Variety (November 1917)

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VARIETY 35 ' BEST PLACES TO STOP AT 500 Housekeeping Apartments (of Hi M* dn, KNi rod tf mmmki Mis) Under direct »R«r*lil*i ef the ewaera. located la the heart ef the eJty, jaot of Bread way. cleee te all keeking efflcea, principal theatrea, department itw«, treetiea llaee, "L" read sad rakwir, . W * ■?• . th# !•'»•« malatalaero ef hon eeke o p lag faralahed apertmeata epeeUllsing to theatrical Ulka. Wa are aa tka greaad daily. This alaaa laaaraa prompt aervlee aad cleaallueaa. ALL BUILDING! EQUIPPED WITH ITBAM BBAT AND BLECTBIG LIGHTS HILDONA COURT •41 te M7 West 4tta M. A talMlaa Os Lame JUST COMPLtTID: ILffVATOR AFARTMCHTt ARRAMSID IN SUITft OF ORE. TWO AND THRU ROOM*. WITH TILCO RATH ANO SHOW I*. TlLtO R ITCH InVk ITCH IN 7tttlf AOD VACUUM SYSTItt. THCRI AFARTMINTt IMROOV fviftV LOXURV \nOWR I TOI MOOCRN SCllnCt HISS U» Weekly; *$M tip MeatSly YANDIS COURT 24l.«7 WaN 4M M. Pfteaa arrant Ttll l. I aetf 4-reeei aeertaeeta »Ma kl t ii n iet t aa, aHvatt set* aa* tateaaeee. Tee ertvaay tasss Martateate art astae* far U mm ef Ha aitfssneaa. III.St U» Weakly IRVINGTON HALL NIMNi Wait II* OL Pkeee Oal. 7IU Aa afavater. areereef eelle'lea af tka aawaat tree. bavlaf avert eevtet aae* aae w aleeoa. AaartataaM art eaaetttellr arraaaatf. sat aaatlst af I. I aed 4 »„i th4M «-*—, reeat. vita kltsaeai aai MtsSeee ttea. Met eat* ggate |£ er%ars smitx IIS.m Ua Weak* U •••• U» Week* Addreoe all aaaiaiaalcatlaaa to ML Oaaiaa Principal OBiee—TandU Court. 241 Weat 4td Street, Naw Tack Apartataau caa ka aaaa evealaga. Office la aack building. HENRI COURT IIS. 114 aa* lit Waat 4ttk St. Aa ap-te-tka-aleata, eew. err asses' la aparta aa t a af I Mteuaea and ertvele kalk. *~ SI 4 hi •ILSS Up Weakly \ THE DUPLEX ta and ftp) Waat 4M Ot Paeae Oryaat 490*0111 Tkraa aed tear tmm» with aata. faralakat la a ieares af aeSeraeass ttial exeat* aaytfclaa isttpta M ADELAIDE 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 4ftk and 4?tfc ttrecta Tkraa, Pear aad Flve-Beei Strictly Prafeaatonal MRS. GBORGB HtBCEL. Mgr •war Blgh-Claan Faralaked Apart manU-411 Up Oae Black Waat af B Pkaa laO-1 Bryaat UNDBB NEW MANAGEMENT ST. REGIS HOTEL '»•»«•«•'"•• CHICAGO, ILL TtioreugMy Ben •▼ a led ANDERSON. Prep. Borne af tka Prefeaalea Improved Servlee H. C STUABT. Oca. Mgr. W. gv AMDEKBON, Fran. H. %i. ITUABT, Uea. Ift. Alae Operating HOTELS MARION and PBEBLTN Rate* $5.00 ptT WCSll Slid HP Pkeaa— Bryant 1144 Gee. P. Schneider, Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS c.»pi.«. f« ii..... M pi w 323 Wert 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY Clean and Airy ^ Privets Batk, S-4 Kaema Catering ta tka ceaafert aad ceaecaleace ef tke prefeaa l ea. ■taam Beat and Electric Light* M Up Double Room, Private Bath $10.50 up—Single $6.00 Suites 2-3 Bedrooms and Bath Attractive Rates Week or Month TIMES SQUARE HOTEL 201 Weat 43rd Street, New Terk tlon wrb represented by President Fred Moore (Apollo theatre), Joseph H. Snellenberg (Vir- ginia theatre), Jacob Bothwell (Steel Pier), W. Ernest Shackelford (Million Dollar Pier), William Fennan (Steeplechase Pier), Samuel W MeKlll (Garden Pier), M. H. Russell (Colonial theatre), Charles Scheuer. general manager of the Association ; the Hotel Men's Association, by President William Hansteln; the Chamber of Commerce by President Sam- uel Leeds, Theodore Schimpf and George Meredith. In order that they may continually Inter- change Ideas and keep thoroughly In touch with the needs of the resort the Atlantic City Amusement Association has decided to hold bi-monthly luncheons at the Alamac hotel, at which time general problems will be taken up and settled. BOSTON. DY LKN L1BBEY. KEITH'S (Robert O. Larson, mgr.; agent, H. U. O.).