Variety (May 1918)

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20 VARIETY BILLS NEXT WEEK (MAY 6) In Vandeville Theatre* (All hnuMt open for the week with Monday ma tinea, when not otharwlee Indicated.) Agencies booking tha houaea ara noted by single name or Initiate, ansa aa "Orph," Orphaum Circuit; "U B O.** United Booking Offices; "W V M A." Westrrn Vandeville kUnegeiV Asee- aiation (Chicago); "p.- Pantagea Circuit; "Loew." Marcua Loaw Circuit; "Inter," Interstate draw It (booking through W. V. M. A); "Sun," Sun Circuit; "A H," Aakermaa A Harris (Ben Francisco); "P H." Pantagea and Hodklna (Chicago). Theatres listed aa "Ornheum" without any further dlstlnfolekloj description ere on the Orpheuni Circuit Tha manner in which theaa bllla ere printed does not Indicate the relative lmportanee of sets nor their program poaitlona. • before name Indicates act la new, doing turn new to vaudeville, or eppearlng in dty where Hated for the llrat time. ]*>iv York PALACE (pubo) •Mclntyn- & Heath Adole Rowland Bessie Clayton Co (not positive) •Olive Wynham Co Merck's Lions Brendel & Uert Bert Melrose A May Helen Trtx & Sis Darras Bros ALHAMBRA (ubo) Bophie Tucker Co Rooney A Bent Frank Weetphal Smith A Austin Mignon Al Herman Adair & Adelphl Hooper A Marbury DeWltt ft Slater COLONIAL (ubo) Cecil Cunningham Rooney & Bent Imhoff Conn ft O Joe Browning Girl in Moon Gould A Lewis Hickey Bros Primroae 4 Mcintosh A Maid* RIVERSIDE (ubo) •Christie M" Donald Co Herman Tlrnberg Co Nina Payne Co Lydfo Barry Mra O Hughes Co Watts & Storey Frenk Ward Potter ft Hartwell • Maurice Daly ROYAL (ubo) Howard's Revue J Huasey Co Little billle Jean Adair Co McDevltt Kelly & L Green ft Parker The Levoloa AMERICAN (loew) •Lloyd A McArdle Thornton A Thornton 4 Rosea Jackson A Wahl Maxwell Quiulat • Ardine Dell Arthur Havel Co Nell McKlnley Winton Broa '2d half Follls Sis A LeRoy Ergottl's Lilliputians Dudley DouRlaa "Dairy Maids" Mabel Elaine Geo Barbler Co Eddie Foyer (Two to nil) VICTORIA (loew) 3 Sports Delight Ethel Hardy Brown A Barrows Cardo A Noll Murray Bennett Golden Bird lid half DeDlo's Circus Arthur Havel Co Tyler & Crollus Raymond A Wylle Mlro«lava * Serbians (One to fill) LINCOLN (loew) Swain's Animals Norlne of Movies Vlollnnky Eddie Foyer Von Cello Co 2d half 3 Steppers Hooper & Rurkhardt "Merchant Prince" Billy Olapon JackRon rt Wahl Golden Bird GREELEY (loew) Fred ft Albert Mabel Elaine Pond Albright Pal "After tho Wedding" Wm Dick 6 Royal Hussars 2d half Blcknell Delight Ethel Hardy Norlne of Movies Baxton A Farrell Barnes A Smytho Kuma 4 DBLANCEY (loew) LbVhiix McClellan A Carnon O'Neill Si-tern "His Lucky Pay" Lane & Hfihut Purion 1 * ft Irwin DeDlo'- Clrnm 2d half Hall A Guilrla Martell HarMilma Bros Parker A Gray Great Howard Dnvls & Stafford 4 Mus Hodges NATIONAL (loew) •Rufs.'H A Beatrice Thomas A Henderson Grent Howard Montrose A Allen •MlroBlava A Serbs 2d half Fred A Albert Orben A Dixie Walter Perclval Co Nell McKlnley G Roval Hussars ORPHFI'M (loew) Dnrto A Silver Ed A Irene Lowry •Raymond Wylle Co Follls Sis 4 LeRoy Geo Barbler Co Harris A Man ion Musical Avolol 2d