Variety (May 1918)

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38 VARIETY I.MILLER THE. LARGEST THEATRICAL \^JHo* manluvctubers in the woela ENTIRE COMPANIES OF AW SIS" AND INDIVIDUAL OttOERS RTTB) W US AT tt HOURS NOTICE WE FILL EVERT SJ46TAMD STREET SHOE* REQUIREMENT Of THE WELL OHESSEB. 1554 BROADWAY NEAR 46 ST NY Chicsqo Srorc STATE ST.^-MONROC- Augusto Iorio & Sons Maaafaeterers of the Bwt Aeeordeoas In til* World 8peelal for Plan* Kay* 3 Prince Street NEW YORK CITY GuerriniCo. Manufacturer* of Htfh Grade Accordeons 277-279 Columbus Are. San Franicsco Awanl.'d Gold Nltdals— Geneva. Italy: l'.-l*. I. E.. S.ui Fruiu-lscu. aud Sao Dictro. "None can afford to miss it— all can afford to go." "CHEER UP" AT THIS "UHEATKST sierras EVIlB KNOWN" Maria cement OlAltl.FS HI LI.l NCI! AM Mtaard tor H.BUn\NHIDB Matinco Evorv Par HIPPODROME Seats 6 weeks ahead Are you looking for the best Saxophone or other new or Second Hand Instrument? Kalashen 14 Cooper Square New York Beautify Your Face You mutt look good to make good. Many of the "Profession" have obtained and retained better parte by having ma ©or- rect their featural Imperfection* and re- move blemishes. Consultation free. Fee* reasonable. F. E. SMITH, M.D. 347 Fifth Atc., N. Y. C. (Opp. Waldorf) California Southern California BEAUTIFUL LOS ANGELES flrtirt at r.tifv far map. jkhiros and partlmlars Of tlio new I'rufcssMnial Colony. Hl^h. (In', healthy l,^ a ti,,n F.xcrllfiit boil. Six niil-a from the o*wi- \er of the i-ity. l-'lve cents rariarv. I'no* lwludea good streets, four f<H't cement hiil»-walks. curbs, parkinu space and ini-s. (Ihh. water. «■le.ctrt.'lty. Price, half acre bum'sltes. J.V.n to Jl.-"i' Kusl- iipm lota, to J-'.Tim. Kaay terms or 10% r*a*h. balance monthly. Kirvllent ln\cstmcut. Ideal home locn'ion. Ov. r $100.(inn worth »<>ld la«t month llrautKnl lmmps all around. A*k Hot* Vernon. Kraix In Plerlot. IfarTy Wlwv Helen Car- rel Write at on^v Mention VAIUKTY. SCOTTI McKEE. with Chat. D. Hopper. 708 S. Spring St.. Los Angelet, Cal. U/ANTrn ( • ,^, • (Ponlrs) for Ice skating who WAll I IJL» c<in ,| 0 ballot dancing. All-summer run. Apply LUNA PARK. Coney Island. N. Y. SCENERY Artistic Work. Lowest Price. Designs submitted Servas Scenic Studio, Inc. 41 Halstead Street Rochester, N. Y. FREDERICKS SCENIC STUDIO OFFICE— 1547 Broadway. Room 4M STUDIO— 643 Weet 42nd Street Phone: Bryant 9821 NEW YORK CITY Phone: Bryant 37M We apeclallze AN1IJNB TRUNK 8CSNERT. Eaay to pack. Can enow you how to beat the high ooat of batiKaKe transportation. Complete Dye Seta weighing leea than Fifty Pounds. Futuristic Art NoUToau. Valour. Velvet, l'luah. Silk. Satin and Cretonne Drops artistically made. TENNEY A vaudeville writer of original vaudeville material. Ask 8ophle and Harvey Everett. Valentine Vox. Aid well and Hughes. Woods. Melville and Phillips, or any one that you know that knows me. Write. Call or 'Phone ALLEN SPENCER TENNEY, 1493 Broadway. N. Y. C. The Lewis and Lake musical comedy or- Kiiiii/atioii will open at Camp Lewis May 0 with u company of ii."> people. . Tho Rialto thratro, Bremerton, and tho Star, Astoria (Ori'KOU), are now playin* the tail Hip road shows, according to the Kellle- liurns booking ollhes in this city. Tho $li<K).(XK> Marlowe theatre, built In Helena (Montana) by tho Ansonia Amusement Co of whi«-h Phil Levy Is manager, has Just liee'n opened. The regular PantaRes road •allows will play the house on Thursdays, breaking the jump betweeu Great Falls and llutte. Charles K. Royal has taken over the old tluatre in Vancouver. H. C. and niter remodeling tho house will open a sum- mer season of musical Htoek productions. "Tar/.an of th<> Ap.--" had Its first North- western showing at the Coliseum theatre. Seattle. Saturday. 1't'th. and pulled capacity the tlrst two days. Chaplin s "A Dor s Lire open.d Sunday. -1st, at the Liberty for a week's stay. Neither were up to expectations. Walter Sanford. who formerly operated a Ptock company at Vancouver U. C will manaue the Klaw & Erlanser house In Kan- sas City (Mo.). SYRACUSE. 