Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY 33 BEST PLACES TO DINE AT Special Tabic «"H«U Dinner—7:80 Golden Gladea Sonday Nigkte THE NEW AND RIPPING "HODGE-PODGE REVUE" i "ON THE CARPET' ConcclrfH and Staffed by JACK MASON "Healyt 'Golden Glaelei' In a daaa aU by It- self for unique restaurant Interest meat"—"Variety." That Zlp-Z!ppy Dinner Show That Snappy Midnight Parade ni$ Betty McLean. Catkleen Pope. Lcla "Girlie." Jean Malta. Helen Hardlck. Lera Jean Carlisle, WlnaJew aad Steele, Cecile Reaeeeaa, Helen Greedy, Harry Francis. Irvine Glack and Fifty Peeple At T18O Cetemena 0000 RESERVE TABLET, NOW SOMETHING NEW IN AN OLD SPOT! AM RON c DINNER RESTAURANT At Broadway and 48th Street Directly aader the N. V. A. Clab We take pleasare la offerlag a aevelty la ear C DINNER Luncheon Entrees from 30 Cents Upward Table d'Hote Dinner at 95 Cents CABARET and DANCING Our a In carte bill of fare carries the LOWEST PRICES IN NEW YORK Come aad make yourself at home. We Cater Particularly to the Profession UNDER THE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OF J. AMRON MARLBOROUGH HOTEL AND BHfTAUKANT UNDER THB SAME MANAGEMENT "THE RENDEZVOUS OF THEATRICAL'S BEST" Lunch 55 Cents f\ | /\ | VVf\ "£!sSk™ Dinner85Cents!_ II || | | | I su $i D oo YS io8-now.49ti.SL\JlVrljl 1 VrNEw'ToirciTY THB BBST ITALIAN DINNER IN THE CITY M^o^VSToSf. PELHAM HEATH INN Pelham Parkway, at Eastchester Avenue; and BLOSSOM HEATH INN Merrick Road, Lynbrook. L. I. Unequaled in Cuisine and Service Open All Year. Under direction of H. & J. Sussklnd. SEYMORE HOTEL ROCHESTER, N. Y. Notice to the Profession Rooms, 75c and upward Roemr reserved en oppliretten JOHN A. DICKS. Proprietor Tlu'da liara, in the Much talked about "Cleopiitrn" film, plays a return engagement at (he Tec.k next week. William Favershnm, Maxlne Elliott, Irene Fenwlck and Ma< lyn Arbuckle have been booked for the Teck in "Lord and Lady Algy." rrra BEST PLACES TO STOP AT 500 Housekeeping* Apartments (of the better class, withta reach of economical folks) Under the direct supervision of the owner*. Located in the heart of the city, just off Broadway, close to all hooklns offices, principal theatres, department stores, traction line*. "L" road and nub way. We are the largest maintalners of housekeeping- furniiihed apartments apecializing to theatrical folka. We are on the ground daily. This alone insurea prompt service and cleanliness. ALL BUILDINGS EQUIPPED WITH STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS HILDONA COURT 341 to 347 West 45th St. Phone: Bryant 6233. A Building De Luxe JUST COMPLETED: ELEVATOR APARTMENTS ARRANGED IN SUITES OF ONE. TWO AND THREE R00M8, WITH TILED BATH AND SHOWER. TILED KITCHENS. KITCHENETTES AND VACUUM 8YSTEM. THESE APARTMENTS EMBODY EVERY LUXURY KNOWN TO MODERN SCIENCE. $13.00 Up Weekly; $50.00 Up Monthly YANDIS COURT 241-247 Wot* 43d St. Phone: Bryant 7912 I, 3 and 4-room apartment! with kitchenettes. private bath and telephone. The privacy these apartment* are noted tor It one of IU attractions. $11.00 Up Weekly IRVINGTON HALL 355 to 359 West 51st St. Phone: Columbus 7152 An elevator, fireproof building of the newest type, having every device and convenience. Apartments are beautifully arranged, and consist of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, with kitchens and kitchenettes, tiled bath and 'phone. $13.00 Up Weakly HENRI COURT 312. 