half Russell A Beatrice Nixon A Sands "Swain'a Animals Pond Albright Pal "His Lucky Day" Pave Thursby "Midnight Rolllckers" BOULEVARD (loew) Blcknell Orben A Dixie Walter i'?rclval Co Willie Solar Ergottl's Lilliputians 2d half Darto A Silver Ed A Irene Lowry 5 Miller Kent Co Brown A Barrows Musical Avoloa AVE B (loew) Fabian Girls Anderson A Rean Columbia City 4 Fred LaRelne Co (One to nil) 2d half Winton Bros Ruzzel A Parker Marino A Maley Those f> Girls (One to nil) Brooklyn ORPHEUM (ubo) Trlxle Frlganza Co Ray Samuels Avellng A Lloyd John McGowan Co "Bonnrc* of Empire" Al Herman Brown Sisters Page Hack A Mack 5 Nelsons BUSHWICK (ubo) (Spring Festival) Nan Halperin Bert I>evy J Lucas Co Jack Wilson Co Frank Fay Fern A Davis Bradley & Ardine 3 Kanes Marie Lo Co (One to nin BIJOU (loew) Pslarla A Partner Nixon A Sanda Dave Thursby S Miller Kent Co Wood Mel A Phil Harinhima Bros 2d half 4 R«*»es Thornton A Thornton Wm Dick "Officer 444" Cardo A Noll McClellnn A Carson PeKALB (loew) Sadie Fondeller Marino A Maley Saxton A Farrell Billy Gleason Pnrker A Gray "Midnight Rolllckers" 2d half LaPnlarlca A Partner Lawler A Daughter Montro'-e & Allen Vlollnskv Willie Solar Von Cello Co FULTON (loew) Mnrtell Tvlrr A Crollua "nnicer 411" V.i 11 Floy Trio Gn-y \ Old Roe 2d half I ill > .1 II A O'NVill Ulsters M.iwv.M Q;iintrt Wf.od Mel Phil .'! Sports PALACE (loew) U'l/zcll A Pnrker Conroy A O'Ponnell •"nil Western Front" (Two to fill) 2d half Lony Nase Parsons A Irwin (Three to nil) WARWICK (loew) White Steppers Lony Nase Morgan A Grey McCloud A Carp (One to nil) 2d half Fabian Girls Harris A Manion (Three to nil) Aberdeen, S. D. RIALTO (abc) 2d half O'Laughlln A Wma Tetsuwarl Japa Foy Toy Co (One to fill) Albany, IV. Y. PROCTORS (ubo) Louise A Mitchell Lloyd A Wells Gypsy Songsters Halllgan A Sykes Julian Hall Collins A Hart 2d half Watson's Doga Holmes A Buchanan Georgo Yeoman Whipple Huston Co Ward A Van Ford Sisters Allentnwn, Pa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Frazcr Bunce A H Mr and Mrs Melburne Geo Jeswell (Two to nil) Aagrnsta, Ga. GRAND (ubo) (Macon split) 1st half The Llttlejohna Alf Grant Eleanor Cochran Co Wellington Trio Martha Hamilton Co MODJBSKA (loew) Cervo "Everyman's Slater" Dunbar A Turner 4 Iehikawa Jape (One to nil) 2d half Halklnga Flske A Fallon Shannon A Annls Plsano A Bingham "Whirl of Glrla" Bekerefleld. OsX HIPP (aAh) (5-7) Berry A Nicholson "Campus Girls" Richards A Ward (8-0) Gypsy Dancing 8 Packard Trio Scamp A Scamp (10-11) Senna A Weber Merle Prince Glrla The Morenos Baltimore MARYLAND (ubo) Perlot A Scofleld "Mar via Wlreleas" Hamilton A Barnes "Somewhere in Fr" Chief Caupoltcan The Prsfeeefeaals' Orbrasel Besie CONTINENTAL HOTEL LOS ANCELEB anal SAM FKAMCsBCO Sheals* anal Pa rates ("Flftr-Flftr") 2d half Elizabeth Mayne O'Ponnell A Blair Orth A Cody Alton. TIL HIP (wva) Bertie Fowler Knowlln Troupe 2d half Calts Bros Burdella Patterson Altoonn ORPHEUM (ubo) Chas Bradley Frank Stafford Co (Three to nil) 2d half Kenny A Hollls Farrell Taylor Co Emmy's Pets (Two to nil) Annlxton, Ala. LYRIC (ubo) Carbrey A Cavanaugh Hnllen A Fuller