Variety (May 1918)

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28 VARIETY FOUR BIG SONG HITS Noun Hits (hat nrt» ;•«» l»f (ioMl'll SlIll^llilK' UN ill \\ 111. 11 til \ I "WHILE THE INCENSE IS BURNING Olio of thf Ih'sI <>iii>ii(;il miiius evt»f |>nt>lisht-<t —\ \\ omlniiil Vralii.iii ouiim—\ damh Interim—l**iim tuna l>> most <>t tin- i>»'*t vmult'viite tttiist*—an iit*tJiiit4iit«MHi* l»■ i- mi IMiixmI l» \ all I In- nnlt'«| < >i h< -t i .1- in "IN DEAR OLD SUNNY SPAIN" "MY DREAM GIRL < oiii|m»v«m. Jos. I. now \i;n Written and *llllj( l»> the eminent ( oni|MHiei', los. \.. \ typical SpanKli Hoilfl—la intiltil aixl iliv uu> in iim»|<mI) lu'ar the ( iixtHiuts and tin- strains of the Spanish (•nilai. \ s\\i«( II 1I..1 li'-anl mam (It t'Hlli so|it»s lint in \ 1 1 l\ i:«'t : MU^ "LET THE REST HAVE DIXIELAND I'LL TAKE CALIFORNIA FOR MINE SotiK writer* Utile worn iltar «»I«I IMxie thrva<ll>.ii< — Inn hei • is soMi: rni» mihu iii*pir< 11 l»\ ilw hill- «t - Paul I ra\\l«'\ with Noiwmtli am' Sliammn's sun «•*% "o»|«l- nil I nils ni |<(I7"- it mih '- sii\|| -»n\(. (alii 1. I at 1 <mI;i<«nI l>\ FROM THE HOUSF HAWAIIAN SONG SUCCESSES PUBLISHERS OF I. IL LIZA JANE Sherman,play & Co. I F OR WRITE TODAY TOR ROFESSIONAL COPIES and ORCHFSTRATIONS SAN FRANCISCO Irwin's "Big Show" 6 Gayety Montreal 13 Empire Albany. "Lady Buccaneer*" fl Qayety Chicago. "Llbrrty Girl*" fl Gayety Duffalo 13 Qayety Pittsburgh. "Mnlds of America" fl MaJeHtlc Jersey City VA Empire Brooklyn. "Majesties" 6 Qayety Boston. "Merry Rounders" 0-11 Park Bridgeport 13 Grand Hartford. "Mile a Minute Girls" 6 Century Kansas City. "Military Maids" 6 Savoy Hamilton Ont. "Mischief Makers" 6-7 New Bristol Bristol 8-12 Camp Dlz Wrlghtstown N J. "Monte Carlo Girls" 6 Penn Circuit. "Orientals" 6 Howard Boston. "Pace Makers" 6 Empire Chicago. "Parisian Flirts" 6 Star St Paul. "Puss Puss" 6 Peoples Philadelphia 18 Palaos Baltimore Md. "Record Breakers" 0 80 Bethlehem 7 Easton 8-11 Majestic Wilkee-Barre Pa. "Review of 1918" 6 Standard St Louis. "Roseland Girls" 6 Grand Hartford. Sldman Sam 6 Hurtlg & Seamon's New York. "Social Follies" 6 Gayety Philadelphia. "Social Maids" 6 Empire Brooklyn 16-li Park Bridgeport. "Some Babies" 0 Empire Hoboken. "Some Show" 6 Gayety St Louis 13 Sear ft Garter Chicago. .... "Speedway Girls" 6 Trocadero Phlladejpfcla. Spelgel's Revue 6 Casino Philadelphia 1» Hurtlg * Seamon's New York. "Sporting Widows" 6 Casino Boston 13 Majss- "SUr J fGlr£r% Gayety Detroit 13 •ayety "sTep°Llv«ly Olrls" 6 Gayety Omaha 13 Qay- ety Kansas City Mo. Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore existing between Max Spiegel and Edward Spiegel, under the firm name of MAX SPIEGEL'S EN- TERPRISES, Strand Theatre Building, New York City, has been dissolved as of April 22nd, 1918, and that the said busi- ness will be continued by Max Spiegel, who has assumed the indebtedness of the said firm. Dated April 25th, 1918. MAX SPIEGEL EDWARD SPIEGEL Thomas F. MacMahon, Attorney 1400 Broadway Sydell Ross 6 Gayety Pittsburgh 18 Star Cleveland. "Tempters" 8-7 Park Manchester 8-11 Wor- cester Worcester Mass. "20th Century Maids" 6 Qayety Washington. Welch Ben 6 Palace Baltimore 13 Gayety Washington. White Pat 6 Star Toronto. Williams Mollle 8-8 Bastable Syracuse 0-11 Lumberg Utica N Y 13 Casino Boston. CHICAGO Jos and Verm Everett will leave shortly for a tour of the Orient, to lnolude China and Japan, booking direct On Sunday "Friendly Enemies" gave a matinee exclusively for soldiers and sailors. Ths admission ticket was a uniform Lou Tellegea's engagement in "Blind Youth" at the Powers' Is limited te two weeks. He will he followed by the farce,* "Slek Abed." Edgar Dudley has placed June Roberta, formerly of the Winter Oarden show, with Raymond Hitchcock for three years, and Florence Walton for two seasons. Both will open In the new revue. Miss Leitsel has been forced to leave the