Variety (January 1918)

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VARIETY Jl BEST PLACES TO STOP AT 500 Housekeeping Apartments (bJ thi bfttw diss, wttWi rexl s! icnoaiul Mil) UM« direct np«rTlit« ef tk* owners. M B ** * »» *•• •»«•* •* «*• «*tT» fAwt 4*7 BrMdwi;. clese U ell »*«kln*; eEteen. »ri»«l»-*l thent llnee. "L" reed end •■■v»r. * W. ere the Itrfttl eselntatner* ef kMMkmlH fi I* theetrtcel felt*. ffimnlM imM tally. TkJ clMlJiM ■BAT AXB HILDONA COURT Ml to Ml West A Senates IN Len» itrrr wtnrTTB: ciffvaron apawtiiciiti an AOOMt. WITH TltCO iATM ANO SYSTEM. THUI A^AATMIMTt ' >. tlMt Us Weefelv; MMt Hi YANDIS COURT mVINGTON HALL Ml * Mi w«m il« St. Swase Om. ?IM A* MMltM. MT«#rM)# Mffl#lMJ if lM» eCVM^ l >M^ ygjss.^r.s' agg« £t?22 •ILM U. WMkl HENKI COURT III 1M MA Hi Wert «St* M. KfMMMM MM MWk Ml M i. fMM to) MM MM#V . ^TJ^pUPLEX^ f ^r^v mv ^^^ »^^^^ *'<■ ^n», '^ ■»^P1BI M ■ Stat fe2 m^Tmmm J taiM tlluM U» Addreas all iMBMiMMi to ML PrisMlpnl Oftee— Yandie CNH, Ml WmI AM OBIee to) Mtk •>• i mi mm. UNDKA NIW MAX AC KM KMT ST. REGIS HOTEL "*"»•*» CHICAGO, ILL Besse *f the PrW W. B. ANDKRSON. Prep. ONs AIm Optrirtwi HOTEL* MAEION end BBESLTJf B. C ■TTJA1T. Rates $6.00 per week and op ph***—Hrr*»< IS44 On. P. Sefcw-4de». Prt». FURNISHED APARTMENTS S2S Wert 43rd Street, NEW TORS CITY I—* aa* ■■■»■!■■■■ af Ow »raf < » a Clean end Airy to Beth. 1-4 Inm Cnterin* to the M •fMM HmI end Sleclrie Ughta TeUpfceeet Bryant SMT Furnished Apartments and Rooms Both* end Centiaeen. H«4 W Large Reema. M Mid Up 1 aed I Im«i Ap.rtm«»t*. |T to ILM COMPUTE HOUSKKKKPDta 310 W. 48th St, New York LucIad Murstore dropped oot of a perform- •nce of "Roroeo and Juliet" at the Auditorium lsst week on Account of illness. SEYMORE HOTEL ROCHESTER, N. Y. Notice to the Profession ROOITIS, 75C and upward Rooms rr.vrved on Application JOHN A. D1CK8. Proprietor It la aald to be a bathrobe for De Wolf Hop- per. Grace Hlnkley waa arreated laat week for attempting to sell morphine to a youth. Fol- lowing her arrest, she was sent to the Bride- well hospital for treatment. . 'SThe AH Olrl Revue," booked to play Mil- waukee Dec. 27, had Myra Jefferson OAylor In the east .Instead of Cecil Jefferson. Miss Jefferson waa 111, and Jtor aiater Jumped In at the inet moment. Leon Friedman, business manager of the Zlegfeld "Follies." discovered a check for $r»00 iu his mall Chrhttmaa morning. It waa Flo'a gift. The two com pan lea presenting "Lincoln of the U. S. A.," a vaudeville aketch, written by Ralph Kettering, were presented with a •week's salary aa a Christmas present. Doris Faithful, wife of Vernon Steele, the picture actor who play* opposite to Mar- guerite Clark, haa joined the Chicago "Oh, Boy" company in one of the minor speaking rolea. Midnight performances were given at the Jones, T Inlck A 8cbaefer houses New tear'a Eve. The Rlalto and McVlcker's began at 11 P. M., while the Orpbeum (pictures) started at mldulght. There waa no midnight performance at the Colonial. Christmas Day "A Daughter of the Sun" broke all records for big business at the Lyceum, Pittsburgh. The receipts were $ J ,804.23. "The Brat," playing at the Colonial, used quarter-page advertiaementa In all the dallies last week, featuring the "war prices" for fl David Wsrfleld Is bonked to come to the Powers, Jan. 21, with "The