Variety (May 1918)

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34 VARIETY READ WHAT THE CRITICS HAVE TO SAY CEDAR HAPIDS. IOWA 'The beat si ml* that has been here thla season." LINCOLN. NEB. "Jan* Kane had her aadlencea cenTalaed with laughter. The directors are Julia Hohn, CharU Wolfe and William T. ORourke. J. John MacCormack sang a song at the Llh- orty Loan dinner on Friday after a local broker promised to buy a block of $100,000 worth of bonds. DETROIT. BY JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. O. Wllllama, mgr.; U. B. O.). Bert Baker A Co.; Mebllnner and Meyer; Yvette and Saranoff; "Motor Boating." sketch; Margaret Ford; Jack LeVler; Mo- Cormack and Wallace; Apdale's Circus. ORPHEUM (Tom Faland. mgr. Loew, agent).—Mazlne and Jazz Band; Thomas Pot- ter Dunn ; Hanlons' Buperba ; The Great Jan- sen ; Ward and Cullen ; Mahoney and Rogers; Hubert Dyer & Co. Feature picture, first three days, alternating laat half with Regent. REOENT (Rod Waggoner, mgr. Loew, agent). —'Temptation." sketch; "Finders Keepers." sketch; Mae Curtis; Cocla and Verdi; Deyso Bros.; Jack Reddy. first half, alternating last half with Orpheum. MILES (Ous Craning, mgr.; Nash, agent). —Poppies A Ureenwalda "All Girl Revue" ; re- vue comprises entire show, with a feature picture. It is understood that Manager Greening plana In the future to make the pictures draw as well as the vaudeville. OARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— Lord and Lady Algy. Next, "Doing Our Bit." OPERA HOUSE (Bert Whitney, mgr.).— "Yours Truly," with T. Roy Barnes. Next, "Sick-a-Bed." GAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).—"Follies of tbe Day." Next. "Star and Garter." CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.).—"Lady Buc- caneers." Next. "City Belles." "My Four Years In Germany," now in Its second week at the Washington. "The Kaiser" Is on Its second week at the Drury Lane. "A Dok'b Life," Chaplin's new comedy, broke all attendance records at tbe Madison theatre, where It will remain for two weeks. Eight prints will be working In Michigan, starting May 12. Detroit Opera House starts with pictures In May. "My Own United States" to be the opening film attraction. Bert Whitney, of the Opera House and con- trolling Klaw & Erlanger attractions for De- troit, announces definitely (as first reported In Variety) that be has leased the Lyceum theatre for next season. Detroit is to have a real music hall. John R. Woods of tbe Arcadia Is going to enlarge It so that it can accommodate o.OOO people. There will be a number of smaller auditoriums for smaller concerts, recitals and dances. Under the auspices of the Detroit Talking Machine Dealers' Association a concert of talk- ing machine record Btars was given Tuesday evening at the Arcadia. Artls»9 appearing in person wore Billy Murray. Henry Burr. Ar- thur Fields. Arthur Collins. John Meyers, Pet-rN'ss Quartet, Fred Van Epps, Byron Har- lan and Sterling Trio. AM the profits went to Detroit's own regiment, .'WJUh. ABE LEAVITT AND RUTH LOCKWOOD In "Just This and Thar Direction, LEWIS & GORDON WILLIAM K. WELLS Writing and Staging the following shows t SEASON 1918-19 •THE SIGHT-SEERS" THE ROSELAND GIRLS" •THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN" THE TRAIL HITTERS" "MILE-A-MINUTE GIRLS" THE BLUE BIROS" -MAIDS OF AMERICA" WANTED Principal Comedians, Prima Donnas, I ng ens as, Soubrettes, Straight Men. Juveniles, Trios (Singing and Musical) NOVELTY ACTS AND JAZZ BAND (3 TO • MEN) 140 CHORUS GIRLS ! ! ! (SEE MR. PEREZ) 414 Columbia Theatre BIdg, 701 Seventh Are., N. Y. City Michigan exhibitors have formed a Michi- gan unit called the Exhibitors' Booking Cor- poration to book pictures on the co-operative plan as outlined by C. C. Pettijohn. MILWAUKEE. twentieth year of service with the Davidson theatre. On May 8 the evening performance by the French Models will be the anuual bene- fit for Manager C. J. Fox and Treasurer J. J. Krause of the Oayety. BY P. O. MORGAN. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.).—Jane Cowl. "Lilac Time"; May 5-8, "Upstairs and Down"; May tt-11, Margaret AngUn, "Bill- eted." MAJESTIC (James A. Hlgler, mgr.; agent, Orph.).—Sarah Benrhardt, Anna Chandler, Alexander Kids, Three Rubes, Oen. Plsano and Co., Benny and Woods, Jack and Cora Williams. PALACE (Harry E. Billings, mgr.; agent. W. V. M. A.).—"Tango Shoes." Mo ran and Wiser. Four Buttercups, Hill. Tlvoll Girls and Hill, Mack and Lane, Dan Ahearn. Last half: "Little Miss Up-to-Date." Tower and Darrell. Lazar and Dale, "Don't Lie to Mamma," Grace Fallon, Julia Edwards. MILLER (Jack Yeo, mgr.; agent, Loew).