Variety (May 1918)

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36 VARIETY THE TOP NOTCH OF EFFICIENCY EDWARD SHAYNE VAUDEVILLE AGENT SUITE 508 1493 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY (PUTNAM BUILDING) Will Book and Manage a Limited Number of Acts ARTISTS WILL HAVE ABSOLUTE ASSURANCE OF BEING HANDLED WITH A PRECISION AND THE POLICY OF A FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL TO ALL ALIKE In Constant Touch With The Booking Offices This Alone Insures Prompt Service. IMPORTANT DETAILS. NO DELAY. NO WORRY. Artists Can Obtain Immediate Playing Dates As Well As Long and Profitable Routes. N. B.—Western acts that have played the houses I booked in Chicago and vicinity will do well to com- municate with me at once. P. S.—Are you Progressing, Prospering, or Profiting? If Not EDWARD SHAYNE Tom Campbell has retained the "Cleopatra" film for a second week at the Tulnne. The picture drew exceedingly during the first seven dayB. Chaplin remained here but three days of his anticipated fortnight's vacation, having been called back to Los Angeles on business. PHILADELPHIA. BY JIVEMIE. P. F. KEITHS (II. T. Jordan, mgr.).—The war game and the Liberty Loan drive Is get- ting a big boost at this house. This week the bill was "Submarine F-7" for Its headllner and a squad of soldiers from Camp Dlx. made up of men born in Austria. Hungary, Belgium. Germany, Turkey. Ireland. Poland and Eng- land, all in the uniform of the United States. It ninde an Imposing ntnge picture, a big ap- plause winner and could be made into a flrst- rate act to -end over any circuit, for the boys have a "monkey drill" whirl) cannot help but bring applause. The submarine Bketch is not much of a play, but with this type of boat playing such an important part In the war, it is a most timely offering and held the closest Interest. A shift in the running order of^the ehow brought Moss and Frye on after the sea- drama and they had little trouble rousing the audience to laughter. Their skit is simply a volley of questions and answers, and It Is a lot of "nut" stuff, cleverly arranged and nicely handled. The fellow who does the comedy end reminds one of Nat Haines, the wny he uses the clay pipe. but. of course, tbo arts are In no way similar and the colored boys have a distinctive laughing hit. Mrs. Cicne Hughes & Co. repeated the one-act com- edy. "Gowns." and made It a big applause hit. There Is Just enough of the sentimental strain In the story to furnish an excellent contrast to the comedy nnd Mrs. Hughes is a most capable artist who knows how to make her lines hit the mark. El Premie! and Flo Pert were back again with their eccentric comedy skit. "Waiting for Her." The skit is in Tieed of tilling up, for nothing has been changed nnd it is now in use more than a year, even Ilrendel's comedy song and dance remains the same. Mlse Pert sane a couple of numbers In a pleasing way nnd the two finished strong with their bit of burlesque dancing. Poth are well known here, nnd put over a good-sized hit, but they will need some new material the next time they return to the home town, If they hope to hold the place they have so fairly won. The act of Hamilton and Barnes ^ot a liberal share of laugh-, hut dragged noticeably. A song would do a lot THE FAYNES Touring South African Theatres Crossman's 7 Entertainers HEADLINING THE U. 8. GOVERNMENT LIBERTY ROAD SHOW This Week (April 29)—Camp Gordon, Atlanta Next Week (May G)-Camp Sheridan, Montgomery Personal Direction of ARTHUR KLEIN has Borne good stuff and a good yoice t* help him get it over. One of the very best two- man, hand-to-hand act* seen in a long tima Is Mang and Snyder. They have a lot of tricks not handled by any other team seen hire and they were warmly appreciated, de- spite their early position opening the show. Tlu» Four Poises closed with their casting act and held as much attention as any closing act can do in this house. for this act. Their material Is all right and the girl adds a nice appearance, but after a few minutes the talk begins to hang and the act does not get what it could with a snappy finish. The man might get some of the to- bacco firms he advertises to buy him a sotff. An odd monologlst is Joseph L. Browning and in an early spot he he did a good bit for the first half of the show. Drowning not only woiks nlong different lined than others, but PORTLAND, ORE. top hit. girl BERT TOM WHEELER I MORAN "ME AND MICKEY" Held over 2d week at Orpheum, San Francisco Next 2 weeks (May 5th and 12th) Orpheum, Los Angeles VARIETY. APRIL 12 Orpheum, San Francisco "Bert Wheeler and Tom Mornn grabbed the show hit without any argument, this pair hauling down immist;ikal>!y big .comedy honors." VARIETY. APRIL 19 Orpheum, San Francisco (2d Week) "Wheeler and Moran <hnhlu\rr» stopped proceedings." Direction, LEWIS & GORDON BY MONROE GOLDSTKIX. ORPHEl'M (Frank J. McGettigan, mgr. 21, Edwin Arden and Co. in "Trapped" the current bill and score a tremendous The Four Haley Si-ters, an exceptional quartet with good looks and excellent voices, win. Elizabeth Murray has lost none of her cleverness of yore. Plllie Reeves and Co. scored; lironson and Paldwin. fair; Jack Clif- ford, assisted by Agnes Dunn and Gertrude Kerpin. offers attractive novelty dancing act which meets with popular favor; Owen Lewis open* with dull songs and inonolog. PANTAGES (John A. Johnson, mgr.).- 22. l!*ls Road Show featuring Singer's Midgets; La Follette Troupe; Three Musical Maids; Early and Laight ; Frank Morrell ; Grew Pates nnd Co. in "Solitaire. " "The Son of Democ- racy" (film). HIPPODROME (W. W. Ely, mgr.).- -22. Minnie Murke and four Jazz Kings; Mao Davis and Co.; Three Aitkens; Santry nnd Norton: Mickey and Cooper; Moore and White; pic- tures. Second half: Holmes and Hollister. Three Shannons; Artois Brothers; Wilson and Wilson ; Kabin nnd Eugene ; Pert Shepherd : photoplay. "Daddy's Girl," featuring Paby Osborne. STRAXD (W. P. Armstrong, mgr.).—21. First half: Pardenn and Otto; Slfcna Andre; Maggie Carson; Cnrr Trio; Torn Whiteside; photoplay, Monroe Salisbury In "The Red. Red Heart." Second hnlf: "Puck" Dunn; Orha- sany's Cockatoos : Nelson Norwood Co. ; Ben Nelson ; Peat and Stevens ; Prown'ng and Pooth ; photoplay, Carmel Myers In "Ti-e Mar- riage Lie." HE1LIG (W. T. Pangle, mgr.).-2" 27. Max Flgman nnd Lolila Robertson in "Nothing but the Truth." 24. Mischa Elmnn. Coming, Cyril Mnude In "Grumpv." RAKER (Milton W. Seamnn. mgr.).—21. Alcaznr Players in "A Pair of Silk Stockings." LYRIC (Kentine nnd Flood, mgr.). 21. Lyric Musical Stock Co., featuring Pillow and Franks In "The Patriots." Clever production : excellent business. LIl'.ERTY (E. .1. Myrlck, mgr.).—21. Cbarlfs Charlln In "A Dog's Life." Wallace Reld and TIZOUNE and EFFIE MACK AND THEIR WHIRLWIND CIRLS Thli Week (Airil 1!9( Pembroke. Ontario Next W<»k (May CI Mattawa. Ontarl* To Follow: North Bay. Burtbury. Copaercllff. Ontario Afhlivss: VARIETY, New York