Music Master." for an Indefinite run, succeeding Ruth Chat- terton In "Come Out of the Kitchen." I N ERS AKE-UP Dorothy Maynard Is knitting a muffler for Laddie Cllft. May Dowhng has put In 'Aft* hours on a tremendous undertaking In yarn. DANIEL. EIN/IECIM IN Ttt m%%mtVm£3t A' NBW YORK CITY ABSOLUTELY PIBBPBOOP With Hot and Cold Running Water PRICE8 $W0, |4J0, $4J0 and fftJi WKKKLY RESTAURANT A CALL WILL CONTINCB TO© 554 Tel. Bryant { 555 '7S33 The Edmonds ONE BLOCK TO TIMES SQ. Furnished Apartments CATERING EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PROFESSION 776-78-80 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 47th and ASth Streets NEW YORK Private Bath and Phone In E«ch Apartment Offlce-778 EIGHTH AVENUE for half the orchestra floor and $1.60 for the bent seats. It is said $4 000 waa spent on this aerlea of advertisements • The stage employes at the Palace theater have a box, hand-painted, with a atrlktng bat- tle scene on It. for contributions for the fund tiey have started for I. A. T. 8. B. men In the service. Barle Steward, manager of the house, started the fund with a contribution of $10. Willie Better, the youthful private secre- tary to Bdward Shayne, retired W. V. M. A. booker, la now looking after the booking of the Avenue and Windsor. The Windsor haa changed to a four-split week. It waa first a split-week house, and later changed to a three-split week. After a year in the South, Horace V. Noble, who haa been directing for the Emma Bunt- ing stock it the Grand, San Antonio, haa re- turned to Chicago for the holidays, and ia preparing an act for vaudeville. Hla intro- duction to vaudeville was in his recent sup- port of Emmet Corrigan In the East. Mame Thorpe, whose husband, W. Thorpe, appeared with Blossom Seeley at the Palace last week, brought her husband before the Court of Domestic Relations. She declared she worked for $8 a week and lived In a cubby hole, while her husband lived at the Hotel Sherman and earned $100 a week. She Indicated that she would, sue for divorce. Eddie E. Collins, musical comedy comedian, who, for the past two seasons, has been pilot- ing hla own musical comedy revue of 20 people, haa leased his company, known aa the Eddie Collins Revue, to an eastern manage- ment for the balance of the season. He will shortly return to vaudeville in Chicago with Florence Wilmot. GAYETY (Robert Sbcmecker, mgr.; Ameri- can Wheel Burlesque). — "The Innocent Maids." ILLINOIS (R. Tlmponl, mgr.).—Ziegfeld "Follies," playing to capacity business de- spite Inflated prices; specs said to be getting $5 for seats (2d week). IMPERIAL (Will 8pink, mgr.; Interna- tional Circuit).—"The Millionaire Bon and Shop Girl." LA SALLE (Nat Royster. mgr.).—"Oh, Bey!" with Joseph Santley. The fag of its record run is being helped by special sales of block aeata. Will leave a tough mark to follow for Its successor, "Leave it to Jane." which la expected to come some time in March (20th week). NATIONAL (John Banett, mgr.).—"Out Girl'a Experience." OLYMPIC (Abe Jacobs, mgr.).—Kolb and Dill In "The High Cost of Loving," not ex- pected to last more tban a month (2d week). PLAYHOUSE.—"The Man Who Stayed at Home," well received (2d week). PRINCESS (Will 8Jnger. mgr.).—"The Man Who Came Back." with Mary Nash (Kith week). POWERS (Harry Powers, mgr.).