Variety (November 1917)

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r 40 ■■■■■■HBIlpi VARIKTY EDDIE COLUMBIA and VICTOR INTRODUCING FLORENCE ■ and Vaudeville's Oddity THIS WEEK (Nov. 26) KEITH'S BUSHWICK What J0L0 said about us at the Colonial last week The phonograph act presented by Barto and Clark Is a novelty. It Is billed as "Columbia and Victor with Eddie Barto and Florence Clark." The stage Is set to represent the Interior of a talking machine emporium. Placed about are several huge Victor cabinets. From two Is heard a conversation, which consists of smart crossfire between, the machines bewailing their respective lots, reciting their experiences In the houses to which they are sent After awhile the fronts of the cabinets open and Mr. Barto and Miss Clark emerge, do some clever singing, dancing and more talk, and at the finish return to the cabinets. Cleverly con- ceived, smartly written and artistically produced. direction, PAT CASEY OFFICE rt . I I Two Hands Are Better Than Nona O. K. SATO PREMEDITATED COMEDY-JUGGLING In Toronto I went blggtr than I bid In my life. In Buffalo e\en biggrr than Toronto. In Svraruae hliirar than Buffalo. In Ilocbeatrr big- i mr thin Huff■ to In Tn>y biner then Rochester. In Albany bluer than Troy. And when the mananer In Albany waa paying sss my aalary he aaid. "Your art certainly went rot- ten." I aald "Why. 1 thoujtht It wont pretty good." He aald. "Yea. but not for the money you are getting." I aaJd. "My goodness. Mleter. what do you expect for twelve bundled and fifty dollara t" P. R.—Cherka and money ordera should be sent to 114 Linden Ave.. Irrlnvtnn. N. J. Contract! and cancellation! to HUGHES 4 SMITH. Palee* Theatre. New York. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM O'CLARE "A Breeie from the Lakeo of KUlornoy" Booked Solid W. V. M. A. end U. B. O. BEEHLER & JACOBS AGENCY fUUaaia PrefssaleasJ Francis X. Hennessy Irlah Piper. Seats* Piper. Irish Stap Oaeear. Seeteb H^l Irlih Stap Oaeear. Seeteb fi\{\ Film Oaeear. Vlelleltt. (Ms- ■^.JT* alelaa) Taaeber. Play Parte. Parte. 822 2d Ave.. New York. N. Y. PROVIDENCE By KARL K. KLARK. OPERA HOUSE (Felix R. Wendlpechafer, mgr.).—Legitimate dropped for a week and picture" pubPtltuted. "Cleopatra" with Theda Bare being tried out at top price of 25 cents to $1 evenings and '•!•"> and JW) cents afternoons. KEITH'S (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.).— Frledlamder's "The Naughty Princess" head- lining. Others on bill are Claire Vincent and Co.. Burns and Fabrlto. Grace Carlisle and Jules Romrr, Alexander, Onell and Sexton. Dave Roth and Watson's Comedy Canines. MAJESTIC (Martin Toohey. mgr.).—Conroy and Diving ModelR headline. Dale and Burch, won applause. Others, first half: W. Olath Miller and Co.. MarcellaB Johnson, Dow and Dal*. Keith Thazer Bros., pictures. EMERY (Martin Toohey. mgr.).—Musical comedy. "The New Wizard of Wlseland Abroed." Show Is only fair. FAY'S (ErlwHrd M. Fay, mgr.).—Four Merry Rone ninls hend the vnudevllle bill. Others are Henderson Boy. Mnrtlnettl Sisters. Tommy Ray, Marie Rexford, Levlno Duo and picture*. COLONIAL (Sylvester P. Callnan, mgr.).— "Star and Garter" show, burlesque. Th#» Srenlc, the only nickel moving picture pppbo tn 'he city, which hn* ..een closed for several nunthR, reopened Ibis week. A whist and th*» 31st presentation of the art of magic was held at Rlocum Post Hall last Mondny nleht under the auspices of the Rhode Island Society of Maelclans. Those partici- pating In Ihe presentation of the art of magic were Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wnrby. C. Fos- ter Fenner, aaalated by C. Gardlne and B. J. EDWARD LOUIS HUNTER .nd GODFREY Blackface Comedlane. In their novelty act. "WITHOUT GAB." Uela* tkoir orbjlaeJ Winter scene In a limousine touring cor to explain the story. 