—One of the most evenly balanced hlllfl that has been seen at this house for several weeks Is presented thlH week. The bill Is without a star but there Ih entertainment \vh\"Ji >iiti\ n!) "lessen of pMtronR and It Is a Mil that Is rather a HiirpriHe to the audience. The patronage Ih still being affected by the war tax iih was shown by Monday evening's performance. (wading positions on the bill are ab)iit equally divided between Morton and (IlaHH. Florence Tempest, and Maude Earle and her company. Morton and Glass have a veh- icle. "11>17-1J>."><>," which Is well presented and which lacks nothing as far as atage setting goes. It la perhapa one of the best acta that bave been put on scenic effects at this house this reason. Florence Tempest, "America's Most Lovable Boy and Vaudeville's Daintiest Girl," got over well. Miss Earle offers "The Local Verdict," a novelty In which the audi- ence is asked to act aa the jury, a position which most of the audience seemed to find to their liking. Miss Earle Is what we should call a "hard worker" and she puts her act over In fine style. The Llttlejohns In their dazzling diamond act found favor with the house as did Lemalre and Gallagher In their funny military travesty. Milt Collins In a monolog, "The Patriot," was well received as the act Is really a satire on the German meth- od of doing business. John Ford and Vera flnlfsh the bill with "Bits of Musical Comedy." BOSTON (Charles Harris, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Drama and comedy blended In the bill. Tyrone Powers in "The Planter" and Lew Madden In the comedy, "Monday Morn- ing," were the features of the film and vaude- ville offerings. The balance of the bill In- cludes the Honamura troupe, Lamb's Manikins and Frosinl. BIJOU (Ralph Oilman, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Pictures. Good. BOWDOIN (Al Somerbee, mgr.; agent, U. B. O).—Douglass Fairbanks in "The Man from Painted Post." The vaudeville Includes Law- rence Crane and Co., Wllllson and Sherwood, Charles Bradley, Welcome and Welcome, De Vail Sisters and George Drlscoll. ST. JAMES (Joseph Brennan, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—In the one-act comedy, "Our Husband," which seemed to get the house Just right, Bertha Creighton and Co. head the vaudeville bill. Robert Warwick, In "The Silent Master," Is the leading film offering. 554 TpI. Bryant < 565 ro$ The Edmonds wm ONE BLOCK TO TIMS 1Q. Furnished Apartments CATERING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PROFESSION 776-78-80 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 47th and 41th Streets NEW YORK rttntm B«th ■< n— I»Em> AjiiImhI C4to-77t EIGHTH AVXNUI DANIEL Telepheae Nartaweat TWO lftt Bryant NBW BUILDING CIM T L» E rVI EIM ter IM Street ana 1 Ninth Aveaae OP BBOABWAT NSW YOBS CTTT ABBOLUTftXT fDUaPBOOP Net and Cold Running Water ALL MODKBN DfPBOVBMBNTB glOW SB BATB4 PRICB8 9MM 9 $4.00, RESAURANT irTBING NBW WKXKLT IT BOOM A CALL WILL CONVINCE TOU In These Days With IMng at tta cxtrnaa Bajght, w t aal wa aaa aM pao tai the high coat of Ihrlng. Rente are no higher than they hova hran. and ■iiiitwinli are room la prteata. No going through on* room In or dee to got w ma 1 or 3 roomg, private bath and kitchenettes, $11.00 op weekly. Steam beat, electric light and ail aeen at all times. YANDIS COURT 241 to 247 Weat 43rd Street at Tinea Square. TeL 7112 Bryaat Telepheae i Bryaat SMT Furnished Apartments and Rooms Bathe nag CeaMaaaoa Bat Water Large Beeaea, #4 aag Up 1 aad • Beeaa Apartaieata, fT U UM COMPLBTB BOUaWBBPINQ 310 W. 48th St, New York BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOMS. EVERT CONVEN- IENCE. PER DAT, $2; PER WEEK, $12. M. A. DU MOULIN, Hi W. Mtn BL. N. T. C. Apt. It Corner Breadwaj WILBUR (tt. D. Bmlth, mgr.).