Variety (November 1917)

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VARIETY 17 cu Erie, Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) Eddie Montrose Joyce Went 4 M Walter Weems Imhoff Codd 4 C Friend 4 Downing "RUing Generation" Evaasvllle, lad* GRAND (wva I (Terre Haute split) lat half Dancing Tyrella Hager 4 Goodwin Richards 4 Kyle Ray Snow Dan Sherman Co Fall River, Mass. ACADEMY (loew) Peppluo 4 Perry Msnnlug 4 Hall Williams 4 Mitchell Kick Verga Plquo 2d half Harrfannraj* Pa. MAJESTIC (ubo) "Pretty Baby" 2d half Bollinger * P.eynold* Lewis 4 Chapin "Broken Mirror" Holmea 4 Buchanan "Fashions a la Carte" w $16 2 frsai sll the Theafrss—omtassis csstrsi rare SUITES '*"££ ST 0 " FOR 2 LftUmrtsa frsai sll the Tsesfres—Ovsrlaekli up>eb CITTTF5 '**""" " WEEK OlllllaO AND BATH reisenweBeii's* HOTEL '""""m* •««" «» COLUMBUS CIRCLE, N. Y. Hartford* Coi POLI'S (ubo) Wsrren Laooste Carlisle 4 Rome Somers 4 Moras "Sidewalk Cabaret" (One to nil) 2u half Gllmore 4 Castle Varletee de Dance Murphy Van 4 K Robert Demont (One to fill) PALACE (ubo) Shattucka John Oelger Dances D'Art Bennington 4 Scott S'^.-Y*" Mldd.eton 4 Spellmyr Jjay Wi^,, El Cota The Renellaa (One to fill) Parajo, N. D. GRAND (abc) Welling Levering Tr Cased Irving a C Nantllla 4 Warden Jack Reddy 2d half Calne 4 Odon Harmon 4 O'Connor Frankle Pay 4 Boys Harley 4 Harley Fllat, Mick. PALACE (ubo) (Sunday opening) 1st half Delvadle A Jack "Camouflage" "Inspiration Girls" Claud le Tracey Joe DeCoe Troupe Ft. Wayne* lad. PALACE (ubo) (Sunday opening) "Naughty Princess" Bolger Boys 2d half Emmy'a Pets Austin 4 Bailey Jim McWIlliams Lew Welch Co Espe 4 Dutton 6 Klrksmlth Sisters Ft. William, Can. ORPHEUM (wva) (4-5) (Same 1st half bill playing Strand, Win- nipeg, 2d hslf) Calvin 4 Thornton Dorothy DeSchelle Co Fagg a White DeKoch Troupe (7-8) Paul Petching Co Fred 4 Mae Wuddell 5 Funsters D'Amore 4 Douglaa Fort Worth, Tex. MAJESTIC (Inter) (Sunday opening) Lata Selblnl O Aldo Randegger "Race of Men" Porter J White Co Olive Briscoe Nellie Nicholas *6 Virginia Steppers Galvenlon, Tex. MAJESTIC (Inter) 2d hslf Abbott 4 Mills Orsce Hazzard Hart 4 Clark Kitty Francis Co (One to nil) Hattteahnrv, Mlaa. STRAND (ubo) B Bouncer's Clrous 8 Vsgrsnts Selma Braats (Two to DID 2d half Pol tin Broa Neta Johnson Lewis 4 Norton McCloud 4 Carp Cammilfa's Birds CA NTONMENT (loew) Forrest 4 Church Lee Wslton 4 Henry 5 Melody Mslds Chss L Fletcher Leonard A Louie 2d half Concertos Savannah 4 Georgia Baseball 4 Florence Rsyfleld Broslus 4 Brown Hasleton, If. J. FEELEY'S (ubo) (20-1) 2d half Paul Brady Clifton 4 Cornwall Klein Broa "Sally's Visit" Hohoken, N. J. LYRIC (loew) Lillian Watson "When Women Wink" Harvey DeVora 8 Helene Trio (One to fill) 2d half Robinson 4 Denny Howard 8laters "Expsnslon" Frank Farron Plcolo Midgets Houston, Tex. MAJESTIC (Inter) (Sunday opening) Alexander Bros 4 B Pletro Clifford 4 Wills Brenda Fowler Co Haley Sisters Max Bloom Co Huntlnaton. W. Va ORPHEUM (abo) (2-3) (Same bill playing Seabury 4 Price Beaumont 4-5 and (Four to fill) Austin 7-K) Musical Hunters Clark 4 LaVler Wllmoa Westoni Gould A Lewis Tbeo Kosloff Co Regal 4 Bender 2d balf Walsh 4 Rand (Four to fill) Indlnnnpr»1ls KEITH'S (ubo) Beemnn 4 Anderson Leovltt 4 Lock wood Grand Rapid*. Mich, "f^frt Lloyd Co EMPRESS (ubo) Hallen ft Hunter Jack Alfred Co Clnyfon ft Lennle "Cheyenne Days" Farrell Tnylor Co Costing Campbells (One to fill) Great Fnlla, Mont. PANTAGKS (p) (4-5) (Same bill playing Anaconda 6) Wilson's Lions Bert Touhey Co Lewis & Lake Grlndell ft Esther Arm Antonio 3 PALACE (ah-wva) (1) Whiting ft Burt Dorothy Regel Co Santos ft Hayea Jack LaVler LYRIC ( (Sunday opening) 1st half Fred's Pigs "Back to Elmlra" Cecil A Mack Ernie ft Ernie Creole Band Jnrknon, Mlek. ORPHEUM (ubo) (Sunday opening) (Lansing spilt) 1st half Matambo ft Wells Duval ft Slmmonds Linton A Girls Al Abbott (Same bill playing Snaw - 8 circus People'a. nutte, 5) Vlnlrt A Chnrles Kllsbey fi Geneva D Pern>'t * Y«i:ng Cliff Denn Players Zuhn ft Dries Swain's Cockatoos fJreen nny. Win. OKPHBPM (wva) 2d half Hnyntake Proa Wilton Sisters Lew Well* Black 4 White Rev BIJOU (abc) LaVere & Palmer (Four to fill) 2d hair Oatman Co Willie Hale A Bro Selble ft Llllle (Two to fill) Jarknonvllle. Fla. ARCADE (ubo) (Savnnnnh split) 1st half The Hen nines Shsw 4 Campbell Mr 4 Mrs Campbell Hill Tlvoll * Hill (One to All) Janesvllle, Wla. APOLLO (abo) 2d half Blme Ruebena Clipper Trio Rexleas Trio (One to fill) Jersey City* K. J. PALACE (ubo) (20-1) 2d half "Raoe 4 Edge" "On High Seas" Wheeler 4 Porter Burnham 4 Allen Jollet, III. ORPHEUM (wva) 2d half "Six Little Wives" Johnstown, Pa. MAJE8TIC (ubo) (Pittsburgh spilt) 1st half Bower's Revue Ernest Rockett Ferry (Twc to All) Kalauaneaa, Mlek. MAJESTIC (Ubo) (Sunday opening) (Battle Creek split) 1st hslf Tssmsnlan Trio Granville 4 Mack Tom Davles Co O'Connor 4 Dixon Diana's Models Kansas City* Ms. ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Geo Demerol Co Jessie Busley Co Wm Ebe Co Mile Leltxel Oonne 4 Alberts Capes 4 Snow Frankle Heath PANTAOES (p) (8unday opening) Paula Four Roses McCormlck 4 Irving O Hsndsworth Harry Breen "Miss Up-to-Dste" Know-Hie. Tesn. BIJOU (ubo) (Rlalto, Chattanooga, split) 1st hslf David Klndler Walters 4 Walters Archer 4 Belford Linton A Lawrence Chlyo 4 Chlyo Lafayette* fnd. FAMILY (ubo) "Paradise Vslley" 2d hslf Merle 4 Delmar C 4 M Dunbar Chief Little Elk Co Archie Nicholson 8 "Mr Detective" Lanslnsr, Mlek. BIJOU (ubo) (Sundsy opening) (Jackson split) 1st hair George Nagahara Ray 4 Emma Dean "fl Peaches 4 Pslr" Empire Comedy 4 Degnon 4 CI If ton Lincoln. Nek. ORPHEUM Mercedes Kltner Hswksley 4 Mo Chaa Wilson "The Night Boat" Fern Blgelow 4 M Saunder'a Birds Lillian Fltsgerald Little noek. Ark. MAJESTIC (Inter) Malay 4 Wood Zemater A 8mlth Walter Baker Co (Two to fill) 2d half Bernle A Baker "Magazine Girls" Medlln Watts A T 3 Weber Olrls (One to nil) Livingston, Mont. STRAND (sh-wva) (4) (Same bill playing Palace, Great Falls. 