Variety (November 1917)

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/ 36 VARIETY BEST PLACES TO DINE AT u SEE THE APACHE <ON IUTO) Tifwny ■mill a? Elsie and Paulsen las ffnrid*! Ths Psppy Masteal Ceaaeny "On the Carper Wltfc HELEN HARDICK The White Huzzars km Reserve Tablet Now ■ Pboot 9900 GoL AFE MAXIM £VXSt "Always in the Lead' 9 MOST SENSATIONAL BSVUB "THE GIRL FROM PAREE" At TiSt aad 11:I§ It's the Orchestra after all that meant Boat nasi In s Raatauraol me EARL FULLER STANDABD ef Novelty Orchestras JAZZ BANDS it now available upon direst applica- tion. ■art Pnller'e aal eexnblnaUoae an eoutlnnlnj upon their Indeinlte an- gagemeuta at Bee* ter T e famous restau- rant. New York City, the Fuller Orehee- traa alaylna upstairs (ballroom) and downstairs (din- ing room). The Barl Poller Orchestras or Jaaa Bands, ef ear slss aad la aay eesaetaa- lion—for the least possible sasaey—will be ■snt ts aay part of the glebe wltb tbe jrand of the Karl Pallor tkereaghaess and excellence going with them. Too Bari Pellef OrssstssHeas ate Orlifaetteaa. M—/ the Carl Foliar Vlotsr asi CeteaMs Oi RODOCOt. No reproMOUtlva EARL FULLER, Rector's Broadway and 40th Straat New York City DETROIT. Bt JACOn SMITH. TBMPLB (C. O. Williams, mgr.).—Ralph Hers, Bmmett DeVoy and Co.. Paul Durand and Esthetic Dancers, Donahue and Stew- art, Mme. Renee Florigny, Three Qullllos, Laser and Dale, Juno 8almo. MILES (Jsuujs Rutherford, mgr.).—The Hong Kong Olrls, Williams and Allen, Bert DaTla, Walsh and Rand, Aerial Sherwoods, Stagpoole and Spier. ORPHEUM (Rod Waggoner, mgr.).—Syl- vester Bchaefer, feature attraction. REGENT (Tom Faland, mgr.).—Anna Era Fay, headlining. OPERA HOUSE (Harry Prent, mgr.).— "Lilac Time," with Jane Cowl. Next, Otis Skinner. OARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— "Her Soldier Boy." Neit. 'The Knife." LYCEUM.—"Common Clay," with Thomas Shsa. OAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).—"Sight- seers." CADILLAC (8am Levey, mgr.).—"Olrls from Joyland." ADAMS (Bert Williams, mgr.).—Olaser stock in "Just a Woman." Automobile bandits attacked Isadora Seld- enberg, treasurer of the Cadillac burlesque theatre, Nov. 23 In the yard of his residence, but were put to rout. A Detroit constable Interrupted the per- formance at the Regent last Saturday dur- ing the act of Frltzl Bcheff. Mlse Scheff la being sued by William Morris, and the sum- mons served on her calls for Nov. 28 In Jus- tice Lemkle's court. The constable was re- fused admission back stage, so when Miss Scheff appeared on the stage for her act. he went to the footlights and served the sum- mons. The show was brought to a standstill amid tumultous applause, while the constable was shown the exit by ushers. "Babbling Tongues" (film). Interesting, busi- ness good. WASHINGTON—Robert Warwick in Silent Master" (film). •The The loss by fire to the General Film Ex- change, as previously noted, was $03,000. The exact number of reels destroyed waa ap- proximately 3,000. Arthur Clare, new lessee and manager of the Hippodrome, Is developing that house Into popularity with his policy of nothing but fea- ture Alms. Love Field, the aviation camp here, has been completed, and the Influx of officers snd men has added materially to the theatregolng population. LOS ANGELES. BT OUT PRIOB. Carl Laemmle has taken a lease on the Alhambra, San Francisco. Al Nathan, Laemmle's appointee as manager of the Superba here, Is now In the Bay City launching the house on a Universal picture policy. ROGER TOLOMEI General Booking Manager ef the SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR 55 West 28th Street, New York City Office Hoars: 10-3 TERRACE GARDEN Chicago's Wonder Restaurant Featuring NORVAL BAPTIE and GLADYS LAMB EaUUed The Terraee Garde* Bevae aad lee Bstravagaasa** "THE FAIRY AND THE PRINCE" Satire Predectlea ay JOB. C SMITH la the Boar* ef the Leap CLARE AND MADISON STREET! Personal Maaagesseat ef •The Betel ef Perfect Service" BABBT