Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY 27 THE PLACE get the Ideas, the Gowns, the Creations, at the Right Price. MME. HAMMER Importer and Originator 129 West 45th St., New York City IT PAYS to be dressed right, says the critics. FRANCIS RENAULT Now at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York St. Unit "Tlmea" Then there was Francis Renault, "the Parisian fashion plate." 1/ you like the El tinge sort of thing, here is one who out- sings the $3,000-a-week head liner and wears even more gorgeous costumes. Pittsburgh "Chrenlcle-Telerrapb" Francis Renault, "the Parisian fashion plate," appears in many stunning crea- tions of the dressmaker's art, and then discloses that Francis is a man. Pittsburgh "Dispatch" Francis Henault, the masculine-femlulne fashion plate, displayed more startling and expensive gowns than Gaby Deslys. "Et«b1b« Balletia/* Philadelphia Francis Renault, a clever "female im- personator,** who wore gorgeous costumes and sang in real soprano tones in a man- ner that had the audience guessing and caused some surprise when he pulled off his wig and disclosed the fact that he is "a mere man." JIM EMILY DICK Marsone, Maple and Squires Featuring "BOSTON REGGIE" in THE CANVASSER Manpean John C Manning Leo Mantell L Marks Abe Marley Jess Marsell «)ot Marston & Manly Mariton Ros.i Martin Pogpy Martin Theresa Marvin E Masculine* Prince Masculine Hoy Mason Arnold Matthews I) I) (Rep) Max Josephlne May Hallo May Evelyn C Mayard Dot Maye Ida Mayo Beth McCarl Leslie MK'ormlck O J McCurron Chaa McDonald M. Donald McDonald & Condray Chas Dolly McGulrl Stan (SF) McKenna Thomas McMauph Earl McNally * Ashton McNally Steve Meeker J M Melrose Ed Melvern Bsbe Merrlgan Eddie Merrill Frank Military Duo Miller Edaa Miller Isabelle (SF) Mlp May A Morris Mitchell Masla Misuno Mr Monalua Sextet Montague M Moore Jean Moore Lucile Moore Scott Moran Hasel Mo ran Peggy Morelle Beatrice Morette Sisters Morgan Jack Mortia David Moulton Miss MousBette Miss M Mudge Mrs Frank Murray Dlllie Murry Frederick N Naae Lony Nelson Elva Newsome Chas F Newton Blllie Nicola Sam Nip Tom Noble Hermann Nugent James O O'Bryan Jack O'Laughlln Harry Oldham Clifford L (R) Oldham Daisy W (If) Oliver Gene One Benay O'Rell Ed Owen Jack P Palmer Al Palmer Helen Paquln Cecile Parry Bertram H Parry Charlotte Patterson A Paul Van A Dobbs Paul Frank L, Paulette Louise Pay ton Mr C Perry BMie (SF) Phillips Miss C Phillips Mr ft Mrs Pollok Mande C Potter N O Powell Mildred Powers A Joyce Presburg Mrs J Prince Zellda Putnam Mr Oliver Quilts Crsiy Qulnn C A J Qu in trail Fred Racey Bdw F Rasmey Malse Raymond Qua Raymond Hip Reeder P De Reese Fred Regal Trio Relnach Mr L M Rlcardo Miss L Rich Bertha Rich Harold Richard Great Rlegel Chas H Roberts Donald E Rebey Id Rodgers Orville R Rogers Ida Roes Eddie Ross Alex H Roes Florence Ross Vera Roy Jos Ray Ruth Roxilla Marie Russell & Bell Russel In Is Russell Bill Rysn J B S Salisbury Miss E Sam Lik Yung (R) Samuels Morris Sawyer Geo F Saxon Paulina Schaeffer Sylvester