Nash A O'Ponnell "Janet of France" The Pemncos 2d half Ha7el Moran TWtle Heron Mr A Mr« O Emmet Moore A Whitehead Montambo A Nap Atlanta, Ga. lyric mho) (Blrmlneham split) 1st half Models Pe Luxe McMnbon A Cliaspelle Ed Reynnrd Co Bennett A Richards "Vlllnee Tinker" GRAND (loew) 3 Robins Tnvlor A Howard Gorman Pros Kitty Francis Co 2d half Cerno "Everyman's Sister" PtinVmr A Turner 4 Tshlkawa Japs \nhnrn, N. Y. JEFFER«OV Oibo) jewel A Pendelton Steve Freda (Three to nil) 2d half Nnt Caffertv Co pevnolds k- White Mnrie Stoddnrd "At Rockv Pnss" Santley A Norton, (Two to fill) HIP (loew) Belle A Caron Wlnchell A Greene Phylls Gil more Co Nat Carr Clark's Hawallana (One to nil) Battle Creek. Mien. BIJOU (ubo) (Sunday opening) (Kalamazoo split) 1st half Violet A Charles Stetson A Huber Kingsbury A Munson Ronalr A Ward Scotch Lads A Laa Belleville, 111. WASHINGTON (wts) Paul Bowena "The Fixer" Burdella Patterson 2d half H A E Con ley Rice A Francis Robbie Gordone Blnsrhamton, *j. Y. STONE (ubo) 1st half Martin A Bayes Billy Kelgard Reynolds A White (Two to 111) Birmingham, Ala. LYRIC (ubo) (Atlanta split) 1st half Texas 4 Pem n rest A Doll Ed Esmond Co Josle Heather Co Eepe A Putton BT.TOU (loew) FAR Warner Rosamond A Dorothy Douglas Flint Foley A O'Neill Lyons Trio 2d half 3 Rob)na Taylor A Howard Gorman Bros Kitty Francis Co nioomlnirton. 111. MAJESTIC (wva) Hill Tlvoll A H Boothby A Everdeen "Here A There" Hovt's Minstrels (One to nil) 2d half E. HEMMENDINGER « fiw\VK" Jewelers to the Profession Tal. John 971 Walter D Nealand Co Williams A Wolfua (Two to 111) Beaten KEITH'S (ubo) Belgium Trio Allen A Alton Relnee Davles Mayo A Lynn Mrs T Whlffen Co Bert Fltzglbbona "All for Democracy" Lillian Shaw Sea bury A Shaw ORPHEUM (loew) Goldle A Mack Gordon Barker Lucky Austin Stewart 3 Lillian Mortimer Co Jones A Sylvester Merleu's Dogs 2d half Martini A Fabrinl Chaa Glbba Walker A 111 Chabot A Dixon Ollvea (One to All) 8T JAMES (loew) Burns A Joae Lee A Cranston "Cloaks A Suita" Tabor A Greene Nat Nazarro Co 2d half Parlae Duo Fox A In graham "Our Boys" Adama A Ouhl Mortex Ladles Bridgeport, Conn* POLI'S (ubo) Young A Wheeler J C Mack A Co Haywood Stafford Co Kenny A Nobody Nana 2d half Clayton A Clayton Fon Gue A Haw Dunbar A Turner "Venetian Gypsies" PLAZA (ubo) Will Morrla 8cott A Kane Martin Lum "Melody Garden 2d half Anderson Glrla Clark A Lavter "Money or Life" Buffalo SHEA'S (ubo) Bernlvlel Bros Joyce Went A Moran "For Pity's Sake" Mack A Vincent Moon A Morris Van A Schenck Eddy Duo Butte, Mont. PANTAOE'S (p) (4-7) (Same bill playtng Anaconda 8: Mis- soula 0) Dance Girl of Delhi Pealson A Goldle Alex Garden Co Pat Barrett Rose A Ellis Zeno A Mandel Cnlsrary ORPHEUM PeHaven A Parker Norton A Melnotte Moore A Gerald Vslayda A BraxilB Ruth Budd "The Honevmoon" Mark A Wllllntns PANTAOE'S (p) "The Follies" Geo M Ro«ener Leonard Brown Co Beeman A Anderson Henry A Moore Camden, N. J. TOWER'S (ubo) 2d half (2-4) The Concertos Armstrong A Strous Eva Fay Hunting A Francis "Stockings" Canton, O. LYCEUM (ubo) Frank Carmen J A A Francis "Rlalto Revue" McWatters A Tyson Mullen A Coogan