Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY 37 We Beg To Announce That Miss Vivian HOLT I ROSEDALE Are Now at the PALACE THEATRE, NEW YORK Miss Lillian Direction ED. S. KELLER Kathleen Williams in "The Thing We Love" (photoplays). COLUMBIA (R. R. RufTner, mgr.).—21, First half: Dorothy Dalton in "Unfaithful"; William Desmond in the "Marriage Bubble." Second half: W. S. Hart in "Hell Hound of Alaska" (photoplays). MAJESTIC (J. J. Parker, mgr.).—21, Con- stance Talmadge in "The Studio Girl" (photo- play). PEOPLES (J. C. Stille, mgr.).—21, First half: Pauline Frederick in "La Tosca." Sec- ond half : Douglas Fairbanks in "Mr. Flxlt" (photoplays). STAR (J. C. Stille, mgr.).—21, "The Zep- pelin's Last Raid" (photoplay). 1 - Hgaass 1417-14 23 THIRD AVENUE BBBBB>>NEAR «0*6TRCEr FURNITURE CASH or CREDIT OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK Our Prices—Just Why the Lowest FURNITURE buyers tin- fact that at finds those surpa design and finish for extravagant prices. Al tion «>ut of the high other words, PAYING less. A hig point to vou buy more Liberty have awakened to Holzwasscr's one ssing beauties of which others ask 1 due to our loca- rent district. In less, we CHARGE consider—it helps Ronds. WR1TK FOR NEW KO-PAOB CATALOOTTB AND 12-PAGB SPRING HALE CIRCULAR. Ensilv Accessible from West Side by 8Hth or .V.Mh St. Crosstown Curs 6-Room Outfits Grand Rapids Furniture $275 S-Room Period Apartment, $700 Value, $585 Apartment with Period Furniture Value, $500, now $375 6-Room Period Apartment, $1,000 Value, $750 OUR LIBERAL TERMS VaIuejDeposit| Weekly Professional $100 $150 $200 $.100 $400 $500 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $10.00 $50.00 Discount of 15% Off for Cash Larrer Amounts op to $5,000 Terms apply also to New York Stair, New Jersey and Connecticut W§ pay fraliM and railroad fares. Delivered by oar twi Bator truofc. We Invite ill Singing Members ot fhe Theatrical Profession to Examine an Assortment ol GREAT NEW UNPUBLISHED SONG NUMBERS KNICKERBOCKER HARMONYSTUDIOS Josephine Dillon, clever second woman of the Alcazar Players, made her initial Portland appearance this week in "A Pair of Silk Stock- ings." Although suffering from a cold, due to a climatic change from Southern California, Miss Dillon scored in a rather mediocre part and gives promise of becoming a favorite. Manager Frank McGettigan announces that the Orpheum season will not close until July .'{. The popular vaudeville house is to re- open Sunday, September 8. Ruainess this sea- son has topped all former records. Under direction o* Manager W. W. Ely, the Hippodrome employees and performers on the current bill Joined forces Wednesday. April *'4, In planting the playhouse's war garden on a big double lot at East 41th street and Rroad- way. While the women, attired in overalls, hoed and spaded along with the men. Rcverly Griffith of the Universal Film Co.. of Cali- fornia, caught them on the celluloid. Some good impromptu comedy was filmed. Here- after employees of the theatre and performers will spend the forenoon working the garden. The "open season" for organs and orchestral units is now on. The Peoples theatre started the ball rolling by installing a $H.\«*hi Robert Morton organ. The Hippodrome followed with a mammoth, and the Liberty is now plaeing in position a $r>0, <MH) Wurlitzer unit orchestra to supersede the Style 4 Wurlitzer now in use. Th<> new mam- moth Instrument Is a four manual with 1JM) tablets on the keyboard. Not to be outdone by the big competitors W. A. Graeper of the Union Avenue theatre has purchased an organ, nnd Meyers and Letter, of the Arcade. La Grande, Ore., have also in- vested in a music box. Apropos of the recent organ Installations it is noteworthy that organists are in great de- mand at good salaries In contradistinction to former conditions, when they hardly were able to eke out an existence in the local churches. Leverly Griffith, of New York, attended a conference of N'orthwe-t managers of the Film Supply Co. this week. J. R. Meldrum. of Seat- tle; Wallace Potter, of Spokane, and Pert Latz were also present ;it the gathering. Milton Seaman, manager of the Raker, Is considering the operation of flic house through the summer months instead of closing In June, as usual. At the Municipal Auditorium. L'.VJi;, the Portland Opera Association staged an excel- lent production of "Tin- Merry Wives of Wind- sor" with Robert Oorrueinl as director. The proceeds went to the Red Cross, and the capacity of the big public playhouse was taxed at each performance. provTdence. IIV K Mil K. Kl,AIIK. PTHTIFRT MA.IKSTIC fCol. FHiv R. Weti- d'e elmefer. tiu-ri. Cor the lirt time • ineo Shnberts took over this playhnu ,< pictures arf » beitig offend tills w.