C. MOIB aaiu« riMKw ^orrismi %tel THE BEST ITALIAN DINNER IN THE CITY Lunch 55 Cents GIOLITO Dinner 85 Cents Bryant 1151 108-110W.49thSt \Jf\f 1 Jl I \/NEW YORK CITY THE RENDEZVOUS OF THEATRICAL'S BEST" THE ONLY FIRST CLASS KOSHER RESTAURANT in San Francisco Whert all the leading visiting artists dine 117 TAYLOR ST., Bet Turk and Eddy, San Francisco M. SILVER, Proprietor L. BERNZAFT, Manager When In O M I O/VOO Visit WEISS RESTAURANT Where the Profession Congregate "or mki ly 5L W. Rjrululph S». '"■" l ' f'.rv Nest ibor •■) Cufuii s [,tm Ihe ?trr Cinca-;u, II: Work on Miller's new film theatre has been delayed temporarily on account of Inability to get material. Scott Palmer, manager of Pantages, San Diego, was up three dsys last week. MILWAUKEE. BY P. O. MOROAlf. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.).—Otla Skinner In "Mister Antonio," good opening; week Dec. 2, "Miss 8prlngtlme." MAJESTIC (William O. Tlsdale, mgr.; agent, Orpta.).—Sarah Padden, Blllle Reeves. Ray Samuels, Collins and Hart, Hufford and Chain, Fritz and Lucie Bruch, Darto and Rlalto, May Naudaln. PALACE (Harry B. Billings, mgr.; agent. W. V. M. A.).—Ragapatlon Five, Schoen and Walton, Irving Oobler, Frank Gardner and Co., Daniels and Walters, Azard Broa.; last half: Oruber'a Animals, Edward Blondell and Co., Ward and Raymond, Fields, Keane and Walsh, Nethercutt and Wharton, Rexo; excellent. MILLER (Jack Yeo, mgr.; agent, Loew).— LaRue and Oreaham, Yank and Dixie, Lamed and Kaufman, Seymour's Happy Family, Five Original Vlolfh 01 riles, Harmon and O'Con- nor, Floyd and Beaman, Canfleld and Cohan, Five Florlmanda; fine. 8HUBERT (B. Nlggemeyer, mgr.; agent International).—Thuraton, the Magician, good opening; Dec. 2, "Mutt and Jeff Divorced." PAB8T (Ludwlg Krelss. mgr.).—Pabst Oer- man Stock Co., "Die Five Frankfurter," good; 28, "Der Tor und der Tod" and "Salome." GAYETT (Charles J. Fox, mgr.; agent, American).—Oay Morning O lories, opening big; Dec. 2, Harry Welsh and American Bur- leaquers. EMPRESS (Henry Ooldenberg, mgr.).— Stock burlesque. Eddie Collins Co. Daniel H. Simon, probably one of the best- known bartends of the West and Middle West among theatrical and circus people, died In Chicago last week at the age of 08. For the last ten years, up to a year ago. he was In charge of the bar at the Davidson hotel. In New York he was at the Herald Square hotel for two years—about 181)0 to "98. NOTICE FOR EUROPE Players In Europe desiring to advertise In VARIETY, and wishing to take advan- tage of the Prepaid Rates allowed, may secure the same. If at the time of mailing advertising copy direct to VARIETY, New York, the amount in paynent tor It Is placed in VARIETY'S cre J «t at tbe PALL MALL DEPOSIT AND FOR- WARDING CO. Carlton St., Regent St^ S. W, London For uniformity in exchange, the Pall Mall Co. will accept deposits for VARIETY at four shillings, two penes, on the dollar. Through this manner of transmission, all danger of loss to the player Is averted; VARIETY assumes full risk and acknowl- edges the Pall Mall Co.'s receipts as Its own receipts for all money placed with the Pall Mall to VARIETY'S credit. NEW ORLEANS. By O. 11. SAMUEL. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—Gertrude Hoffman fairly staggering Orpheumltes with her sumptuous divertissement this week. Mc- Rae and Clegg started show pleasantly; Rev- erend Gorman (New Acts) ; Milton and De Long Sisters, splendidly received; Stan Stan- ley, unrestrained laughter; Comfort and King, apt minstrel farceurs; present patter rather familiar. PALACE (Sam Myers, mgr.).—Three Lyres, pronounced success, first balf. The Dooleys, opened, doing nicely; Ford and Goodrich, started slowly but found hearty favor later; Everything for the Stage in Clothes Large Stock on Hand Nothing too difficult for ear Custom Depertment Mack, The Tailo, 1582-1584 BROADWAT Opp. Strand Theatre Opp. Colombia Theatre 712-724-72t SEVENTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.