Variety (May 1918)

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30 "I Can't Got Along Without You." It Is a dollcato compliment to Larry, rendered melo- diously and in a pitch that makes It unmis- takable. Alun Brooks won with his sketch, "Dollars nnd Sense," one of the beat sketches In vnudeville. The Watson Sisters, funny and melodious, gave the audience a Rood time with their Joshing and lazy harmonizing. The show closed with tho Marvelous Deonzoa, who leap lightly to the top of whiskey bot- tles. Leaping on In a whole lot harder than leaping off. though many gentlemen along I,ong Acre Squnre will rise to deny this etrenuouHly. Bxoing. RIALTO (Harry Earle. mgr.; agent. Mat- thews-Loew).—For borne treason thoro was a preponderance of men In the audience on Monday. A male audience Is a tough proposi- tion for the average vaudevlllan. The various offerings suffered accordingly. Inci- dentally, the manager might note an undue amount of conversation backstage, audible out front. The feature act, "What Women Can Do," is a revue with five women, the purpose being to exhibit the versatility of the sex. The member* of the act sing, dance. fchoot. do ncrobatlcs, whistle and talk. Ap- propriately. It is mostly talk. Miss Vivian. remembered In this locale as the Edelweiss Girl, Is tho moving spirit of the act. which la an acceptable feature on the time. The Three Rlanos. gentlemen nttlred as monkeys, please. They have a little too much comedy and not quite enough tricks. Vanoe and Taylor got over with nn act new In this city. The boy Is a clean-cut lad, and the girl has charm and manner. Their vocal rfforte and comedy, pre- sented In a special set showing the Interior of a corset shop. Is agreeable. Hayes and Neal. a fast talking set, duplicated the suc- cess thin tesm has had in numerous showings in W. M. V. A. houses hereabouts. Harvey De Vora Trio, sartorial marvels working In tan, have a new wardrobe that screams to the high heavens, but is appropriate for this type of dsnMne^ set. Larimer-Hudson Troupe, cycle workers, closed. Swing. PALATE (Earl Steward, mgr.; Orpbeum ; rehearsal 0.30V—For the first time In months three hendllners were equally featured In the advertising. A packed house availed Itself of the plentltudo of talent topped by Frances Kennedy. Mme. Chllson-Orhman and Frank Melntyro. It was a Kennedy house, and the Irrepressible cnmmedlenne received an ova- tion which would have done honor to the executive of the land. Miss Kennedy went on twice—first In street clothes, after the third position, when she sold Liberty Ponds. She offered kl = ses for those who would buy a $100 bond. She sold countless bonds. Miss Ken- nedy went Into her regular act next to clos- ing. Her appearance earlier had warmed the audience, so that she rased through with her finished, Individualistic performance on a high wave of adulation. She sang "It's Born Right In 'em" : then an Irish version of the Hawaiian dance and n brand new song, en- titled "Pay Some Attention to Me." Miss Kennedy hns been gone from Chicago for nine months. She has changed her act around a great deal since her last appearance. But her personal It y remains the same. Which Is why they showered plaudits and floral offerings at this merry soncrtrcs?; until fhe regretfully bowed her way off. Chllson-Orhman dupllmtod her hit of last week at the Maje«tic. Mme. Ohrman's domes- tic entanglements have gotten her a great deal of publicity during her stay In Chicago, and it seems to have helped rather than In- jured. Frank McTntyre pleased mlghtlry In his new comedy playlet bv .John C,. Collins, entitled "Tho Make-Pelleve Mnrrlace." It hn« boon a long time slnre Chicago has seen McTntyre, but they remembered him from the old day* of "The Traveling Pnlesmnn." Frank's genial self-dejireelnt Ion. hi* oxpnn^lvo smile and wise-cracking philosophy proved hlehly en- tertaining. The show opened with the Eddy Duo. n satl«faetory aerial net. Ned Norworth nnd Co., with nn entertaining "hoakum" act. were too oarlv Some of their pood lauchs were rrabbed by the incoming people. They were followed by a witless, henvy sketch "I.ovo Thy N'elehbor." written from the Washington Square Players sketch. "A'trulsm " The sketch Is not keyed to vaudeville. That was demonstrated by the fact that the plavers (there are ten of them, and a doc) didn't get a single hand during the net. Stan Stanley, funnier thnn ever, has added a few thlnes to h!« mirth-provoking bar of ears. Tho man In front does a comic veptriloqulal bit. Stan utilizes another plant Morris London In one of the boxes, to goo/1 eff( ct. A Robin*, a* permanent a vaudeville institution n* exists kept th*m chuckling with hi* wry aggregation of properties. The Zlceler Sisters, pood dancers, with n dandy Ja*s hand background, closed. &uinn MrVICKFR"S Mack Pureh. rner. : T.oew- Mntthews ) .