<l<.' "l.(s Mj erables" being the attraction In fori- fair houses. "Turn to the 1! i»|,| " ,,e\t OPFRA nnuSF ff'nl Fe!!v R. W. ndle- '■rhaffer. iir.T ).- "\lv Four Years in Or- Ill'liv" l)r 1,1 n.-.. r f,, r .-,.,.,,,1,1 Week. FRITHS fCharl, s ? fi\-. n !•• t:-. ni'r.t — Albee Stock Comnanv. in "Tin' Sih-f W it tic- -" |s drawing packed hou , M ;iy Ruekley I bark in the hading pa rf FMFI!Y 'Martin Toohcv. mgr). -Splendid all-around bill i.frr^ for fir f half fllhd the house at almo'f evrrv per r orm a nee. Fddio Uf I. y and li.rtha \V:in-cr plea , ,] j n their of- fering. •"Patience" Fddie l'o'. v and I., a I.e- Ture. put ovit "The Dairy Maid'" in rood '■fyle with e\c. Ihrit dancing Juir'o and Sil- vi r. Minettn inio, Morrieno of the Movies, \'al Harris and Jack Manion were othcra. first half. Second half: Alfred H. White. Will- iam Dick. The Kenna Four, Lamont and Wright, The Three Steppers. FAY'S (Edward M. Fay. mgr.).—"The Min- strel's Surprise" heads the bill. Others are The Three Wcstons, Higglns and WilBon, "The Movie Hero." Jack and Jill In "Walking on Fggs," and Franklins Animals. COLONIAL (J. F. Farr. mgr.).—House, which closed suddenly last week, Mill remains dark with upparently no mimmer plans. A musical stock company, headed by Miss Florence Webber us prima donna, will open at the Shubert Majestic about the middle of thF month. Vaudeville acts will be put on between the acts this summer. The lirst attraction hooked for the Modern, which opens under new management next week, will be Madame Nuzimovu in "Revela- tion." I'uiing the first three weeks of the Third Lilerty Loan campaign here a total of $(>07,- l.'iii was raised by various speakers In Provi- dence theatres. The amounts were divided as follows: Keith's, $P.»!»,:iuo; Strand, $104,75<>; Shubert Majestic, .«IOLM'(Ni; Finery, three per- toiinaiici .-" .<."iS.:km» ; Opera House, two pcr- foiniiinces. .S.'io.uoo ; Fay'K, two performances, VJ I. !<»<>; Rhodes' Casino, one evening, $1.~>,- ::"><»: Modern, two performances, $12,tX>0. The lirst official pictures of Pershing's Army in Frame wt re shown at two concerts Sunday at the Strand, when tin- big Naval Reserve Force Rand from Newport played. The pictures were sent here from Washington almo t imniediati ly upon their arrival in this countrv. SEATTLE. iiv w\i/n:u k. in HTov 1^ RIC.—Walter Owens Co. in musical conn dv. MKTROPOLITAN- L\'{, "The Fortune Tell- er. ' L'l, Ron March.' Minstrels, L'.VJT, Otis Skinner in •Mister Antonio." OAK (Mont- Carter, mgr.).— Second week of Monte Carter Musical Comedy company In "Frolics of 1!»1 V to capacity ; Monte Carter, principal comedian. Walter Spencer, Phyllis Cordon, Crorge White, Del Fstes, Rlancho Oilmen- and the Oak Trio. WILKFS' (Itean R. Worley, mgr.).—KlSth week ol Wilkes Players in stock here. "Seven Sir.ter.-" current oiiering to capacity. PALAOF HIP (Joseph A. Muller, mgr.).— Looking for Refsy," a eouierlv sketch, heads Sunday show. Three Shannons are girted ionu-ter.. and nmiMo steppers. Kabln uind I'm-. IP . art i lie musician-. Shcpord and ffiiy. Australian whip manipulators. Wilson and Wilson, good comedy song, dance and patter, ^'toj. Duo are horizontal bar experts. <"a- pacif v. ORI'MF.FM May Haas. mgr.). Great Mam-, e cape arti I, tope Siu,d..y show. F.d- win- have good gymna ! i. turn. W Plus I lira Trio, cm Is. win with imntoriou inu 1- <al act. Iluni" and Thomas comedians that plea e. Iletnlla and Cm. present magir: and illusion act. I Mi Vail and Jean, good. l'\NTAi;i'S (I.'dL-ar G. Milm\ mail. "Re- veille." a military act, headline :how open- ing Monday matinee. Vi't'ii.i Met ,rau ban dainiiu: |e(t.od.s S i v Mm leal \o .. . found fa\or. Wri lit and l»i\i pi' Mil humorous .kit. Mi'h-r. Pari,, iid and Howard please with "A Rial " Co: hm and Cordon ap- 11. ■;< r with ;,■ w : w i ■ i ; and 1111 11 •. <'a p a < i I y . MOOPI-: « Cai I P. il. r, mgr. ). - The Pour Motions and l'o-. i anee ('riwhy and Artliur Maude hare i-'idlar honor- <m Orpheum bill opening Sunday to < ip, : rity ha in, Mar- garet IMwaid p!'