Variety (November 1917)

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VARIETY WORKING-U.B.0.-MAKIN4 GOOD ENOUGH REASONS POft THANKSGIVINCj pinecT.QN^FRAWK EVANS> ^u This Weak (Not. 26)— Nixon, Philadelphia. Pa. N«t WMk (D«x 3)-Colonial. Philadelphia. Pa. "THE PINT SIZE PAIS" LAURIE and BRONSON IN "LET'ERQO" DID TOU KNOW THAT Fctiton and Greon are salarlng It upf Sam Scheero can write more nothing and make It Interesting than anyone I ever met? (The nuts were good. Sam.) Mlas "Dot" Reilly. of Minneapolis, la one of our oomlng atarif We open Saturday in "Over the Top"? Grant Gardner la coming east? Watch him. Ed and Lou Miller are singing them allly at the Orpheumr It's getting ooldr Little Billy wrote "Pinkie"? lids ad. will he funny after we get settledf (A promise, not a threat.) And If yon did, •• wall 7 JOSEPH LAMB says: 'The road to success leads through the valla? of humility, and the path Is up the ladder of patience and across the wide, barren plains of pei ser v er a noe" I've been through the valley of humility—Jules Delmar made me open a 6-act show last weak; I've been up the ladder of patience—the Palaoa elevators on Tuesdays; and I think I'm In the wide, barren plains of perseverance—I am writing this an route from Lynchburg. Va., to Macon. Ga., 6 V miles as the Southern Railway "flys"(r). Suooeaa will yet be mine, by—ye gods I Edward Marshall A Chalkoloaiat, 8ah. BOBBY HENSHAW "THE UKE KID" "WATCH THE BABY GROW" under the watchful eye of hla two nurses ROSE & CURTIS Palace Theatre Bide New York City BROWN and CARSTENS "NINE MINUTES OF ZYLOTONI8M" Direction. CHAS. WILSHIN Nomaster what hour a woman goes to her dressmaker's, it Is always a fitting time. BILLY BEARD "The Party from the South" iii i i >iiit VI <■ I i. uv- Miiiktrel* Rastern Itrp . ; MACK Western Hip.. >IM«»N AG KM V Going right along, eh? That's good. NOLAN AND NOLAN All Chalked Up by NORMAN JEFFERIES The Original Arleys Booked Solid Inr m ▼• Ha a%« Direction, YATES * EARL FRED DIPREZ SAYS A woman who has a no-account, laay and drunken husband would gladly trade him for a plugged dime. But If an automobile hits him. his ptioo imme- diately goes up to 110.000. AMBAERWITZ.' 14031 "evYert In accordance with Mr. Hoover's request as to Food Conservation, we are now eating our potatoes with the skins on. BUT WE ARE OFF PINEAPPLES. Dolly GREY and Bert BYRON POLDI LONG PRESENTS The Celestial Wonder Workers Booked Solid W V. M. A. Direction. SIMON AGENCY Hers we are In the old home town (Philadelphia) Retting lota of laughs, plenty of applause, flowers orer the footlights (oompUmenta of Bobby Heath), home cooking (pro rata)—end the kids. Barbara and Dorothy. I Just wish you could see this n*«v one She certainly la a whale—a big. fat. laughing baby— alttlng on my lap trying to grab the pencil as I write these few lines, a smile from ear to ear and as Irish aa Paddy'a. I'll hare to out this short as something just happeneed. (Here. Marian, take her. QUICK.) Air Grant Is back from Australia and has the Philadelphia Hicks laughing all orer the town as he relates his experiences In Australia Some class to Alf.. better known as the "Bine King." Jim and Marion HARKINS Direction. NORMAN JEFFERIES Next Week (Dec 3) Maryland. Baltimore, Md. Some Agents Konrersationally Kan Kamonfloaueje 2 If ONSECUT1VE r% IV UT —— sail WEEKS so they reaemble an Or ph earn Boate. ' Ballinair your a, FISHER and GILMORE "Her Reuben Romeo" Loew Circuit. Direction, MARK LEVY. "Herring Frappe" Try this on a Soda Dispenser. A THEATRICAL . ACCIDENT Actor falls on Moe 8ch*nek's Book and seta ALL CUT Hospitably years, ARTHUR MADDEN "Ank-ology" Loew Circuit. Direction. MARK LEVY. THEATRICAL DICTIONARY of New LOBSTER— Ihe edible lobster found off the onset England. The two-legged species round Cloak models often dependent on both ' PULLMAN PORTER— A legalized train robber. PROPERTY MAN— One who goes out and borrows things. RESTAURANT— An Institution for the sp r e ad of dyspepsia and Greeks. FENTOR «»GREEN You can't fool u heraefly. Morris Golden says It All Comes Under the Head- ing of Amusements Chorus girls, big Jumps, acrobats, sister acts, oommlsslon. marriage, song pluggers. Southern cir- cuits. Eugene Brlak. agents, divorce, authors, bad criticisms, ventriloquists. Irish legits, animal acts. Hebe comlrs. Al Fields, Princeton Hotel, lockers, etc. ad lib. HHDBfe JUmsric Bits Or VtSSA+IUVY BLANCHE ALFRED and her SYMPHONY GIRLS assisted by "GERANT," Conductor Featuring the RAINBOW GIRL In Novelty Daneea Direction. C. W. NELSON W. Y. M. A. They are going leave me again, am I hear then about Philadelphia. Is that town hanging Trenton • OSWALD U L Pests No. z Thc SrceR-Yoo-monT-sno. So Youajg, itf ttsWVmwp" Mot *fetKl CtVa\ MY RCQRR99 "*•> T ** FIYM** HE!s A OMnT KlD. Sc suae aho to into TatCYPf fl SAiasrf, and ask n* Al, tsu. M"i wn Wtf HI <wo — Haxr wi«k, Colo^imu, ERIC- With meatless Tuesdays and wheatleaa Wednesdays—why not "Bathless" Satur- days? Thia Week (Nov. 26)—Lowell, CARMEN'S MINSTRELS JOHN GEIGER KNAPP ari COUALLA Agreat for alL ROSE A CURTIS Next Week (Dec. 3)—Keith's, Portias*, Me. i PAULINE SAXON SAYS Christmas Uses Is 4m Everywhere Is lore and easgff. One thought's always la ay iii I wonder what 111 Prodi BLACKFACE EDDIE ROSS Featured Neil O'Brien Minstrels 2-White Steppers-2 Study in White Ptr«ctl»n. CHAE, FITZPATBICK RAYS EMMA DEAN "Leave Me Alone DARN YOU" W. V. M. A. fj. B. O. BKBHLER At JACOBS WILLIAM E. MICK PRESENTS JACK COWELL g CO. IN "THE SLACKER" WVMA By HORACE J. LINNEY TJBO Direction. HARRY 8PINGOLD SAM J. F. ADAMS and GRIFFITH 'A MUSIC LESSON" Director. FRANK EVANS