherman Was Right" F. St. Lonla, Mo. ERRERS (wva) Jack Dre»dner Ed A Irene Laory "Who Owna the Flat" (Two to fill) 2d half Foley A Massimo Neal Abel International Rev (Two to fill) Fdmnnton, Can. PONTAGES (p) Poaallnd The Langdona Jarvla A Harrison TAG Florenz D Harris A Variety 4