—Ruth Chatterton In "Come Out of the Kitchen." Hit (7th week). STAR AND GARTER (Wm. Roche, mgr.: Columbia Wheel Burlesque).—"The Roeeland Girls." 8TUDRBAKER (Louis Judsh. mrr.).-r- "Love o' Mike." with George llaaeell, due to depart (4th week). "Oh, Boy" la nearlng a half year'a run at the La Salle here. The buslnesa la holding up, aided by special sales. Last Frldsy the Illinois States Attorneys' Association bought a block of seats In the orchestra for their membership of over 100. Jsn. 4 the American Chicle company salesmen will attend the show in a body and Jan. 7 the house has been sold out to the local chapter of the Elks, in honor of Ben Jerome, the La Salle orchestra leader. ■ SAN FRANCISCO VARTETT8 SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE PANT A OSS THBATBB BLOB. Pheeie, Dm)*I*m tilt V si HI N W V t M k > I '■( , 1 .1 AUDITORIUM (H. M. Johnson, mgr.).— Grand opera, Cleofonte Campaninl, director (8th week). BLACK8T0NB (Ed. Wappler, mgr.).— Maude Adama in "A Kiss for Cinderella." Four weeks' engagement (2d week). COHAN'S GRAND (Harry J. Ridings, mgr.).—Jane Cowl in "Lilac Time." Scored (2d week). COLONIAL (Norman Field, mgr.).—"The Brat," with Maude Fulton; an unquestioned hit for play and star (3d week). COLUMBIA (Frank .0. Parry, mgr.; Co- lumbia Wheel Burlesque). — "Maids of America." CORT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.).—"The Gypsy Trail." Welcomed. patrouUed and aesured of a run (2d week). CROWN (Ed. J. Rowland, mgr.; stock).— "What Happened to Mary." ENGLEWOOD (J. D. Whitehead, mgr.).— "The Girl from the Folllea." EMPIRE (Art Moeller. mgr.; American Wheel Burlesque).— Blllv Walson's Orientals. GARRICK (Wm. Currle. mgr.).—"The Passing Show" (7th week), leaves for "The Very Idea," with Ernest Truex and Kiohard Bennett, Jan. 7. ORPHEUM (Fred Henderson, gen. rep. agent, direct).—The current Orpheum pro- gram Is a well-balanced affair, consequently the majority of the turns were well received. Mclntyrc end Heath were given the headlining honors and recorded a big-sized score. Travers and Douglas, In their "Meadowbrook Lane,' were well liked. Kae Eleanor Ball, next-to- closlng, and fully appreciated. James H. Cullen waa somewhat hindered thmuRh being placed "No. 2." He did well considering the handicap. "For Pity's 8ake" and Jim and B<tty Morpan repeated tLelr previous week's success. Herbert Clifton, the third of the holdovers, suffered through being placed to open. Clifton, nevert he lets, pleased. PANTAOE8.—An ordinary program Is being shown at the local Pnntages house this week with the "Honey BeeV a musical orgnnlr.a- tlon, carrying the top honors. The torn prac- tically depends solely upon Billy Browning, who displayed aufflclent ability to carry the piece across. Msurlce Paniunls and Co.. in "A Day at Ellis Island," proved a likeable «kit. the rharaeler-being »r>lenHdly bandied hy Mr. Samuels. Vcrna Meroerenu was an ar- tistic success while Fonl West and Bui Hnle carried awsy the laughing honors of the evening. The TrnnHfleld Sisters were an ap- pluusA hit with their musical specialty, the girls gradually gaining at the turn proceeded. Mile. Thensc and her trained pigeons, dogs and monkeys, opened successfully. Flnnders and Elsters (man and woman) were ad<l«'d, doing quite well with a routlue of pinao play- ing and sinking.