Variety (May 1918)

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26 VARIETY THE DANCING "ACE Moved from 6th position to closing the show at the Orpheum, Brooklyn, this week (April 29) Following such dancers as Eddie Leonard, Bessie Clayton and Mosconi Bros. Who Held Them In? ASK DAD, He Knows HURRY, FOLKS HURRY!! Order your SCENERY NOW!! Don't you know that the price of muslin is going op? GOLDING SCENIC STUDIOS INC, (Moved to larger Quarters) 505 Putnam Building (Formerly Stuir & Havlln Offices) SHOWS IN NEW YORK. ••A Cure for Curaklea," 39th St. (10th week ). "A lloll'n llonnf," Plymouth (1st week). "lltiMliicNN llefore I* lean lire," Hltln^e \v<ck). "Cbmmt I p," Hippodrome (37th wcok). "* of Vonlh," Klliott (16th week). "Fnnry Frcr," Ast(.r (4th week). Frcnrh IMiijotm, Theatre de Vleu Coloin- l»i«■ r <2:\,\ work >. •Flo-Flo." rort (Usdh week). *(..m,,| ||y»«, lllll," 4 i t h St. Ronf (1st Wfrk t. "fining I p." Liberty (l!>th week). (.rrriuvlrh Village I'lavrm f25th wnek). "Jiu-k o* l.nii(i>rii," Clnhe (2'Jth week), "l-omhnrdl, l.ld.," Morosco (31st week). ">lurrliiK<- of < onvcnlenrr," Henry Miller (1st w»-.-k). "Maytlme," P.roudhurst (36th week). "Has Wk« Stayed at Home/* 48th St (5th week). "Nancy Lee," Hndaoa (4th week). M Oiw Upon a Time/' Fulton (3d week). "On, Lady, Lady," Princess (13th week). "Ok, Leek," Vanderbllt (9th week). "Parlor, Bedroom and Batk," Republic (ltth week). "Polly wltk a Past.** Belasco (35th week). "Pair of Petticoat*," BIJou (7th week). "Rainbow Girl," Amsterdam (5th week). "Service," Cohan (3d week). "Seventeen," Booth (16th week). "SIck-a-Bed," Gaiety (10th week). "Seven Day** Leave." Park (16th week). "Slnbad," Winter Garden (11th week). "Tlajer Reae," Lyceum (31st week). "Tailor-Made-Man," Cohan & Harris (31th week). "Tke Little Teacher," Playhouse (18th map]/ \ "Tke Co'pnerkead," Shubert (11th week). "Tke Oil Chance," Empire (11th week). Waaalaajton Square Players, Comedy (27th week). LETTERS When sending for mail U VARIETY, addraas Mail Clerk Where C follows name, letter is in Variety's Chicago Office. Where S F follows name, 1-tter is in Variety's San Francisco office. Advertising or circular letters Mill not he listed. P following name indicates postal, advertised once only. Reg following name indicates regis- tered mail. Questionnaire*. O Griffith Jos A H Haletenbach Edw A At>ordeen Lady Adnmn Geo W Adams Minerva Adams Rex Aeroplane Girls Alarcon Llta Alvarez Gene Anderson Al Andre MIsh F Anglln Mrs 8 M A r Hn e Anna Armln Walter Armstrong Billy Arnold Dick Artois Mrs W Arven H Asher Rosalie Ayerd Ada B Bailey Owen Raker A Rogers Baldwin Betty Rail Ran Randy Geo W Rard Ren Rasaitt Jack Rattes A R (P) Rattle Norma Reaaley Juno Beaumont Heinlee Re 11 en Evelyn Rellmonte Harry Barnard Mike Beverly Sam Hlmhn Chas Rlnns Geo If Rlsm-tt & Evelyn Hlurk Fllse Rlack Mrs H Blake Mabel Rlondell Mm F Boganny Cyril (P) Bolts Vincent Routon Harry Roylan Augusta Rrinkman a Steel Rrlacou Murray Rron-skl Marcel Rrooks Celeste (SF) Brooks Geo V Brown Babe Drown Billy Rrown CF a M Brown Joe Drowning Art Rrownlng Tod (8F) Buchanan Donald Burke Bettle Burke Eddie Byron Bert Carlson May Carol Al Carroll ft Flynn Carson Bros Chappelle Amy