80 DIFFERENT FROM THE REST I WATCH U8! Direction. JACK FLTNN. Palace Theatre Bid*.. New York SID ADA VINCENT and CARTER The Chap from England and the Maid from America BOOKED SOUD W. V. M. A. DIRECTION. HollTl6S & Dlldl6y HARVEY and DeVORA Trio BERT MILLIE JOHN DOUGH PRESENT "A DARKTOWN CABARET" Fenrth Successful Tear Loew Circuit SHEER and DARLING Farlon; N. C. A. Folzter, assisted by Al. Chapln ; Harold H. Ellis, peerless police per- plexor and others. A roll of honor has been prepared by the organization and the names on the roll are as follows: John Openshaw, Battery C, in France; Geo. Bellan, U. 8. musician ; Henry Varone, U. S. Medical Corps, and Robert B. Sanders, Trocp D, 15th U. 8. Cavalry. SEATTLE. BY WALTER E. BURTON. METROPOLITAN (Geor*e T. Hood, mgr.) -25th week, "The Flame." MOORE (Carl Relter, mgr.).—18. Musical tabloid with 28 people topped Orpheum bill. Most pretentious ever seen here In vaudeville. Oolet, Harris A Morey liked. Bert Hughes Troupe, novel cycle. Allen ft Francis, please. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Melburne, good comedy. "On tht Oolf Links," pleased. Hughes Musical Trio, good. Splendid patronage. WILKES (Dean B. Worley, mgr.).—"It Pays to Advertise" by Wilkes Players. Good patron- age. Better production than road show at the Metropolitan last season. GAIETY (Ed. Armstrong, mgr.).—18. Initial offering of the new Pacific Coast Burlesque Wheel. Will H. Armstrong, Joe Carter and 35 DOT MARSELL Marvel of Syncopated Melodies in Exclusive Songs Beautiful Gowns TEN MINUTES OF JOY a* Lackawanna Valley House Scranton, Penn. HEBRMAN F. GO JO LIN. Prep. Special Rates for the Profession people In "The Midnight Follies." Playing to good business for the week. Burlesque shows will prove successful on the Pacific Coast If the first offering Is a fair sample of those to follow. Sunday's business surpassed "Old Kentucky" show by four hundred dollara for day- LYRIC.—Musical comedy and vaudeville, fair business. ORPHEUM (Jay Haas, mgr.).—18, OLough- lln & Williams, athletes, head new bill open- ing Sunday. Mapes & Louise have pep. An- derson Duo, good. Dale & Carrey, dancing comics. Kla-Wah-Ya. Indian entertainer, who pleased. Mabel Marrymore A Co. have educated horse, is well trained. Good busi- ness. PALACE HIP (Joseph A. Muller, mgr.).— 18, Six Moorish Whirlwinds head. Sensational tumbling act. Van & Yorke, best comedy act here for some time. Best, Morton ft Kerr, good. Grace Lindon, pleasing. Wagner A Whiting, dancing of merit. Flying La Mars, good. Capacity business. PANTAGES (Edgar O. Milne, mgr.).—18, "The Honey Bees," top. Maurice Samuels ft Co., featured attraction. Transfield Sisters, dainty. Eddie Howard, good. Mile. Theresa, liked. West & Hale, comedy skit. Capacity business. Inez Ragan, former leading lady here with the Wilkes Players, has gone to New York to Join new Oliver D. Bailey comedy, "A Stitch in Time." Wm. Maylon Is managing a stock at the Auditorium, Pocatello (Idaho), In Its 22d con- secutive week. The Great Wortham Shows are In winter quarters at Kent. The management will open at El Paso early In March. The Kregers havo returned to their home across the bay after a 7.000-mlle tour of the South In a Ford. The act was out five months, and had a very successful season. 8am Cohn, former manager of the Spokane theater, Spokane, has been appointed manager of the Liberty, that city. The biggest laughs in HARRY COOPER'S new act, are the Car- toon SLIDES made by Greater New York Slide Co. 154 W. 45th St., New York City Sketches, Cartoons and Slides for all purposes