11 V CIIKSTKIl II. HAII.N. EMPIRE (Francis P. Martin, mgr.).— Fourth week of Knickerbocker Players, The House of Glass." Excellent business. WIETlNCt (Sam LeMare. mgr.) .—Entire wick, "A Stitch in Time." Opened to good business. . I»\STAnLE (Stephen Pastable, mgr.).- UurlesQue, first half, Fred Irwlu's •'Ply Show. One of tke cleanest and best burlesque attrac- tions seen here during the season. Good bu-inss. Thursday and Friday, dark. Satur- day. Mollie Williams. TEMPLE (Albrt Van Auken, mgr.).—Vauae- ville First hall. LaBelle Titeomb's revue hei dlincd. and well received. Honors go to Mdile. Valda. premier danseuse of Metropoli- tan Opera, New York, rather than to La Belle. Aerial he Groffs. good. Ilalligan and Sykes, popular. Kranz and La Salle please. Jack Rose scores. S. R. O. CKKSCKNT (William Brown, mgr.).— Vaudeville. First half, featuring Arthur Mc- Watera and Grace Tyson, late of Zlogfleld Follies, In new revue that takes well. Business fiood. T1 . , SWOY.—Film, "The Kaiser, the Bcafit of Beilin." all week. HIPPODROME.—Film, "Over the Top, all Week. The summer policy of the Wletlng is stili undecided. It Is Improbable that the house will be dork duriiiR the summer. No stock policy hiivinj: as yet been determined upon. AlthoiiRh Syracuse theatre-goers, as a rule, tire oi the same stock leads after two seasons, the Knickerbocker Players are drawing big at their third season at the Empire here. The company, headed by Frank Wilcox, who Is hall owner, and Minna Gombcl hao practically th.',Kime personnel thH season. Sattirdav and Sumlay audiences at the Tem- ple and Crescent, the two local vaudeville houses, came to the front with pledges for $|o, l.'.d worth of Liberty Bonds as the result of snappy appeals from Four Minute Men. Cireu-es on the whole are going to pass over Central New York this summer. The Carl I lagenbeek- Wallace shows will he the only ones to appear here. Hinglings will show at Wat. rtown on .July ■?. It is the first big ein us to stop then: since' F.'l.Y Mr> Lottie Blair Parker, the well-known playwright, won her case In Surrogate's Court at Oswito, Surrogate Miller directing that Mis. Helen McCarthy turn over to Mrs. Parker a large diamond sunluir t and a diamond ring given her under the will of Mrs. Eliza La- taiver, stepmother to both of them. Tho .jewels are n puled to be worth thousands. Ilornell working people are up In arms over th" Indirect refusal oi the city authorities to permit Hinglings Circus to appear there this spring While the circus was not exactly barred from the city, the license and rental of the grounds wa- placed so high as to keep th" cireir- out A company composed of Binghamton busi- ness men has purchased Leach Lake, in Franklin township, and will operate it as a summer resort. "Over the Top," Sergeant Empey's film, produced by Vitagraph, bids fair to break all local records for continuous showing. The Lyceum theatre at Elmlra was dark the last half of last week. VANCOUVER. nv ii. i\ m:\viikiiiiy. KMPRESS (Geo. B. Howard and Chas. E. Koyal, mgrs.).—i;5d week Empress Stock. --'. "Rich Man, Poor Man." 11), "The Kejuvenation of Aunt Mary," with Marie Baker, character woman, in leading role. A V EN IE (W. Scott, mgr.).—LT.-27, May Robson In "A Little Bit Old-Fashioned." OKPHEl'M (Jas. Pilling, mgr.).— '11, Ruth St. Denis headlines good bill. Touey and Norman, featured, Lora Hoffman, J. K. Eimnett, Mary Ryan Co., Andy Rice, Ben Beyer and August, Verci and Verci. Only lower floor and boxes are being used on ac- count of recent lire, but these hold capacity. PANTAGES (Ceo. Pantagcs, mgr.).— 12, "Heir for a Night," headliner. LaFrance anu Kennedy, The Meyakos, Orren and Drew, due (Juon Tai, Chandler and DeRoss Sisters. COLl'MBIA—Vaudeville and feature films. BEX (W. P. Dewees mgr.) —Charlie Chap- lin in "A Dog's Life," also Mack Sennet com- edy. "Watch Your Neighbor." COLONIAL (H. Quagliottl, mgr.).—Mrs. Vernon Castlo in "Stranded in Arcady." GLOBE (W. P. Nichols, mgr.).— Clara Kim- bail Young in "The Marionettes." DOMINION (.1. Muir, mgr.).