Gallettl'a Monks rbsmpslgs, ¥11. ORPHEUM (wva) (Sunday opening) Hanna A Partner Skelly A Halt Harry Holman Co Ad Robins Maximes A Bobby 2d half Aerial Eddys Boothby A Everdeen "Here A There" Tally A Harty Private L Hart Co Charleston, a. O. ACADEMY (ubo) (Columbia split) 1st half Mary Donahue James A West Templeton Geaaner A H Sosman A Sloane Wheeler t Charlotte, If. C ACADEMY (ubo) (Roanoke aplit) let half Fred Elliott Schoen A Walton Rhodae A Magnere Minnie Allen A 81s Chattanoogra, Team. RIALTO (ubo) (Knoxville split) let half Clinton Sisters Edith Clifford Co Cooper A Rlcardo The De Bars Caleagro MAJESTIC (orph) Mme Sarah Bernhardt Anna Chandler Dlcklnaon A Deacon Maryland Singers Kelly A Galvin J A C Williams Swan 4 Swan (One to SU) PALACE (orph) Creasy A Dayne Bowers Walters A C Ames A Wlntbrop Florence Tempest Eddie Borden Co Nanklckl Troupe Ben see A Baird General Plsano Co (One to fill) KEDZIB (wva) Lamolnl Devoy A Dayton Kingsbury Co Raines A Goodrich Jordon Glrla 2d half Alvarez Duo Fey A Jack Smith "Miss Up-to-Date" Marshall A Covert Apdale's Animals LINCOLN (wra) 4 Buttercups Hopkins A Axtell Lillian Watson Equlllo Broa Rethall A Whiting 2d half Bertie Fowler (Four to fill) NO HIPP (wva) Walker A Texas Mildred Hayward Willie Zimmerman Lazar A Dale "Lots A Lota" Chas McGoods Co Nell O'Connell TAP Alwood College Quintet Cronln's Novelty (Four to nil) McVTCKER'S (loew) Retter Bros Al Wohlman McKay's Revue Welser A Reiser Gleason* A Houlihan Morelle Sextet Mullen A Rogers Schooler A Dickinson Billy Klnkaid (One to fill) Cincinnati KEITH'S (ubo) Myrl A Delmar Perelra Sextet BAH Gordon Chris Rlcharda Derkln's Animals (One to nil) EMPRESS (abc) Marker A Schenk Ott A Bry«n Milton A Rich LaMont's Cockatoos (One to fill) Cleveland KEITH'S (ubo) 4 Hartfords 4 Harmony Kings Bert Baker Mehllnger A Myers Robt T Haines Co Burns A Frablto Belle Baker (One to nil) MTLES (miles) Hubert Dyer Co Gene Greene Co Paula "Finders Keepers" Mae Curtla (One to All) Columbia, S. C. PASTIME (ubo) (Charleston split) 1st half Rouble 81ms Helen Harrington The Waltons Lew Dockstader Sterling A Margarita Dallas, Tea. JEFFERSON (hp) Singer Dancing Glrla Tal Ling Sing Jack Kennedy Co D Harris A Variety 4 Lottie Mayer Co MAJESTIC (inter) Ruhlo Troupe Lambert A Fredericks "Honor Thy Children" Rae E Ball Odlva Herbert Clifton The LeOroha Danville, III, PALACE (ubo) (Sunday opening) JAG O'Meara Tom Edwards Robbie Gordone 2d half Christie A Bennett Bertie Fowler (One to ill) Davenport, la* COLUMBIA (wva) (Sunday opening) Slgabee'a Dogs A A O Terry Angel A Fuller Bison City 4 Princess Kalama 2d half Aerial Bartlette Walker A Blackburn Kingsbury Dabo Co 4 Buttercups Hill Tlvoll A H Dayton* O. KEITHS (ubo) Athos A Reed Al Abbott "Motor Boating" 7 Little Darlings Sylvia Clark Ernest Evana Co Harry Cooper Co Curaon 81s Denver ORPHEUM "Vanity Fair" Nellie Nichols Vardon A Parry Lucille A "Cockle" Reed A Wright Glrla "Corner Store" Oakes A DsLour PANTAOE'S (p) "Girl at Clg Stand" Homer A Dubard Canfleld A Cohan Eileen Floury Roscoe'B Mlnstrela Dew Melnee ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Edwin