— Gene Green, Love and Wilbur, Arllng and Mack, Bernard and Merritt, Mile. Tberes's Birds, Frank Bush, WUhat Cyclists, Maurice Samuels and Co. SHl'BERT (Harry L. Mlnturn. mgr.).— Shubert Theatre Stock Co.. "Potash and Perl- mutter In Society"; May 0, "Shepard of the Hills." PABST (Ludwig Krelss, mgr.).—Pabst Ger- man Stock Co., final performance, "Der Kilo- meterfresser." GAYETY (Charles J. Fox, mgr.; agent. American)—"Forty Thieves"; May 6, French Models. EMPRESS (Walter C. Scott, mgr.).Stock burlesque. Drama in the German tongue, so far as the legitimate stage is concerned, passed away quietly Sunday evening with presentation of a farce by the Pabst German Stock Co. The first performance of a three-day en- Kngement to be opened on May J) by Margaret Anglln In "Billeted" will be the annual tes- timonial to William C. Schnell, treasurer and assistant business manager, marking his NEW ORLEANS. BY O. M. SAMUELS. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—In- clement weather Monday evening failed to dampen ardor of auditors for concluding pro- gram of season. Adelaide and Hughes justi- fied headline position. Another act to find unusual appreciation was Moore and Haager. Montambo and Nap did well opening. "Prop- ville Recruit" garnered approbation through its patriotic appeal. Edwin George kidded himself into favor. Moore and Whitehead, unrestrained laughter. Apollo Trio, imposing closing turn. Tl'LANB (T. C. Campbell, mgr.).—Theda Bara In "Cleopatra," film. CRESCENT (Walter Kattman, mgr.).— First half: Revue de Vogue, Schooler and Dickinson. Willie Smith, Kelly and Wilson, Smlletta Girls, "The World for Sale," film. Last half: Josle Flynn Minstrel Misses, "Women." Grace Edmonds, Dorothy Sothern Trio. "Masks and Faces," film. PALACE (Sau Myers, mgr.).—First half: Louis Simon and Co., Brccn Family, Well- ington Trio, Nevins and Erwood, Rouble Sims, "Her Own Mistake." film. Last half: La Bcrnlca, Agnes Cappelln and Co., three to fill. STRAND (Maurice Barr, mgr.).—Pictures. ALAMO (Frank Sanders, mgr.).—McCor- mlck and Wlnehill. Alfred LeGroh (LcGrohs) turned his ankle after playing at the Orpheum, and was In- capacitated for several days. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED VARIETY wants correspondents, newspaper men preferred. Address VARIETY, New York LOCIS ft. ■ILLY B. DeGODFREY and JOHSTON Black Face Comedians la Their Novelty Act, Trying to Make the Honse* Under their Original Street Car Scene to explain the story. A laughing hit. So different from ether acts.—VARIETY. The Marguerite Clark Co. finished the ex- teriors for "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and re- paired to New York from this point. Arthur Earl is enacting two important roles in the production. Vivid Indeed will be one of tbe scenes depicting the cruelty of "Simon Lo- gree." When the colored boy engaged for a bit In which he is supposed to submit to a severe whipping from "Legree" reported, he waa found to be too ponderous. It happened that Just the type of little black boy re- quired was lolling about, and he was force- fully pressed into service. His fright and his tears registered wonderfully, according to those who witnessed the unwinding of part of the negative. Karl Bugbee is the local representative of the United Picture Theatres of America. G. Albert Lansberg, architect of the Or-^ pheum to be built In this city, will arrive* during the week to prepare for the immediate erection of the new theatre, notwithstanding the high cost of materials and labor. Salvador Roman, manager of the Cadillac cabaret, is seriously 111 with pneumonia. One of hla former entertainers, Myra Kelly, Is re- covering from an attack of tonsllltis. COLUMBIA NEW YORK Sunday. (May 5) FREDERICK DOLLY WALLACE and LEWIS "Well! Well! Well!" By FREDERICK WALLACE and GEORGE ABBOTT 32nd Week this Season NOVELTY ACTS To Lease By Frederick Wallace and Dolly Ltwli Satisfaction u *• For two women. Feature character com- edienne. Played in "two": special set. it yy ?f a What Would You Do? For comedian and dramatic woman. Played in "two." "Better Late Than Never Sketch in "one," for man and woman. Lots of Ambish" Comedy musical skit In "one." By Frederick Wallace and George Abbott For tall comedian and three girls. Special lyrics and music. "One Day in Court" Comedy talking act, In "one." For comedian and straight man. By 8teahen 0. Chamslln and Frederick Wallace "Everything But the Truth" Comedy sketch. For two men and a woman. By Stephen Q. Champlln and Frederick Wallace Address Frederick Wallace 10 Manhattan Avenue, New York City RETURN to NEW YORK NEXT WEEK (May 6) Proctor's— 125th Street and Jersey City, N. J. CAHILL and ROMAINE in "A COMEDY MIX-UP" Week May 12—Green point, Brooklyn and Elizabeth, N. J. DIRECTION MORRIS & FEIL