-■■ A drnggy, un -atlsfnctory show, below the average In every way. Opened with Adciro Trio, two women nnd a man. who per- form on rings and do a fair routine of teeth tricks. Pnrselia and Ramsey, who followed, had to work In their street clothe* their costumes having been delayed. The girl has a good voice, and both are good steppers, but the comedy |« heart-rendlngly atrocious: and Invest* the offering with a malodorous atmos- phere. Dorl* Lester Trio In their familiar ski tch got hv. but the action drag*, nnd where there I* n great ' which ha* nn injurious Heafrlce McKenzle and 1 a ; nnvbody on the bill. li'-an a T ul n girl In the act The woman and the man sing and the girl whl'-tle^. Tin y work 'nun the audience a food deal The mo t efectlve number I* one w1«h n spcf.j;,! drop, when th" rlrl whistles "(Jlnwworm " Transparencies In the drop give the firefly cfT< cf. Bro««lus and Ilrown In their comedy Fkatlng cvr ling act rot over splendidly. Th* comedian has a grotesque makeup and comical mannerisms, while the VARIETY t lie pos|( ion is one (leal of s,. ; ,t . -wif el: In; effect on any nketi h C"> did about n* w 1! There' a woman a Chas. H. Allen (FORMERLY MORRIS and ALLEN) Is Now Associated With Ruf us R. LeMaire, «■ BOOKING MANAGER VAUDEVILLE DEPARTMENT ALSO Representing Acts for Broadway Productions Suite 406 Putnam Building 1493 Broadway, N. Y. C. straight does some very excellent stunts. The World in Harmony followed—a combination of vocalists of various races. There's a Negro, chinaman, Hawaiian, Indian and Caucasian. All have good voices, and sing songs typical of their countries. The show closed with the Zig-Zag Revue, a girl act. The act has nice scenery. Swing. Telephones Bryant jJJJ VAJtimrs LOS ANGELES OFFICE Pantagea Theatre BalUIng (As an accommodation to players on the road, VARIETY has Installed In its Los Angeles (Pacific Coast) office a let- ter forwarding system whereby it will be possible for players to have their nail forwarded and received upon their ar- rival on the coast. The Los Angeles office is opened practically all day from 9 A. M. until 9 P. M.) Phono (Airtesjatlo) 15*52 S ORPHEUM (Mr. Drown, mgr.; agent, di- rett).— 2!>, Blossom Seeley, local girl, received big welcome. The La Zler-Worth Trio, clever gymnasts, caught on. Cooper and Robinson, scream. Dugan and Raymond, pleased. "In the Dark," melodramatic sketch, entertaining. Brodean and Silvermoon, impressed. Kalmar and Brown, proved strong repeaters. Fradkin and Jean Tell scored bigger than previous week. The bill seemed to run slowly and dis- played a bad arrangement. PANTAGES (Karl J. Walker, mgr; agent, direct).—The Klncald Kilties earned the head- lino spot. Oklahoma Bob Albright, perennially pleasing. Sinclair and Tyler, good. June Mills and company, carried appeal. Five Metstits, clever. Sara Carmen Trio, warmly received. HIPPODROME (A. L. Bernstein, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Dorothy Dale wins with Jazz. Frank Wilson and Hazel Van scored with piano and violin. Celll Opera Co., went well. Cole and Colman, ordinary comedy. Elkins, Fay and Elklns, sang nicely. Leach- Qulnlan Trio, fair (strong man act). Arthur Davids, entertaining, though better Jugglers seen here. Burbank-Cavalrio got away with the headline spot easily. Confetta Roy and Georgia, surprise turn. Haynes and Burton, depended too much on patriotism. Vic Cook, appreciated. A picture feature was an "added attraction." MASON OPERA HOUSE (Will T. Wyatt. mgr.).—"Mary's Ankle." MOROSCO (Donald Lowes, mgr.).—"Under Fire" (second week). MAJESTIC (Donald Bowes, mgr.).—Kolb and 1)111 in "The High Cost of Loving" (re- turn engagement). I N ERS AKE-UP Marc Klaw is here for his annual vacation. He arrived last week after a stop-over at the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Most of his time will bo s|>eut In golf, at which game ha is said to bo a Becond Chick Evans. I «.!. |||.NHY..( MINI H. In, Julian Eltingo slipped into town unexpect- edly and went into hiding at his new homo atop Silver Lake, where ho was not discovered for a week. JOHN R. GORDON and CO. "MEATLESS DAYS" FRANKLYN ARDELL'S Latest Scroam FRANK DOBSON April 1!» Emi>reii. Orand Rapids, Mich. May 2S— Rhea's. Buffalo, N. T. May « Kmhr Toledo. O. " 27—Shea's, Toronto, Canada 13—Keith's. Dayton. O. Juno &— Keith's. Boston, Mass. More to follow. Have signed with B. A. R0LFE and C. B. MADD0CK. to bo FHATURKD for two years In a new Muslosl Ileruo. Playing U. B. O. Thaaks to MAX HAYES Trinity Auditorium's season has been a had one. Few big concert stars have been booked on account of the war. Kolb and Dill are doing a nice business (for a repeat) at the Majestic. Frank Darlen, a former local favorite, is now with the com- pany, joining it in the north. * The local stage workers' union subscribed for $5,000 wor|h of bonds. This makoa a total of $10,000 taken by the stage hands. A. L. Bernstein, manager of the Hippo- drome, has returned from San Diego, where he attended the opening of the Sunshine theatre at Camp Kearney. The theatre has a capacity of 2.200, and will play to 20. 