Schuman Mrs Tony Slmonds Bobble Slmonds Daniel Seabury A Shaw Seagrlst Ada Shaffer Bthel Shannon Gertrude Shannon S S Sharps Marguerite Shay Jlmmle Shaedy Helen Sherlock Olllve Stafford J M Stanton Dean 8 team fitters Stein Jules Stephen Murray Stevens Ruth Stewart Disk Stirk Cliff Stone Harry Strand Trio Strawbridge Edna Sumner Frances Sweet Alyoe Templeton Marie Terrell Maud P Thaw Betty (R) Tllton Lucile Toots Jos C Trevor & Lloyd Tyler A St Claire Tyler Adele V Valentine L Valadons Lea Van Jack Van Okea Alex Van Hoff Geo Varden Frank Varden Vera Varr & Lewis Vennlta Dolly Vert Hazal Vivian Ada Vivian Harry Walker Dorothy Walker Mr Ray Walsh Mr Billy Walfth Mr E R Walsh Frank Walzer Ed Watson Howard Watson Richard Ward Mrs (R) Wsrd Jeanne Ward Johnnie Ward Larry Weak Albert Webb Geo Weber Sisters Webster Harry Welser A Reiser Welford 8lst*r» (SF) Wellington Dave Wells Dlllie Wesley Lynn A Una Westbay Annette Westony Vllmas Wheeler Elsie Wheeler Richard White Mrs Steve White Tom Whiteside Flbe White-Deer Princess Wick Van Club Malta Williams Peggy Wilson Blllie Wlthlngton Dave (R) Woodward Fred (SF) Woods Agnes Woods Harry Woods Helen Woods Mildred Woodworth Martin Worth E Wuhlbery May Yseger Margie Yale Anna Young Cy Young Bluie Young P ■ Yung Chu Chlh (R) Lillian Zvla (May n and May 13) "Americans" 0 Gayety Brooklyn. Auto Oiri«" G Englewood Chicago. Lehman Show 6 Gayety Kansas City Mo 13 (Jayety St Louis. "Best Show in Town" 6 Empire Toledo 13 Olympic Cincinnati. "Biff Ding Bang" « Cadillac Detroit. ' Hun Tons" (i Empire Albany 13 Gayety Boa- ton. ' Bostonians" t) Olympic Cincinnati 13 Colum- bia Chicago. "Lowcrya" V> Columbia New York 13 Casino Brooklyn. "Broadway Belles" 0 Victoria Pittsburgh. ' Iturlrnque Revue" (I Casino Brooklyn 13 Em- I) i r»• Newark. "I>ur!'-s«jii». Wonder Show" 0 Empire Newark 1.1 Casino Philadelphia. "Cabaret Girls" o" Empire Cleveland. "Cu«rmlug WldowH ' 6 Majestic Ft Wayne Ind. "Darlings of Paris" 0 (Olympic New York. "KollleH of Day" *'> Gayety Toronto 13 Gayety Buffalo. % KollleH of Pleasure" (i-T Cort Wheeling W Va 8 Canton fc-11 Grand Akron O "French Frolic*" 6 Erie 7 Oil City 8 Beaver Falls Fa '.Ml Park Youngstown O. "Forty Thieves" tl Gayety Minneapolis. ' Glrlri from Follies" *5-7 Holyok»j Holyoke .*>-11 Cllmore Springfield Mass. "(jlrls from Happyland" *> Gayety Milwaukee. "(Jlrls from Joylaud" tf Star Brooklyn. ' <jold<--n Crook" « Star Cleevland. "(Irown L'p Babies" « Garden Buffalo. "Hello Glrl«" r>-« O H Terre Haute Ind. "Hip Hip Hurrah" (J Star & Garter Chicago 13 Gayety Detroit. Ilnwc Sam (1 Columbia Chlcano. "Innocent Maids" 0 Gayety Baltimore. THAT TERRIFIC INSTRUMENTAL HIT- NOW READY AS A SONG FOX TROT OR ONE STEP FOR, DANCER5 ACROBATS MBKAL ACT5 JUGGLERS DVW5 ACTS S9& . *ZC U TOX TROT ^*j4 C OWE STEP 0** 25 CENTS WITH GREAT COMEDY LMRIC PROF COPy £r VOCAL ORCh FREE PFGUl AR PIANO COPV * DANCE 10* SUNG 10* JOS. W STERN 6 CO., 1556 BROADWAV. NEW YORK NOVELTY S0N(r FOP. SINGLES TEAMS TRIOS QUARTETS ENSEMBLES MARCH «..-- FOX TCOT ~Nr7 :s CENTS 5? «S