Cbarbonneau Inez Chester Ted Clare Leslie Clark A DeHaven Clark Del mar Clark Joseph Clark Maud K Clark Ruby Clarke Ellen F Claua Ella Clayton A Rusaell(SF) Cleary Virginia Clemens Cameron Cleveland Madeline. Collier Ruby Collins Lillian Conette Marylyn Council II 0 Connell M A Cook B O Cora LaBelle Cots El Courtney Hazel Courtney Wm T Coyne Tom Trad dock Mrs L Crawley Mao Cromwell Jack Cromwell Will Crumrnett Mr Cummingn Mrs R Cumin Arthur D Dale Dan Dale Mae Ha lias Dr. ly Leo F Darling Miss B Davis Glndys 'Dawes Arthur Dean Ora (F) DeGarron Mlsa J DeGrant Oliver DeOrofT Amy Dellale a Johnson DeRex Mlsa B DeRue Bros DeWlnters Jack DeWltt a Gunther Diamond Chas Diaz Madam V Dixon Dorothy Dodge Wm J Dody lam Don Ion Viva (Rag) Donovan Paanla Doraldlna lime Doyle Patsy Draper Burt Dudley Alice Dunn Henry Dunne May Du Tell Frank B Earl Zella Eastwood Chas H Eddy Bobby Bglin Loretta Elliott Dell Emmerson Chas W Evans Frank Farrell Miss L Farrea George Fallon ft Fayne Fields Lottie Fields Norman Figaro Jack Finn Albert Flayre Mrs R Foley Louise Follette ft Wicks Forde Ethel Fox A Harden Fox Dave Fox Hatty Francis Evelyn Frank J Herbert Fredericks Mrs G W Freeman John Frey Hetry G Galea Mr Gallagher Edw Galloway Lillian dangler Jack Garclnettl Jose M Gaston Billy Gaut Louis II Gerard Frank Gehrens Mayme Oerber Mr Madge (P) Nina (P) Otta (P) Gibson Gibson Qihson Glllern Miss J Golden Mabel Grapo Harry Green Mand Green Wm D (P) •rey Clarice Grey ft Byron Griffith Jos A (P) Guess Try ft G Gurmour Thomas H Hamilton Madge Hanlon Bert Hanlon ft Hanlon Hannon J M (P) Hiroosrt Daisy Harconrt Leslie (Reg) Hareourt Cliff (SF) Haroourt Daisy (SF) Hardin Morris Harlan Kenneth (Reg) Harmon Bob Harrah Roy Harris Honey (SF) Harris Eleanore Harris A Lyman Harris Sam Harrison C L Harrison Minnie Hayes Mrs Ed Hayes Walter Haydes Jack Hayes ft Neal Healy Peggy Heidt Mabel Hewett Mildred Hlemel Jules Hlldreth Sylvia Hill Billy Hill Mai vera la Hoffman Dave Holden Jack Hoist Marguerite Hopkins Ethel Hoyt Ruth Hudson Helen Hughes ft Paul Hunter Mrs K Hutchins Dick (Reg) Idean Dick Idean Wm Inoway Jack Jackson Clare Jackson Harry J Jenka A Allen Jenn'ics Ford Jennings Wilfred Jerge ft Hamilton Jewells Two (P) Johnson A Carlisle Johnaon Olive Jol!/ Ed Jordoa I Josephs Mrs M Kalmloll Mabel Karey Kara Kasewell Lucille Kaufman M Kearney James Keating Charlie Kelly Mabel Keltons Three Kennedy Martin Klllingsworth Mae Kimball Maude Klngsland Madge Koltley T E (P) Klein Sydney Krlvlt Mr Kroll Louis (P) La Berge Elsie La Coete Warren J La France Fred Lamadrid Nita La Mar Dorothy La Monde Bessie Lamont Dixie La Mont Lloyd Lane Chas H Lander Harry Lame May Co La Rue Ethel La Rue Ruth Lay Soy Joe Laudan Arthur M Lauter Phil Lea Lillian Leach Hannah (SF) Leach Hannah Le Compte Olive L Legget B Leigh Andrew Lelghton Chas (SF) Lenore Jack Leonard Ollvctto (P) Le Roy Mr S Lewis Flo Lewis Henry R Lewis Pat Lllletas The Llrsey Alfred Llttlejohns (It) Livingston H & E (P) Loader Harry Locke Emma (SF) Loftus Tom L-ralne Oscar Lowe W A M Lynch Mrs J E Lyons Mr G A Lyons Mr Jack M Macey ft MavbelN; Mack Chaa Mark J M Murk Wilbur Maddlsnn Ralph Ma nee Fd Maggard .lark Mnlnhall Harry Ma ley Woods Mallan Geo E Mallette BlllJe