—"LoTe o* Mlka," laat week, after a eary aoooaaaraJ ran. "De Laxa Annie" next weak. PARK BQUARB (Prod B. Wright, mgr.).— "The Gram Widow," laat weak. "Up BUIra and Dowa" aaderllnad. This theatre, orldoatlp foraeealng the tread of the tlmea la going to aaeame the war tax Itmlf. TRBMONT (John B. Bohooffal. mgr.).— "Turn to the Right" atlll raaalag etroag. 11th weak. Dae to otay hero until after the holldaya. HOLLJB (Charlee J. Rich, mgr.).—"A Kim for ClnBeralU.' laat weak. Next, three Bar- rle playa. OPBRA HOD8B (Lawrence McCarthy, mgr.). —"The Wanderer" opened eeoond weak m good bualneea. COPLBT (H. W. Patten, mgr.).—"The Man Who Stayed at Home" inlahTng up. and for the coming weeka "Panny'a Plrat ^Mj" ^ad IN ERS AKE-UP si Mr NHV i MIMH, ln< Vaudeville includea Weber and Elliott. Borla Chandler and the De Roee Sletera, Herman and Henley and Monroe and Grant. GLOBE (Frank Meagher, mgr.; agent. Loew).—"Her Unborn Child," which came here unannounced, filled the house for the flrat week la again here. It le believed thla at- traction will ataj for a few more weeka ORPHEUM (Victor J. Morrla, mgr.; agent. Loew).—The Six Royal Huaaara went big; O'Brien Havel, Elinore and Carleton, Hlckey and Cooper. Cook and Stevena, Plquo. 8COLLAY OLYMPIA (Jamee J. McGutnneee. mgr.).—"When a Man Beee Red," film fea- ture ; Oray and Klunker, Weber and Radford, Jimmy Reynolda, American Minstrel Maida, Kaufman and Lillian. GORDONS OLYMPIA (Frank Hookallo. mgr.).—Virginia Peareon In "All for a Hue- band," film feature; vaudeville Includea Frank Wilson. Henry and Adelaide. Bennett and Lee. PARK (Thomaa D. Sorlero, mgr.).—Bthel Barrymore In "The Eternal Mother" and Doug- las Falrbanka In "The Habit of Tappineee," Alms. Bualneea very good. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—"A Cure for Curablea." with William Hodge. Second week and business exceptionally good, proving that Hodge Is still one of the biggest drawing cards for this city. KHTP^RT (»5. D Bmlth, m?r).—"Show of Wonders." last week, with business good. Harry I>auder billed next week. COLONIAL (Charlea J. Rich, mgr.).—"The MuhIc Master" ; last week. PLYMOl'TH (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—"The Melting of Molly." new comedy, which got new notices In tbe reviews and Is expected to stay at this house over the holldaya. aome of the best of the Oeorgo and Barrio plays will bo man at the boons during the rent of the aaaaoa. CASINO (Charlee Waldron. mgr.).—Billy Watson'a own abow. Buslnom exoolleoL GAYBTY (Thomaa H. Henry, mgr.).—Bar- ney Oerard'a "Foillee of the Day." Bualneea excellent. HOWARD (Oeorgo B. Lothrop, mgr.).— "Cabaret Glrla." Vaudeville: Four Lukona. Al Rlpon, Jim aad Flo Bogart, Bllte Duo. CINCINNATI. BY HA BUT ▼. MABTIlf. "Cheer Booka." containing cartoone, cltp- plnga of funny etoriee and jokea, are being made and aent to the American eoldlera la France by Marie Pecbeur, who waa at the Lyric laat week in "Old Lady 81." J. Ruah Bronaon. manager of tbe Bmpi waa nominated without oppoeltlon. Nov. 23, for Commander of Cincinnati Camp No. 1, Loyal Men of Amerloa. The election le eat for Dec. 6. DALLAS. By GBO. B. WALKER. MAJESTIC (8. von Pbul, mgr. Inter.).—25. Max Bloom In "Broadway Review," Clifford A Wllle. Haley Slntere. "The Spirit of 76." Pletro, Alexander Broe., and Evelyn. Excel- lent bill, business good. JEFFERSON (R. J. Stennett. mgr.. Pantages).—2i», Best bill of s^awm beuded by * Slngere' Midgets and Bob Albright, three other acts, and pictures. OLD MILL (Herechel Steuart. mgr.).— Douglas Fairbanks In "Reaching for the Moon" and "The Judgment House" (film). Ex- cellent, capacity business. HIPPODROMB (Arthur Clare, mgr.).— II]