-a ' W'tli po itig. The Sav- ages have one o!' 11 e pi, .( <:|iai|i hoo'ing acts on the ■ t ; Oraie I >e Mir plea e,| with song" and > ha ra. ■ ' • r .■ ' i h I i ■ ■ . hingle and Ward ha\e eonu'dy daticinr. ait. Dahl and Gllbui offer a singing act with scenic embellishments. Orpheum travelog and concert orchestral pro- gram complete. STRAND (Greater Theatres Corporation, mgr. >.—Wallace Hold In "The House of Silence" (film). LITTLE THEATRE (Horace Smythe, mgr.). "Kamona," Helen Hunt Jackson's California romance, depicted In nine reels, la pulling capacity. MISSION (Greater Theatres Corporation, mgr.).^-"Tho Wine Girl," with Carmel Myers In stellar rolo. CLFMMEK (James g. Clcmmer, mgr.).— Mao Marsh, "The Face In the Dark." HEX (John Hamrlck, mgr.).—Douglas Fairbanks, "American Aristocracy." COLONIAL (John Dam, mgr.).—"Ann's Finish," Margarita Fisher. COLISEUM (Greater Theatres Corporation, mgr.).—"Tarzan of the Apes." LIREHTY (Greater Theatres Corporation, mgr.).—Charles Chaplin In "A Dog's Life." JesHio Shirley, stock leading woman In Spokane, Seattle and other Northwestern cities, has been In the Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane, for some time suffering from a nervous breakdown. Shu will soon be able to leave that Institution. A carnival and '41) show Is being held at the Arena here current week. The Shipbuild- ers' Pnion is putting on tho show. The usual band concerts In the city parks will he eliminated this summer and in their (stead will be competitive singing between neighborhoods of the city and largo chorus. Claudo Madden, a local musician of note, will havo chargo of the singing arrangements. Rill Hurt led the Third Liberty Loan rally hero last Friday at the Masonic Temple audi- torium. He spoke In Spokane Thursday, Ta- coma Saturduy and Portland Sunday. The Sprague Ouartet will appear at the Metropolitan l!.~>th in concerts; Mlscha Elman, May 1 ; Alice Gentle and tho Seattle Phil- harmonic Orchestra, May 8, and Galll-Curcl, May 21. Singers Midgets skipped the Vancouver and Victoria houses on the Pantagoa circuit and jumped from a two weeks' engagement at the Seattle house, of that circuit to the Pan In Tacoma. A. II. McDonald, of the Hox theatre, Fugeno (Oregon), has taken over tho Savoy theatre in the same city. Nell Rarry Taylor of the Taylor Dramatlo School, this city, assisted by a number of Seattle re idortts provided a varied program at the Liberty theatre, Camp Lewis, Thursday evening for the benefit of the boys In khaki. W. F Welnklrch, connected with the Greater Theatres Corporation, this city. Ifl the mw manager of the Strand theatre, a unit In the chain of theatres controlled by this cor- poration in this and nearby cities. Robert Lloyd, singing Instnntor nt Camp Lewis', now has 1'J ixiO soldier under hlH In- struction at the camp. A songlest wnn hell at I ho newly completed Ilutto Athletic liulld- ing la.' t \\'i dnesday. labile Rerg, 'nriinT manager of tho Mis- sion ami Colonial theatre i hero, has gone to Aberdeen (Wash.) to accept a similar posi- tion at the Rljou. Koseno Levy and S. Morton Cohn are to build a in w theatre in 1 oa Angeles on 0th Meet. It will be devoted to vaudeville und picl llfeS. «'. F. Slillwcll, president of the Stlllwell 'Mieatre Corporation, Spokane, which operate? tin' Ci ino. < las; A, I rihpie and Id x pictures in the Ra.stern Wa hlngton met r iipol is, has ho- (ui,d control of the Rose theatre, Colfnx iWah i a the Ii r t link In a propo. ed chain ii! out -of town 1 heal 11 •. Harry L. Chandler, fiii'iii'T mannger of the,if, in Abi-rdecn. Ifoipilam and Centralla i Wa Ii.) ha •; purcha-ed the Lallan! theatre, Seattle, from W. II. .lennin^-. Ceorge Sidle y ba>; (dd the Washington theatr,, on Fir t avenue, Seattle, to W. D. A ' kl« «s