0) Sweeny A Newton Aleve Duo Adanac Trio Wireless Clrl Kelly Wilder Co LaVlne Trio Lon A no-eles ORPHEUM Trlxle Frlgnnza Co Arthur Havel Co Avellng A Lloyd Kouns 8isters Nina Payne Go MlloT "Submarine F-7" Delro PANTAGE8 (p) Goldberg 4 Wayne Mercedee 4 Hollowsys Cook A Lorens Van Cello Julia Curtis HIPP (a4h) 2 8peeks 6 Cornelias James Carroll Co Peerlesa Trio Tossing Austins Ross 4 Wise Louisville KEITH'S (ubo) (Nashville split) 1st hslf Embs 4 Alton Adsms 4 Griffith "Tbs Cure" Dickinson 4 Deagon Glrard's Monks Lowell* Maaa. KEITH'S (ubo) Garclnettl Broa Cooney «««tere Lew Madden Co Chae Semon "Forest Fire" (One to Oil) Lyneannrsr TRENTON (ubo) (Raleigh split) 1st half Corn all I 4 Adele Leonard 4 WIIlard Jack 4 Billy (Two to All) Maeon, Ga. GRAND (ubo) (Augusts split) 1st half La Toy Bros Denolr 4 Barlow Howard A White Marie Russell Jordan Girls Bensee 4 Balrd Spragus 4 McNeece PALACE (wve) (Sundsy opening) Hsystske Bros Allman 4 Nevlns Burke 4 Burke Woolf 4 Stewart Wilton 81sters Orubere' Animals 2d half Kartell I Morley 4 McCarthy 81s Hippodrome 4 Havllsnd Thornton Co Hampton 4 Shrlner Page Hsck 4 Mack Minneapolis ORPHEUM 4 Marx Bros Co Beesle Rempel Co Kelly 4 Oalvln Clara Howard B Nelsons Msug 4 Snyder Edwin House PANTAGE8 (p) The Frescotts "Bachelor Dinner" Mlnettl 4 Bed I 111 Musical Kuebns Wllklns 4 Wllklns PALACE (wva) The Van Campe Brlgge 4 Arundel Henry 4 Moore Maggie LeClalre Co Barron 4 Bennett Zertho's Dogs GRAND (wva) Pollard Walmsn 4 Berry DeForests 4 Falk Visions of Art Mollne, III. PALACE (wva) (Sunday opening) Karlton 4 Kllflord BRADY and MAHONEY Clover Leaf 8 Selblnl 4 Grovlnl Madison, Wis. ORPHEUM (wva) Orvllle 8tamm Wilson 4 Wilson Buch Bros Mack 4 Earl Zlegler Twins 4 Ky 6 2d hslf Mr 4 Mrs Wm O'Clare Ed Blondell Co Harty 4 Wilson 4 Ankers (One to fill) Mankalltown, la. CaSINO (abc) 6 Florlmonds 8 Robins (Two to fill) Maaon City* la. CECIL (abo) 3 Roblna Fred 4 Bess Lucler Ting Ling See 2d half * "Exploits of Africa" (Two to fill) MoKeenport, Pa. WHITE O H (ubo) Dorothy Sothern 3 Conrsd 4 Con rod Edward Esmonds Co Nelson 4 Castle Beauty 2d half Orbssany Cockatoos Gallerlnl 4 Bon "Tango Shoes'' Dltzel A Csrroll Miss Gills Co Memphis ORPHEUM "America First" Al Shayne "The Headllner" Brlerre 4 King Laveen 4 Cross Leipzig Apdale's Animals LYCEUM (loew) Dunham Edwards 3 Montana R Sampson 4 Douglaa 3 Escardos 2d half Curry A Graham Wm McKay Co Frank Terry Walthour Trio Milwaukee MAJESTIC (orph) Eddie Leonard Co Leone LaMar "Futuristic Review" Grace DeMar Jimmy Dunn "Merchant Prince" Orth 4 Cody "Whirl of Olrls" 2d half J 4 K Demaco Geo Schlndler "Corner Store" E 4 J 8mlth The Seebacks Montgomery, Ala. GRAND (ubo) (New Orleens split) 1st half Ruth Belmar Weber 4 Red nor "Betting Bettya" Bowman Broa Seclno Broa Montreal LOEW (loew) Avondaa Jeeaon 4 Jesson Mary A W Rogers "Children of France" Big 4 Resists Muskegron, Mlek. REGENT (ubo) (Sunday opening) Walsh ft