Variety (January 1918)

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VARIETY 25 SSBSSil THE POSITION OF AND On the bill at the ORPHEUM, BROOKLYN, THS WEEK (Jan. 7), FESTIVAL WEEK: MONDAY on 3rd ... . STOPPED THE SHOW .... 11 ACTS TUESDAY on 7th.... STOPPED THE SHOW .11 ACTS WEDNESDAY on 9th ... STOPPED THE SHOW.. .11 ACTS "Variety" went to press Wednesday night, so I can't say here what position I had Thursday, but I do know I play the COLONIAL, NEXT WEEK (Jan. 14), with the ALHAMBRA and BUSH WICK to follow. Direction, W. S. HENNESSY Roy Dorcthy Ruby Sisters 3 (C) Rule J S Russell Lew Russell Mr ft Mrs R H Russell Robt Hall (C) Ryan Allle 8 Sablosky Lou Salinger Herbert Salvator (SF) Sarto Emma Satber Al (C) Savage Mr ft Mrs H Saxon Paulino (C) Saxton Terry Scott Blanche S Scott John Scott Mike Sea bury A Price (C) Seam Wm C Selblni Lola. Seymoure A E Se>morc Billy (C) Stanley Grace (C) Sbannon Frank L Sharkey Mrs C E Shaw Jane Shea Tbos E Sneedy Helen Sbepard Al Sbeimrd Al (C) Sbepard Katbcrlne Sherwood Jeanette Shilling Wm Shirley Fay Shone Hermlne Shone Mudelyn Sidney Mrs V G Sims H A (C) (Govt) Skipper & Kastrup Slevln James Sloan Mrs W H Smith betty Smith Eddie Smythe Wm Soiners ft Morse Songsters 3 Sounders Mae V Southe Mr ft Mrs P Speare Fred H SpeckB 2 (C) Spencer Herbert Spencer Marie Sponseller Ruth Sprague Paul Stach Mr & Mrs L Staei Leopold (3F) Stafford Frank Stafford J M (C) Stapleton Arthur W Stark Virginia (C) Startup Harry (C) St Denld Wm B Steadman Al ft F Stedman Robt B Stevens Marie (C) Stewart Geo (C) Stewart Harold (Slim) (C) Stlrk Cliff (C) Stone Margaret Stopitt James Story ft Clark (C) Story R Stur Walter Sullivan A Mason Sullivan Danny Swain Arthur Mrs (C) Swain Prank H (C) Swan A Mack Tabors Throwing Tabor Harry L Tecla Olga Terry Arthur A G Thomas Georgia Thompson Al D Thompson J Forrest Thompson Stanley Thomson Harry Tiller Sisters Tiller Miss Tommy Tlmponi Florence (P) Toban Trio Toner Tommy (C) Tones 3 (C) Toney A Norman Tonge Lucy Toomer Mr A Mrs H B Top Cornelius (Govt) (C) Treenspan Florence Trotman Florence Tucker Cyril O Tuecano Otis Valentine ft Bell Valll Muriel (C) Valy Alice Van Billy B Van Kitty Vance Kay (C) Vaughn C E Vercl & Vercl Verheim Eugene (C) Vernon Dot Verser Masle Vic Troler Mr Vine Dave Vlollnsky Volgt Martha Voloshen Charlie Volunteers The W Waddell Thos Wade John P (C) Wadell Mrs Leo Wagner Emma Wnkefleld Wanda Wakefield Wanda (C) Waldron ft Young (C) Walker Marie Wallace Miss (Tele'g) (C) Wallace Mildred (P) Wall Dorothy Walsh E R Walters A Walters Walton Bert A L Ward Arthur F Ward Chas A Ward Geo Wardette Bstelle Warren Mrs Fred Watson Fanny Watson Fannie (C) Wetland Florence Welch Lew Welch Thos Weldon Mabel (C) Wells A Fisher Wendrlck A Dale (C) Werle Lillian (C) Weston Montague Westone Mr (C) Wheeler Betty White Steppers White Trio White Geo White Rose White A Brown (Pkg) (C) Whiting Marion Wiggins Bert (C) Wlgglngton Minnie Wlllard A Wilson Wlllard Ruth Williams A Culver Williams Mrs C C Willngham Mr Willis Louise (C.) Wills Gilbert Co (C) Wilson Miss Blllle Wilson Ethel Wilson Miss Frankle Wilson Hans Wilson Jack Wilson Maude Wilson A Schnlder (C) Wlnlock Isabella Wlnslow Herbert H Winters Irene Wolffbelm Eugene Wolf helm Eugene (C) Wolfing I 8 Wood Melville ft P Wood OUle Wood Mr ft Mrs Will Woodward ft Morrlssey Wrothe Mr ft Mrs B L Yammoto Tony (C) Yeoger ft Yeoger Yorke ft King (C) Youde Mamie Young ft April Young OUle Young R C Young Tot Young ft Waldron (C) Zarrow Zeh (C) Zarnes Casper Zeda Mrs H L CHICAGO VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE, Majestic Theatre Bid*. "The Passing Show" started for Pittsburgh many hours late Monday. Ashton Stevens has left for Los Angeles to be present at the opening of his first play, "Mary's Way Out," Morosco management. "The Wanderer" has announced for Its Chi- cago run, beginning Jan. 24 at the Auditorium, a top scale of $1.80, with 600 orchestra seats at all performances selling at $1. George Welty, manager, recontly operated on, Is convalescent and soon leaves for the Pacific regions. Most or the "talent" which has found its way to the Great Lakes Naval Training sta- tion will take part in a vaudeville benefit Feb. 2. to raiBe money for the station's athletic fund. Nat Kalchelm. former secretary to Sam Kahl of the Finn ft Helman circuit, Is now booking representative for Mr. Kahl. On account of the uncertain railroad con- ditions, "Maytime" postponed the Chicago opening from Sunday to Tuesday this week. The troupe got In Sunday night, as expected, but were six hours late. CORRESPONDENCE Unleaa otherwise noted, the following reports are for the current week. All theatres In Fond du Lac, Wis., barred children for ten days, beginning the lirat of ilie it&t; epidemic of scarlet fever there. The Orpheura. Fort Williams, Ont., Can., has been dark since Dec. ,'11, on account of change of railroad schedules. The bouse will reopen Jan. 17. At the mix of the storm which knocked Chicago Ruowstruek and frn^tbnund, mmy performers were unable to get Into loading hotels, as there was a massing of conven- tions nnd the conveners couldn't get out of town. Ruth Chatterton In "Come Out of the Kitchen." played to the biggest receipts of her career during the Chicago engagement, according to the management of the show. Harry Davidson Is here running both ends of "GipRy Love." Will Paige It In advance of "The Wanderer," which Is getting free col- umns In the Hearst papers for some private reason, In addition to Paige's other heavy "string." The Woodland Bartii of Chicago have pn- sented George M. Cohan and members of the Friars' Club with a bindsome copper tablet in appreciation of courtesies extended when the Sox rooting organisation was In New York during the recent world's series. The tablet is to be placed In a conspicuous place in the Friars' olub. A farewell dinner was tendered by show people of Chicago to Edward Sbayne, retiring W. V. M. A. booker, at the Sherman hotel last week. About 30 peoplo were present. There was a program of entertainment offered later, at which Vardon and Perry and Bill Jacobs were the shining hits. Petticoat reign is alleged to be responsible for the rupture of forces of the Ethel Rob- inson Amusement Corporation, formed three years ago when Miss Robinson, Felix Reich and Sam Tuck withdrew from the W. V. M. A. fair department to go Into business for themselves. It was announced last week that Miss Robinson had taken over the Interests of Messrs.' Reich and Tuck, who swon later tney would "never go Into business with a woman again." Thomas Burchell, of the W. V. M. A., who boons the Allardt circuit, was notified by the manager of his houso In Duluth that the daily train service between Dulutb and Fort Wil- liams. Can., had been switched from dally to trl-weekly. This caused a groat deal of con- ruslon In the bookings, necessitating the re- routing of the acts. It Is said that other roads in the section will follow suit and numerous bouses will close or bo dark Mon- That canny statistician of the Hall, dramatic editor of tho Ch nal," has discovered that when Al theatre opens soon. It will not time that there has been a Wood Chicago. Mr. Hall recalled that block In which the, now theatre there existed. Iir the (IO'b, a play as Wood's Museum. It occupied site of the present Olympic. Th destroyed In the great fire of 1K7 craft, O. L. lcai$o "Jour- Woods' new be the first h' theatre In In the very is situated, house known part of tho e lioune w"as 1. It was announced by Mme. Galll-Curcl that sne will not accompany the Chicago Grand Opera Company when It reaches New York and Boston after tho termination of th* Ih.eago engagement. Sne declared she needed a rest and stated she had been released from her contract. TIiIh was denied hy Director Cam- panlnl. It was rumored bIho Cnmpnnlnl naa his eye on the management of the Metro- politan Grand Opera Company. There have been repeated rumors here that tho local grand opera association would dlshand at tl.. closo of the season, the Iosks of the asso- ciation during the season bavin* totalled Tl.^i- 000, tbe largest since Its organization. It was stated that tho existence of a guaranty fund