Stevens Co Morton A Glaaa Alfred LaTell Co Leo Beers Hanlon A Clifton Stuart Barnes Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) "Rubevllle" Mme Chllson Ohrman Dooley A Sales Columbia A Victor W J Rellly Rome A Cox Queenle Dunedln Rodquiei Broa eppera aif) e. St. BRBBR'S (wra) Geo A May LeFevre Rico A Francis Roach A MoCuxdy "Cranberries" 2d half Rexo Maggie LeClalre Co Chas Howard Co Fern Rlohellen A F Edssenton, Can. PANTAGnVfl (p) Reel Onys Chaa Althoff Harry Glrard Co Frank LaDent Sullivan A Mason Elsslrsw W. T. MAJESTIC (ubo) Jermon A Mack 10 Navaisar Olrla Moore A West Cavannu Duo (Ons to All) 2d half Martin A Bayes Hart A Francis Steve Freda 6 Va Step (One to EtsusbtIIIo* lad* GRAND (wra) (Terre Haute apllt) lat half Selblnl A Grovlnl Klasa Wanser A Palmer "Tango Shoes" Woods' Shop Erie. Pa* COLONIAL (ubo) Strassell's Animals Harrison A Burr Billy McDermott Gygl A Vadl (Two to fill) Fall Elver. Mass. BIJOU (loew) Martini A Fabrinl Chaa Glbba Walker A 111 Chabot A Dixon Olives 2d half Goldle A Mack Austin Stewart 8 Lillian Mortimer Co Jones A Sylvester Merlan's Dogs Farsjo, N. D. GRAND (abc) Gardner A Revere $14 HOOMttStt?' Fen WEEK 5 Minute* free) All Theatres Overtoeklaa Csatral Fa* $16^? SUITES IE TWO fHO MS Conilitinf of Parlor, Bodreon and Bath Light, Airy, with All laprovtonato REISENWEBER'S HOTEL 51th Strut Mi CtJiHsis Cirde New Ytrk City REGENT (mllea) (Same lat half ahow playing Orphaum, Detroit, 2d half) lat half Brosius A Brown Valentine Vox "Fireside Reverie" Beatrice McKenile Dorla Lester 8 Puroella A Ramsey ORPHEUM (miles) (Same 1st half ahow playing Regent, De- troit, 2d half) lat half "World In Harmony" Hauah A Lavelle Irene Trevette "Mile a Minute" (Two to nil) MILES (abc) Karlton A Kllfford Oliver A Dyer Frank Mayne Co Musical Hunters Grace Gibson Larimer Hudson Tr Dnlnta ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Hyams A Mclntyre Barry A Layton • Fra n cea Dou gh arty Stewart A Mercer Wellington Cross GRAND (wva) Novelty Plerrotta Bayard A Inman Con'evr'ty of Music Stein A Snell "Beauty Fountain" 2d half Zvlo Phlenda Christopher A Walton "Garden Bellee" (Two to fill) FJaetoa, Pa* ABEL O H (ubo) Elisabeth Mayne O'Donnell Blair Orth A Cody (Two to nil) 2d half Frazer Bunce A H Mr A Mrs Melburne Harry Breen (Two to fill) Nelson's Doga May A Eddie Corse "Fashion DeVogue" (One to All) 2d half Kahn A Gates A st or 4 "Wireless Girl" Fields A Hill Flint. Mleh. PALACE (ubo) (Sunday opening) (Lansing split) let half Swain'a Peta Jones A Jonss "Cloaks A Suits" Alf Rlpon Sextet DeLuxe Ft. Wayne, lad. PALACE (ubo) (Sunday opening) Loose A Sterling H A LaMont Froxlnl Hal A Francis Cal Dean A Glrla Doc O'NIel Travlllaa A Seal 2d half Van Horn A Ammer Maok A Lane Jack LaVler Roach A McCurdy Sully Family Williams A Wolf us Asahl Japs Ft. William, Cmn* ORPHEUM (wva) Vardl Sisters Abbott A Mills May A Kilduff Mangean Troupe 2d half Bayard A Inman Conser'vor'ty of Mualo Stien A Snell Novelty Plerrotta Fort Worth, Tex. MAJE8TIC (Inter) Cycling Brunettes Capt Barnet A Son Carlisle A Romer Great Lester Harry Green Co Bancroft A Brooke Reynolds A Doni