Bentley Barber A Jackson Lew Welsh Co Hugo Lutgens American Girl Rev 2d half "20th Century Whirl" Nnnhvllle, Tenn. PRINCESS (ubo) (Louisville apllt) lot half Conrad A Conley LAM Hunting "Flndera Keepers" Primrose 4 Fred LaRelne Co Ne«vnrk. !M. .1. MAJESTIC (loew) Cooper £ Laeey Jeanette Chllds Herman A Henley Rawls A V Kaufman Lane A Smith Breakaway P.nrlows 2d lit:f Nat Burns Rcott A Christy "Apple niossom Time" John A Mae nurke FlylnR Ki-Hera (One 'o fill) New llnven. Conn. BIJOU (ubo) Turner A Grace Wilbur Held White 8teppers "Wedding Shells" 2d half Bud 4 Jessie Gray Zelsys Guild 4 Ross "Uneeds Girls" New Orleana ORPHEUM "Rubevllle" Stusrt Bsrnee "Hit the Trail" Dorothy Brenner Petrlcola 4 Meyers Bantl (One to All) PALACE (ubo) (Montgomery apllt) let half Aubrey 4 Rich Sam Hearn Princess Mspllla Co Brown Harris 4 B Choy Ling Ho Co CRESCENT (loew) Con certoe Savannah 4 Georgia Baseball 4 Florence Rayfleld Broslus 4 Brown 2d hslf Gsrdner's Msnlnes Dunhsm Edwards 8 Montsna Five Ssmpson 4 Douglas 8 Escardos New Roekelle, N. Y. LOEW (loew) "Greatest of These" Frank Fsrron Chong 4 Moey 2d hslf Ruth Howell Trio "Lulu's Friend" Marcella Jobnaon Co Norfolk. Va. ACADEMY (ubo) (Richmond eplit) 1st helf Keely Droe Co Dorothy Eerie Joe Browning Dancing Kennedys (One to Oil) If. Yakima. Wash. EMPIRE (ah-wva) (2) (Ssme bill playing Regent. Toooma, 0) The Totoe Vincent 4 Carter 7 Verlety Dancers Amedlo Barney First Alice Teddy Co Oakland ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Nan Halperln Sophie Tucker Co Frank Weatphal Skating Bear Lloyd A Brltt Cooper A Rlcardo Hughes Musical 3 PANTAOES (p) (Sunday opening) "Dream of Orient" Claudia Colemen The- Youngers Ho#»y ft Lee Wlllard "All Wrong" HIPP (ah-wva) (2) Harry Davis Walton A Brandt Slgmund A Manning "My Country" Flrller A Cole 2 Carltons Osrden. irtak PANTAOES (p) (0-8) .1 Mori Bros n Sullys I acy Shannon A D Trovltt's Dogs "Winter Oar Rev" Willie Solar Omnhn ORPHEUM (8unday opening) Marek's Linn* Mrs O Hushes Co T^o Poers Norwood A Hall Korr ft Enalsn Dlnmond A O'dsughter Anson A Daughtera Pnnnnle, N. J. PLAYHOUSE (ubo) f20-11 2d holf Cnpr Powers Co Innes^ A Rvan 3 Natalie Sis Frank King GnneW«» Conines MONTAUK (ubo) (20-1) 2<\ half Barton Oliver 4 M Cnmllle Trio Lestro Pateraon, If. J. MAJESTIC (Ubo) (29-1) 2d half O'Nell) Twins Walsh 4 Ingrahaui Penn Trio Brent Heyee BrUsell 4 Parker Peoria. III. ORPHEUM (wva) "The Mimic World" 2d balf 4 Musloal Lunda Fields Ksane 4 Walsh Morgan 4 Orsy Willie Solar Al Golem Troupe Petersbara, Va. HIP (ubo) (Roanoks split) 1st hslf O'Nell Twine Alice NeUon Co Novelty Minstrels Hsrry 4 Eva Puck BUI 4 Eva Philadelphia KEITHS (ubo) Bessie Clayton Co Mr 4 Mrs J Barry Lyons 4 Yoeoo "Fantasia" Venlu Gould "Bonfire of Emplree" Alex O'Nell 4 8 Velenttne 4 Bell "Sports In Alps" WM PENN (ubo) (2tt-l) 2d balf Warren 4 Templeton Kerslake's Pigs 4 Swore "Mr. Inquisitive" KEYSTONE (ubo) (20-1) 2d half Bobby Heath Co 4 8entlmental Beaux Glaninlnl Plvtsknrsrk