— Mae Marsh in 'The Faco in the Dark." "Oh! Papa!" a musical tab, opened at the local Pantages last week. A repeat performance on "San Toy" was given at the Avenue by tho Arcadians, a local organization, ns a benefit for tho families of Edgar McKie and A. Harrington, formerly on th<> staff of the Avenue theatre. Mr. McKle was formerly connected with tho Drury Lane theatre in London a.< scenic artist. The building department this week Issued a permit for $li\0no for repairs which arc to be made to tho Orpheum on account of the re- cent fire. The Players Club of the University of B. C. will present .1. Barries play, "Allce-Slt-by- th. -Fire," In Victoria May 0-7. WASHINGTON. Ill HOWARD MKAKI.V KEITH'S (Roland S. Bobbins, mgr.).—Navy Jazz Band, ten-tune riot ; Walter C. Kelly; Virginia .Judge, "mif ned" : Bradley and Ar- dini , excellent; Regina Connclli and Ruby Craven in "Moondown," good; Victor Moore, clever; Magnon, liked. Excellent opening by the Mystic Hanson Trio. Nina Payne closed with dancing to a seated house. NATIONAL (William Fowler. mgr.).— Kambler Kose." opening Monday night. 'Chin Chin" held over for second Sunday. BELASCO (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.).—"It Pays to Flirt," unmercifully "panned" by all ih ■ dailies. Monday afternoon (!".»), "You Kjow Me. Al" given by the soldiers of the -7th Division to c capacity house. POM'S (James Carroll. mgr.).—A. II. Wi od ' new production, "See You Later," playing to capacity. GAYKTY (Harry Jarboe, mgr.) .—"London Belles." COSMOS (B. BrylawskI. mgr.) .—"Please, V-. Detective", Frank Mullati" ; Threo Lyres; Ti.-.'.'ino Bros.; Charles Deland ^ Co.; Wlnch- < !l and Green. l.nEW'ri COLl'MBIA (Lawrence Bentus. nmr). — Hill io BurUe in "Let's Get a Divorce," tiisl half Vivian Martin in "I'nclalmed Gorwls," second half, films. 1'nttling Nelson with his boxing mnehlnri 1* th" added feature at the Lyceum with the stock burlesque. Galll Cure! Is expected to appear at tho National Friday CD. the second time billed for this city within a short time. She canceled h"r lirst appearance on very short notce. Barnum K- Bailey's Circus 6-8. JAMES MADISON AUTHOR 1493 BroAdway, N«w York afj reeora for wrltt ag fiej ijtni sweaeaaa la heepai Newt—Madiaesi'B Rasljea Ma. 17. $1 E.GaliziiBro. Great«et Profei Accordion Maoufao- turera and Bepalrera. Incomparable Special Worka. New Idea Patented Shift Keya, 21S Canal Street N. Y. City TaL Franklin 6» WARDROBE PROP. TRUNKS, $5.00 Biff Barraina. Have been need. Alao a few Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Trunka, $10 and $15. A few extra larffe Prop- erty Trunka. Alao Taylor and Bal Trunks. Parlor Floor. 38 W. 31st St., New York City IOMTS Union Suits, Symmetrical and Theatrical Supplies Write for Catalogue No. V-3. Walter G. Bretzfield Co. 1367 Broadway (Cor. 37th Street) NEW YORK MACK.TheTailor 1582-1585 BROADWAY (Opposite Straas) Tkeatra) 722-724.726 SEVENTH AVE. (Oaaeelte CeJeatMa Theatre) NEW YORK CITY Harry Linton Author's Exchange Do rou need new material t Now la the time. J00 anre- flre sketcface. monoloca, acta in "oae" and apodal eoaca written ay beat of author*. Originality aad proteetloa gnaraateed. Royalty or eaah. Spand the day with Llnten aad laoreaae year aalary. Read before you bay. 202 Palace Theatre Building. New York City VELV.ET DROPS all slzoa. Rentals and eaay terma. E. J. BEAUMONT 24 « WM t I*™*}™* NOW TOfel ClQr 1 E. T. de MONTFORD PLAY BROKER .. mm „ Orasaatlo Aathere' Repreeaalatlvsj 140S Broadway ^ 0W Jwk PLUSH DROPS—all slzce and colora Klaberato siaKe wttlriK. Easy terms and rentala. co. BEAUMONT SCENIC 8TUDI0 935 Market Street. San Francisco. Cal. /j^LEWIS^ w« pert Operatora and ^K ^f AaaiaUnta In >V*^ attendance. a!f 128 W. 41th St.. New York Teletheee: Bryant Mil \ Used Chorus Costumes BOUGHT AND SOLD Must bo In sets and suitable for burlesque and musical or.medy. Write fully ELLEN REILLY. Cedar Grove, N. J. ANILINE SCENERY TO CARRY IN TRUNKS Bl EST •:st for PRICES WORK PAUL GRIMM & CO. 3905 S. Normandle Ave. Los Angeles, Cal. CHIROPODISTS DRS.^\LEVY TREAT The ProfcMion's FMt