Rlngllng Circus owing to illness. The entire program has been changed and a number of new sets have been added. The shew Is belew par, yet it Is doing a big business. All the Chicago theatres are doing a nourishing ^business In the sale ef Liberty Bonds, under the anspioes of the Theatrical Women's War Relief, In charge of Mrs. Mort H. Singer. Up to last week the Palase led all other houses in sales. The managers of the various cabarets are getting together with the object of flghtlng the new ordinance whleh becomes effective May 1. Counsel for the safe men assert the new law Is unconstitutional. Several test cases ars planned. Prompt deliveries of material will enable the new Orpheum theatre, to be located in the new Edwards building, Tulsa. Okla., to open ahead of the original echedule, according to announcement made by O. W. Edwards, owner of the building. The theatre portion of the building is expected to be lalshed about June 15, a month ahead of the original date of opening This week it Is expected there will be heard the ease agalast Harry Powers of the Powers' and Blsokstone theatres brought by Ernest Booker of Booker ft Co., New York, for the payment of $9,000 alleged to be due for the purchase of two musical Instruments designed to replace the orchestra. Powers de- clares the instruments were not up to guar- antee and were removed after three weeks' trial. The Windsor theatre, which has had a somswhat unsatisfactory regime under the management of D. W. tchwarts, opened prom- isingly Monday under the new management of Walter Meakln, who put the hoodoo Logan square house on the theatrical map. The Windsor, whleh will bo booked by Willie Berger (W. V. M. A.), will soatlane its former poller, playing four splits a week, six acts, at 14 seats and 1ft cents, with a larger show Sunday, 10 cents top. Mr. Schwarta will con- tinue running the Mllda, which has been giv- ing satisfactory returns. MAJESTIC (William Q. Tisdale, mgr.; Or- pheum; rehearsal, 0.80).—The Avon Comedy Four kept us out on ennui. They are of the essence of vaudeville, dispensers of sublime hoakum, super salesman of scream-provoking nothings, voice-blending marvels. They dominated the bill in the face of the pre- tentious competition of Emma Cams and Alan Brooks. This act is for no one class; it hits them all, highbrows and lowbrows, men and women and children. The show opened with a hop, flop and tumble by the Robert De Mont Trio in their "Hotel Turnover" dancing-acro- batic spell. Their work 1b fast and furious, and they bridge the opening handicap by their swift stepping. Alexander MacFadyen, who looks aa much like McFadden as his name spells like it, nevertheless pleased with his finished piano recital. He was followed by Tameo Kajlyama, who spelled wlerd words backwards, forwards, top side up and hind side front, all very entertainingly, and with a pleasant line of talk which added to the effect. Kajlyama has one little fault. He affecta a whisper instead of a talk. That simulates a degree of mental exhaustion as the result of his concentration, but it makes It very hard for those in the rear of the house to get what he is saying. Vine Daly threw her fine voice to the uttermost corners of the house, wasting the high boys on soma songs that are obsolete, or should be. She has the voice, but she needs the songs. Emma Carus and Larry Comer followed, Larry fol- lowing Emma, and staying a respectful dis- tance behind her. Miss Carus has Introduced a new song, which she sings to Mr Comer: MARGIE SMITH ETHEL LE CLAIR In their New Ad, "Blond ie and Slim" By JOHN HYMAN Directlea. BOY MUKPHY BILLY CUMBY tii The Black Spasm' with JEAN BEDINI'g "FORTY THIEVES" O. K. SATO FOOLING OF ALL KINDS Cenilng te New Yerk seen to do • little mis- sionary work. Will give oat c few tracts end contracts. Bat thtr* shall bo no sab-contracts for submarine agents. Guess that's a deep one!