DAVIS (ubo) Techow's Cats Allan Bhsw Ed 4 Lou Miller (One to BID 2d helf Hickey 4 Cooper Air Ripen "The Job" Elinor* A C*rlefe>n 6 Roy el Hussars (One to fill) anlncy, III. ORPHEUM (wva) Rotter Bros Floyd Mack 4 Mayb 8 Weston Girls Paul Bauwene Thalero's Circus 2d half Lew Hoffmen Ma7 A KT.dufl* Esdle 4 Rsmsden Rucker 4 Wlafred B Merrill Co Hnlelah, N. O. 8TRAND (ubo) (Lynchburg split) 1st half Emma Stephens Berry 4 McKlna The Menerdoa (Two to fill) Reaaiaa:, Pa. HIP (ubo) Lswton Greater City 4 "Fashion a la Carta" (Two to fill) 2d half Francis P Bent "Garden Belles" Fox 4 Ingraham 4 Lukens (One to fill) Reno* New. MAJESTIC (aAh) (2-4) Victoria Four Williams 4 Williams (8-6) Howard Copper 4 M Allen 4 Allen (7-8) Apollo Trio Roberto 4 Roden Rlehsaan4 LTRIC (ubo) (Norfolk split) 1st half Cycling Brunettes REISENWEBER'S SEA GRILL and CAFETERIA For Ladies and Gentlemen 8. W. Cor. 6fth St and Columbus Circle NO CABARET—NO DANCING Delicious Pood In Ample Portions AT REASONABLE PRICES Csps Cods 10c. Soup 10a. lagllah Chop, Bacon and Baked Potato Coffee 5c. Tea Be, Bear fa. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY From 6:30 A. M. to 1:00 A. M. "Mar Via Wireless" Beatrios Herford (Five to fill) SHERIDAN BQ (ubo) (Johnstown split) 1st half Romalne Leonerd 4 Olsdstone Brown 4 Fields Chas Glbbs Doree's Singers Portland* Ore. ORPHEUM (8unday opening) Harriet Rempel Co Willie Weston Williams 4 Wolfus "Tennessee Ten" Rsth Bros Hasel Morsn Wlnons Winters KEITHS (ubo) Herbert Bisters Knapp 4 Cornelia Evereat'a Monks Dsve Roth Violet Besson Co Bernard A Scarth PANTAOES (p) Dor I a Lester 3 Pedrlnl'a Monks Ollraln Dancers 4 Cssters Strand Trio Harry Jolson HIP (ah-wva) (2) (Same bill playing Redding, Redding, Cal, 7) Fisher's Circus Byrd A Harvey Eastman A Moore Capt Kidder Co Dan Ahem "Mary'a Day Out" Providence, R. I. KEITHS (ubo) Taylor Trio Voland Onmblo Colo Runnel I A D H Berenford Co Maleta Hon con I Roofiey A Brut OreM Letter "Rldlns: School" (On* t* flM) EMFRY (loew) Den Harney Co Elizabeth Mayne •CAS McDonald Al Field* Co Monroe 4 Grunt Willing 4 Jordan "Dreamland" Margaret Farrell (One to fill) Koanoke OAKLAND (ubo) Iohakawa Bros Danny Simmons Whitfield Ireland Oo Hilton 4 LaZar The Rlale 2d half Montambo 4 Wells Rodwsy 4 Edwards Barbour 4 Jackson Claudia Traoey Royal Osscolgnss ROANOKE (ubo) (Petersburg split) lat hslf QertruJ* DeMllt Bwan Ac O'Dxy Uypay Kona-sters Kutur Klare A K lohn Clark Co Roeaeater, Tt. T. TEMPLE (ubo) Ralph Hers E DeVoy Co Donahue 4 Stewart Aathetlc Dancera Reglna Florlgny M Equllloa Lazar 4 Dale Juno Balmo Roekford, 111. PALACE (wvs) (Sunday opening) DeRour* 8laters Yatea 4 Reed E<1 Blondell Co Moore A Rose 4 Ankers 2d half Morale'a Toy Shop Ogdon A Benson Leila Shaw Co Plnano A Bingham Zelgler Twlna A Ky 6 Sacramento, Cal. ORPHEUM (2-3) (Fame bill playing Stockton 4-.%; Freano 7-8) Joan Adair Co All^n A Francis Harold Dnkane Co Tower A Darrell McCarthy A Faye Louln Hurt (Continued on page 22.) \