Variety (November 1917)

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VARIETY 41 WATSON'S "BEEF TRUST NEXT WEEK (Dec. 3), COLUMBIA, BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Week Dec. 17, Empire, Newark Week Dec. 10, Casino, Brooklyn Week Dec. 24, Casino, Philadelphia Week Dec. 31, Miner's (Bronx), New York City Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to All BILLY WATSON JACK TERRY Friars' Club will always reach me Howatson A Swaybelle are publishing a the- atrical booklet en route, which they have cap- tioned "Howatson ft Swaybelle Gazette." It will be distributed monthly. John Kaufmann. formerly connected with the Liberty, Hoqulam (Wash.), la spending a vaca- tion In the Queen City. Two former stock favorites In Coast cities were with the "In Old Kentucky" show at the Gaiety last week. Johnny Prlngle and Fred Monley. The Greater Theatres Co., owners of picture theatres In the Northwest, has secured Ralph Ruffer, former manager of the Liberty, Spokane, as manager of their Columbia, Port- land. Dick Lonsdale Is playing Swedish characters at the Lyric, Portland. The Washington Film Corporation, Spokane, which recently acquired the Minnehaha Park property there, has remodeled the buildings for studio purposes, and work has progressed to the point where several thousand feet of film Is being shot dally. Frank Hood, treasurer of the Metropolitan, has moved In from his suburban place at Lake Burlen for the winter. Manager Carl Relter, of the Moore, aays the "Orpbeura vs. Orpheum" case Is now before the state supreme court on appeal, and that a decision Is expected soon. If the Orpheum Theatre ft Realty Corporation win out the Onbcum theatre, Third anil Madison, will have to be renamed. If tbe New York Life Insur- ance Company, owners of the Orpheum build- ing, get the decision the house can retatr the present name, while the Moore shows will not be effected as to the use of the phrases, "Or- pheum vaudeville" or "Orpheum circuit." Charles Eugene Banks, dramatic editor of the Seattle "Dally Post-Intelligencer," has signed an agreement with tbe Chief Seattle Film Co. to produce his Indian legend, "A Child of the Sun," in this city. The story has had a wide distribution In book form. Carrie Wyatt Banks, wife of the author, and a well known actress, will play the witch. The story will make a five-reel production. The release date will be about Feb. 1. Lionel Dobell will direct. George Farls, manager of the Vita graph office here for the past 14 months, has been appointed manager of the Southern California exchange, Los Angeles. Maverick Terrell, a Seattle resident, who wrote "Shanghaied" and other Chaplin comedies, will write a number of one-reel comedies for the Chief Seattle Film Co. All pictures released through the First Na- tional Exhibitors' Circuit In Washington, Ore- gon Idaho, Montana, and Alaska will be dis- tributed by the Exhibitors' Film exchange, of this city, controlled by the Greater Theatres Co. (owning and operating picture houses In Butte, Portland, and three theatres In Seattle). The Dobell Film Co., with offices at 403 American Bank Building, this city, was lu- PRINPF | JuMJMlGfcAPH NUMBP SO KAR-MI PLATTNQ FOB u. fw Tort) B. O. an. W. V. M. A. and HEADLINING All Bills n,.^«v SIMON AGENCY ED. F. REYNARD Presents Mile. BIANCA The Classic Dancsr with a Production MLLE. BIANCA Presents ED. F.REYNARD The Ventriloquist with a Production EDDIE BORDEN With "SIR" JA8. DWTEB—Direction, HERMAN WEBER—Keith's, Beeiea (Dec $) HAROLD A. CLARKE Anther of HERMINE 8HONB*8 present successful fantastic comedy, new act for COLE, RUSSELL and DAVIS, and songs for WILLIAM ROCK and FRANCES WHITE. CECIL CUNNINGHAM. MINNIE ALLEN, CHARLOTTE PARRT and many other standard acts. Address VARIETY, New York corporated last week, with a capital of $50,- 000. The officials are Abe Kubey, local cigar manufacturer, president and treasurer; C. Hamilton Kendall, newspaper man, secretary; C. B. Collins, manager of the International Finance Co., vlce-presldem; Lionel Dobell, general manager and film director. The studio of the Chief Seattle Film Co. will be utilized In the Dobell nroductlons. "Lost in Fairy- land," a two-reel story, has been completed, and goes on the market Sunday. "The Golden Egg" will be filmed next In a series of Better Films for Children. Twenty-five per cent, of the proceeds derived from the sale of the pic- tures goes to the children taking part In the productions; twenty-five per cent, additional goes to local charities designated by the parents of the children In the cast. Coney Holmes, the Eastern booking agent, was here this week on business. sledding on the Pacific Coast, and a great num- ber of the ahows booked for the Metropolitan this season have been cancelled. The North- western cities have given better