314 and 316 West 48th St. Phone: Bryant 8*60 An up-to-the-minute, new. fireproof building, arranged In apartments of* 3 and 4 rooms with kitchens and private bath. 'Phone In each apart* ment. $13.00 Up Weekly THE DUPLEX 325 and 330 West 43d St. Phone: Bryant 4293-6131 Three and four rooms with bath, furnished to a degree of modemneae that excels anything la this type of building. Those apartments wlfT modate four or more adults. $«00 Up Weekly Address all communications to M. Clemen Principal Office—Yandis Court, 241 West 43d Street, New fork Apartments can be seen evenings. Office in each building. 884 Tel. Bryant { IIS 7888 » I THE EDMONDS One Black to Tisaes S«. FURNISHED APARTMENTS MRS. 0 CO ROE OANIIL. Pre»rletreea Oaterlag Exetaetvoly ta tke Prcfeeslea. Special tamer Rate* Iron Jaae to Seats■ bar 776-7S-S0 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 47th and 48th Streets Private Bath and Phase Ks?w VHRsT In Back Ap.rtaae.t NBW YOKR Office— 771 EIGHTH AVENUE Phone: Bryant 1044 Geo. P. Sckaelder, Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Co 323 West 43rd Street, NBW YORK CITY plete for Housekeeping Clean and Airy Private Balk, 1-4 Roeaas Catering- to the comfort and convenience af the profcaalen. 8teem Heat and Electric Light $• Up 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 4ltk aad 47th Streets One Block Weet af Broadway Three, Pour and Piec-Beesa High-Class Parnlsbad Apartments— $10 Up Strictly Profeasional MRS. GEORGE H1EGEL. Mgr. Phaneat Bryant 8140-1 >Y, Pre*. Reosae. front 81.80 Par Weak Upwar aekaapla* Privileges MARION HOTEL Private Bathe Newly Renovates) 156 West 36th Street, off Broadway, New York SCRANTON, PA. LACKAWANNA VALLEY HOUSE Special Rales to the Profession Once triad They all come back. HERMAN GOGOLIN Special Service Bureau 171 4, 100 Oo. Vlralala Ave. Atlantic Oft*. M. J. Th'.t Bureen mux rarnlafe upon application FRCI OF CHAROI fait aad Impartial la#o beiele, rates. leaafloos. lmfonaeUoo reqeJeed by sruspouclro flatter*. pnestly seoaaale tanas* of stay aad dees af cello* vested. CRARLBO SOelCUER. Tolepkoaei Bryant 8807 Furnished Apartments and Rooiai Batks and Contlnaoaa Hat Water Large Boonse, 84 and Up 2 and I keen Apertaaeerto, 87 U 10.80 COMPLBTE HOUSEKEEPING A Shea audience on Thursday night bought $273,1.'*0 worth of Liberty Loud* after a four- minute-man nnd Kddl" Howling hnd glvon 'em hall Coluinhia. Michael Sh<;i. owner, is buy- ing h $.~>h bnri<l for riicli bond bought a_t thn thiatrc thi 1 - w< <k by patrons. The $J7'V1.".0 pell on Tliurnday Is believed to b«« a record, although the Te. k raided about $.">(),(HM> every night In tin* week. Th* Frontier tht»ntrt», west aid* community housf, Int." Iie.-n taken over by Clm-ago In terebtx 310 W. 48th SL, New York Maiia::<T \Vflni>K.r of tho Central Park the- ■"11 r«• 11:i<l ,i In in lit iji-rforinanrc on Monday nli'M to raise fuiuN to bo u*>cd In giving the dr.iMed rr>■ ■ t i liniu that locality a rounlng fiend off. i h<» i:o..ii»-v Afiiu-r-fin-nt ("o. $'J.\noo capital -to. k. lin>- been Incorporated to conduct a loll.i link and nmuHeinrnt hall in Buffalo.