30 and 50 cent prices. The bill consists of 12 acts. Lillian Harris, a pupil of Marquis Ellis, is now with the Que Edwards Review. SAN FRANCISCO VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE PANTAGES THEATRE BLDG., lh.ii, Lif-s jji:j X rr ORPHEUM (Fred Henderson, mgr.; agent, direct).—20, exceedingly good show. Sharing the headline billing are Edwin Arden in "Trapped" and Elizabeth Murray. Ardcn's act was not only patriotically appealing but proved Intensely Interesting. Miss Murray, next to closing, was extended cordial welcome. Four Haley Sisters not only display polish and class but won applause hit with their popular songs, their "Mason and Dixon Line" and "San Domingo" numbers In particular be- ing noticeably effective. Lonely Haskell did well despite the assignment of opening the show. Percy Bronson and Winnie Baldwin, big favor- ites, scored hit. Count Perrone (holdover), successful. Tarzan (chimpanzee) was again given closing spot this week. The Greater Morgan Dancers (holdover) repeated most successfully. PANTAGES (Burton Myer, mgr.; agent, direct).—Eatertalning bill. The Armandes emchanical spetcacle, "The Bombardment and Destruction of Rhelms by the Germans" (not ■ a picture), in headline billing, proved excel- lent scenic production noveUy. the explanatory lecture being weak. "The Cabaret De Luxe," scored, with the work of Blllle Richmond and the Moyer Sisters an outstanding feature of the turn. Gtlroy. Haynes and Montgomery, went big. Hager and Goodwin, next to closing, hit. Mary Dorr and her mimicry, opened slowly but scored with character books. Merna Kahler and brother Merle did not show. Fred Fulton, fighter, added on short notice, giving training stunts with sparring partner. HIPPODROME (Edward Morris. mgr.; agent, A-H.).—Average show. "The Sea Rovers," pleased. Payton and Hlckey. with former Hussey and Boyle routine, were most successful team of season. Owing to the ill- ness of Myrtle Dunedln of the Dunedln Duo. the man worked alone. Wright and Walker, good. Ardell and Tracey were out and In their place appeared Santry and Norton in ordinary ball room dancing. The Larneds were also out and substituted were Merle. Prince and girls, who repented the success recently obtained at the Casino. ALCAZAR (George Davis, mgr.).—Evelyn Vaughan in "Common Clay" (stock). CORT (Homer F. Curran. mgr.).—"Oh, Boy." with Joseph Snntlev (.'*d week). COLUMBIA (Gottlob & Marx, mgrs.).— Dark. Reopens May T>, with "Mary's Ankle." CASINO (Lester Fountain, mgr.).—A-H. & W. V. A. vaudeville. PRINCESS (Bert Levey, lessee & mgr.).— Bert Levey vaudeville. SAVOY (Harry Davis Co.. mgr.).—Will Kine Co., with Ferris Hartmann (l!>th week). WIGWAM (Jos. F. Bauer, mgr.).—A-H. & W. V. A. vaudeville. CASINO (Lester Fountain, mgr.). 'Jl. The Gellis Troupe, four males (one midget) and a girl, headlined a fair show. The Gellis* offered a routine of acrobatics, tumbling and general work that far surpassed anything in this lino presented here this season. Their attractive appearance and refined manner of working makes them a suitable turn for tho better houses. Van Atta and C.ershon. two fine appearing girls, offer nn artistic musical turn. The girls open with a song which ex- plains their reason for being In vaudeville. In second position they scored nicely. Barry, Nelson and Barry sing, talk and do some acrobatic dancing, the latter bringing the best results. Harry Mason and his players in a comedy sketch, "Getting the Money," were appreciated. Assisting Mason are Gusslo Chlres. Frank Corbet nnd Phil Morten. Some good* dialog Is capably handled by Mason. Doyle nnd Wright, blackface nnd straight. Develan Brothers, In hand-balancing nnd perch-ladder work, opened the show In good style. Their closing stunt, that of fast spin- ning on the top of a breakaway ladder, won them much applause. "Tho Remaking of a Nation." produced under the direction of tho War Department, was the picture attraction. Max Winslow, professional manager for Waterson, Merlin and Snyder, arrived in San Frnneisco Inst Friday accompanied by Mrs. Winslow nnd Cliff Hess. Wheeler and Moran at the Orpheum last week, wired E. F. Albee asking to be con- sidered for the entertainment that will bo pro- vided for tho soldiers In France. Emanuel A. Turner closed his engagement at the Alcazar last week in "Our Little Wire." leaving at once for Los Angeles, where he ex- pects to enter the picture game.