business than the California dates. It is claimed. Hereto- fore this was reversed. TAC0MA, WASH. Charles B. Dreyer, cameraman at the Chief Seattle Film Co. for some time, baa gone to the Washington Film Corporation, Spokane, lames Cuwthorne, a California "shooter," takes his place. The use of electricity In theatrical signs and ornamentation has not been curtailed here as yet. The only curtailment of electrical dis- plays In the city Is In the case of a big furni- ture store which has Its own power plant and uses varied colored lights to completely cover the building on the Pine and Second avenue aides of the eight-story structure. Pauline Becker, late with the Metro studios, has Joined the Dobell Film, and appears In "Lost In Fairyland." Road attractions seem to have hit hard DY W. E. BURTON. TACOMA (C. H. Herald, mgr).—28 and week, Julian Eltlnge In "Countess Charming" (film). HIPPODROME.—Carl and Inez in "Merry Nonsense," big hit. McCormlck and Shannon, good; Five Young Americana, look well; Hannah and Hardner, difficult physical feats; George ("Porkchops") Evers, pleasing; Aerial Bartletts, skilled acrobats. Good patronage. PANTAOES.—Rlgoletto Brothers headline; Ash and Shaw, good; Riggs and Ryan, please; Larson and Wilson, acrobatic. Capacity busi- ness. APOLLO.—Douglas Fairbanks In "Double Troubles" Is drawing well. COLONIAL.—"The Law of the Land." with Mme. Petrova starred. VAUDETTE.—Alice Joyce and Harry Morey co-starred In "Tbe Courage of Silence." MELBOURNE.—"Deadshot Baker," with William Duncan In the title role. LIBERTY. — "Madam Bo-Peep In the Trenches"; "His Widow's Mite," and "Amer- ican War News" Weekly. SUNSET —UMh episode o' "The Great Socrct"; Francis X. Bushman in "G'rarty Hand." ROSE.—"The Neglected Wife" serial and a "Ham and Budd" comedy. PARK.— "Great Secret" Perlal; "Gold That Ollttereth"; 'Grant. Police Reporter." LINCOLN.—Harold Lock wood In "The H. BART McHUGH Presents EL BRERDEL and FLO BEIT "Waiting"** Her" •tii ADELSs J A/OH Featured la PRPPLB * SRRRKWALD'S "ALL GIRL UVlir P*rmtmm\ Dir»ctW«, M. L. GRsTBNWALD Gamble" and the 17th episode of "The Great Secret" aerial. The new Pentagon at 0th and C streets, on the site of the Jones office building, la about ready for occupancy. The building has been In construction for about 18 months, delays being occasioned by labor troubles and In- ability to secure material. The house Is al- most an exact replica of the Seattle PsnUgee theatre, and cost about $230,000 to build. It Is understood musical comedy productions will hold the hoards at the old Pan house on Pad do avenue aa soon aa the new show shop la ready. Monte Carter has been mentioned aa the at- traction there. The proximity of the American Lake can- tonment Is making things prosperous for the theatres, hotels, etc., here, and the traveling attractions that used to avoid "Tacome dates" whenever practical to do so are now glad to bring their shows here, for huslnesa Is top notch on account of the thousands of soldiers here every day. Already thla season two or three road shows have played longer stands than they did In the neighboring city of Seattle. Heretofore thla was a one-nlghter. while the same show played Seattle a full week. Joseph Muller, northwestern manager for Ackerraan ft Harris, waa hero first of the week. Manager Moore, of the Colonial, announces be will soon begin the construction of a theatre located in the business center of the city that will cost $100,000. It will be built for pic- ture purposes, but will have atage facilities. VANCOUVER. B. C. »„»«-.Jl Y ?• P - WFWBRRRY. EMPRESS (Geo. B. Howard ft Chas. Royal, mgrs.).—22d week of the Empress Stock Co. AVENUE (W. Scott, mgr.).—20-1, Albert Brown In "The Love of a King." ORPHEUM (Jas. Pilling, mar).—10, Harriet Remple, Willie Weston, and Williams * Wnif«i B are the three acts headlining this week's bill; all were well received. Winona Winter, fea- tured. Hazel Moran, good. Rath Bros., pleased. Tennessee Ten, good. SpendM busi- ness. PANTAGES (Geo. Psntages. mgr.).—10, Hongkong Mysteries, good hesdllner. Revue de Vogue, featured. Frank Bush, well liked. Martin A Florence, pleased. Nan Gray. good. McDermott ft Wallace, pleased. Excellent busi- ness. COLUMBIA (J. H. Mayrand, mgr.).— Vaudeville and pictures, split. REX (W. P. DeWecs. mgr.).—Julian Eltlnge In "The Countess Charming" (film). COLONIAL (H. Quagllottl, mgr.).—"Mother o Mine (film). GLOBE (W. P. Nichols, mgr.).—"Double Crossed" (film). DOMINION (J. Mulr. mgr.).—"Nearly Mar- ried" (film). Palace, Kltsllano. Falrvlew. Maple Leaf, Majestic. Princess, Klngsway, Progress, Broad- way, Royal.—Films. Manager Mulr, of th« Dominion, has left for New York, where he will remain several months. Local picture managers are still attaoklng the amusement tax. They claim that It has taken all their profits. - ■